Exemple #1
 public static final Cmplx div(Cmplx a, Cmplx b) {
   Cmplx c = new Cmplx();
   double r, den;
   if (Math.abs(b.r) >= Math.abs(b.i)) {
     r = b.i / b.r;
     den = b.r + r * b.i;
     c.r = (a.r + r * a.i) / den;
     c.i = (a.i - r * a.r) / den;
   } else {
     r = b.r / b.i;
     den = b.i + r * b.r;
     c.r = (a.r * r + a.i) / den;
     c.i = (a.i * r - a.r) / den;
   return c;
Exemple #2
 /** creates a unit mag complex number. zero is assigned (1,0) */
 public final Cmplx unitVector() {
   double mag = mag();
   if (mag != 0) {
     return Cmplx.div(this, mag);
   } else {
     return new Cmplx(1, 0);
Exemple #3
 public final Cmplx sqrt() {
   Cmplx c = new Cmplx();
   double x, y, w, r;
   if ((this.r == 0.0) && (this.i == 0.0)) {
     c.r = (c.i = 0.0);
     return (c);
   } else {
     x = Math.abs(this.r);
     y = Math.abs(this.i);
     if (x >= y) {
       r = y / x;
       w = Math.sqrt(x) * Math.sqrt(0.5 * (1.0 + Math.sqrt(1.0 + r * r)));
     } else {
       r = x / y;
       w = Math.sqrt(y) * Math.sqrt(0.5 * (r + Math.sqrt(1.0 + r * r)));
     if (this.r >= 0.0) {
       c.r = w;
       c.i = this.i / (2.0 * w);
     } else {
       c.i = (this.i >= 0.0) ? w : -w;
       c.r = this.i / (2.0 * c.i);
     return (c);
Exemple #4
  * Computes the correlation of fdata with gdata. The value of the output at index i is the sum
  * over j of fdata[i+j]*gdata[j], although using the FFT is much faster than direct sum.
  * @see http://www.ulib.org/webRoot/Books/Numerical_Recipes/bookcpdf.html section 13-2
 public static final float[] correlate(float[] fdata, float[] gdata) {
   if (fdata.length != gdata.length) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException(
         "fdata and gdata must have same length. " + fdata.length + " " + gdata.length);
   Cmplx[] fTrans = fft(fdata);
   Cmplx[] gTrans = fft(gdata);
   for (int i = 0; i < fTrans.length; i++) {
     fTrans[i] = Cmplx.mul(fTrans[i], gTrans[i].conjg());
   } // end of for (int i=0; i<gdata.length; i++)
   return fftInverse(fTrans, fdata.length);
Exemple #5
 public static final Cmplx mul(Cmplx a, Cmplx b) {
   Cmplx c = new Cmplx();
   c.r = a.r * b.r - a.i * b.i;
   c.i = a.i * b.r + a.r * b.i;
   return c;
Exemple #6
 public static final Cmplx mul(Cmplx a, double b) {
   return Cmplx.mul(a, new Cmplx(b, 0));
Exemple #7
 public static final Cmplx mul(double a, Cmplx b) {
   return Cmplx.mul(new Cmplx(a, 0), b);
Exemple #8
 public static final Cmplx sub(Cmplx a, Cmplx b) {
   Cmplx c = new Cmplx();
   c.r = a.r - b.r;
   c.i = a.i - b.i;
   return c;
Exemple #9
 public static final Cmplx sub(Cmplx a, double b) {
   return Cmplx.sub(a, new Cmplx(b, 0));
Exemple #10
 public static final Cmplx sub(double a, Cmplx b) {
   return Cmplx.sub(new Cmplx(a, 0), b);
Exemple #11
 public static final Cmplx add(Cmplx a, Cmplx b) {
   Cmplx c = new Cmplx();
   c.r = a.r + b.r;
   c.i = a.i + b.i;
   return c;
Exemple #12
 public static final Cmplx exp(Cmplx arg) {
   Cmplx c = new Cmplx();
   c.r = Math.exp(arg.r) * Math.cos(arg.i);
   c.i = Math.exp(arg.r) * Math.sin(arg.i);
   return c;
Exemple #13
 public final Cmplx conjg() {
   Cmplx c = new Cmplx();
   c.r = this.r;
   c.i = -this.i;
   return c;