  public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
    if (n.isGetProp() && convention.isPrototypeAlias(n)) {

    } else if (n.isCall()) {
      Node callTarget = n.getFirstChild();
      String qName = callTarget.getQualifiedName();

      if (isJqueryExtendCall(callTarget, qName, this.compiler)) {

      } else if (isJqueryExpandedEachCall(n, qName)) {
        maybeExpandJqueryEachCall(t, n);
   * Expand jQuery.extend (and derivative) calls into direct object assignments Example:
   * jQuery.extend(obj1, {prop1: val1, prop2: val2}) -> obj1.prop1 = val1; obj1.prop2 = val2;
  private void maybeExpandJqueryExtendCall(Node n) {
    Node callTarget = n.getFirstChild();
    Node objectToExtend = callTarget.getNext(); // first argument
    Node extendArg = objectToExtend.getNext(); // second argument
    boolean ensureObjectDefined = true;

    if (extendArg == null) {
      // Only one argument was specified, so extend jQuery namespace
      extendArg = objectToExtend;
      objectToExtend = callTarget.getFirstChild();
      ensureObjectDefined = false;
    } else if (objectToExtend.isGetProp()
        && (objectToExtend.getLastChild().getString().equals("prototype")
            || convention.isPrototypeAlias(objectToExtend))) {
      ensureObjectDefined = false;

    // Check for an empty object literal
    if (!extendArg.hasChildren()) {

    // Since we are expanding jQuery.extend calls into multiple statements,
    // encapsulate the new statements in a new block.
    Node fncBlock = IR.block().srcref(n);

    if (ensureObjectDefined) {
      Node assignVal = IR.or(objectToExtend.cloneTree(), IR.objectlit().srcref(n)).srcref(n);
      Node assign = IR.assign(objectToExtend.cloneTree(), assignVal).srcref(n);

    while (extendArg.hasChildren()) {
      Node currentProp = extendArg.removeFirstChild();

      Node propValue = currentProp.removeFirstChild();

      Node newProp;
      if (currentProp.isQuotedString()) {
        newProp = IR.getelem(objectToExtend.cloneTree(), currentProp).srcref(currentProp);
      } else {
        newProp = IR.getprop(objectToExtend.cloneTree(), currentProp).srcref(currentProp);

      Node assignNode = IR.assign(newProp, propValue).srcref(currentProp);

    // Check to see if the return value is used. If not, replace the original
    // call with new block. Otherwise, wrap the statements in an
    // immediately-called anonymous function.
    if (n.getParent().isExprResult()) {
      Node parent = n.getParent();
      parent.getParent().replaceChild(parent, fncBlock);
    } else {
      Node targetVal;
      if ("jQuery.prototype".equals(objectToExtend.getQualifiedName())) {
        // When extending the jQuery prototype, return the jQuery namespace.
        // This is not commonly used.
        targetVal = objectToExtend.removeFirstChild();
      } else {
        targetVal = objectToExtend.detachFromParent();

      Node fnc = IR.function(IR.name("").srcref(n), IR.paramList().srcref(n), fncBlock).srcref(n);

      // add an explicit "call" statement so that we can maintain
      // the same reference for "this"
      Node newCallTarget = IR.getprop(fnc, IR.string("call").srcref(n)).srcref(n);
      n.replaceChild(callTarget, newCallTarget);
      n.putBooleanProp(Node.FREE_CALL, false);

      // remove any other pre-existing call arguments
      while (newCallTarget.getNext() != null) {