   * Update an entry with the designated DN.
   * @param oldSet the old entry containing teh old set of attributes.
   * @param newSet the new entry containing the replacement set of attributes.
   * @return the operation's success status.
  public boolean updateEntry(DXEntry oldSet, DXEntry newSet) {

    try {
      if (DXAttributes.attributesEqual(oldSet, newSet)) return true; // nothing to do.

      DN nodeDN = newSet.getDN();
      RDN newRDN = nodeDN.getLowestRDN();

      DXAttributes adds =
          null; // use modify-add for new attribute values (inc entirely new attribute)
      DXAttributes reps = null; // use modify-replace for changed attribute values
      DXAttributes dels =
          null; // use modify-delete for deleted attribute values (inc deleting entire attribute)

      reps = DXAttributes.getReplacementSet(newRDN, oldSet, newSet);
      dels = DXAttributes.getDeletionSet(newRDN, oldSet, newSet);
      adds = DXAttributes.getAdditionSet(newRDN, oldSet, newSet);

      /*if (false)
      printDebug(oldSet, newSet, adds, reps, dels);*/

      CBUtility.log("updateNode: ", 4);

      ModificationItem[] mods;

      mods = new ModificationItem[dels.size() + reps.size() + adds.size()];

      int modIndex = 0;
      modIndex = loadMods(mods, dels.getAll(), DirContext.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, modIndex);
      modIndex = loadMods(mods, adds.getAll(), DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, modIndex);
      modIndex = loadMods(mods, reps.getAll(), DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, modIndex);

      return modifyAttributes(nodeDN, mods); // TE: This may fail, returning false.
    } catch (NamingException e) {
      error("Unable to update node " + oldSet.getDN() + "! " + e.toString(), e);
      return false;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      error("Unexpected Error updating node " + oldSet.getDN() + "! " + e.toString(), e);
      return false;