private void finishCompactionOutputFile(CompactionState compactionState) throws IOException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(compactionState, "compactionState is null"); Preconditions.checkArgument(compactionState.outfile != null); Preconditions.checkArgument(compactionState.builder != null); long outputNumber = compactionState.currentFileNumber; Preconditions.checkArgument(outputNumber != 0); long currentEntries = compactionState.builder.getEntryCount(); compactionState.builder.finish(); long currentBytes = compactionState.builder.getFileSize(); compactionState.currentFileSize = currentBytes; compactionState.totalBytes += currentBytes; FileMetaData currentFileMetaData = new FileMetaData( compactionState.currentFileNumber, compactionState.currentFileSize, compactionState.currentSmallest, compactionState.currentLargest); compactionState.outputs.add(currentFileMetaData); compactionState.builder = null; compactionState.outfile.force(true); compactionState.outfile.close(); compactionState.outfile = null; if (currentEntries > 0) { // Verify that the table is usable tableCache.newIterator(outputNumber); } }
private void openCompactionOutputFile(CompactionState compactionState) throws FileNotFoundException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(compactionState, "compactionState is null"); Preconditions.checkArgument( compactionState.builder == null, "compactionState builder is not null"); mutex.lock(); try { long fileNumber = versions.getNextFileNumber(); pendingOutputs.add(fileNumber); compactionState.currentFileNumber = fileNumber; compactionState.currentFileSize = 0; compactionState.currentSmallest = null; compactionState.currentLargest = null; File file = new File(databaseDir, Filename.tableFileName(fileNumber)); compactionState.outfile = new FileOutputStream(file).getChannel(); compactionState.builder = new TableBuilder( options, compactionState.outfile, new InternalUserComparator(internalKeyComparator)); } finally { mutex.unlock(); } }
private void doCompactionWork(CompactionState compactionState) throws IOException { Preconditions.checkState(mutex.isHeldByCurrentThread()); Preconditions.checkArgument( versions.numberOfBytesInLevel(compactionState.getCompaction().getLevel()) > 0); Preconditions.checkArgument(compactionState.builder == null); Preconditions.checkArgument(compactionState.outfile == null); // todo track snapshots compactionState.smallestSnapshot = versions.getLastSequence(); // Release mutex while we're actually doing the compaction work mutex.unlock(); try { MergingIterator iterator = versions.makeInputIterator(compactionState.compaction); Slice currentUserKey = null; boolean hasCurrentUserKey = false; long lastSequenceForKey = MAX_SEQUENCE_NUMBER; while (iterator.hasNext() && !shuttingDown.get()) { // always give priority to compacting the current mem table mutex.lock(); try { compactMemTableInternal(); } finally { mutex.unlock(); } InternalKey key = iterator.peek().getKey(); if (compactionState.compaction.shouldStopBefore(key) && compactionState.builder != null) { finishCompactionOutputFile(compactionState); } // Handle key/value, add to state, etc. boolean drop = false; // todo if key doesn't parse (it is corrupted), if (false /*!ParseInternalKey(key, &ikey)*/) { // do not hide error keys currentUserKey = null; hasCurrentUserKey = false; lastSequenceForKey = MAX_SEQUENCE_NUMBER; } else { if (!hasCurrentUserKey || internalKeyComparator.getUserComparator().compare(key.getUserKey(), currentUserKey) != 0) { // First occurrence of this user key currentUserKey = key.getUserKey(); hasCurrentUserKey = true; lastSequenceForKey = MAX_SEQUENCE_NUMBER; } if (lastSequenceForKey <= compactionState.smallestSnapshot) { // Hidden by an newer entry for same user key drop = true; // (A) } else if (key.getValueType() == ValueType.DELETION && key.getSequenceNumber() <= compactionState.smallestSnapshot && compactionState.compaction.isBaseLevelForKey(key.getUserKey())) { // For this user key: // (1) there is no data in higher levels // (2) data in lower levels will have larger sequence numbers // (3) data in layers that are being compacted here and have // smaller sequence numbers will be dropped in the next // few iterations of this loop (by rule (A) above). // Therefore this deletion marker is obsolete and can be dropped. drop = true; } lastSequenceForKey = key.getSequenceNumber(); } if (!drop) { // Open output file if necessary if (compactionState.builder == null) { openCompactionOutputFile(compactionState); } if (compactionState.builder.getEntryCount() == 0) { compactionState.currentSmallest = key; } compactionState.currentLargest = key; compactionState.builder.add(key.encode(), iterator.peek().getValue()); // Close output file if it is big enough if (compactionState.builder.getFileSize() >= compactionState.compaction.getMaxOutputFileSize()) { finishCompactionOutputFile(compactionState); } }; } if (shuttingDown.get()) { throw new DatabaseShutdownException("DB shutdown during compaction"); } if (compactionState.builder != null) { finishCompactionOutputFile(compactionState); } } finally { mutex.lock(); } // todo port CompactionStats code installCompactionResults(compactionState); }