   * Fetch participants of TaskUpdate. Is called on creation of a new instance of TaskUpdate.
   * @param repoUid the specified repository's identifier.
   * @return new Object[] with length of 2. The first item is a vector of Links that content is
   *     containing ComputerRemotes that are online and participating at the specified repository.
   *     <p>The second entry contains a link between the local computer and the specified
   *     repository.
  private Object[] fetchTaskupdateParticipants(String repoUid) {

    Vector<Link> vec_parti = new Vector<Link>();
    Link ownRepoLink = null;

    for (int j = 0; j < combination.size(); j++) {

      final Link secondLnk = getCombination().get(j);

      if (secondLnk.getRepository().getUid().equals(repoUid)) {

        // inform the specified computer about the
        // changes
        final Computer currentComputer = secondLnk.getComputer();
        if (!currentComputer.matches(ComputerLocal.this)
            && currentComputer instanceof ComputerRemote) {

        } else if (currentComputer.getUid().equals(getUid())) {
          ownRepoLink = secondLnk;

    return new Object[] {vec_parti, ownRepoLink};