// @CRS - This is only called from AS400JDBCPreparedStatement in one place.
  public void convertToRawBytes(byte[] rawBytes, int offset, ConvTable ccsidConverter)
      throws SQLException {
    BinaryConverter.intToByteArray(locator_.getHandle(), rawBytes, offset);

    // Now we write our saved data to the system, because the prepared statement is being executed.
    // We used to write the data to the system on the call to set(), but this messed up
    // batch executes, since the host server only reserves temporary space for locator handles one
    // row at a time.
    // See the toObject() method in this class for more details.
    if (savedObject_ != null) writeToServer();
Exemple #2
  // Calls QGYGTLE to get the current "list information" on the progress of list-building.
  private static byte[] refreshListInformation(byte[] listHandle, ProgramCall pgmCall)
      throws AS400SecurityException, ErrorCompletingRequestException, InterruptedException,
          IOException, ObjectDoesNotExistException {
    if (pgmCall.getParameterList().length == 0) {
      ProgramParameter[] parameters =
          new ProgramParameter[] {
            // Receiver variable, output, char(*).
            new ProgramParameter(8), // minimum length is 8 bytes
            // Length of receiver variable, input, binary(4).
            new ProgramParameter(BinaryConverter.intToByteArray(8)),
            // Request handle, input, char(4).
            new ProgramParameter(listHandle),
            // List information, output, char(80).
            new ProgramParameter(LIST_INFO_LENGTH),
            // Number of records to return, input, binary(4).
            // '0' indicates: "Only the list information is returned and no actual list entries are
            // returned."
            new ProgramParameter(new byte[] {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}),
            // Starting record, input, binary(4).
            // '0' indicates: "The list information should be returned to the caller immediately."
            // '-1' indicates: "The whole list should be built before the list information is
            // returned to the caller."
            // new ProgramParameter(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} ),
            new ProgramParameter(new byte[] {(byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF}),
            // Error code, I/0, char(*).
            new ErrorCodeParameter()
      try {
        pgmCall.setProgram("/QSYS.LIB/QGY.LIB/QGYGTLE.PGM", parameters);
      } catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException pve) {
      } // will never happen

    if (!pgmCall.run()) {
      throw new AS400Exception(pgmCall.getMessageList());

    return pgmCall.getParameterList()[3].getOutputData(); // the "List Information" structure
Exemple #3
 public void convertToRawBytes(byte[] rawBytes, int offset, ConvTable ccsidConverter) // @P0C
     throws SQLException {
   BinaryConverter.intToByteArray(value_, rawBytes, offset); // @D0C
Exemple #4
   * Calls QGYGTLE, repeatedly if necessary, to retrieve the specified number of list entries. This
   * assumes that the list has previously been built on the system.
   * @param system The system where the list has been built.
   * @param listHandle The list handle for the list.
   * @param lengthOfReceiverVariable The value of the "Length of receiver variable" field.
   * @param number The number of list entries to return.
   * @param listOffset The offset into the list (0-based).
   * @param outputListInfoContainer Container in which to receive the generated "List information"
   *     structure. Ignored if null.
  static byte[] retrieveListEntries(
      AS400 system,
      byte[] listHandle,
      int lengthOfReceiverVariable,
      int number,
      int listOffset,
      Object[] outputListInfoContainer)
      throws AS400SecurityException, ErrorCompletingRequestException, InterruptedException,
          IOException, ObjectDoesNotExistException {
    ProgramParameter[] parameters =
        new ProgramParameter[] {
          // Receiver variable, output, char(*).
          new ProgramParameter(lengthOfReceiverVariable),
          // Length of receiver variable, input, binary(4).
          new ProgramParameter(BinaryConverter.intToByteArray(lengthOfReceiverVariable)),
          // Request handle, input, char(4).
          new ProgramParameter(listHandle),
          // List information, output, char(80).
          new ProgramParameter(LIST_INFO_LENGTH),
          // Number of records to return, input, binary(4).
          new ProgramParameter(BinaryConverter.intToByteArray(number)),

          // Starting record, input, binary(4).  (1-based: The first record is record number '1')
          // '0' indicates that the list information should be returned to the caller immediately.
          // The special value 0 is only allowed when the number of records to return parameter is
          // zero.
          // '-1' indicates that the whole list should be built before the list information is
          // returned to the caller.
          new ProgramParameter(
              BinaryConverter.intToByteArray(listOffset == -1 ? -1 : listOffset + 1)),

          // Error code, I/0, char(*).
          new ErrorCodeParameter()

    ProgramCall pc =
        new ProgramCall(
            system, "/QSYS.LIB/QGY.LIB/QGYGTLE.PGM", parameters); // not a threadsafe API

    byte[] listInformation;
    int recordsReturned;

    // Call QGYGTLE, to retrieve the list entries.
    // If we discover that the "receiver variable" was too small, try calling again, with
    // progressively larger "receiver variable".
    do {
      if (pc.run()) {
        listInformation = parameters[3].getOutputData();
        recordsReturned = BinaryConverter.byteArrayToInt(listInformation, 4);
      } else // the call to QGYGTLE failed
        listInformation = null;
        recordsReturned = 0;
        // See if the call failed because of a too-small receiver variable.
        AS400Message[] messages = pc.getMessageList();
        // GUI0002 means that the receiver variable was too small to hold the list.
        if (!messages[0].getID().equals("GUI0002")) {
          throw new AS400Exception(messages);

      if (recordsReturned < number) // we didn't get as many records as we requested
        if (listInformation != null) {
          // See if we've reached the end of the list.
          int totalRecords =
                  listInformation, 0); // The total number of records available in the list.
          int firstRecordInReceiverVariable = BinaryConverter.byteArrayToInt(listInformation, 36);

          // Note: The "First record in receiver variable" field is 1-based; that is, the first
          // record is record number '1' (rather than '0').
          if ((firstRecordInReceiverVariable + recordsReturned) > totalRecords) {
            // All the records in the list have been returned, so don't keep requesting more.

        if (Trace.traceOn_)
              "Retrieved messages, records returned: " + recordsReturned + ", number:",
        if (recordsReturned < 0) { // This will never happen, but satisfy the static code analyzer.
          throw new InternalErrorException(
              InternalErrorException.UNKNOWN, "Records returned: " + recordsReturned);
        // Try again, with a larger "receiver variable".
        lengthOfReceiverVariable *= 1 + number / (recordsReturned + 1);
        if (Trace.traceOn_)
          Trace.log(Trace.DIAGNOSTIC, "Updated length: ", lengthOfReceiverVariable);
        parameters[0] = new ProgramParameter(lengthOfReceiverVariable);
        parameters[1] =
            new ProgramParameter(BinaryConverter.intToByteArray(lengthOfReceiverVariable));
    } while (recordsReturned < number);

    // If the caller specified a non-null 'outputListInfo' parameter, copy the "list information"
    // structure into it, to pass it back to the caller.
    if (outputListInfoContainer != null && listInformation != null) {
      outputListInfoContainer[0] = listInformation;

    return parameters[0].getOutputData(); // the contents of the "receiver variable" field
 public void setConsistencyToken(int consistencyToken) {
   BinaryConverter.intToByteArray(consistencyToken, rawBytes_, offset_);