Exemple #1
 /** Apply column family options such as Bloom filters, compression, and data block encoding. */
 protected void applyColumnFamilyOptions(byte[] tableName, byte[][] columnFamilies)
     throws IOException {
   HBaseAdmin admin = new HBaseAdmin(conf);
   HTableDescriptor tableDesc = admin.getTableDescriptor(tableName);
   LOG.info("Disabling table " + Bytes.toString(tableName));
   for (byte[] cf : columnFamilies) {
     HColumnDescriptor columnDesc = tableDesc.getFamily(cf);
     boolean isNewCf = columnDesc == null;
     if (isNewCf) {
       columnDesc = new HColumnDescriptor(cf);
     if (bloomType != null) {
     if (compressAlgo != null) {
     if (dataBlockEncodingAlgo != null) {
     if (inMemoryCF) {
     if (isNewCf) {
       admin.addColumn(tableName, columnDesc);
     } else {
       admin.modifyColumn(tableName, columnDesc);
   LOG.info("Enabling table " + Bytes.toString(tableName));
Exemple #2
    protected void updateMeta(final byte[] oldRegion1, final byte[] oldRegion2, HRegion newRegion)
        throws IOException {
      byte[][] regionsToDelete = {oldRegion1, oldRegion2};
      for (int r = 0; r < regionsToDelete.length; r++) {
        Delete delete = new Delete(regionsToDelete[r]);
        delete.deleteColumns(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER);
        delete.deleteColumns(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.SERVER_QUALIFIER);
        delete.deleteColumns(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.STARTCODE_QUALIFIER);
        delete.deleteColumns(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.SPLITA_QUALIFIER);
        delete.deleteColumns(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.SPLITB_QUALIFIER);
        root.delete(delete, null, true);

        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
          LOG.debug("updated columns in row: " + Bytes.toStringBinary(regionsToDelete[r]));
      HRegionInfo newInfo = newRegion.getRegionInfo();
      Put put = new Put(newRegion.getRegionName());
          HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER, Writables.getBytes(newInfo));
      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("updated columns in row: " + Bytes.toStringBinary(newRegion.getRegionName()));
  public AuthenticatedSocket(InetAddress ia, int port, MessageDigest md, byte[] secret)
      throws IOException, AuthenticationException {
    super(ia, port);

    try {
      OutputStream output = this.getOutputStream();
      InputStream input = this.getInputStream();

      // Get challenge length
      byte[] challengeSize = new byte[4];

      // Receive random challenge string
      byte[] challenge = new byte[Bytes.toInt(challengeSize)];

      // Generate MD5 hash
      byte[] append = Bytes.append(challenge, secret);
      byte[] hash = md.digest(append);

      // Send time and hash strings
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new AuthenticationException("Authentication failed: " + e.getMessage());
 void appendInstance(final Bytes bytes, final V value) {
   if (generatedValueType) ((BytesMarshallable) value).writeMarshallable(bytes);
   else bytes.writeInstance(vClass, value);
Exemple #5
 private HRegionInfo nextRegion() throws IOException {
   try {
     Result results = getMetaRow();
     if (results == null) {
       return null;
     byte[] regionInfoValue =
         results.getValue(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER);
     if (regionInfoValue == null || regionInfoValue.length == 0) {
       throw new NoSuchElementException(
           "meta region entry missing "
               + Bytes.toString(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY)
               + ":"
               + Bytes.toString(HConstants.REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER));
     HRegionInfo region = Writables.getHRegionInfo(regionInfoValue);
     if (!Bytes.equals(region.getTableName(), this.tableName)) {
       return null;
     return region;
   } catch (IOException e) {
     e = RemoteExceptionHandler.checkIOException(e);
     LOG.error("meta scanner error", e);
     throw e;
Exemple #6
    protected void updateMeta(final byte[] oldRegion1, final byte[] oldRegion2, HRegion newRegion)
        throws IOException {
      byte[][] regionsToDelete = {oldRegion1, oldRegion2};
      for (int r = 0; r < regionsToDelete.length; r++) {
        if (Bytes.equals(regionsToDelete[r], latestRegion.getRegionName())) {
          latestRegion = null;
        Delete delete = new Delete(regionsToDelete[r]);
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
          LOG.debug("updated columns in row: " + Bytes.toStringBinary(regionsToDelete[r]));

      Put put = new Put(newRegion.getRegionName());

      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("updated columns in row: " + Bytes.toStringBinary(newRegion.getRegionName()));
 static TableDescriptorModtime getTableDescriptorModtime(
     FileSystem fs, Path hbaseRootDir, String tableName) throws NullPointerException, IOException {
   // ignore both -ROOT- and .META. tables
   if (Bytes.compareTo(Bytes.toBytes(tableName), HConstants.ROOT_TABLE_NAME) == 0
       || Bytes.compareTo(Bytes.toBytes(tableName), HConstants.META_TABLE_NAME) == 0) {
     return null;
   return getTableDescriptorModtime(fs, FSUtils.getTablePath(hbaseRootDir, tableName));
 public void setUp() {
   failures = spy(new Failures());
   bytes = new Bytes();
   absValueComparisonStrategy =
       new ComparatorBasedComparisonStrategy(new AbsValueComparator<Byte>());
   bytesWithAbsValueComparisonStrategy = new Bytes(absValueComparisonStrategy);
   bytesWithAbsValueComparisonStrategy.failures = failures;
 void appendValue(final Bytes value) {
   if (value.remaining() + 4 > tmpBytes.remaining())
     throw new IllegalArgumentException(
         "Value too large for entry was "
             + (value.remaining() + 4)
             + ", remaining: "
             + tmpBytes.remaining());
  public BPlusTreeIntToString60 read() throws IOException {
    Map<Integer, Node> nodes = new HashMap<Integer, Node>();

    Block block = new Block(file.read(0));
    int maxSize = Bytes.byteToInt(block.getByte(1));
    int rootBlock = Bytes.bytesToInt(block.getBytes(2, 4));

    // readNode(maxSize, rootBlock, blockToNode)

    return BPlusTreeIntToString60.fromBytes(block, nodes);
 private long longHashCode(Bytes bytes) {
   long h = 0;
   int i = 0;
   long limit = bytes.limit(); // clustering.
   for (; i < limit - 7; i += 8) h = 10191 * h + bytes.readLong(i);
   //        for (; i < bytes.limit() - 3; i += 2)
   //            h = 10191 * h + bytes.readInt(i);
   for (; i < limit; i++) h = 57 * h + bytes.readByte(i);
   h ^= (h >>> 31) + (h << 31);
   h += (h >>> 21) + (h >>> 11);
   return h;
  * Get HTD from HDFS.
  * @param fs
  * @param hbaseRootDir
  * @param tableName
  * @return Descriptor or null if none found.
  * @throws IOException
 public static HTableDescriptor getTableDescriptor(
     FileSystem fs, Path hbaseRootDir, byte[] tableName) throws IOException {
   HTableDescriptor htd = null;
   try {
     TableDescriptorModtime tdmt =
         getTableDescriptorModtime(fs, hbaseRootDir, Bytes.toString(tableName));
     htd = tdmt == null ? null : tdmt.getTableDescriptor();
   } catch (NullPointerException e) {
         "Exception during readTableDecriptor. Current table name = " + Bytes.toString(tableName),
   return htd;
Exemple #13
  * Extracts the value of a cell containing a data point.
  * @param values The contents of a cell in HBase.
  * @param value_idx The offset inside {@code values} at which the value starts.
  * @param flags The flags for this value.
  * @return The value of the cell.
 static long extractIntegerValue(final byte[] values, final int value_idx, final byte flags) {
   switch (flags & Const.LENGTH_MASK) {
     case 7:
       return Bytes.getLong(values, value_idx);
     case 3:
       return Bytes.getInt(values, value_idx);
     case 1:
       return Bytes.getShort(values, value_idx);
     case 0:
       return values[value_idx] & 0xFF;
   throw new IllegalDataException(
       "Integer value @ " + value_idx + " not on 8/4/2/1 bytes in " + Arrays.toString(values));
Exemple #14
  * Extracts the value of a cell containing a data point.
  * @param values The contents of a cell in HBase.
  * @param value_idx The offset inside {@code values} at which the value starts.
  * @param flags The flags for this value.
  * @return The value of the cell.
 static double extractFloatingPointValue(
     final byte[] values, final int value_idx, final byte flags) {
   switch (flags & Const.LENGTH_MASK) {
     case 7:
       return Double.longBitsToDouble(Bytes.getLong(values, value_idx));
     case 3:
       return Float.intBitsToFloat(Bytes.getInt(values, value_idx));
   throw new IllegalDataException(
       "Floating point value @ "
           + value_idx
           + " not on 8 or 4 bytes in "
           + Arrays.toString(values));
 public void testHTableDescriptors() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
   final String name = "testHTableDescriptors";
   FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(UTIL.getConfiguration());
   // Cleanup old tests if any debris laying around.
   Path rootdir = new Path(UTIL.getDataTestDir(), name);
   final int count = 10;
   // Write out table infos.
   for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
     HTableDescriptor htd = new HTableDescriptor(name + i);
     createHTDInFS(fs, rootdir, htd);
   FSTableDescriptors htds =
       new FSTableDescriptors(fs, rootdir) {
         public HTableDescriptor get(byte[] tablename)
             throws TableExistsException, FileNotFoundException, IOException {
           LOG.info(Bytes.toString(tablename) + ", cachehits=" + this.cachehits);
           return super.get(tablename);
   for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
     assertTrue(htds.get(Bytes.toBytes(name + i)) != null);
   for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
     assertTrue(htds.get(Bytes.toBytes(name + i)) != null);
   // Update the table infos
   for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
     HTableDescriptor htd = new HTableDescriptor(name + i);
     htd.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor("" + i));
     FSTableDescriptors.updateHTableDescriptor(fs, rootdir, htd);
   // Wait a while so mod time we write is for sure different.
   for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
     assertTrue(htds.get(Bytes.toBytes(name + i)) != null);
   for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
     assertTrue(htds.get(Bytes.toBytes(name + i)) != null);
   assertEquals(count * 4, htds.invocations);
       "expected=" + (count * 2) + ", actual=" + htds.cachehits, htds.cachehits >= (count * 2));
   assertTrue(htds.get(HConstants.ROOT_TABLE_NAME) != null);
   assertEquals(htds.invocations, count * 4 + 1);
       "expected=" + ((count * 2) + 1) + ", actual=" + htds.cachehits,
       htds.cachehits >= ((count * 2) + 1));
 public void add(HTableDescriptor htd) throws IOException {
   if (Bytes.equals(HConstants.ROOT_TABLE_NAME, htd.getName())) {
     throw new NotImplementedException();
   if (Bytes.equals(HConstants.META_TABLE_NAME, htd.getName())) {
     throw new NotImplementedException();
   if (HConstants.HBASE_NON_USER_TABLE_DIRS.contains(htd.getNameAsString())) {
     throw new NotImplementedException();
   if (!this.fsreadonly) updateHTableDescriptor(this.fs, this.rootdir, htd);
   long modtime = getTableInfoModtime(this.fs, this.rootdir, htd.getNameAsString());
   this.cache.put(htd.getNameAsString(), new TableDescriptorModtime(modtime, htd));
Exemple #17
  * A lower level API, return ID integer from raw value bytes. In case of not found
  * <p>- if roundingFlag=0, throw IllegalArgumentException; <br>
  * - if roundingFlag<0, the closest smaller ID integer if exist; <br>
  * - if roundingFlag>0, the closest bigger ID integer if exist. <br>
  * <p>Bypassing the cache layer, this could be significantly slower than getIdFromValue(T value).
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if value is not found in dictionary and rounding is off; or if
  *     rounding cannot find a smaller or bigger ID
 public final int getIdFromValueBytes(byte[] value, int offset, int len, int roundingFlag)
     throws IllegalArgumentException {
   if (isNullByteForm(value, offset, len)) return nullId();
   else {
     int id = getIdFromValueBytesImpl(value, offset, len, roundingFlag);
     if (id == -1)
       throw new IllegalArgumentException(
           "Value '"
               + Bytes.toString(value, offset, len)
               + "' ("
               + Bytes.toStringBinary(value, offset, len)
               + ") not exists!");
     return id;
Exemple #18
 /** Returns a human readable string representation of the object. */
 public String toString() {
   // The argument passed to StringBuilder is a pretty good estimate of the
   // length of the final string based on the row key and number of elements.
   final String metric = metricName();
   final int size = size();
   final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(80 + metric.length() + key.length * 4 + size * 16);
   final long base_time = baseTime();
       .append(key == null ? "<null>" : Arrays.toString(key))
       .append(" (metric=")
       .append("), base_time=")
       .append(" (")
       .append(base_time > 0 ? new Date(base_time * 1000) : "no date")
       .append("), [");
   for (short i = 0; i < size; i++) {
     final short qual = Bytes.getShort(qualifiers, i * 2);
     buf.append('+').append((qual & 0xFFFF) >>> Const.FLAG_BITS);
     if (isInteger(i)) {
     } else {
     if (i != size - 1) {
       buf.append(", ");
   return buf.toString();
 public void write(int b) {
   int newcount = mCount + 1;
   if (newcount > mBuffer.length)
     mBuffer = Bytes.copyOf(mBuffer, Math.max(mBuffer.length << 1, newcount));
   mBuffer[mCount] = (byte) b;
   mCount = newcount;
  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    OldSketches sketches = new OldSketches("./resources/", "5even");
    Random rand = new Random();

    long totalTime = 0;

    byte[] value = new byte[1024];
    byte[] key;

    for (long i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
      key = Bytes.fromLong(i).toByteArray();

      long start = System.currentTimeMillis();

      if (i % 2 == 0) sketches.put(key, value);
      else sketches.delete(key);

      totalTime += System.currentTimeMillis() - start;

    System.out.println("Total write time: " + totalTime);

    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    System.out.println("Bombing time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
    void directPut(final Bytes key, final Bytes value, int hash2) {
      try {
        hash2 = hashLookup.startSearch(hash2);
        while (true) {
          final int pos = hashLookup.nextPos();
          if (pos < 0) {
            directPutEntry(key, value, hash2);


          } else {
            final long offset = entriesOffset + pos * entrySize;
            tmpBytes.storePositionAndSize(bytes, offset, entrySize);
            if (!keyEquals(key, tmpBytes)) continue;
            final long keyLength = key.remaining();
      } finally {
    void directRemove(final Bytes keyBytes, int hash2) {
      try {
        hash2 = hashLookup.startSearch(hash2);
        while (true) {

          final int pos = hashLookup.nextPos();
          if (pos < 0) {

          } else {
            final long offset = entriesOffset + pos * entrySize;
            tmpBytes.storePositionAndSize(bytes, offset, entrySize);
            if (!keyEquals(keyBytes, tmpBytes)) continue;
            final long keyLength =
                align(keyBytes.remaining() + tmpBytes.position()); // includes the stop bit length.

            hashLookup.remove(hash2, pos);

            if (pos < nextSet) nextSet = pos;

      } finally {
Exemple #23
 public static ResponseBody readResponse(InputStream is, int expectBodyLenth) throws Exception {
   byte[] respHeader = new byte[10];
   int length = is.read(respHeader);
   // 判断读取的header长度
   if (length != respHeader.length) {
     throw new IllegalStateException(
         "read responseHeader fail, length not enouth, length: " + length);
   // 判断相应的标志位,为响应标志
   if (respHeader[8] != TRACKER_PROTO_CMD_RESP) {
     throw new IllegalStateException("invalid responseHeader cmd, cmd: " + respHeader[8]);
   // 异常标志位,0是正常,非0异常。
   if (respHeader[9] != 0) {
     return new ResponseBody(respHeader[9], null);
   // 判断body的长度。
   long bodyLength = Bytes.bytes2long(respHeader, 0);
   if (bodyLength < 0) {
     throw new IllegalStateException("invalid bodyLength, bodyLength: " + bodyLength);
   byte[] body = new byte[(int) bodyLength];
   int readBodyLength = is.read(body);
   // 验证body读完整。
   if (bodyLength != readBodyLength) {
     throw new IllegalStateException(
         "invalid read body , bodyLength: " + bodyLength + ", readBodyLength: " + readBodyLength);
   if (expectBodyLenth > 0 && readBodyLength != expectBodyLenth) {
     throw new IllegalStateException(
         "readBodyLength:" + readBodyLength + ", expectBodyLenth:" + expectBodyLenth);
   return new ResponseBody(respHeader[9], body);
Exemple #24
 @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
 public void testEmptyNamespaceName() {
   for (String nn : emptyNames) {
     fail("invalid Namespace name " + nn + " should have failed with IllegalArgumentException");
Exemple #25
 @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
 public void testEmptyTableName() {
   for (String tn : emptyNames) {
     fail("invalid tablename " + tn + " should have failed with IllegalArgumentException");
Exemple #26
  * Decodes the response of an RPC and triggers its {@link Deferred}.
  * <p>This method is used by FrameDecoder when the channel gets disconnected. The buffer for that
  * channel is passed to this method in case there's anything left in it.
  * @param ctx Unused.
  * @param chan The channel on which the response came.
  * @param buf The buffer containing the raw RPC response.
  * @return {@code null}, always.
 protected Object decodeLast(
     final ChannelHandlerContext ctx,
     final Channel chan,
     final ChannelBuffer buf,
     final VoidEnum unused) {
   // When we disconnect, decodeLast is called instead of decode.
   // We simply check whether there's any data left in the buffer, in which
   // case we attempt to process it.  But if there's no data left, then we
   // don't even bother calling decode() as it'll complain that the buffer
   // doesn't contain enough data, which unnecessarily pollutes the logs.
   if (buf.readable()) {
     try {
       return decode(ctx, chan, buf, unused);
     } finally {
       if (buf.readable()) {
                 + "After decoding the last message on "
                 + chan
                 + ", there was still some undecoded bytes in the channel's"
                 + " buffer (which are going to be lost): "
                 + buf
                 + '='
                 + Bytes.pretty(buf));
   } else {
     return null;
Exemple #27
  public static long parseLine(Bytes bytes, Range line, long start, long limit) {
    byte b0 = 0, b1 = 0;
    long ret = -1;

    long i;
    for (i = start; i < limit; i++) {
      b0 = b1;
      b1 = bytes.get(i);

      if (b1 == LF) {
        long len;

        if (b0 == CR) {
          len = i - start - 1;
        } else {
          len = i - start;

        line.set(start, len);
        ret = i + 1;

    return ret;
Exemple #28
  * Set an encoded (inclusive) start partition key for the scan.
  * @param partitionKey the encoded partition key
  * @return this instance
 public S lowerBoundPartitionKeyRaw(byte[] partitionKey) {
   if (Bytes.memcmp(partitionKey, lowerBoundPartitionKey) > 0) {
     this.lowerBoundPartitionKey = partitionKey;
   return (S) this;
Exemple #29
  * Scans the table and merges two adjacent regions if they are small. This only happens when a lot
  * of rows are deleted.
  * <p>When merging the META region, the HBase instance must be offline. When merging a normal
  * table, the HBase instance must be online, but the table must be disabled.
  * @param conf - configuration object for HBase
  * @param fs - FileSystem where regions reside
  * @param tableName - Table to be compacted
  * @param testMasterRunning True if we are to verify master is down before running merge
  * @throws IOException
 public static void merge(
     Configuration conf, FileSystem fs, final byte[] tableName, final boolean testMasterRunning)
     throws IOException {
   boolean masterIsRunning = false;
   if (testMasterRunning) {
     masterIsRunning =
             new HConnectable<Boolean>(conf) {
               public Boolean connect(HConnection connection) throws IOException {
                 return connection.isMasterRunning();
   if (Bytes.equals(tableName, HConstants.META_TABLE_NAME)) {
     if (masterIsRunning) {
       throw new IllegalStateException("Can not compact META table if instance is on-line");
     new OfflineMerger(conf, fs).process();
   } else {
     if (!masterIsRunning) {
       throw new IllegalStateException("HBase instance must be running to merge a normal table");
     HBaseAdmin admin = new HBaseAdmin(conf);
     if (!admin.isTableDisabled(tableName)) {
       throw new TableNotDisabledException(tableName);
     new OnlineMerger(conf, fs, tableName).process();
Exemple #30
  public static long parseLines(Bytes bytes, Ranges lines, long start, long limit) {
    byte b0 = 0, b1 = 0;
    long ret = -1;

    long i;
    long from = start;
    for (i = start; i < limit; i++) {
      b0 = b1;
      b1 = bytes.get(i);

      if (b1 == LF) {
        long len;

        if (b0 == CR) {
          len = i - from - 1;
        } else {
          len = i - from;

        if (len == 0) {
          ret = i + 1;

        lines.add(from, len);
        from = i + 1;

    return ret;