public void rotate(double theta, boolean flipH, boolean flipV, double cx, double cy) {
    cx += state.dx;
    cy += state.dy;
    cx *= state.scale;
    cy *= state.scale;
    state.g.rotate(Math.toRadians(theta), cx, cy);

    // This implementation uses custom scale/translate and built-in rotation
    // Rotation state is part of the AffineTransform in state.transform
    if (flipH && flipV) {
      theta += 180;
    } else if (flipH ^ flipV) {
      double tx = (flipH) ? cx : 0;
      int sx = (flipH) ? -1 : 1;

      double ty = (flipV) ? cy : 0;
      int sy = (flipV) ? -1 : 1;

      state.g.translate(tx, ty);
      state.g.scale(sx, sy);
      state.g.translate(-tx, -ty);

    state.theta = theta;
    state.rotationCx = cx;
    state.rotationCy = cy;
    state.flipH = flipH;
    state.flipV = flipV;
 /** Caches color conversion as it is expensive. */
 public void setStrokeColor(String value) {
   // Lazy and cached instantiation strategy for all stroke properties
   if (state.strokeColorValue == null || !state.strokeColorValue.equals(value)) {
     state.strokeColorValue = value;
     state.strokeColor = null;
  public void setFillColor(String value) {
    if (state.fillColorValue == null || !state.fillColorValue.equals(value)) {
      state.fillColorValue = value;
      state.fillColor = null;

      // Setting fill color resets gradient paint
      state.gradientPaint = null;
  public void setGradient(
      String color1,
      String color2,
      double x,
      double y,
      double w,
      double h,
      String direction,
      double alpha1,
      double alpha2) {
    // LATER: Add lazy instantiation and check if paint already created
    float x1 = (float) ((state.dx + x) * state.scale);
    float y1 = (float) ((state.dy + y) * state.scale);
    float x2 = (float) x1;
    float y2 = (float) y1;
    h *= state.scale;
    w *= state.scale;

    if (direction == null
        || direction.length() == 0
        || direction.equals(mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH)) {
      y2 = (float) (y1 + h);
    } else if (direction.equals(mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST)) {
      x2 = (float) (x1 + w);
    } else if (direction.equals(mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH)) {
      y1 = (float) (y1 + h);
    } else if (direction.equals(mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST)) {
      x1 = (float) (x1 + w);

    Color c1 = parseColor(color1);

    if (alpha1 != 1) {
      c1 = new Color(c1.getRed(), c1.getGreen(), c1.getBlue(), (int) (alpha1 * 255));

    Color c2 = parseColor(color2);

    if (alpha2 != 1) {
      c2 = new Color(c2.getRed(), c2.getGreen(), c2.getBlue(), (int) (alpha2 * 255));

    state.gradientPaint = new GradientPaint(x1, y1, c1, x2, y2, c2, true);

    // Resets fill color
    state.fillColorValue = null;
  protected void paintCurrentPath(boolean filled, boolean stroked) {
    if (currentPath != null) {
      if (stroked) {
        if (state.strokeColor == null) {
          state.strokeColor = parseColor(state.strokeColorValue);

        if (state.strokeColor != null) {

      if (filled) {
        if (state.gradientPaint == null && state.fillColor == null) {
          state.fillColor = parseColor(state.fillColorValue);

      if (state.shadow) {
        paintShadow(filled, stroked);

      if (filled) {
        if (state.gradientPaint != null) {
        } else {
          if (state.fillColor == null) {
            state.fillColor = parseColor(state.fillColorValue);

          if (state.fillColor != null) {

      if (stroked && state.strokeColor != null) {
  /** Returns a clone of thec given state. */
  protected CanvasState cloneState(CanvasState state) {
    try {
      return (CanvasState) state.clone();
    } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {

    return null;
  /** Constructs a new graphics export canvas. */
  public mxGraphicsCanvas2D(Graphics2D g) {
    state.g = g;

    // Initializes the cell renderer pane for drawing HTML markup
    try {
      rendererPane = new CellRendererPane();
    } catch (Exception e) {
      // ignore
  public void setDashPattern(String value) {
    if (value != null && value.length() > 0) {
      String[] tokens = value.split(" ");
      float[] dashpattern = new float[tokens.length];

      for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
        dashpattern[i] = (float) (Float.parseFloat(tokens[i]));

      state.dashPattern = dashpattern;
  protected void paintShadow(boolean filled, boolean stroked) {
    if (state.shadowColor == null) {
      state.shadowColor = parseColor(state.shadowColorValue);

    if (state.shadowColor != null) {
      double rad = -state.theta * (Math.PI / 180);
      double cos = Math.cos(rad);
      double sin = Math.sin(rad);

      double dx = state.shadowOffsetX * state.scale;
      double dy = state.shadowOffsetY * state.scale;

      if (state.flipH) {
        dx *= -1;

      if (state.flipV) {
        dy *= -1;

      double tx = dx * cos - dy * sin;
      double ty = dx * sin + dy * cos;

      state.g.translate(tx, ty);

      double alpha = state.alpha * state.shadowAlpha;

      Composite comp = state.g.getComposite();
      state.g.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, (float) (alpha)));

      if (filled && (state.gradientPaint != null || state.fillColor != null)) {

      // FIXME: Overlaps with fill in composide mode
      if (stroked && state.strokeColor != null) {

      state.g.translate(-tx, -ty);
 public void setFontBorderColor(String value) {
   if (state.fontBorderColorValue == null || !state.fontBorderColorValue.equals(value)) {
     state.fontBorderColorValue = value;
     state.fontBorderColor = null;
 public void setFontSize(double value) {
   if (value != state.fontSize) {
     state.fontSize = value;
 public void setMiterLimit(double value) {
   if (value != state.miterLimit) {
     state.miterLimit = value;
 public void setLineJoin(String value) {
   if (!state.lineJoin.equals(value)) {
     state.lineJoin = value;
 public void setShadow(boolean value) {
   state.shadow = value;
 public void setAlpha(double value) {
   if (state.alpha != value) {
     state.g.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, (float) (value)));
     state.alpha = value;
 public void setStrokeWidth(double value) {
   // Lazy and cached instantiation strategy for all stroke properties
   if (value != state.strokeWidth) {
     state.strokeWidth = value;
 public void setShadowAlpha(double value) {
   state.shadowAlpha = value;
 public void translate(double dx, double dy) {
   // This implementation uses custom scale/translate and built-in rotation
   state.dx += dx;
   state.dy += dy;
 public void scale(double value) {
   // This implementation uses custom scale/translate and built-in rotation
   state.scale = state.scale * value;
 /** Saves the current canvas state. */
 public void save() {
   state = cloneState(state);
   state.g = (Graphics2D) state.g.create();
 public void setFontFamily(String value) {
   if (!state.fontFamily.equals(value)) {
     state.fontFamily = value;
 public void setFontStyle(int value) {
   if (value != state.fontStyle) {
     state.fontStyle = value;
 public void setDashed(boolean value) {
   // Lazy and cached instantiation strategy for all stroke properties
   if (value != state.dashed) {
     state.dashed = value;
 public void setShadowColor(String value) {
   state.shadowColorValue = value;
 public void setLineCap(String value) {
   if (!state.lineCap.equals(value)) {
     state.lineCap = value;
  /** Draws the given text. */
  public void plainText(
      double x,
      double y,
      double w,
      double h,
      String str,
      String align,
      String valign,
      boolean wrap,
      String format,
      String overflow,
      boolean clip,
      double rotation) {
    if (state.fontColor == null) {
      state.fontColor = parseColor(state.fontColorValue);

    if (state.fontColor != null) {
      x = (state.dx + x) * state.scale;
      y = (state.dy + y) * state.scale;
      w *= state.scale;
      h *= state.scale;

      // Font-metrics needed below this line
      Graphics2D g2 = createTextGraphics(x, y, w, h, rotation, clip, align, valign);
      FontMetrics fm = g2.getFontMetrics();
      String[] lines = str.split("\n");

      int[] stringWidths = new int[lines.length];
      int textWidth = 0;

      for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
        stringWidths[i] = fm.stringWidth(lines[i]);
        textWidth = Math.max(textWidth, stringWidths[i]);

      int textHeight =
          (int) Math.round(lines.length * (fm.getFont().getSize() * mxConstants.LINE_HEIGHT));

      if (clip && textHeight > h && h > 0) {
        textHeight = (int) h;

      Point2D margin = getMargin(align, valign);
      x += margin.getX() * textWidth;
      y += margin.getY() * textHeight;

      if (state.fontBackgroundColorValue != null) {
        if (state.fontBackgroundColor == null) {
          state.fontBackgroundColor = parseColor(state.fontBackgroundColorValue);

        if (state.fontBackgroundColor != null) {
          g2.fillRect((int) Math.round(x), (int) Math.round(y - 1), textWidth + 1, textHeight + 2);

      if (state.fontBorderColorValue != null) {
        if (state.fontBorderColor == null) {
          state.fontBorderColor = parseColor(state.fontBorderColorValue);

        if (state.fontBorderColor != null) {
          g2.drawRect((int) Math.round(x), (int) Math.round(y - 1), textWidth + 1, textHeight + 2);

      y += fm.getHeight() - fm.getDescent() - (margin.getY() + 0.5);

      for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
        double dx = 0;

        if (align != null) {
          if (align.equals(mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER)) {
            dx = (textWidth - stringWidths[i]) / 2;
          } else if (align.equals(mxConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT)) {
            dx = textWidth - stringWidths[i];

        // Adds support for underlined text via attributed character iterator
        if (!lines[i].isEmpty()) {
          if ((state.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_UNDERLINE) == mxConstants.FONT_UNDERLINE) {
            AttributedString as = new AttributedString(lines[i]);
            as.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FONT, g2.getFont());
            as.addAttribute(TextAttribute.UNDERLINE, TextAttribute.UNDERLINE_ON);

            g2.drawString(as.getIterator(), (int) Math.round(x + dx), (int) Math.round(y));
          } else {
            g2.drawString(lines[i], (int) Math.round(x + dx), (int) Math.round(y));

        y += (int) Math.round(fm.getFont().getSize() * mxConstants.LINE_HEIGHT);
 public void setShadowOffset(double dx, double dy) {
   state.shadowOffsetX = dx;
   state.shadowOffsetY = dy;