Exemple #1
 protected boolean isQueryable(CallSpecification callSpec) {
   if (callSpec.parameterCount() == 0) {
     return true;
   String branchName = callSpec.parameter(0);
   for (String queryableBranchName : connector.getQueryableBranches()) {
     if (branchName.equalsIgnoreCase(queryableBranchName)) {
       return true;
   return false;
Exemple #2
 public Document execute(
     Repository repository,
     Git git,
     CallSpecification spec,
     PageWriter writer,
     Values values,
     PageKey pageKey)
     throws GitAPIException, IOException {
   if (spec.parameterCount() != 0) return null;
   addCommitsAsPageOfChildren(git, repository, spec, writer, pageKey);
   return writer.document();
Exemple #3
  public Document execute(
      Repository repository, Git git, CallSpecification spec, DocumentWriter writer, Values values)
      throws GitAPIException, IOException {
    if (spec.parameterCount() == 0) {
      // This is the top-level "/branches" node

      // Generate the child references to the branches and tags. Branches are likely used more
      // often, so list them first...
      addBranchesAsChildren(git, spec, writer);
      addTagsAsChildren(git, spec, writer);
      addCommitsAsChildren(git, spec, writer, pageSize);

    } else if (spec.parameterCount() == 1) {
      // This is a particular branch/tag/commit node ...
      String branchOrTagOrObjectId = spec.parameter(0);
      ObjectId objId = resolveBranchOrTagOrCommitId(repository, branchOrTagOrObjectId);
      RevWalk walker = new RevWalk(repository);
      walker.setRetainBody(true); // we need to parse the commit for the top-level
      try {
        RevCommit commit = walker.parseCommit(objId);

        // Add the properties for this node ...
        String committer = commit.getCommitterIdent().getName();
        String author = commit.getAuthorIdent().getName();
        DateTime committed = values.dateFrom(commit.getCommitTime());
        writer.addProperty(JcrLexicon.CREATED, committed);
        writer.addProperty(JcrLexicon.CREATED_BY, committer);
        writer.addProperty(GitLexicon.OBJECT_ID, objId.name());
        writer.addProperty(GitLexicon.AUTHOR, author);
        writer.addProperty(GitLexicon.COMMITTER, committer);
        writer.addProperty(GitLexicon.COMMITTED, committed);
        writer.addProperty(GitLexicon.TITLE, commit.getShortMessage());
            GitHistory.referenceToHistory(objId, branchOrTagOrObjectId, values));
        writer.addProperty(GitLexicon.DETAIL, GitCommitDetails.referenceToCommit(objId, values));

        // Add the top-level children of the directory ...
        addInformationForPath(repository, git, writer, commit, "", spec, values);

      } finally {

    } else {
      // This is a folder or file within the directory structure ...
      String branchOrTagOrObjectId = spec.parameter(0);
      String path = spec.parametersAsPath(1);
      ObjectId objId = resolveBranchOrTagOrCommitId(repository, branchOrTagOrObjectId);
      RevWalk walker = new RevWalk(repository);
      walker.setRetainBody(false); // we don't need top-level commit information
      try {
        // Get the commit information ...
        RevCommit commit = walker.parseCommit(objId);

        // Add the top-level children of the directory ...
        addInformationForPath(repository, git, writer, commit, path, spec, values);

      } finally {
    return writer.document();
Exemple #4
  protected void addInformationForPath(
      Repository repository,
      Git git,
      DocumentWriter writer,
      RevCommit commit,
      String path,
      CallSpecification spec,
      Values values)
      throws GitAPIException, IOException {
    // Make sure the path is in the canonical form we need ...
    if (path.startsWith("/")) {
      if (path.length() == 1) path = "";
      else path = path.substring(1);

    // Now see if we're actually referring to the "jcr:content" node ...
    boolean isContentNode = false;
    if (path.endsWith(JCR_CONTENT_SUFFIX)) {
      isContentNode = true;
      path = path.substring(0, path.length() - JCR_CONTENT_SUFFIX.length());

    // Create the TreeWalk that we'll use to navigate the files/directories ...
    final TreeWalk tw = new TreeWalk(repository);
    if ("".equals(path)) {
      // This is the top-level directory, so we don't need to pre-walk to find anything ...
      while (tw.next()) {
        String childName = tw.getNameString();
        String childId = spec.childId(childName);
        writer.addChild(childId, childName);
    } else {
      // We need to first find our path *before* we can walk the children ...
      PathFilter filter = PathFilter.create(path);
      while (tw.next()) {
        if (filter.isDone(tw)) {
        } else if (tw.isSubtree()) {
      // Now that the TreeWalk is the in right location given by the 'path', we can get the
      if (tw.isSubtree()) {
        // The object at the 'path' is a directory, so go into it ...

        // Find the commit in which this folder was last modified ...
        // This may not be terribly efficient, but it seems to work faster on subsequent runs ...
        RevCommit folderCommit = git.log().addPath(path).call().iterator().next();

        // Add folder-related properties ...
        String committer = folderCommit.getCommitterIdent().getName();
        String author = folderCommit.getAuthorIdent().getName();
        DateTime committed = values.dateFrom(folderCommit.getCommitTime());
        writer.addProperty(JcrLexicon.CREATED, committed);
        writer.addProperty(JcrLexicon.CREATED_BY, committer);
        writer.addProperty(GitLexicon.OBJECT_ID, folderCommit.getId().name());
        writer.addProperty(GitLexicon.AUTHOR, author);
        writer.addProperty(GitLexicon.COMMITTER, committer);
        writer.addProperty(GitLexicon.COMMITTED, committed);
        writer.addProperty(GitLexicon.TITLE, folderCommit.getShortMessage());

        // And now walk the contents of the directory ...
        while (tw.next()) {
          String childName = tw.getNameString();
          String childId = spec.childId(childName);
          writer.addChild(childId, childName);
      } else {
        // The path specifies a file (or a content node) ...

        // Find the commit in which this folder was last modified ...
        // This may not be terribly efficient, but it seems to work faster on subsequent runs ...
        RevCommit fileCommit = git.log().addPath(path).call().iterator().next();

        // Add file-related properties ...
        String committer = fileCommit.getCommitterIdent().getName();
        String author = fileCommit.getAuthorIdent().getName();
        DateTime committed = values.dateFrom(fileCommit.getCommitTime());
        if (isContentNode) {
          writer.addProperty(JcrLexicon.LAST_MODIFIED, committed);
          writer.addProperty(JcrLexicon.LAST_MODIFIED_BY, committer);
          writer.addProperty(GitLexicon.OBJECT_ID, fileCommit.getId().name());
          writer.addProperty(GitLexicon.AUTHOR, author);
          writer.addProperty(GitLexicon.COMMITTER, committer);
          writer.addProperty(GitLexicon.COMMITTED, committed);
          writer.addProperty(GitLexicon.TITLE, fileCommit.getShortMessage());
          // Create the BinaryValue ...
          ObjectId fileObjectId = tw.getObjectId(0);
          ObjectLoader fileLoader = repository.open(fileObjectId);
          BinaryKey key = new BinaryKey(fileObjectId.getName());
          BinaryValue value = values.binaryFor(key, fileLoader.getSize());
          if (value == null) {
            // It wasn't found in the binary store ...
            if (fileLoader.isLarge()) {
              // Too large to hold in memory, so use the binary store (which reads the file
              // immediately) ...
              value = values.binaryFrom(fileLoader.openStream());
            } else {
              // This is small enough to fit into a byte[], but it still may be pretty big ...
              value =
                  new GitBinaryValue(
          writer.addProperty(JcrLexicon.DATA, value);
          if (connector.includeMimeType()) {
            try {
              String filename =
                  spec.parameter(spec.parameterCount() - 1); // the last is 'jcr:content'
              String mimeType = value.getMimeType(filename);
              if (mimeType != null) writer.addProperty(JcrLexicon.MIMETYPE, mimeType);
            } catch (RepositoryException e) {
              // do nothing
            } catch (IOException e) {
              // do nothing
        } else {
          writer.addProperty(JcrLexicon.CREATED, committed);
          writer.addProperty(JcrLexicon.CREATED_BY, committer);
          writer.addProperty(GitLexicon.OBJECT_ID, fileCommit.getId().name());
          writer.addProperty(GitLexicon.AUTHOR, author);
          writer.addProperty(GitLexicon.COMMITTER, committer);
          writer.addProperty(GitLexicon.COMMITTED, committed);
          writer.addProperty(GitLexicon.TITLE, fileCommit.getShortMessage());

          // Add the "jcr:content" child node ...
          String childId = spec.childId(JCR_CONTENT);
          writer.addChild(childId, JCR_CONTENT);