Exemple #1
  public void onEnable() {
    pdfFile = this.getDescription();
    Configuration config = getConfig();
    boolean keepSettingUp = true;
    useSMTP = config.getBoolean("mail.enabled");
    if (useSMTP) {
      String from = config.getString("mail.smtp.from");
      String fromName = config.getString("mail.smtp.name");
      InternetAddress fromAddress = null;
      try {
        fromAddress = new InternetAddress(from);
      } catch (AddressException ex) {
        log.severe(CraftMailUtil.prependName("Invalid from address specified in config.yml!"));
        if (errorMessage == null)
          errorMessage = "Failed to set up SMTP! Please check console for details.";
        keepSettingUp = false;
      keepSettingUp = keepSettingUp && fromAddress != null;
      if (keepSettingUp) {
        try {
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
          log.severe(CraftMailUtil.prependName("Invalid from name specified in config.yml!"));
          if (errorMessage == null) errorMessage = "Invalid from name specified in config.yml!";
        final InternetAddress fromAddressFinal = fromAddress;
        final String host = config.getString("mail.smtp.host");
        final String port = config.getString("mail.smtp.port");
        final String username = config.getString("mail.smtp.auth.username");
        final String password = config.getString("mail.smtp.auth.password");
        final String authType = config.getString("mail.smtp.auth.type");
        final CraftMail plugin = this;
                new Runnable() {
                  public void run() {
                        fromAddressFinal, host, port, username, password, authType);
    if (keepSettingUp) {
      String hostname = config.getString("sql.hostname");
      int port = config.getInt("sql.port");
      String database = config.getString("sql.database");
      if (database == null) database = String.valueOf(config.getInt("sql.database"));
      String url = "jdbc:mysql://" + hostname + ":" + port + "/" + database;

      String username = config.getString("sql.username");
      if (username == null) username = String.valueOf(config.getInt("sql.username"));
      String password = config.getString("sql.password");
      if (password == null) password = String.valueOf(config.getInt("sql.password"));

      if (!DatabaseManager.init(this, url, username, password)) {
        keepSettingUp = false;
        log.severe(CraftMailUtil.prependName("Failed to set up database!"));
        if (errorMessage == null)
          errorMessage = "Failed to set up database! Please check console for details.";
    getCommand("mail").setExecutor(new CraftMailCommandExecutor(this));
    playerListener = new CraftMailPlayerListener(this);
    getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(playerListener, this);
    log.info(pdfFile.getFullName() + " is enabled!");