   * @param args
   * @throws Exception
  public void process(String[] args, String... required) throws Exception {
    final boolean debug = LOG.isDebugEnabled();

    if (debug) LOG.debug("Processing " + args.length + " parameters...");
    final Pattern p = Pattern.compile("=");
    for (int i = 0, cnt = args.length; i < cnt; i++) {
      final String arg = args[i];
      final String[] parts = p.split(arg, 2);
      if (parts[0].startsWith("-")) parts[0] = parts[0].substring(1);

      if (parts.length == 1) {
        if (parts[0].startsWith("${") == false) this.opt_params.add(parts[0]);
      } else if (parts[0].equalsIgnoreCase("tag")) {
      } else if (parts[1].startsWith("${") || parts[0].startsWith("#")) {
      if (debug) LOG.debug(String.format("%-35s = %s", parts[0], parts[1]));

      // DesignerHints Override
      if (parts[0].startsWith(PARAM_DESIGNER_HINTS_PREFIX)) {
        String param = parts[0].replace(PARAM_DESIGNER_HINTS_PREFIX, "").toLowerCase();
        try {
          Field f = DesignerHints.class.getField(param);
          this.hints_params.put(f.getName(), parts[1]);
          if (debug) LOG.debug(String.format("DesignerHints.%s = %s", param, parts[1]));
        } catch (NoSuchFieldException ex) {
          throw new Exception("Unknown DesignerHints parameter: " + param, ex);

      // HStoreConf Parameter
      else if (HStoreConf.isConfParameter(parts[0])) {
        this.conf_params.put(parts[0].toLowerCase(), parts[1]);
      // ArgumentsParser Parameter
      else if (PARAMS.contains(parts[0].toLowerCase())) {
        this.params.put(parts[0].toLowerCase(), parts[1]);
      // Invalid!
      else {
        String suggestions = "";
        i = 0;
        String end = CollectionUtil.last(parts[0].split("\\."));
        for (String param : PARAMS) {
          String param_end = CollectionUtil.last(param.split("\\."));
          if (param.startsWith(parts[0])
              || (end != null && param.endsWith(end))
              || (end != null && param_end != null && param_end.startsWith(end))) {
            if (suggestions.isEmpty()) suggestions = ". Possible Matches:";
            suggestions += String.format("\n [%02d] %s", ++i, param);
        } // FOR
        throw new Exception("Unknown parameter '" + parts[0] + "'" + suggestions);
    } // FOR

    // -------------------------------------------------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------

    // Text File
    if (this.params.containsKey(PARAM_CATALOG)) {
      String path = this.params.get(PARAM_CATALOG);
      if (debug) LOG.debug("Loading catalog from file '" + path + "'");
      Catalog catalog = CatalogUtil.loadCatalog(path);
      if (catalog == null)
        throw new Exception("Failed to load catalog object from file '" + path + "'");
      this.updateCatalog(catalog, new File(path));
    // Jar File
    else if (this.params.containsKey(PARAM_CATALOG_JAR)) {
      String path = this.params.get(PARAM_CATALOG_JAR);
      this.params.put(PARAM_CATALOG, path);
      File jar_file = new File(path);
      Catalog catalog = CatalogUtil.loadCatalogFromJar(path);
      if (catalog == null)
        throw new Exception("Failed to load catalog object from jar file '" + path + "'");
      if (debug) LOG.debug("Loaded catalog from jar file '" + path + "'");
      this.updateCatalog(catalog, jar_file);

      if (!this.params.containsKey(PARAM_CATALOG_TYPE)) {
        String jar_name = jar_file.getName();
        int jar_idx = jar_name.lastIndexOf(".jar");
        if (jar_idx != -1) {
          ProjectType type = ProjectType.get(jar_name.substring(0, jar_idx));
          if (type != null) {
            if (debug) LOG.debug("Set catalog type '" + type + "' from catalog jar file name");
            this.catalog_type = type;
            this.params.put(PARAM_CATALOG_TYPE, this.catalog_type.toString());
    // Schema File
    else if (this.params.containsKey(PARAM_CATALOG_SCHEMA)) {
      String path = this.params.get(PARAM_CATALOG_SCHEMA);
      Catalog catalog = CompilerUtil.compileCatalog(path);
      if (catalog == null) throw new Exception("Failed to load schema from '" + path + "'");
      if (debug) LOG.debug("Loaded catalog from schema file '" + path + "'");
      this.updateCatalog(catalog, new File(path));

    // Catalog Type
    if (this.params.containsKey(PARAM_CATALOG_TYPE)) {
      String catalog_type = this.params.get(PARAM_CATALOG_TYPE);
      ProjectType type = ProjectType.get(catalog_type);
      if (type == null) {
        throw new Exception("Unknown catalog type '" + catalog_type + "'");
      this.catalog_type = type;

    // Update Cluster Configuration
    if (this.params.containsKey(ArgumentsParser.PARAM_CATALOG_HOSTS)) {
      ClusterConfiguration cc =
          new ClusterConfiguration(this.getParam(ArgumentsParser.PARAM_CATALOG_HOSTS));
      this.updateCatalog(FixCatalog.addHostInfo(this.catalog, cc), null);

    // Check the requirements after loading the catalog, because some of the
    // above parameters will set the catalog one
    if (required != null && required.length > 0) this.require(required);

    // -------------------------------------------------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------
    if (this.params.containsKey(PARAM_PARTITION_PLAN)) {
      assert (this.catalog_db != null);
      File path = new File(this.params.get(PARAM_PARTITION_PLAN));
      boolean ignoreMissing =
          this.getBooleanParam(ArgumentsParser.PARAM_PARTITION_PLAN_IGNORE_MISSING, false);
      if (path.exists() || (path.exists() == false && ignoreMissing == false)) {
        if (debug) LOG.debug("Loading in partition plan from '" + path + "'");
        this.pplan = new PartitionPlan();
        this.pplan.load(path.getAbsolutePath(), this.catalog_db);

        // Apply!
        if (this.params.containsKey(PARAM_PARTITION_PLAN_APPLY)
            && this.getBooleanParam(PARAM_PARTITION_PLAN_APPLY)) {
          boolean secondaryIndexes =
              this.getBooleanParam(PARAM_PARTITION_PLAN_NO_SECONDARY, false) == false;
                  "Applying PartitionPlan '%s' to catalog [enableSecondary=%s]",
                  path.getName(), secondaryIndexes));
          this.pplan.apply(this.catalog_db, secondaryIndexes);

    // -------------------------------------------------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------

    if (this.params.containsKey(PARAM_DESIGNER_THREADS)) {
      this.max_concurrent = Integer.valueOf(this.params.get(PARAM_DESIGNER_THREADS));
    if (this.params.containsKey(PARAM_DESIGNER_INTERVALS)) {
      this.num_intervals = Integer.valueOf(this.params.get(PARAM_DESIGNER_INTERVALS));
    if (this.params.containsKey(PARAM_DESIGNER_HINTS)) {
      String path = this.params.get(PARAM_DESIGNER_HINTS);
      if (debug)
            "Loading in designer hints from '"
                + path
                + "'.\nForced Values:\n"
                + StringUtil.formatMaps(this.hints_params));
      this.designer_hints.load(path, catalog_db, this.hints_params);
    if (this.params.containsKey(PARAM_DESIGNER_CHECKPOINT)) {
      this.designer_checkpoint = new File(this.params.get(PARAM_DESIGNER_CHECKPOINT));

    String designer_attributes[] = {
    ClassLoader loader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
    for (String key : designer_attributes) {
      if (this.params.containsKey(key)) {
        String target_name = this.params.get(key);
        Class<?> target_class = loader.loadClass(target_name);
        assert (target_class != null);
        if (debug) LOG.debug("Set " + key + " class to " + target_class.getName());

        if (key.equals(PARAM_DESIGNER_PARTITIONER)) {
          this.partitioner_class = (Class<? extends AbstractPartitioner>) target_class;
        } else if (key.equals(PARAM_DESIGNER_MAPPER)) {
          this.mapper_class = (Class<? extends AbstractMapper>) target_class;
        } else if (key.equals(PARAM_DESIGNER_INDEXER)) {
          this.indexer_class = (Class<? extends AbstractIndexSelector>) target_class;
        } else if (key.equals(PARAM_DESIGNER_COSTMODEL)) {
          this.costmodel_class = (Class<? extends AbstractCostModel>) target_class;

          // Special Case: TimeIntervalCostModel
          if (target_name.endsWith(TimeIntervalCostModel.class.getSimpleName())) {
            this.costmodel =
                new TimeIntervalCostModel<SingleSitedCostModel>(
                    this.catalog_db, SingleSitedCostModel.class, this.num_intervals);
          } else {
            this.costmodel =
                    new Object[] {this.catalog_db},
                    new Class[] {Database.class});
        } else {
          assert (false) : "Invalid key '" + key + "'";
    } // FOR

    // -------------------------------------------------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------
    if (this.params.containsKey(PARAM_MAPPINGS)) {
      assert (this.catalog_db != null);
      File path = new File(this.params.get(PARAM_MAPPINGS));
      if (path.exists()) {
        this.param_mappings.load(path.getAbsolutePath(), this.catalog_db);
      } else {
        LOG.warn("The ParameterMappings file '" + path + "' does not exist");
    if (this.params.containsKey(PARAM_MARKOV_THRESHOLDS_VALUE)) {
      assert (this.catalog_db != null);
      float defaultValue = this.getDoubleParam(PARAM_MARKOV_THRESHOLDS_VALUE).floatValue();
      this.thresholds = new EstimationThresholds(defaultValue);
      this.params.put(PARAM_MARKOV_THRESHOLDS, this.thresholds.toString());
      LOG.debug("CREATED THRESHOLDS: " + this.thresholds);

    } else if (this.params.containsKey(PARAM_MARKOV_THRESHOLDS)) {
      assert (this.catalog_db != null);
      this.thresholds = new EstimationThresholds();
      File path = new File(this.params.get(PARAM_MARKOV_THRESHOLDS));
      if (path.exists()) {
        this.thresholds.load(path.getAbsolutePath(), this.catalog_db);
      } else {
        LOG.warn("The estimation thresholds file '" + path + "' does not exist");
      LOG.debug("LOADED THRESHOLDS: " + this.thresholds);

    // -------------------------------------------------------
    // HASHER
    // -------------------------------------------------------
    if (this.catalog != null) {
      if (this.params.containsKey(PARAM_HASHER_CLASS)) {
        String hasherClassName = this.params.get(PARAM_HASHER_CLASS);
        this.hasher_class = (Class<? extends AbstractHasher>) loader.loadClass(hasherClassName);
      Constructor<? extends AbstractHasher> constructor =
          this.hasher_class.getConstructor(new Class[] {Database.class, Integer.class});
      int num_partitions = CatalogUtil.getNumberOfPartitions(this.catalog_db);
      this.hasher = constructor.newInstance(new Object[] {this.catalog_db, num_partitions});
      if (!(this.hasher instanceof DefaultHasher))
        LOG.debug("Loaded hasher " + this.hasher.getClass());

      if (this.params.containsKey(PARAM_HASHER_PROFILE)) {
        this.hasher.load(this.params.get(PARAM_HASHER_PROFILE), null);

    // -------------------------------------------------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------
Exemple #2
   * Return key/value maps into a nicely formatted table The maps are displayed in order from first
   * to last, and there will be a spacer created between each map. The format for each record is:
   * <p>If the delimiter is an equal sign, then the format is:
   * @param delimiter
   * @param upper Upper-case all keys
   * @param box Box results
   * @param border_top TODO
   * @param border_bottom TODO
   * @param recursive TODO
   * @param first_element_title TODO
   * @param maps
   * @return
  public static String formatMaps(
      String delimiter,
      boolean upper,
      boolean box,
      boolean border_top,
      boolean border_bottom,
      boolean recursive,
      boolean first_element_title,
      Map<?, ?>... maps) {
    boolean need_divider = (maps.length > 1 || border_bottom || border_top);

    // Figure out the largest key size so we can get spacing right
    int max_key_size = 0;
    int max_title_size = 0;
    final Map<Object, String[]> map_keys[] = (Map<Object, String[]>[]) new Map[maps.length];
    final boolean map_titles[] = new boolean[maps.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < maps.length; i++) {
      Map<?, ?> m = maps[i];
      if (m == null) continue;
      Map<Object, String[]> keys = new HashMap<Object, String[]>();
      boolean first = true;
      for (Object k : m.keySet()) {
        String k_str[] = LINE_SPLIT.split(k != null ? k.toString() : "");
        keys.put(k, k_str);

        // If the first element has a null value, then we can let it be the title for this map
        // It's length doesn't affect the other keys, but will affect the total size of the map
        if (first && first_element_title && m.get(k) == null) {
          for (String line : k_str) {
            max_title_size = Math.max(max_title_size, line.length());
          } // FOR
          map_titles[i] = true;
        } else {
          for (String line : k_str) {
            max_key_size = Math.max(max_key_size, line.length());
          } // FOR
          if (first) map_titles[i] = false;
        first = false;
      } // FOR
      map_keys[i] = keys;
    } // FOR

    boolean equalsDelimiter = delimiter.equals("=");
    final String f =
            + (max_key_size + delimiter.length() + 1)
            + "s"
            + (equalsDelimiter ? "= " : "")
            + "%s\n";

    // Now make StringBuilder blocks for each map
    // We do it in this way so that we can get the max length of the values
    int max_value_size = 0;
    StringBuilder blocks[] = new StringBuilder[maps.length];
    for (int map_i = 0; map_i < maps.length; map_i++) {
      blocks[map_i] = new StringBuilder();
      Map<?, ?> m = maps[map_i];
      if (m == null) continue;
      Map<Object, String[]> keys = map_keys[map_i];

      boolean first = true;
      for (Entry<?, ?> e : m.entrySet()) {
        String key[] = keys.get(e.getKey());

        if (first && map_titles[map_i]) {
          blocks[map_i].append(StringUtil.join("\n", key));
          if (CollectionUtil.last(key).endsWith("\n") == false) blocks[map_i].append("\n");

        } else {
          Object v_obj = e.getValue();
          String v = null;
          if (recursive && v_obj instanceof Map<?, ?>) {
            v =
                        (Map<?, ?>) v_obj)
          } else if (key.length == 1 && key[0].trim().isEmpty() && v_obj == null) {
          } else if (v_obj == null) {
            v = "null";
          } else {
            v = v_obj.toString();

          // If the key or value is multiple lines, format them nicely!
          String value[] = LINE_SPLIT.split(v);
          int total_lines = Math.max(key.length, value.length);
          for (int line_i = 0; line_i < total_lines; line_i++) {
            String k_line = (line_i < key.length ? key[line_i] : "");
            if (upper) k_line = k_line.toUpperCase();

            String v_line = (line_i < value.length ? value[line_i] : "");

            if (line_i == (key.length - 1)
                && (first == false || (first && v_line.isEmpty() == false))) {
              if (equalsDelimiter == false && k_line.trim().isEmpty() == false) k_line += ":";

            blocks[map_i].append(String.format(f, k_line, v_line));
            if (need_divider) max_value_size = Math.max(max_value_size, v_line.length());
          } // FOR
          if (v.endsWith("\n")) blocks[map_i].append("\n");
        first = false;
    } // FOR

    // Put it all together!
    //        System.err.println("max_title_size=" + max_title_size + ", max_key_size=" +
    // max_key_size + ", max_value_size=" + max_value_size + ", delimiter=" + delimiter.length());
    int total_width =
        Math.max(max_title_size, (max_key_size + max_value_size + delimiter.length())) + 1;
    String dividing_line = (need_divider ? repeat("-", total_width) : "");
    StringBuilder sb = null;
    if (maps.length == 1) {
      sb = blocks[0];
    } else {
      sb = new StringBuilder();
      for (int i = 0; i < maps.length; i++) {
        if (blocks[i].length() == 0) continue;
        if (i != 0 && maps[i].size() > 0) sb.append(dividing_line).append("\n");
      } // FOR
    return (box
        ? StringUtil.box(sb.toString())
        : (border_top ? dividing_line + "\n" : "")
            + sb.toString()
            + (border_bottom ? dividing_line : ""));