/** This method is from GPSListener, used to notify the ProximityListener. */
  public void sentenceReceived(NMEASentence sen) {
    // Check if this sentence has location info
    if (sen.getHeader().equals(GGASentence.HEADER)) {
      Coordinates cur = null;
      Location loc = null;
      try {

        loc = this.getLocation(-1);
        cur = loc.getQualifiedCoordinates();
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        // TODO: This method should bail properly if it fails.
        System.err.println("Fail 1");
      } catch (LocationException e) {
        // TODO: This method should bail properly if it fails.
        System.err.println("Fail 2");
      for (int i = 0; i < listeners.size(); i++) {
        Object[] array = listeners.get(i);
        ProximityListener pl = (ProximityListener) array[0];
        Coordinates to = (Coordinates) array[1];
        Float rad = (Float) array[2];
        // Now check radius against coordinate and notify listener.
        if (cur.distance(to) <= rad.floatValue()) {
          // Remove this ProximityListener because it should be notified only once.
          // I prefer to do this BEFORE notifying the pl because the user might try
          // to re-add the pl in proximityEvent().
          pl.proximityEvent(to, loc);

      // TODO: Handle LocationListeners here instead of inner?