 public void testStaticInit()
     throws ClassHierarchyException, IllegalArgumentException, CancelException, IOException {
   AnalysisScope scope =
           TestConstants.WALA_TESTDATA, CallGraphTestUtil.REGRESSION_EXCLUSIONS);
   ClassHierarchy cha = ClassHierarchy.make(scope);
   Iterable<Entrypoint> entrypoints =
           scope, cha, "LstaticInit/TestStaticInit");
   AnalysisOptions options = CallGraphTestUtil.makeAnalysisOptions(scope, entrypoints);
   CallGraph cg = CallGraphTestUtil.buildZeroCFA(options, new AnalysisCache(), cha, scope, false);
   boolean foundDoNothing = false;
   for (CGNode n : cg) {
     if (n.toString().contains("doNothing")) {
       foundDoNothing = true;
   cg = CallGraphTestUtil.buildZeroCFA(options, new AnalysisCache(), cha, scope, false);
   for (CGNode n : cg) {
  public void testIO()
      throws ClassHierarchyException, IllegalArgumentException, CancelException, IOException {
    AnalysisScope scope =
            "primordial.txt", CallGraphTestUtil.REGRESSION_EXCLUSIONS);
    ClassHierarchy cha = ClassHierarchy.make(scope);
    Iterable<Entrypoint> entrypoints = makePrimordialPublicEntrypoints(scope, cha, "java/io");
    AnalysisOptions options = CallGraphTestUtil.makeAnalysisOptions(scope, entrypoints);

    CallGraphTestUtil.buildZeroCFA(options, new AnalysisCache(), cha, scope, false);
  public void testPrimordial()
      throws ClassHierarchyException, IllegalArgumentException, CancelException, IOException {
    if (useShortProfile()) {

    AnalysisScope scope =
            (System.getProperty("os.name").equals("Mac OS X"))
                ? "Java60RegressionExclusions.txt"
                : "GUIExclusions.txt");
    ClassHierarchy cha = ClassHierarchy.make(scope);
    Iterable<Entrypoint> entrypoints = makePrimordialMainEntrypoints(scope, cha);
    AnalysisOptions options = CallGraphTestUtil.makeAnalysisOptions(scope, entrypoints);

    CallGraphTestUtil.buildZeroCFA(options, new AnalysisCache(), cha, scope, false);
   * TODO: refactor this to avoid excessive code bloat.
   * @throws CancelException
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException
  public static void doCallGraphs(
      AnalysisOptions options,
      AnalysisCache cache,
      IClassHierarchy cha,
      AnalysisScope scope,
      boolean testPAToString)
      throws IllegalArgumentException, CancelException {

    // ///////////////
    // // RTA /////
    // ///////////////
    CallGraph cg = CallGraphTestUtil.buildRTA(options, cache, cha, scope);
    try {
    } catch (UnsoundGraphException e1) {
      Assert.assertTrue(e1.getMessage(), false);

    Set<MethodReference> rtaMethods = CallGraphStats.collectMethods(cg);
    System.err.println("RTA methods reached: " + rtaMethods.size());
    System.err.println("RTA warnings:\n");

    // ///////////////
    // // 0-CFA /////
    // ///////////////
    cg = CallGraphTestUtil.buildZeroCFA(options, cache, cha, scope, testPAToString);

    // FIXME: annoying special cases caused by clone2assign mean using
    // the rta graph for proper graph subset checking does not work.
    // (note that all the other such checks do use proper graph subset)
    Graph<MethodReference> squashZero = checkCallGraph(cg, null, rtaMethods, "0-CFA");

    // test Pretransitive 0-CFA
    // not currently supported
    // warnings = new WarningSet();
    // options.setUsePreTransitiveSolver(true);
    // CallGraph cgP = CallGraphTestUtil.buildZeroCFA(options, cha, scope,
    // warnings);
    // options.setUsePreTransitiveSolver(false);
    // Graph squashPT = checkCallGraph(warnings, cgP, squashZero, null, "Pre-T
    // 1");
    // checkCallGraph(warnings, cg, squashPT, null, "Pre-T 2");

    // ///////////////
    // // 0-1-CFA ///
    // ///////////////
    cg = CallGraphTestUtil.buildZeroOneCFA(options, cache, cha, scope, testPAToString);
    Graph<MethodReference> squashZeroOne = checkCallGraph(cg, squashZero, null, "0-1-CFA");

    // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // // 0-CFA augmented to disambiguate containers ///
    // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
    cg = CallGraphTestUtil.buildZeroContainerCFA(options, cache, cha, scope);
    Graph<MethodReference> squashZeroContainer =
        checkCallGraph(cg, squashZero, null, "0-Container-CFA");

    // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // // 0-1-CFA augmented to disambiguate containers ///
    // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
    cg = CallGraphTestUtil.buildZeroOneContainerCFA(options, cache, cha, scope);
    checkCallGraph(cg, squashZeroContainer, null, "0-1-Container-CFA");
    checkCallGraph(cg, squashZeroOne, null, "0-1-Container-CFA");

    // test ICFG
    // /////////////
    // // 1-CFA ///
    // /////////////
    // warnings = new WarningSet();
    // cg = buildOneCFA();
