Exemple #1
   * Constructor
   * @param table The name of the database table containing this row.
   * @param columns A list of column names. Each member of the List is a String. After construction,
   *     the list of columns is fixed; attempting to access a column not in the list will cause an
   *     IllegalArgumentException to be thrown.
  public TableRow(String table, List<String> columns) {
    this.table = table;

    for (String column : columns) {
      String canonicalized = ColumnInfo.canonicalize(column);
      data.put(canonicalized, NULL_OBJECT);
      changed.put(canonicalized, Boolean.TRUE);
Exemple #2
  private String canonicalizeAndCheck(String column) {
    if (data.containsKey(column)) {
      return column;

    String canonicalized = ColumnInfo.canonicalize(column);
    if (data.containsKey(canonicalized)) {
      return canonicalized;

    throw new IllegalArgumentException("No such column '" + canonicalized + "'");
Exemple #3
  * Return true if this row contains this column and the value has been updated.
  * @param column The column name (case-insensitive)
  * @return True if this row contains a column with this name.
 public boolean hasColumnChanged(String column) {
   return hasColumnChangedCanonicalized(ColumnInfo.canonicalize(column));