Exemple #1
    public void expandBlock(Block block, boolean state) {
      if (block.isExpanded() == state || !block.canExpand() || block.getSize() == 1) return;

      Point range = getBlockSelectionRange(block);
      int delta = 0;


      if (state) {
        // Expanding
        delta = block.getSize() - 1;
      } else {
        delta = 1 - block.getSize();

      // Set the selection back to the top of the range (it defaults to
      // the bottom)
      // so we see the top of the newly expanded block if it's long

      // Update the remaining block position info
      int size = getNumberBlocks();
      for (int b = block.getIndex() + 1; b < size; b++) {
        Block update = getBlock(b);
        update.setStart(update.getStart() + delta);

Exemple #2
  // This method can be called either as a result of new input coming from
  // outside
  // or because of a change to a filter as we re-process the old information.
  private void appendTextInternal(String text, boolean autoExpand, int recordIndex) {
    Block last = m_FoldingDoc.m_LastBlock;

    if (last == null || last.canExpand()) {
      // We create blocks that can't fold to hold top level text lines
      last = new Block(false, recordIndex);

    appendTextToWidget(m_Text, text);
Exemple #3
  protected void paintIcons(PaintEvent e) {
    // Check if we've turned off redraws
    if (m_DrawingDisabled) return;

    GC gc = e.gc;

    Rectangle client = m_IconBar.getClientArea();

    // Make sure the text control is properly initialized
    if (m_Text.getLineHeight() == 0) return;

    // Get all the information about which part of the text window is
    // visible
    int topLine = m_Text.getTopIndex();
    int lineHeight = m_Text.getLineHeight();
    int visibleLines = m_Text.getClientArea().height / lineHeight;
    int lastLine = Math.min(m_Text.getLineCount(), m_Text.getTopIndex() + visibleLines);

    // Start with the first block that starts at topLine or includes
    // topLine.
    Block topBlock = m_FoldingDoc.getBlockByLineNumber(topLine);
    int blockCount = m_FoldingDoc.getNumberBlocks();

    if (topBlock == null) return;

    int blockIndex = topBlock.getIndex();

    int outerSize = 9;
    int innerSize = 6;
    int offset = (outerSize - innerSize) / 2 + 1;

    Color gray = m_IconBar.getDisplay().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_GRAY);
    Color black = m_IconBar.getDisplay().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_BLACK);

    // Go through each block in turn until we're off the bottom of the
    // screen
    // or at the end of the list of blocks drawing icons
    while (blockIndex != -1 && blockIndex < blockCount) {
      Block block = m_FoldingDoc.getBlock(blockIndex);

      int line = block.getStart();

      // Once we drop off the bottom of the screen we're done
      if (line >= lastLine) break;

      int pos = line - topLine;
      int y = pos * lineHeight + (lineHeight / 2) - (outerSize / 2) - 1;
      int x = 1;

      boolean expanded = block.isExpanded();

      if (block.canExpand()) {
        gc.drawRectangle(x, y, x + outerSize, x + outerSize);

        // Start with a - sign
        int y1 = y + 1 + (outerSize / 2);
        gc.drawLine(x + offset, y1, x + offset + innerSize, y1);

        if (!expanded) {
          // If not expanded turn the - into a +
          int x1 = x + 1 + (outerSize / 2);
          gc.drawLine(x1, y + offset, x1, y + offset + innerSize);
        } else {
          // If expanded draw a line to show what is in the expanded
          // area
          int x1 = x + 1 + (outerSize / 2);
          int yTop = y + outerSize + 2;
          int yBottom = y + ((block.getSize() - 1) * lineHeight) + (outerSize / 2);
          gc.drawLine(x1, yTop, x1, yBottom);
          gc.drawLine(x1, yBottom, client.width - 1, yBottom);
Exemple #4
  protected void appendSubTextInternal(String text, boolean autoExpand, int recordIndex) {
    Block last = m_FoldingDoc.m_LastBlock;

    if (last == null) {
      // This is an odd situation where we're adding subtext but have no
      // supertext to append to.
      // It probably will never occur, but if it does we'll add a blank
      // super text block just
      // to get us going.
      last = new Block(true, recordIndex);
      appendTextToWidget(m_Text, "");

    if (!last.canExpand()) {
      // Need to remove the last line from the block and move it to a new
      // block
      // which can expand and then proceed with the addition to this new
      // block
      // Thus we ensure that "canExpand" items have at least one child.
      int size = last.getSize();

      if (size == 1) {
        // If the last block only contains exactly one line we can
        // convert it safely
        // to a block which does expand. This way we also preserve the
        // "all blocks contain
        // at least one line" rule which makes the code simpler.
      } else if (size > 1) {
        // NOTE: Blocks should always have at least one line so these
        // calls
        // should never fail (if they do it's a programming error
        // somewhere else that
        // allowed an empty block to be created).
        String lastLine = last.getLastLine();

        last = new Block(true, recordIndex);
      } else if (size == 0) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Last block should not be empty");

      // There's no change to the text sprite (because the line is just
      // moved between logical blocks)
      // but we will need to draw the icons to show there's a new block.


    if (last.isExpanded()) {
      appendTextToWidget(m_Text, text);

      // Decide if we have caused the window to scroll or not
      if (!autoExpand && (m_LastTopIndex != m_Text.getTopIndex())) {
        m_LastTopIndex = m_Text.getTopIndex();