Exemple #1
 private void doShutdown(boolean force) {
   long start = Clock.currentTimeMillis();
   logger.finest("** we are being asked to shutdown when active = " + String.valueOf(active));
   if (!force && isActive()) {
     final int maxWaitSeconds = groupProperties.GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN_MAX_WAIT.getInteger();
     if (!partitionService.prepareToSafeShutdown(maxWaitSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
           "Graceful shutdown could not be completed in " + maxWaitSeconds + " seconds!");
   if (isActive()) {
     if (!force) {
     // set the joined=false first so that
     // threads do not process unnecessary
     // events, such as remove address
     try {
     } catch (Throwable ignored) {
     if (managementCenterService != null) {
     logger.finest("Shutting down client command service");
     logger.finest("Shutting down node engine");
     if (multicastService != null) {
       logger.finest("Shutting down multicast service");
     logger.finest("Shutting down connection manager");
     masterAddress = null;
     if (securityContext != null) {
     int numThreads = threadGroup.activeCount();
     Thread[] threads = new Thread[numThreads * 2];
     numThreads = threadGroup.enumerate(threads, false);
     for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) {
       Thread thread = threads[i];
       if (thread.isAlive()) {
         logger.finest("Shutting down thread " + thread.getName());
         "Hazelcast Shutdown is completed in " + (Clock.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " ms.");
 public void testGetSize() throws Exception {
   String Id1 = "1";
   String Id2 = "2";
   Clock cl = new Clock(Id1); // create clock with id equals 1
   Assert.assertEquals(1, cl.getSize());
  // After a little while, if nothing has gone wrong, if we are next to a pastr and no one
  // else is building or has built a noise tower, build one.
  private boolean tryBuildNoiseTower() throws GameActionException {
    if (!rc.isActive()) return false;
    if (Clock.getRoundNum() < 200) return false;
    if (rc.senseRobotCount() < 6) return false;

    // A problem with building a noise tower is that it makes us more vulnerable to
    // a rush. If it's early and the opponent hasn't build a pastr, let's hold off
    // in case it means that they are rushing.
    if (Clock.getRoundNum() < 300 && rc.sensePastrLocations(them).length == 0) return false;

    // Only allowed to build noise tower if adjacent to pastr
    MapLocation[] ourPastrs = rc.sensePastrLocations(us);
    if (ourPastrs.length == 0 || !here.isAdjacentTo(ourPastrs[0])) return false;

    // Check if someone else is already building a noise tower
    MapLocation existingBuilder = MessageBoard.BUILDING_NOISE_TOWER.readMapLocation();
    if (existingBuilder != null) {
      if (rc.senseNearbyGameObjects(Robot.class, existingBuilder, 1, us).length > 0) {
        return false;

    // Construct the noise tower and advertise the fact that we are doing it
    return true;
Exemple #4
  public static boolean doWeNeedGenerator() throws GameActionException {
    if (rc.readBroadcast(Constants.campChannel) == Constants.campGenInProduction) return false;
    if (Clock.getRoundNum() - allInRound < 80) return false;
    if (rc.readBroadcast(Constants.commandChannel) == Constants.commandRally
        && rc.getTeamPower() > powerThreshold) return false;

    if (rc.getTeamPower() < minPowerThreshold && Clock.getRoundNum() > minRoundThreshold) {
      return true;

    gencount = 0;
    soldiercount = 0;
    othercount = 0;

    Robot[] robos =
        rc.senseNearbyGameObjects(Robot.class, new MapLocation(0, 0), 1000000, rc.getTeam());
    for (Robot r : robos) {
      RobotType rt = rc.senseRobotInfo(r).type;
      if (rt == RobotType.GENERATOR) ++gencount;
      else if (rt == RobotType.SOLDIER) ++soldiercount;
      else ++othercount;

    double decay = .8;
    if (rc.hasUpgrade(Upgrade.FUSION)) {
      decay = .99;

    if ((40 + (10 * gencount) - (1.6 * soldiercount) - (1 * othercount)) * decay < 1) {
      return true;
    return false;
Exemple #5
  private static void shallWeAllIn() throws GameActionException {
    if (rc.senseEnemyNukeHalfDone() && Clock.getRoundNum() < 300) {
      rc.broadcast(Constants.attackChannel, Constants.attackAllIn);

    int massedRobos = 0;
    double massedAmountNeeded = .5 * (40 + (10 * gencount) - (1 * othercount));

    if (rc.senseEnemyNukeHalfDone()) massedAmountNeeded -= 10;

    int rallyRadius = 33;
    if (massedAmountNeeded > 50) rallyRadius = 63;

    Robot[] robos =
        rc.senseNearbyGameObjects(Robot.class, findRallyPoint(), rallyRadius, rc.getTeam());

    for (Robot r : robos) {
      if (rc.senseRobotInfo(r).type == RobotType.SOLDIER) {

    if (massedRobos > massedAmountNeeded) // if we should all in...
      rc.broadcast(Constants.attackChannel, Constants.attackAllIn);
      allInRound = Clock.getRoundNum();
Exemple #6
 public void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
   if (savedInstanceState != null) {
     clock.setPlayer1Remaining(savedInstanceState.getLong(PLAYER_1_REMAINING, 25 * 60 * 1000));
     clock.setPlayer2Remaining(savedInstanceState.getLong(PLAYER_2_REMAINING, 25 * 60 * 1000));
 public void shouldBeAbleToAdvanceClockTimeOnEachQuery() throws Exception {
   Date startOfTheCentury = ymdDateFormat.parse("2000-01-01");
   new DateAlteringClock(startOfTheCentury).advanceMillisOnEachQuery();
   assertThat(Clock.currentTimeInMillis(), is(startOfTheCentury.getTime() + 1));
   assertThat(Clock.currentTimeInMillis(), is(startOfTheCentury.getTime() + 2));
   assertThat(Clock.currentTimeInMillis(), is(startOfTheCentury.getTime() + 3));
Exemple #8
  * Times and records the duration of event.
  * @param event a {@link Callable} whose {@link Callable#call()} method implements a process whose
  *     duration should be timed
  * @param <T> the type of the value returned by {@code event}
  * @return the value returned by {@code event}
  * @throws Exception if {@code event} throws an {@link Exception}
 public <T> T time(Callable<T> event) throws Exception {
   final long startTime = clock.tick();
   try {
     return event.call();
   } finally {
     update(clock.tick() - startTime);
 public void testNotEquals() throws Exception {
   String Id1 = "1";
   String Id2 = "2";
   Clock clock1 = new Clock(Id1);
   clock1.addNode(Id2, 2);
   Clock clock2 = new Clock(Id2);
   clock2.addNode(Id1, 1);
  * Stop the time for this event. If the event haven't been started yet, the start and stop time
  * will be the same.
 public void stop() {
   if (isActive()) {
     mStop = mClock.now();
   } else if (!isStarted()) {
     long now = mClock.now();
     mStart = now;
     mStop = now;
   mStopped = true;
  private static TimeBox generateTimeSpanForDay(Integer notUsed, Clock clock) {

    DateTime start;
    DateTime end;

    start = clock.getTime().withTime(0, 0, 0, 0);
    end = clock.getTime().withTime(23, 59, 59, 99);

    return new TimeBox(start, end);
  private static TimeBox generateTimeSpanForWeek(Integer unit, Clock clock) {

    DateTime start;
    DateTime end;

    start = clock.getTime().withDayOfWeek(1).withTime(0, 0, 0, 0);
    end = clock.createDate(start.plusWeeks(unit - 1).withDayOfWeek(5).withTime(23, 59, 59, 99));

    return new TimeBox(start, end);
Exemple #13
 public void onPause() {
   Editor editor = prefs.edit();
   editor.putLong(PLAYER_1_REMAINING, clock.getPlayer1Remaining());
   editor.putLong(PLAYER_2_REMAINING, clock.getPlayer2Remaining());
  public static TimeBox generateLastMonth(Clock clock) {

    DateTime start;
    DateTime end;

    start = clock.getTime().minusMonths(1).withDayOfMonth(1).withTime(0, 0, 0, 0);
    end = clock.createDate(start.plusMonths(1).minusDays(1).withTime(23, 59, 59, 99));

    return new TimeBox(start, end);
Exemple #15
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // on initialise un objet clock
    Clock hms = new Clock(15, 55, 59);

    // test des Getters
    System.out.println("Test des Getters :");

    // test de la conversion en secondes
    System.out.println("Test de la conversion en secondes :");
    int seconds = 0;
    seconds = hms.convert2seconds();

    // test de l'incrémentation.
    System.out.println("Test de l'incrémentation :");
    String toStrong;
    toStrong = hms.toString();

    // test du reset.
    System.out.println("Test du reset :");
    toStrong = hms.toString();
Exemple #16
 public static void timerEnd(String message) {
   int endBytecodeNum = Clock.getBytecodeNum();
   int endRoundNum = Clock.getRoundNum();
   if (endRoundNum == startRoundNum)
         "timed %s: took %d bytecodes\n", message, endBytecodeNum - startBytecodeNum);
         "timed %s: took %d turns + %d bytecodes\n",
         message, endRoundNum - startRoundNum, endBytecodeNum - startBytecodeNum);
 public void testEquivalent() throws Exception {
   String Id1 = "1";
   String Id2 = "2";
   Clock cl1 = new Clock(Id1);
   Clock cl2 = new Clock(Id2);
   cl1.addNode(Id1, 1);
   cl1.addNode(Id2, 2); // cl1 = {1,2}
   cl2.addNode(Id1, 2);
   cl2.addNode(Id2, 1); // cl2 = {2,1}
 public void currentClockTimeInMillisShouldTickOnFromZero() throws Exception {
   Date endOfTheDecade = ymdDateFormat.parse("2010-12-31");
   new DateAlteringClock(endOfTheDecade);
   long before = 0, after = 0;
   while (after == before) {
     after = Clock.currentTimeInMillis();
     if (before == 0) {
       before = after;
   assertTrue(Clock.currentTimeInMillis() - endOfTheDecade.getTime() < 1000);
  private static TimeBox generateTimeSpanForMonth(Integer unit, Clock clock, TimeBox next) {

    DateTime start;
    DateTime end;

    start = clock.createDate(next.getEnd().plusWeeks(1).withDayOfWeek(1).withTime(0, 0, 0, 0));

    end =
            start.plusMonths(unit).withDayOfWeek(1).minusDays(3).withTime(23, 59, 59, 99));

    return new TimeBox(start, end);
Exemple #20
 public static void loop(RobotController theRC) throws GameActionException {
   while (true) {
     try {
     } catch (Exception e) {
Exemple #21
  private static void turn() throws GameActionException {
    if (rc.getHealth() <= 6 * RobotType.SOLDIER.attackPower) {

    // do speculative pathing calculations
    int bytecodeLimit = 9000;
    MapLocation[] enemyPastrs = rc.sensePastrLocations(them);
    for (int i = 0; i < enemyPastrs.length; i++) {
      if (Clock.getBytecodeNum() > bytecodeLimit) break;
      Bfs.work(enemyPastrs[i], Bfs.PRIORITY_LOW, bytecodeLimit);
Exemple #22
  public long persistSelectedPipelines(
      String id, Long userId, List<String> selectedPipelines, boolean isBlacklist) {
    PipelineSelections pipelineSelections = findOrCreateCurrentPipelineSelectionsFor(id, userId);

    if (isBlacklist) {
      List<String> unselectedPipelines = invertSelections(selectedPipelines);
      pipelineSelections.update(unselectedPipelines, clock.currentTime(), userId, isBlacklist);
    } else {
      pipelineSelections.update(selectedPipelines, clock.currentTime(), userId, isBlacklist);

    return pipelineRepository.saveSelectedPipelines(pipelineSelections);
Exemple #23
  // HQ or pastr calls this function to spend spare bytecodes computing paths for soldiers
  public static void work(MapLocation dest, int priority, int bytecodeLimit)
      throws GameActionException {
    int page = findFreePage(dest, priority);
    Debug.indicate("path", 1, "BFS Pathing to " + dest.toString() + "; using page " + page);
    if (page == -1) return; // We can't do any work, or don't have to

    if (!dest.equals(previousDest)) {
      Debug.indicate("path", 0, "BFS initingQueue");
    } else {
      Debug.indicate("path", 0, "BFS queue already inited");

    previousDest = dest;
    previousRoundWorked = Clock.getRoundNum();
    previousPage = page;

    int mapWidth = rc.getMapWidth();
    int mapHeight = rc.getMapHeight();
    MapLocation enemyHQ = rc.senseEnemyHQLocation();
    boolean destInSpawn = dest.distanceSquaredTo(enemyHQ) <= 25;

    while (locQueueHead != locQueueTail && Clock.getBytecodeNum() < bytecodeLimit) {
      // pop a location from the queue
      MapLocation loc = locQueue[locQueueHead];

      int locX = loc.x;
      int locY = loc.y;
      for (int i = 8; i-- > 0; ) {
        int x = locX + dirsX[i];
        int y = locY + dirsY[i];
        if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < mapWidth && y < mapHeight && !wasQueued[x][y]) {
          MapLocation newLoc = new MapLocation(x, y);
          if (rc.senseTerrainTile(newLoc) != TerrainTile.VOID
              && (destInSpawn || !Bot.isInTheirHQAttackRange(newLoc))) {
            publishResult(page, newLoc, dest, dirs[i]);

            // push newLoc onto queue
            locQueue[locQueueTail] = newLoc;
            wasQueued[x][y] = true;

    boolean finished = locQueueHead == locQueueTail;
    Debug.indicate("path", 2, "BFS finished = " + finished + "; locQueueHead = " + locQueueHead);
    writePageMetadata(page, Clock.getRoundNum(), dest, priority, finished);
Exemple #24
  /** Starts the game running. */
  private void startGame() {
     * Initialize everything we're going to be using.
    this.random = new Random();
    this.snake = new LinkedList<>();
    this.directions = new LinkedList<>();
    this.logicTimer = new Clock(9.0f);
    this.isNewGame = true;

    // Set the timer to paused initially.

     * This is the game loop. It will update and render the game and will
     * continue to run until the game window is closed.
    while (true) {
      // Get the current frame's start time.
      long start = System.nanoTime();

      // Update the logic timer.

       * If a cycle has elapsed on the logic timer, then update the game.
      if (logicTimer.hasElapsedCycle()) {

      // Repaint the board and side panel with the new content.

       * Calculate the delta time between since the start of the frame
       * and sleep for the excess time to cap the frame rate. While not
       * incredibly accurate, it is sufficient for our purposes.
      long delta = (System.nanoTime() - start) / 1000000L;
      if (delta < FRAME_TIME) {
        try {
          Thread.sleep(FRAME_TIME - delta);
        } catch (Exception e) {
 public void shouldBeAbleToFreezeClockTime() throws Exception {
   SystemClock systemClock = new SystemClock();
   long before = 0, after = 0;
   new DateAlteringClock(systemClock.currentClockDate()).freeze();
   long frozenTime = Clock.currentTimeInMillis();
   while (after == before) {
     after = systemClock.currentClockTimeInMillis();
     if (before == 0) {
       before = after;
   assertThat(Clock.currentTimeInMillis(), is(frozenTime));
  private static TimeBox generateTimeSpanForDay(Integer unit, Clock clock, TimeBox next) {

    DateTime start;
    DateTime end;

    int nextDay = clock.createDate(next.getEnd()).getDayOfWeek();
    if (nextDay > 5)
      start = clock.createDate(next.getEnd().plusWeeks(1).withDayOfWeek(1).withTime(0, 0, 0, 0));
    else start = clock.createDate(next.getEnd().plusDays(1).withTime(0, 0, 0, 0));

    end = clock.getTime().withTime(23, 59, 59, 99);

    return new TimeBox(start, end);
  private static void runMissile() {
    int lastTurn = Clock.getRoundNum() + GameConstants.MISSILE_LIFESPAN;
    int[] damageRange = {0, 8, 15, 24, 35, 48};
    MapLocation target = null;
    boolean targetMoves = true;

    while (true) {
      myLoc = rc.getLocation();
      int turns = lastTurn - Clock.getRoundNum();

      if (targetMoves) { // Re-acquire the target's location
        RobotInfo[] inRange = rc.senseNearbyRobots(damageRange[turns], enemyTeam);
        if (inRange.length > 0) { // No units to target
          target = inRange[0].location;
          targetMoves = inRange[0].type.canMove();
          rc.setIndicatorString(0, "Missile targetting " + inRange[0].type + "@" + target);
        } else {
          targetMoves = false; // Pick a tower or the HQ
          MapLocation[] enemyTowers = rc.senseEnemyTowerLocations();
          for (MapLocation t : enemyTowers) {
            if (myLoc.distanceSquaredTo(t) <= damageRange[turns]) {
              target = t;
              rc.setIndicatorString(0, "Missile targetting Tower @" + target);
          if (target == null) {
            target = rc.senseEnemyHQLocation();
            rc.setIndicatorString(0, "Missile targetting HQ @" + target);

      try {
        if (target != null) {
          if (myLoc.distanceSquaredTo(target) <= GameConstants.MISSILE_RADIUS_SQUARED) rc.explode();
          else {
            Direction d = myLoc.directionTo(target);
            if (rc.canMove(d)) rc.move(d);
            else if (rc.canMove(d.rotateLeft())) rc.move(d.rotateLeft());
            else if (rc.canMove(d.rotateRight())) rc.move(d.rotateRight());
      } catch (GameActionException e) {
        System.out.println("Missile exception");
        // e.printStackTrace();
Exemple #28
  * Clears all the logs in userlog directory.
  * <p>Adds the job directories for deletion with default retain hours. Deletes all other
  * directories, if any. This is usually called on reinit/restart of the TaskTracker
  * @param conf
  * @throws IOException
 void clearOldUserLogs(Configuration conf) throws IOException {
   File userLogDir = TaskLog.getUserLogDir();
   if (userLogDir.exists()) {
     String[] logDirs = userLogDir.list();
     if (logDirs.length > 0) {
       // add all the log dirs to taskLogsMnonitor.
       long now = clock.getTime();
       for (String logDir : logDirs) {
         if (logDir.equals(logAsyncDisk.TOBEDELETED)) {
           // skip this
         JobID jobid = null;
         try {
           jobid = JobID.forName(logDir);
         } catch (IllegalArgumentException ie) {
           // if the directory is not a jobid, delete it immediately
           deleteLogPath(new File(userLogDir, logDir).getAbsolutePath());
         // add the job log directory with default retain hours, if it is not
         // already added
         if (!completedJobs.containsKey(jobid)) {
           markJobLogsForDeletion(now, conf, jobid);
Exemple #29
  /** Updates the game's logic. */
  private void updateGame() {
     * Gets the type of tile that the head of the snake collided with. If
     * the snake hit a wall, SnakeBody will be returned, as both conditions
     * are handled identically.
    TileType collision = updateSnake();

     * Here we handle the different possible collisions.
     * Fruit: If we collided with a fruit, we increment the number of
     * fruits that we've eaten, update the score, and spawn a new fruit.
     * SnakeBody: If we collided with our tail (or a wall), we flag that
     * the game is over and pause the game.
     * If no collision occurred, we simply decrement the number of points
     * that the next fruit will give us if it's high enough. This adds a
     * bit of skill to the game as collecting fruits more quickly will
     * yield a higher score.
    if (collision == TileType.Fruit) {
      score += nextFruitScore;
    } else if (collision == TileType.SnakeBody) {
      isGameOver = true;
    } else if (nextFruitScore > 10) {
 private void rescaleIfNeeded() {
   final long now = clock.getTick();
   final long next = nextScaleTime.get();
   if (now >= next) {
     rescale(now, next);