Exemple #1
 public Todo update(String todoId, String body) {
   Todo todo = new Gson().fromJson(body, Todo.class);
       new BasicDBObject("_id", new ObjectId(todoId)),
       new BasicDBObject("$set", new BasicDBObject("done", todo.isDone())));
   return this.find(todoId);
  private void handleUser(ISFSEvent event) {
    trace("Registered user logged in", userName);

    DBCollection users = AuthorizeExtension.users;

    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
    query.put("email", userName);

    DBCursor cursor = users.find(query);

    if (!cursor.hasNext()) {
      trace("user not found");

    document = cursor.next();

    String password_digest = (String) document.get("password_digest");

    if (!getApi().checkSecurePassword(session, password_digest, cryptedPass)) {
      trace("password wrong");

    document.put("session", generateSession);
    users.update(query, document);

    isRegistered = true;
  public static void main(String[] args) throws UnknownHostException {

    MongoClient client = new MongoClient();
    DB database = client.getDB("school");
    DBCollection collection = database.getCollection("students");
     Hint/spoiler: With the new schema, this problem is a lot harder
     and that is sort of the point. One way is to find the lowest
     homework in code and then update the scores array with the low
     homework pruned. If you are struggling with the Node.js side of
     this, look at the .slice() operator, which can remove an element
     from an array in-place.
    DBCursor cursor = collection.find();

    try {
      while (cursor.hasNext()) {
        BasicDBObject student = (BasicDBObject) cursor.next();

        int studentId = student.getInt("_id");
        String name = student.getString("name");
        BasicDBList scores = (BasicDBList) student.get("scores");
        System.out.printf("_id[%d], name[%s], scores%s %n", studentId, name, scores);

        DBObject scoreToRemove = null;
        double minScoreValue = 100.0;

        for (Object obj : scores) {
          BasicDBObject score = (BasicDBObject) obj;
          String type = score.getString("type");

          if (!"homework".equals(type)) {
          double curScoreValue = score.getDouble("score");
          System.out.printf("type[%s], current score value[%f] %n", type, curScoreValue);

          if (curScoreValue < minScoreValue) {
            scoreToRemove = score;
            minScoreValue = curScoreValue;
        System.out.printf("score to remove[%s] %n", scoreToRemove);

        if (scoreToRemove != null) {

          BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject("_id", studentId);
          BasicDBObject scoresUpdate =
              new BasicDBObject("$set", new BasicDBObject("scores", scores));
          WriteResult result = collection.update(query, scoresUpdate);
          System.out.printf("update count[%d] %n", result.getN());
    } finally {
 public void updateDocument(String collection, DBObject query, DBObject document) {
   DBCollection dbCollection = getCollection(collection);
   dbCollection.update(query, document);
   Jedis jedis = JedisManager.getJedis();
   if (jedis.hexists(collection, query.toString())) {
     jedis.hset(collection, query.toString(), findOneNoCache(collection, query).toString());
     jedis.zadd("expire", System.currentTimeMillis() + 300000, collection + "_" + query);
  public void testUpsert() {
    DBCollection c = _db.getCollection("upsert1");

        new BasicDBObject("page", "/"),
        new BasicDBObject("$inc", new BasicDBObject("count", 1)),
        new BasicDBObject("page", "/"),
        new BasicDBObject("$inc", new BasicDBObject("count", 1)),

    assertEquals(1, c.getCount());
    assertEquals(2, c.findOne().get("count"));
  public void performBatch(List<BatchUnit> rows) {
    if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
      logger.trace("MongoClientWrapper.performBatch(" + rows + ")");
      logger.trace("Batch size to be performed is " + rows.size());
    // List<Future<? extends Number>> pending = new ArrayList<Future<? extends Number>>();

    for (BatchUnit row : rows) {
      SpaceDocument spaceDoc = row.getSpaceDocument();
      SpaceTypeDescriptor typeDescriptor = types.get(row.getTypeName()).getTypeDescriptor();
      SpaceDocumentMapper<DBObject> mapper = getMapper(typeDescriptor);

      DBObject obj = mapper.toDBObject(spaceDoc);

      DBCollection col = getCollection(row.getTypeName());
      switch (row.getDataSyncOperationType()) {
        case WRITE:
        case UPDATE:
        case PARTIAL_UPDATE:
          DBObject query =
                  .add(Constants.ID_PROPERTY, obj.get(Constants.ID_PROPERTY))

          DBObject update = normalize(obj);
          col.update(query, update);
          // case REMOVE_BY_UID: // Not supported by this implementation
        case REMOVE:
          throw new IllegalStateException(
              "Unsupported data sync operation type: " + row.getDataSyncOperationType());

    /*long totalCount = waitFor(pending);

    if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
    	logger.trace("total accepted replies is: " + totalCount);
  public void update(TestData testData) {
    try {
      DB db = MongoDBProvider.getInstance().getDB();
      DBCollection coll = db.getCollection("testdata");

      BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
      query.put("source", testData.getClassName());

      BasicDBObject object = new BasicDBObject();
      object.put("source", testData.getClassName());
      object.put("fails", testData.getFails());

      coll.update(query, object, true, false);

    } catch (MongoException e) {
    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
Exemple #8
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
      // connect to mongoDB, ip and port number
      Mongo mongo = new Mongo("", 27017);

      // get database from MongoDB,
      // if database doesn't exists, mongoDB will create it automatically
      DB db = mongo.getDB("yourdb");

      // Getting A List Of Collections
      Set<String> collections = db.getCollectionNames();

      for (String s : collections) {

      // Get collection from MongoDB, database named "yourDB"
      // if collection doesn't exists, mongoDB will create it automatically
      DBCollection collection = db.getCollection("yourCollection");

      // create a document to store key and value
      DBObject document = new BasicDBObject();
      document.put("id", 1001);
      document.put("msg", "hello world mongoDB in Java");

      // save it into collection named "yourCollection"

      // search query
      DBObject searchQuery = new BasicDBObject();
      searchQuery.put("id", 1001);

      // query it
      DBCursor cursor = collection.find(searchQuery);

      // loop over the cursor and display the retrieved result
      while (cursor.hasNext()) {
        System.out.println("Our collection after putting document here: " + cursor.next());

      // Counting Documents in Collection
      System.out.println("Elements in collection " + collection.getCount());

      // update document (just replase exist - it is normal practise)
      DBObject updatedDocument = new BasicDBObject();
      updatedDocument.put("id", 1001);
      updatedDocument.put("msg", "hello world mongoDB in Java updated");
      collection.update(new BasicDBObject().append("id", 1001), updatedDocument);

      // query it
      DBCursor cursorAfterUpdate = collection.find(searchQuery);

      // loop over the cursor and display the retrieved result
      while (cursorAfterUpdate.hasNext()) {
        System.out.println("Our collection after update: " + cursorAfterUpdate.next());

      // Counting Documents in Collection
      System.out.println("Elements in collection " + collection.getCount());

      // Map to object
      Message message = new Message();
      message.setId((Integer) document.get("id"));
      message.setMessage((String) document.get("msg"));

      System.out.println("Id putted in object: " + message.getId());
      System.out.println("Message putted in object: " + message.getMessage());

      // Remove document from collection
      DBObject doc = collection.findOne(); // get first document

      // query it
      DBCursor cursorAfterDelete = collection.find(searchQuery);

      // loop over the cursor and display the retrieved result
      while (cursorAfterDelete.hasNext()) {
        System.out.println("Our collection after delete: " + cursorAfterDelete.next());

      // Counting Documents in Collection
      System.out.println("Elements in collection " + collection.getCount());

      // Close connection to db


    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
    } catch (MongoException e) {