public void turlRetrievalFailed( String surl, String reason, String remoteRequestId, String remoteFileId) { synchronized (remoteSurlToFileReqIds) { Collection<Long> fileRequestSet = remoteSurlToFileReqIds.get(surl); if (fileRequestSet == null || fileRequestSet.isEmpty()) { LOG.error("turlArrived for unknown SURL = " + surl); return; } for (long id : fileRequestSet) { CopyFileRequest cfr = getFileRequest(id); try { String type = isSourceSrm() && !isSourceLocal() ? "source" : "destination"; String error = "retrieval of " + type + " TURL failed with error " + reason; LOG.error(error); cfr.setState(State.FAILED, error); } catch (IllegalStateTransition ist) { LOG.error("Illegal State Transition : " + ist.getMessage()); } cfr.saveJob(); remoteSurlToFileReqIds.remove(surl, id); } } remoteFileRequestDone(surl, remoteRequestId, remoteFileId); }
public void fileRequestCompleted() { resetRetryDeltaTime(); if (isProcessingDone()) { try { boolean hasOnlyFinalFileRequests = true; for (CopyFileRequest request : getFileRequests()) { State state = request.getState(); if (!(state.isFinal())) { hasOnlyFinalFileRequests = false; } } State state = getState(); if (!state.isFinal() && hasOnlyFinalFileRequests) { setState(State.DONE, "All transfers have completed."); } } catch (IllegalStateTransition e) { LOG.error("setting to done anyway: {}", e.toString()); try { State state = getState(); if (!state.isFinal()) { setState(State.DONE, e.toString()); } } catch (IllegalStateTransition ist) { LOG.error("Illegal State Transition : {}", ist.getMessage()); } } } }
@Override public void run() throws SRMException, IllegalStateTransition { if (!getState().isFinal() && !isProcessingDone()) { try { proccessRequest(); boolean hasOnlyFinalFileRequests = true; for (CopyFileRequest request : getFileRequests()) { State state = request.getState(); if (!state.isFinal()) { hasOnlyFinalFileRequests = false; } } setProcessingDone(true); if (hasOnlyFinalFileRequests) { setState(State.DONE, "All transfers completed."); } else { addHistoryEvent("Waiting for transfers to complete."); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new SRMException(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new SRMException("shutting down.", e); } } }
private CopyFileRequest getFileRequestBySurls(String source, String destination) throws SRMInvalidRequestException, SRMInvalidPathException { for (CopyFileRequest request : getFileRequests()) { if (request.getSourceSurl().toString().equals(source) && request.getDestinationSurl().toString().equals(destination)) { return request; } } throw new SRMInvalidPathException("request not found"); }
@Nonnull @Override public final CopyFileRequest getFileRequestBySurl(URI surl) throws SRMFileRequestNotFoundException { for (CopyFileRequest request : getFileRequests()) { if (request.getSourceSurl().equals(surl) || request.getDestinationSurl().equals(surl)) { return request; } } throw new SRMFileRequestNotFoundException("file request for url=" + surl + " is not found"); }
private void makeQosReservation(int fileIndex) throws MalformedURLException, SRMException { try { CopyFileRequest cfr = getFileRequests().get(fileIndex); RequestCredential credential = RequestCredential.getRequestCredential(credentialId); QOSTicket qosTicket = getQosPlugin() .createTicket( credential.getCredentialName(), getStorage().getFileMetaData(getUser(), cfr.getSourceSurl(), false).size, cfr.getSourceSurl().toASCIIString(), cfr.getSourceSurl().getPort(), cfr.getSourceSurl().getPort(), cfr.getSourceSurl().getScheme(), cfr.getDestinationSurl().toASCIIString(), cfr.getDestinationSurl().getPort(), cfr.getDestinationSurl().getPort(), cfr.getDestinationSurl().getScheme()); getQosPlugin().addTicket(qosTicket); if (getQosPlugin().submit()) { cfr.setQOSTicket(qosTicket); LOG.debug("QOS Ticket Received {}", getQosPlugin()); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Could not create QOS reservation: {}", e.getMessage()); } }
public void turlsRetrievalFailed(Object reason) { synchronized (remoteSurlToFileReqIds) { for (String surl : remoteSurlToFileReqIds.keySet()) { for (long id : remoteSurlToFileReqIds.get(surl)) { CopyFileRequest cfr = getFileRequest(id); try { String type = isSourceSrm() && !isSourceLocal() ? "source" : "destination"; String error = "retrieval of " + type + " TURL failed with error " + reason; LOG.error(error); cfr.setState(State.FAILED, error); } catch (IllegalStateTransition ist) { LOG.error("Illegal State Transition : " + ist.getMessage()); } cfr.saveJob(); remoteSurlToFileReqIds.remove(surl, id); } } } }
@Override protected void stateChanged(State oldState) { State state = getState(); if (state.isFinal()) { TurlGetterPutter client = getRemoteTurlClient(); if (client != null) { LOG.debug("copyRequest TURL-fetching client is non null, stopping"); client.stop(); } LOG.debug("copy request state changed to {}", state); for (CopyFileRequest request : getFileRequests()) { try { State frState = request.getState(); if (!(frState.isFinal())) { LOG.debug("changing fr#{} to {}", request.getId(), state); request.setState(state, "Request now " + state); } } catch (IllegalStateTransition ist) { LOG.error("Illegal State Transition : " + ist.getMessage()); } } } }
public void turlArrived( String surl, String turl, String remoteRequestId, String remoteFileId, Long size) { synchronized (remoteSurlToFileReqIds) { Collection<Long> fileRequestIds = remoteSurlToFileReqIds.get(surl); if (fileRequestIds == null || fileRequestIds.isEmpty()) { LOG.error("turlArrived for unknown SURL = " + surl + " !!!!!!!"); return; } for (long id : fileRequestIds) { CopyFileRequest cfr = getFileRequest(id); if (getQosPlugin() != null && cfr.getQOSTicket() != null) { getQosPlugin().sayStatus(cfr.getQOSTicket()); } if (isSourceSrm() && !isSourceLocal()) { cfr.setSourceTurl(URI.create(turl)); } else { cfr.setDestinationTurl(URI.create(turl)); } if (size != null) { cfr.setSize(size); } cfr.setRemoteRequestId(remoteRequestId); cfr.setRemoteFileId(remoteFileId); cfr.saveJob(); try { String theSchedulerId = getSchedulerId(); State state = cfr.getState(); if (theSchedulerId != null && !state.isFinal()) { cfr.scheduleWith(Scheduler.getScheduler(theSchedulerId)); } } catch (IllegalStateException | IllegalArgumentException | IllegalStateTransition | InterruptedException e) { LOG.error("failed to schedule CopyFileRequest {}: {}", cfr, e.toString()); try { cfr.setState(State.FAILED, "Failed to schedule request: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (IllegalStateTransition ist) { LOG.error("Illegal State Transition : {}" + ist.getMessage()); } } remoteSurlToFileReqIds.remove(surl, id); } } }
private void getTURLs() throws SRMException, IOException, InterruptedException, IllegalStateTransition, DataAccessException { if (isSourceSrm() && !isSourceLocal()) { // implying destination is local if (getStorageType() != null && !storageType.equals(TFileStorageType.PERMANENT)) { throw new SRMNotSupportedException( "TargetFileStorageType " + getStorageType() + " is not supported"); } RequestCredential credential = RequestCredential.getRequestCredential(credentialId); LOG.debug("obtained credential={} id={}", credential, credential.getId()); for (int i = 0; i < getNumOfFileRequest(); ++i) { CopyFileRequest cfr = getFileRequests().get(i); if (cfr.getState() == State.UNSCHEDULED && cfr.getSchedulerId() == null) { if (cfr.getSourceTurl() != null) { cfr.scheduleWith(Scheduler.getScheduler(schedulerId)); } else { // Since source SURLs are local, we can just set the path remoteSurlToFileReqIds.put(cfr.getSourceSurl().toASCIIString(), cfr.getId()); String path = localPathFromSurl(cfr.getDestinationSurl()); LOG.debug("setting destination path to {}", path); cfr.setLocalDestinationPath(path); cfr.saveJob(); } } } String[] remoteSurlsUniqueArray = remoteSurlToFileReqIds.keySet().toArray(new String[remoteSurlToFileReqIds.size()]); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { for (int i = 0; i < remoteSurlsUniqueArray.length; ++i) { LOG.debug("remoteSurlsUniqueArray[{}]={}", i, remoteSurlsUniqueArray[i]); } } // need to fetch files from remote SRM system setRemoteTurlClient( new RemoteTurlGetterV2( getStorage(), credential, remoteSurlsUniqueArray, getProtocols(), this, getConfiguration().getCopyMaxPollPeriod(), 2, this.getRemainingLifetime(), getConfiguration().getCaCertificatePath(), clientTransport)); getRemoteTurlClient().getInitialRequest(); getRemoteTurlClient().run(); return; } if (isSourceSrm()) { // source is this storage system for (int i = 0; i < getNumOfFileRequest(); ++i) { CopyFileRequest cfr = getFileRequests().get(i); if (cfr.getState() == State.UNSCHEDULED && cfr.getSchedulerId() == null && cfr.getLocalSourcePath() == null) { String path = localPathFromSurl(cfr.getSourceSurl()); LOG.debug("setting source path to {}", path); cfr.setLocalSourcePath(path); cfr.saveJob(); } } } else { // source is not SRM, so supplied values are the TURL(s) for (int i = 0; i < getNumOfFileRequest(); ++i) { CopyFileRequest cfr = getFileRequests().get(i); if (cfr.getState() == State.UNSCHEDULED && cfr.getSchedulerId() == null && cfr.getSourceTurl() == null) { LOG.debug("getTurlsArrived, setting \"from\" turl to {}", cfr.getSourceSurl()); cfr.setSourceTurl(cfr.getSourceSurl()); cfr.saveJob(); } } } // now source is known, either as a TURL or a local path. if (isDestinationSrm() && isDestinationLocal()) { // destination is this system // As we have a source (either a path or a TURL) for all files and // the destination is local, we have all the information needed. for (int i = 0; i < getNumOfFileRequest(); ++i) { CopyFileRequest cfr = getFileRequests().get(i); if (cfr.getState() == State.UNSCHEDULED && cfr.getSchedulerId() == null) { String path = localPathFromSurl(cfr.getDestinationSurl()); LOG.debug("setting local destination path to {}", path); cfr.setLocalDestinationPath(path); cfr.scheduleWith(Scheduler.getScheduler(schedulerId)); } } return; } if (!isDestinationSrm()) { // destination is some TURL // As we have a source (either a path or a TURL) for all files and // the destination is a TURL, we have all the information needed. for (int i = 0; i < getNumOfFileRequest(); ++i) { CopyFileRequest cfr = getFileRequests().get(i); if (cfr.getState() == State.UNSCHEDULED && cfr.getSchedulerId() == null) { LOG.debug("setting destination to {}", cfr.getDestinationSurl()); cfr.setDestinationTurl(cfr.getDestinationSurl()); cfr.scheduleWith(Scheduler.getScheduler(schedulerId)); } } return; } // The only possibility left is a remote destination SURLs, for which // we need to discover a TURLs. for (int i = 0; i < getNumOfFileRequest(); ++i) { CopyFileRequest cfr = getFileRequests().get(i); if (cfr.getState() != State.UNSCHEDULED || cfr.getSchedulerId() != null) { // copy file request has being canceled,failed or scheduled before } else if (cfr.getDestinationTurl() != null) { // destination TURL has arrived, but request has not been scheduled cfr.scheduleWith(Scheduler.getScheduler(schedulerId)); } else { remoteSurlToFileReqIds.put(cfr.getDestinationSurl().toASCIIString(), cfr.getId()); } } int uniqueCount = remoteSurlToFileReqIds.size(); String[] uniqueSurls = remoteSurlToFileReqIds.keySet().toArray(new String[uniqueCount]); String[] destinationSurls = new String[uniqueCount]; long[] sizes = new long[uniqueCount]; for (int i = 0; i < uniqueCount; ++i) { long id = Iterables.get(remoteSurlToFileReqIds.get(uniqueSurls[i]), 0); CopyFileRequest cfr = getFileRequest(id); sizes[i] = getStorage().getFileMetaData(getUser(), cfr.getSourceSurl(), false).size; LOG.debug("local size is {}", sizes[i]); cfr.setSize(sizes[i]); destinationSurls[i] = cfr.getDestinationSurl().toString(); if (getQosPlugin() != null) { makeQosReservation(i); } } // Now create an SRM client to fetch a TURL for each SURL. RequestCredential credential = RequestCredential.getRequestCredential(credentialId); setRemoteTurlClient( new RemoteTurlPutterV2( getStorage(), credential, destinationSurls, sizes, getProtocols(), this, getConfiguration().getCopyMaxPollPeriod(), 2, this.getRemainingLifetime(), getStorageType(), getTargetRetentionPolicy(), getTargetAccessLatency(), getOverwriteMode(), getTargetSpaceToken(), getConfiguration().getCaCertificatePath(), clientTransport)); getRemoteTurlClient().getInitialRequest(); getRemoteTurlClient().run(); }
private void identify() throws IOException, SRMException { wlock(); try { URI source = getFileRequests().get(0).getSourceSurl(); String sourceProtocol = source.getScheme(); String sourceHost = source.getHost(); int sourcePort = source.getPort(); URI destination = getFileRequests().get(0).getDestinationSurl(); String destinationProtocol = destination.getScheme(); String destinationHost = destination.getHost(); int destinationPort = destination.getPort(); for (CopyFileRequest cfr : getFileRequests().subList(1, getNumOfFileRequest())) { URI sourceSurl = cfr.getSourceSurl(); URI destinationSurl = cfr.getDestinationSurl(); if (!sourceSurl.getScheme().equals(sourceProtocol) || !sourceSurl.getHost().equals(sourceHost) || sourceSurl.getPort() != sourcePort) { String err = "Source URL " + sourceSurl + " is inconsistent with first source URL"; LOG.error(err); throw new IOException(err); } if (!destinationSurl.getScheme().equals(destinationProtocol) || !destinationSurl.getHost().equals(destinationHost) || destinationSurl.getPort() != destinationPort) { String err = "Destination URL " + destinationSurl + " is inconsistent with first destination URL"; LOG.error(err); throw new IOException(err); } } isSourceSrm = sourceProtocol.equals("srm"); isDestinationSrm = destinationProtocol.equals("srm"); Set<String> srmHosts = getConfiguration().getSrmHosts(); isSourceLocal = isSourceSrm && (sourcePort == -1 || sourcePort == getConfiguration().getPort()) && (sourceHost == null ||; isDestinationLocal = isDestinationSrm && (destinationPort == -1 || destinationPort == getConfiguration().getPort()) && (destinationHost == null ||; LOG.debug( "src (srm={}, local={}), dest (srm={}, local={})", isSourceSrm, isSourceLocal, isDestinationSrm, isDestinationLocal); if (!isSourceLocal && !isDestinationLocal) { LOG.error("Both source ({}) and destination ({}) URLs are remote.", source, destination); throw new SRMInvalidRequestException("Both source and destination URLs are remote."); } } finally { wunlock(); } }