@Override public void onTimeOut() { // Disable any further interactions. board.clearSelection(); board.setColoured(true); board.setTouchable(Touchable.disabled); timer.setRunning(false); game.player.playSound(SoundCode.GAME_OVER); // Update the score... and the record. int score = game.getState().getScore(); int time = Math.round(game.getState().getElapsedTime()); game.getPlatform().score().registerScore(score, time); game.getPlatform().score().flushData(); // Save information about this game in the statistics. game.statistics.getTotalData().incrementValue("score", game.getState().getScore()); game.statistics.getTotalData().incrementValue("games"); game.statistics .getTotalData() .incrementValue("time", Math.round(game.getState().getElapsedTime())); game.getPlatform().statistics().saveStatistics(game.statistics); // Mark a combination that the user could do if he had enough time. if (game.getState().getWiggledBounds() == null) { CombinationFinder combo = CombinationFinder.create(game.getState().getBoard()); game.getState().setWiggledBounds(combo.getCombination()); } for (int y = 0; y < game.getState().getBoard().getSize(); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < game.getState().getBoard().getSize(); x++) { if (game.getState().getWiggledBounds() != null && !game.getState().getWiggledBounds().inBounds(x, y)) { board.getBall(x, y).addAction(Actions.color(Color.DARK_GRAY, 0.15f)); } } } // Animate the transition to game over. board.addAction(Actions.delay(2f, board.hideBoard())); hud.addAction(Actions.delay(2f, Actions.fadeOut(0.25f))); // Head to the game over after all these animations have finished. getStage() .addAction( Actions.delay( 2.5f, Actions.run( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { getStage().getRoot().clearActions(); game.pushScreen(Screens.GAME_OVER); } }))); // Mark the game as finished. game.getState().setTimeout(true); }
/** * This method pauses the game. It is executed in one of the following situations: first, the user * presses PAUSE button. Second, the user presses BACK button. Third, the user pauses the game * (when the game is restored the game is still paused). */ private void pauseGame() { paused = true; // Show the pause dialog unless you have already stop the game. if (!game.getState().isTimeout()) { showPauseDialog(); } // If the game has started, pause it. if (running && !game.getState().isTimeout()) { board.setColoured(false); board.setTouchable(Touchable.disabled); timer.setRunning(false); } }
/** * This method resumes the game. It is executed in one of the following situations: first, the * user presses CONTINUE button on pause screen. Second, the user presses BACK on the pause * screen. */ private void resumeGame() { paused = false; // If the countdown has finished but the game is not running is a // condition that might be triggered in one of the following cases. // 1) The user has paused the game during the countdown. When the // countdown finishes, because the game is paused, the game does // not start. // 2) The user was leaving the game during the countdown. Same. if (!running && game.getState().isCountdownFinished()) { running = true; game.player.playSound(SoundCode.SUCCESS); } if (running && !game.getState().isTimeout()) { board.setColoured(true); board.setTouchable(Touchable.enabled); timer.setRunning(true); } }
@Override public void setUpInterface(Table table) { // Create the actors for this screen. timer = new TimerActor(Constants.SECONDS, game.getSkin()); score = new ScoreActor(game.getSkin()); board = new BoardActor(game.getBallAtlas(), game.getState().getBoard()); // Add the help button. ImageButton help = new ImageButton(game.getSkin(), "blueHelp"); help.addListener( new ChangeListener() { @Override public void changed(ChangeEvent event, Actor actor) { // Don't act if the game hasn't started yet. if (!timer.isRunning() || game.getState().isTimeout()) { event.cancel(); return; } // Don't do anything if there are less than 5 seconds. if (timer.getSeconds() <= 5 && game.getState().getWiggledBounds() == null) { game.player.playSound(SoundCode.FAIL); event.cancel(); return; } // Wiggle a valid combination. if (game.getState().getWiggledBounds() == null) { CombinationFinder finder = CombinationFinder.create(game.getState().getBoard()); game.getState() .setWiggledBounds( finder .getPossibleBounds() .get(MathUtils.random(finder.getPossibleBounds().size() - 1))); } board.addAction(board.shake(game.getState().getWiggledBounds(), 10, 5, 0.1f)); if (!game.getState().isCheatSeen()) { // Subtract some time. float subtractedTime = 5f; final float step = subtractedTime / 10; getStage() .addAction( Actions.repeat( 10, Actions.delay( 0.01f, Actions.run( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { timer.setSeconds(timer.getSeconds() - step); } })))); game.getState().setCheatSeen(true); } event.cancel(); } }); // Add the pause button. ImageButton pause = new ImageButton(game.getSkin(), "blueCross"); pause.addListener( new ChangeListener() { @Override public void changed(ChangeEvent event, Actor actor) { game.player.playSound(SoundCode.FAIL); pauseGame(); event.cancel(); } }); // Disable game until countdown ends. timer.setRunning(false); board.setTouchable(Touchable.disabled); // Add subscribers. timer.addSubscriber(this); board.addSubscriber(this); score.setScoreListener(this); /* * Fill the HUD, which is the display that appears over the board with * all the information. The HUD is generated differently depending on * the aspect ratio of the device. If the device is 4:3, the HUD is * compressed to avoid making the board small. Otherwise, it's expanded * to the usual size. */ boolean landscape = Gdx.graphics.getWidth() > Gdx.graphics.getHeight(); float aspectRatio = landscape ? (float) Gdx.graphics.getWidth() / Gdx.graphics.getHeight() : (float) Gdx.graphics.getHeight() / Gdx.graphics.getWidth(); hud = new Table(); if (aspectRatio < 1.5f) { // Compact layout: buttons and score in the same line. hud.add(new BorderedContainer(game.getSkin(), help)).size(50).padBottom(10); hud.add(new BorderedContainer(game.getSkin(), score)) .height(50) .width(Constants.VIEWPORT_WIDTH / 2) .space(10) .expandX() .fillX(); hud.add(new BorderedContainer(game.getSkin(), pause)).size(50).padBottom(10).row(); hud.add(new BorderedContainer(game.getSkin(), timer)) .colspan(3) .fillX() .height(40) .padBottom(20) .row(); } else { // Large layout: buttons above timer, score below timer (classic). hud.add(new BorderedContainer(game.getSkin(), help)) .size(50) .spaceLeft(10) .padBottom(10) .align(Align.left); hud.add(new BorderedContainer(game.getSkin(), pause)) .size(50) .spaceRight(10) .padBottom(10) .align(Align.right) .row(); hud.add(new BorderedContainer(game.getSkin(), timer)) .colspan(2) .fillX() .expandX() .height(40) .padBottom(10) .row(); hud.add(new BorderedContainer(game.getSkin(), score)) .colspan(2) .height(60) .width(Constants.VIEWPORT_WIDTH / 2) .align(Align.center) .padBottom(10) .row(); } if (aspectRatio > 1.6) { hud.padBottom(20); } table.add(hud).fillX().expandY().align(Align.top).row(); table.add(board).fill().expand().row(); }