public void test_equals() { Character ch1 = new Character('+'); Character ch2 = new Character('+'); Character ch3 = new Character('-'); harness.check(!(!ch1.equals(ch2) || ch1.equals(ch3) || ch1.equals(null)), "test_equals - 1"); }
/** * Transforma a expressão com símbolos especiais para uma expressão equivalente com símbolos * primitivos Exemplo: 'a+' = 'aa*' * * @param expr * @return */ public static String traduzirSimbolosEspeciais(String expr) { while (expr.indexOf("+") != -1) { int pos = expr.indexOf("+"); String duplicate = expr.substring(pos - 1, pos); // Para expressões regulares do tipo '(ab)+', devemos duplicar todo o conteúdo dentro do // parêntese if (duplicate.equals(")")) { int depth = 0; // nível atual de parênteses for (int i = pos - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Character c = expr.charAt(i); if (c.equals(')')) { depth++; } else if (c.equals('(')) { depth--; } if (depth == 0) { duplicate = expr.substring(i, pos); break; } } } expr = expr.replaceFirst("\\+", duplicate + "*"); } return expr; }
/** * @param clazz the class to be handled (read from and wrote to) * @param file the file to be processed */ public void handleConfig(Class<?> clazz, File file) { if (!hasRun) { hasRun = true; for (Field field : clazz.getDeclaredFields()) { for (Annotation annotation : field.getAnnotations()) { if (annotation.annotationType() == Config.String.class) handleString(clazz, field, (Config.String) annotation); else if (annotation.annotationType() == Config.Integer.class) handleInteger(clazz, field, (Config.Integer) annotation); else if (annotation.annotationType() == Config.Boolean.class) handleBoolean(clazz, field, (Config.Boolean) annotation); else if (annotation.annotationType() == Config.List.class) handleList(clazz, field, (Config.List) annotation); else if (annotation.annotationType() == Config.Map.class) handleMap(clazz, field, (Config.Map) annotation); else if (annotation.annotationType() == Config.Long.class) handleLong(clazz, field, (Config.Long) annotation); else if (annotation.annotationType() == Config.Float.class) handleFloat(clazz, field, (Config.Float) annotation); else if (annotation.annotationType() == Config.Double.class) handleDouble(clazz, field, (Config.Double) annotation); else if (annotation.annotationType() == Config.Character.class) handleCharacter(clazz, field, (Config.Character) annotation); } } } try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), "UTF-8"))) { String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (line.contains("{")) { char[] chars = line.toCharArray(); boolean hasNotEncounteredText = true; StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (Character character : chars) { if ((!character.equals(' ') && !character.equals('\t')) || hasNotEncounteredText) { hasNotEncounteredText = false; stringBuilder.append(character); } else if (character.equals(' ')) break; } categories .getOrDefault(stringBuilder.toString(), categories.get("General")) .read(clazz, reader); } } } catch (IOException ignored) { } StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); categories.values().forEach(category -> category.write(stringBuilder)); String fileString = stringBuilder.toString(); try (BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(file), "UTF-8"))) { writer.append(fileString); } catch (IOException ignored) { } }
@Override public boolean equals(final Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } final CSVFormat other = (CSVFormat) obj; if (delimiter != other.delimiter) { return false; } if (quotePolicy != other.quotePolicy) { return false; } if (quoteChar == null) { if (other.quoteChar != null) { return false; } } else if (!quoteChar.equals(other.quoteChar)) { return false; } if (commentStart == null) { if (other.commentStart != null) { return false; } } else if (!commentStart.equals(other.commentStart)) { return false; } if (escape == null) { if (other.escape != null) { return false; } } else if (!escape.equals(other.escape)) { return false; } if (!Arrays.equals(header, other.header)) { return false; } if (ignoreSurroundingSpaces != other.ignoreSurroundingSpaces) { return false; } if (ignoreEmptyLines != other.ignoreEmptyLines) { return false; } if (recordSeparator == null) { if (other.recordSeparator != null) { return false; } } else if (!recordSeparator.equals(other.recordSeparator)) { return false; } return true; }
public Boundary predict(Collection<Chunk> chunks) { if (chunks == null || chunks.size() < 2) return null; List<Chunk> sortedChunks = new LinkedList<Chunk>(chunks); Collections.sort(sortedChunks); int leftBoundaryWidth = 0; int rightBoundaryWidth = 0; boolean leftMatches = true; boolean rightMatches = true; Chunk chunk0 = sortedChunks.get(0); String whole = chunk0.getWhole(); do { Character leftBoundaryChar = chunk0.getSymbolOutside(-leftBoundaryWidth - 1); Character rightBoundaryChar = chunk0.getSymbolOutside(rightBoundaryWidth + 1); if (leftBoundaryChar != null) { for (int i = 1; i < sortedChunks.size(); i++) { Chunk iChunk = sortedChunks.get(i); if (!leftBoundaryChar.equals(iChunk.getSymbolOutside(-leftBoundaryWidth - 1))) leftMatches = false; } if (leftMatches) { leftBoundaryWidth++; } } else { leftMatches = false; } if (rightBoundaryChar != null) { for (int i = 1; i < sortedChunks.size(); i++) { Chunk iChunk = sortedChunks.get(i); if (!rightBoundaryChar.equals(iChunk.getSymbolOutside(rightBoundaryWidth + 1))) rightMatches = false; } if (rightMatches) { rightBoundaryWidth++; } } else { rightMatches = false; } if (!leftMatches && !rightMatches && leftBoundaryWidth == 0 && rightBoundaryWidth == 0) return null; } while (leftMatches || rightMatches); String start = whole.substring(chunk0.getStartIndex() - leftBoundaryWidth, chunk0.getStartIndex()); String end = whole.substring(chunk0.getEndIndex(), chunk0.getEndIndex() + rightBoundaryWidth); return new Boundary(start, end); }
private void process(Character command) { if (command.equals('L')) { turnLeft(); } else if (command.equals('R')) { turnRight(); } else if (command.equals('M')) { move(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Speak in Mars language, please!"); } }
private static boolean checkWildcardCompatibility(String txt1, String txt2) { if (txt1.length() != txt2.length()) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < txt1.length(); i++) { Character t1 = txt1.charAt(i); Character t2 = txt2.charAt(i); if (!(t1.equals('*') || t2.equals('*') || t1.equals(t2))) { return false; } } return true; }
/** * Retorna em qual posição da expressão encontra-se o operador especificado, sem "entrar" em * parênteses Ou seja, sub-expressões dentro de parênteses não são consideradas pela busca Retorna * -1 caso o caracter não tenha sido encontrado * * @param expr * @param op * @return A primeira posição encontrada do operador op ou -1 caso não encontrado */ public static int posOperador(String expr, Character op) { int nivel = 0; // Nível atual de parêntese int i = 0; for (Character e : expr.toCharArray()) { if (e.equals('(')) { nivel++; } else if (e.equals(')')) { nivel--; } else if (e.equals(op) && nivel == 0) { return i; } i++; } return -1; }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; // алфавит String abc = "абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя"; char[] abcArray = abc.toCharArray(); ArrayList<Character> alphabet = new ArrayList<Character>(); for (int i = 0; i < abcArray.length; i++) { alphabet.add(abcArray[i]); } // ввод строк ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { String s = reader.readLine(); list.add(s.toLowerCase()); } String s = ""; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) s += list.get(i).toString(); // бежим по массиву букв for (Character c1 : alphabet) { int count = 0; for (Character c2 : s.toCharArray()) // бежим по массиву строки { if (c2.equals(c1)) count++; // если символы совпадают, то счетчик +1 } System.out.println( c1 + " " + count); // по окончании проверки печатаем и переходим к следующей букве } // напишите тут ваш код }
/** * Move the cursor <i>where</i> characters, withough checking the current buffer. * * @see #where * @param where the number of characters to move to the right or left. */ private final void moveInternal(final int where) throws IOException { // debug ("move cursor " + where + " (" // + buf.cursor + " => " + (buf.cursor + where) + ")"); buf.cursor += where; char c; if (where < 0) { int len = 0; for (int i = buf.cursor; i < buf.cursor - where; i++) { if (buf.getBuffer().charAt(i) == '\t') len += TAB_WIDTH; else len++; } char cbuf[] = new char[len]; Arrays.fill(cbuf, BACKSPACE); out.write(cbuf); return; } else if (buf.cursor == 0) { return; } else if (mask != null) { c = mask.charValue(); } else { printCharacters(buf.buffer.substring(buf.cursor - where, buf.cursor).toCharArray()); return; } // null character mask: don't output anything if (NULL_MASK.equals(mask)) { return; } printCharacters(c, Math.abs(where)); }
public String modify() { // actually, uses just for account access reset DAO dao = new DAO(); UserManagement userTmp = new UserManagement(); UserManagement userToModify = new UserManagement(); userTmp.setUserCode(userToModify.getUserCode()); UserManagement userFromDB = new UserManagement(); userFromDB = (UserManagement) dao.load( UserManagement.class, UserParamSearchBB.userManagementAPasser.getUserCode(), userTmp); if (userFromDB.getNbreSessionConnected() != 0) { BuildMessage.addMessage( null, "User activity detected: ", " he can't be updated", FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR); return null; } if (!(userName.length() > 0)) { BuildMessage.addMessage( null, "User validation: ", " User name is required", FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR); return null; } if (ipAddress != null && ipAddress.trim() == "" && ipAddressMang.equals("Y")) { BuildMessage.addMessage( null, "IP management: ", " User IP address is required", FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR); return null; } if (!(dateEndPass != null) && expirationMang.equals('Y')) { BuildMessage.addMessage( null, "Password management: ", " Expiry date for password is required", FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR); return null; } buildUserWithoutPassword(userFromDB); dao.saveOrUpdate(userFromDB); // dao.delete(userFromDB.getUserHabilitationParams()); returnMessageBeforeTrx( "userManagement", userFromDB.getUserCode(), userFromDB.getUserName(), dao.isSuccessOperation(), 'U'); dao.getSession().flush(); UserParamSearchBB.actionDone = false; return null; }
protected Token TrataOperadorRelacional() throws Exception { String op = "" + caracter; Token tk = null; switch (op) { case "<": lerCaracter(); if (caracter.equals('=')) { op = op + caracter; token.add(new Token("<=", "smenorig")); tk = new Token("<=", "smenorig"); lerCaracter(); } else { token.add(new Token("<", "smenor")); tk = new Token("<", "smenor"); } break; case ">": lerCaracter(); if (caracter.equals('=')) { op = op + caracter; token.add(new Token(">=", "smaiorig")); tk = new Token(">=", "smaiorig"); lerCaracter(); } else { token.add(new Token(">", "smaior")); tk = new Token(">", "smaior"); } break; case "=": token.add(new Token("=", "sig")); tk = new Token("=", "sig"); lerCaracter(); break; case "!": lerCaracter(); if (caracter.equals('=')) { op = op + caracter; token.add(new Token("!=", "sdif")); tk = new Token("!=", "sdif"); lerCaracter(); } else break; } return tk; }
@Override public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { Character c = e.getKeyChar(); if (c.equals('\n') && charsRead == ID_LENGTH && !this.nid.equals("")) { nid = nid.substring(1, 9); addSubjectToAttendeeList(nid); card.updateModelViews(); } if (c.equals(START_CHAR)) { enableRecorder(); return; } // Not Recording Key Entries if (!this.recordingKeyEntry) { return; } // Error: ID too short if (c.equals(END_CHAR) && charsRead < ID_LENGTH) { disableRecroder(); return; } // Error: id too long if (charsRead > ID_LENGTH) { disableRecroder(); return; } // Valid: end valid length ID string if (c.equals(END_CHAR) && charsRead == ID_LENGTH) { disableRecroder(); System.out.println(this.nid); // System.out.println(e.getSource().toString()); } if (this.recordingKeyEntry) { this.nid = this.nid + c; ++charsRead; } }
private static Letter getLetterByName(Character name, List<Letter> letterList) { for (Letter letter : letterList) { if (name.equals(letter.getName())) { return letter; } } return null; }
/** * Verifies the consistency of the parameters and throws an IllegalStateException if necessary. * * @throws IllegalStateException */ void validate() throws IllegalStateException { if (quoteChar != null && delimiter == quoteChar.charValue()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "The quoteChar character and the delimiter cannot be the same ('" + quoteChar + "')"); } if (escape != null && delimiter == escape.charValue()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "The escape character and the delimiter cannot be the same ('" + escape + "')"); } if (commentStart != null && delimiter == commentStart.charValue()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "The comment start character and the delimiter cannot be the same ('" + commentStart + "')"); } if (quoteChar != null && quoteChar.equals(commentStart)) { throw new IllegalStateException( "The comment start character and the quoteChar cannot be the same ('" + commentStart + "')"); } if (escape != null && escape.equals(commentStart)) { throw new IllegalStateException( "The comment start and the escape character cannot be the same ('" + commentStart + "')"); } if (escape == null && quotePolicy == Quote.NONE) { throw new IllegalStateException("No quotes mode set but no escape character is set"); } if (header != null) { final Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>(header.length); set.addAll(Arrays.asList(header)); if (set.size() != header.length) { throw new IllegalStateException( "The header contains duplicate names: " + Arrays.toString(header)); } } }
public static String generateRandomSalt() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(saltLenth); for (int i = 0; i < saltLenth; i++) { Character c = availableChars.charAt(random.nextInt(availableChars.length())); while (c.equals('\\')) { c = availableChars.charAt(random.nextInt(availableChars.length())); } builder.append(c); } return builder.toString(); }
Character[] orderArray1(Character[] ordering, Character[] input) { Collection<Character> results = new ArrayList<>(); for (Character c1 : ordering) { for (Character c2 : input) { if (c2.equals(c1)) { results.add(c1); } } } return results.toArray(new Character[results.size()]); }
private Boolean esParentesisRedundante(String criterio) { Character c; Stack<Character> pila = new Stack<Character>(); for (Integer i = 0; i < criterio.length(); i++) { c = criterio.charAt(i); if (c.equals('(')) { pila.push(c); } if (c.equals(')')) { if (!pila.empty()) { pila.pop(); } else { return false; } } } if (pila.empty()) { return true; } else { return false; } }
private String getDelimiter(String text) { if (StringUtils.contains(text, "//") && StringUtils.indexOf(text, "//") == 0) { Character delimiterDummy = text.charAt(2); int end; for (end = 2; end < text.length(); end++) { Character currItem = text.charAt(end); if (!currItem.equals(delimiterDummy)) { break; } } return text.substring(2, end); } return null; }
protected Token TrataAtribuicao() throws Exception { lerCaracter(); Token tk; if (caracter.equals('=')) { token.add(new Token(":=", "satribuicao")); tk = new Token(":=", "satribuicao"); lerCaracter(); } else { token.add(new Token(":", "sdoispontos")); tk = new Token(":", "sdoispontos"); } return tk; }
private boolean verificarCadena(char[] evaluar) { boolean stay = true; for (int i = 0; i < evaluar.length; i++) { for (Character c : alfabeto) { if (c.equals(evaluar[i])) { stay = true; break; } else { stay = false; } } } return stay; }
protected Token TrataPontuacao() throws Exception { String op = "" + caracter; Token tk = null; switch (op) { case ".": token.add(new Token(op, "sponto")); tk = new Token(op, "sponto"); break; case ";": token.add(new Token(op, "sponto_virgula")); tk = new Token(op, "sponto_virgula"); this.flag_pontovirgula = true; break; case ",": token.add(new Token(op, "svirgula")); tk = new Token(op, "svirgula"); break; case "(": token.add(new Token(op, "sabre_parenteses")); tk = new Token(op, "sabre_parenteses"); break; case ")": token.add(new Token(op, "sfecha_parenteses")); tk = new Token(op, "sfecha_parenteses"); break; } lerCaracter(); /* if(this.flag_pontovirgula == true && !caracter.equals('\n') || !caracter.equals('\r')){ System.out.println("Erro Ponto e Virgula"); System.exit(-1); } else{ this.flag_pontovirgula = false; } */ if (caracter.equals('"')) { lerCaracter(); } return tk; }
private Map<Integer, Integer> obtenerPosicionesParentesisExternos(String expresion) { Map<Integer, Integer> result = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); if (expresion.isEmpty()) return result; List<Integer> pilaParentesis = new ArrayList<Integer>(); Character c; for (Integer i = 0; i < expresion.length(); i++) { c = expresion.charAt(i); if (c.equals('(')) pilaParentesis.add(i); if (c.equals(')')) { if (pilaParentesis.size() == 1) result.put(pilaParentesis.get(0), i); pilaParentesis.remove(pilaParentesis.size() - 1); } } return result; }
/** Test whether transitions are equal. */ public static boolean transitionsEqual(Transition t1, Transition t2) { String name1 = t1.getDestination().getName(); String name2 = t2.getDestination().getName(); Character outchar1 = t1.getOutputCharacter(); Character outchar2 = t2.getOutputCharacter(); boolean outchars_equal; if (outchar1 == null) { outchars_equal = outchar2 == null; } else { outchars_equal = outchar1.equals(outchar2); } return name1.equals(name2) && t1.getInputCharacters().equals(t2.getInputCharacters()) && outchars_equal && t1.getMovement() == t2.getMovement(); }
/** * 读取一项数据 * * @param ends 结束符, 默认' ', '\r', '\n' * @return * @throws IOException */ public String readItem(char... ends) throws IOException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); while (true) { switch (peek()) { case ' ': case '\r': case '\n': case -1: return sb.toString(); default: for (Character c : ends) { if (c.equals(peek())) { return sb.toString(); } } sb.append((char) poll()); } } }
public static boolean isPalindrom(String theString) { int stringLength, div2Length; int i, j; Stack aStack = new Stack(); stringLength = theString.length(); div2Length = stringLength / 2; for (i = 0; i < div2Length; i++) { Character C = new Character(theString.charAt(i)); aStack.push(C); } if (stringLength % 2 != 0) i++; for (j = i; j < stringLength; j++) { Character C = new Character(theString.charAt(j)); if (!(C.equals(aStack.pop()))) return false; } return true; }
// It is a short program, and every word is important for its correctness public static boolean is_valid_parentheses(final String input) { assert input != null; HashMap<Character, Character> charMap = new HashMap<Character, Character>(); charMap.put('{', '}'); charMap.put('[', ']'); charMap.put('(', ')'); Stack<Character> st = new Stack<Character>(); for (Character ch : input.toCharArray()) { if (charMap.containsKey(ch)) { st.push(ch); } else if (charMap.containsValue(ch)) { if (!st.empty() && ch.equals(charMap.get(st.peek()))) { st.pop(); } } } return st.empty(); }
public Character lerCaracter() throws Exception { // this.caracter = memory[cont]; int r; if ((r = != -1) { caracter = (char) r; if (caracter.equals('}') && flag == 0) { System.out.println("erro lexico: fecha parentesis"); System.exit(-1); } cont++; } else { System.out.println("***** End of File!!!! *****"); // System.exit(-1); } return caracter; }
public String rewrite(String query) throws SQLException { if (query == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("You must specify specify a 'query'."); } State state = new State(query); for (state.cursor = 0; state.cursor < query.length(); state.cursor++) { char currentCharacter = query.charAt(state.cursor); switch (currentCharacter) { case '\'': case '\"': case '`': Character onStack = state.stack.peekFirst(); if (onStack != null && onStack.equals(currentCharacter)) { state.stack.removeFirst(); } else { state.stack.addFirst(currentCharacter); } processWordStartOrMiddle(state); break; case ' ': case ',': case ';': if (state.stack.isEmpty()) { processWordEnding(state); } processWordStartOrMiddle(state); break; default: processWordStartOrMiddle(state); break; } } processWordEnding(state); return state.output.toString(); }
private final char getRandomBase(Character toExclude) { Character result = null; while (result == null) { double base = this.randGenerator.nextDouble(); if (base < 0.25) { result = 'A'; } else if (base < 0.5) { result = 'C'; } else if (base < 0.75) { result = 'G'; } else { result = 'T'; } if (toExclude != null && toExclude.equals(result)) { result = null; } } return result; }