   * Build a map of logical to physical names for use in Orm Updates for a given descriptor.
   * <p>This includes the dbWrite scalar properties and imported foreign key properties.
  public static Map<String, String> build(BeanDescriptor<?> descriptor) {

    Map<String, String> deployMap = new HashMap<String, String>();

    String shortName = descriptor.getName();
    String beanName = shortName.toLowerCase();
    deployMap.put(beanName, descriptor.getBaseTable());

    BeanProperty[] baseScalar = descriptor.propertiesBaseScalar();
    for (BeanProperty baseProp : baseScalar) {
      // excluding formula, secondary table properties
      if (baseProp.isDbInsertable() || baseProp.isDbUpdatable()) {
        deployMap.put(baseProp.getName().toLowerCase(), baseProp.getDbColumn());

    BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>[] oneImported = descriptor.propertiesOneImported();
    for (BeanPropertyAssocOne<?> assocOne : oneImported) {

      ImportedId importedId = assocOne.getImportedId();
      if (importedId == null) {
        String m =
                + " importedId is null for associated: "
                + assocOne.getFullBeanName();
        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, m);

      } else if (importedId.isScalar()) {
        deployMap.put(importedId.getLogicalName(), importedId.getDbColumn());

    return deployMap;
  /** Return a bean from the bean cache. */
  private T beanCacheGetInternal(Object id, Boolean readOnly, PersistenceContext context) {

    CachedBeanData data = (CachedBeanData) getBeanCache().get(id);
    if (data == null) {
      if (beanLog.isTraceEnabled()) {
        beanLog.trace("   GET {}({}) - cache miss", cacheName, id);
      return null;
    if (cacheSharableBeans && !Boolean.FALSE.equals(readOnly)) {
      Object bean = data.getSharableBean();
      if (bean != null) {
        if (beanLog.isTraceEnabled()) {
          beanLog.trace("   GET {}({}) - hit shared bean", cacheName, id);
        if (desc.isReadAuditing()) {
          desc.readAuditBean("l2", "", bean);
        return (T) bean;

    return (T) loadBean(id, readOnly, data, context);
Exemple #3
  private static Object getProperty(Object object, String name) throws InvocationTargetException {
    try {
      Object value;
      if (name.contains("[")) {
        value = getIndexedProperty(object, name);
      } else {
        if (object instanceof Map<?, ?>) {
          int index = name.indexOf('.');
          if (index > -1) {
            String key = name.substring(0, index);
            value = getProperty(((Map<?, ?>) object).get(key), name.substring(index + 1));
          } else {
            value = ((Map<?, ?>) object).get(name);
        } else {
          int index = name.indexOf('.');
          if (index > -1) {
            String newName = name.substring(0, index);
            value = getProperty(getObject(object, newName), name.substring(index + 1));
          } else {
            BeanDescriptor cd = getBeanDescriptor(object.getClass());
            Method method = cd.getGetter(name);

            if (method == null) {
              throw new NoSuchMethodException(
                  "No GET method for property "
                      + name
                      + " on instance of "
                      + object.getClass().getName());

            try {
              value = method.invoke(object, NO_ARGUMENTS);
            } catch (Throwable t) {
              throw unwrapThrowable(t);
      return value;
    } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
      throw e;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      if (object == null) {
        throw new InvocationTargetException(
            t, "Could not get property '" + name + "' from null reference. Cause: " + t.toString());
      } else {
        throw new InvocationTargetException(
            "Could not get property '"
                + name
                + "' from "
                + object.getClass().getName()
                + ". Cause: "
                + t.toString());
  /*lazy BeanDescriptor*/
  private static BeanDescriptor getBdescriptor() {
    BeanDescriptor beanDescriptor = new BeanDescriptor(Bean21341Hidden.class, null);
    beanDescriptor.setShortDescription("ShortDescription"); // GEN-HEADEREND:BeanDescriptor
    beanDescriptor.setValue("helpID", "HelpID");
    beanDescriptor.setValue("propertiesHelpID", "PropertiesHelpID");
    beanDescriptor.setValue("expertHelpID", "ExpertHelpID");
    // Here you can add code for customizing the BeanDescriptor.

    return beanDescriptor;
  } // GEN-LAST:BeanDescriptor
  private static BeanDescriptor getBdescriptor() {
    // GEN-HEADEREND:BeanDescriptor

    // Here you can add code for customizing the BeanDescriptor.
    if (beanDescriptor == null) beanDescriptor = new BeanDescriptor(StrokeToolBarBeanInfo.class);
    beanDescriptor.setValue("isContainer", Boolean.FALSE);

    return beanDescriptor;
  } // GEN-LAST:BeanDescriptor
  private static BeanDescriptor getBdescriptor() {
    // GEN-HEADEREND:BeanDescriptor

    // Here you can add code for customizing the BeanDescriptor.
    if (beanDescriptor == null) {
      beanDescriptor = new BeanDescriptor(JAttributeTextFieldBeanInfo.class);
    beanDescriptor.setValue("isContainer", Boolean.FALSE);

    return beanDescriptor;
  } // GEN-LAST:BeanDescriptor
   * For a bean built from the cache this sets up its persistence context for future lazy loading
   * etc.
  private void setupContext(Object bean, PersistenceContext context) {
    if (context == null) {
      context = new DefaultPersistenceContext();

    // Not using a loadContext for beans coming out of L2 cache
    // so that means no batch lazy loading for these beans
    EntityBean entityBean = (EntityBean) bean;
    EntityBeanIntercept ebi = entityBean._ebean_getIntercept();
    Object id = desc.getId(entityBean);
    desc.contextPut(context, id, bean);
  private CachedManyIds createManyIds(BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> many, Object details) {

    BeanDescriptor<?> targetDescriptor = many.getTargetDescriptor();

    List<Object> idList = new ArrayList<>();
    Collection<?> actualDetails = BeanCollectionUtil.getActualEntries(details);
    if (actualDetails == null) {
      return null;
    for (Object bean : actualDetails) {
      idList.add(targetDescriptor.getId((EntityBean) bean));
    return new CachedManyIds(idList);
  * Initialise the property before returning to client code. Used to initialise variables that
  * can't be done in construction due to recursive issues.
 public void initialise() {
   // do nothing for normal BeanProperty
   if (!isTransient && scalarType == null) {
     String msg = "No ScalarType assigned to " + descriptor.getFullName() + "." + getName();
     throw new RuntimeException(msg);
  /** Put a bean into the bean cache. */
  void beanCachePut(EntityBean bean) {

    if (desc.inheritInfo != null) {
    } else {
  /** Load the entity bean from cache data given this is the root bean type. */
  EntityBean loadBeanDirect(
      Object id, Boolean readOnly, CachedBeanData data, PersistenceContext context) {

    if (context == null) {
      context = new DefaultPersistenceContext();

    EntityBean bean = desc.createEntityBean();
    id = desc.convertSetId(id, bean);
    CachedBeanDataToBean.load(desc, bean, data, context);

    EntityBeanIntercept ebi = bean._ebean_getIntercept();

    // Not using a loadContext for beans coming out of L2 cache
    // so that means no batch lazy loading for these beans
    if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(readOnly)) {
    desc.contextPut(context, id, bean);

    if (beanLog.isTraceEnabled()) {
      beanLog.trace("   GET {}({}) - hit", cacheName, id);
    if (desc.isReadAuditing()) {
      desc.readAuditBean("l2", "", bean);
    return bean;
  private String tableAliasIntern(
      BeanDescriptor<?> descriptor, String s, boolean dbEncrypted, String dbColumn) {
    if (descriptor != null) {
      s = StringHelper.replaceString(s, "${ta}.", "${}");
      s = StringHelper.replaceString(s, "${ta}", "${}");

      if (dbEncrypted) {
        s = dbEncryptFunction.getDecryptSql(s);
        String namedParam = ":encryptkey_" + descriptor.getBaseTable() + "___" + dbColumn;
        s = StringHelper.replaceString(s, "?", namedParam);
    return InternString.intern(s);
  /** Try to load the bean collection from cache return true if successful. */
  boolean manyPropLoad(
      BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> many, BeanCollection<?> bc, Object parentId, Boolean readOnly) {

    CachedManyIds entry = manyPropGet(parentId, many.getName());
    if (entry == null) {
      // not in cache so return unsuccessful
      return false;

    Object ownerBean = bc.getOwnerBean();
    EntityBeanIntercept ebi = ((EntityBean) ownerBean)._ebean_getIntercept();
    PersistenceContext persistenceContext = ebi.getPersistenceContext();

    BeanDescriptor<?> targetDescriptor = many.getTargetDescriptor();

    List<Object> idList = entry.getIdList();
    for (Object id : idList) {
      Object refBean = targetDescriptor.createReference(readOnly, false, id, persistenceContext);
      many.add(bc, (EntityBean) refBean);
    return true;
  /** Derive the cache notify flags. */
  void deriveNotifyFlags() {
    cacheNotifyOnAll = (beanCache != null || queryCache != null);
    cacheNotifyOnDelete = !cacheNotifyOnAll && isNotifyOnDeletes();

    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
      if (isBeanCaching() || isQueryCaching() || cacheNotifyOnAll || cacheNotifyOnDelete) {
        String notifyMode = cacheNotifyOnAll ? "All" : (cacheNotifyOnDelete ? "Delete" : "None");
            "l2 caching on {} - beanCaching:{} queryCaching:{} notifyMode:{} ",
  static {
    try {
      descr = new BeanDescriptor(AppletExecutor.class);
      ResourceBundle bundle = NbBundle.getBundle(AppletExecutorBeanInfo.class);


      prop = new PropertyDescriptor[1];
      prop[0] = new PropertyDescriptor("externalExecutor", AppletExecutor.class); // 0
    } catch (IntrospectionException ex) {
      if (Boolean.getBoolean("netbeans.debug.exceptions")) {
  /** Put the bean into the bean cache. */
  void beanCachePutDirect(EntityBean bean) {

    CachedBeanData beanData = beanExtractData(desc, bean);

    Object id = desc.getId(bean);
    if (beanLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
      beanLog.debug("   PUT {}({}) data:{}", cacheName, id, beanData);
    getBeanCache().put(id, beanData);

    if (naturalKeyProperty != null) {
      Object naturalKey = beanData.getData(naturalKeyProperty);
      if (naturalKey != null) {
        if (natLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
          natLog.debug(" PUT {}({}, {})", cacheName, naturalKey, id);
        naturalKeyCache.get().put(naturalKey, id);
 /** Add appropriate cache changes to support insert. */
 void handleInsert(PersistRequestBean<T> insertRequest, CacheChangeSet changeSet) {
   cacheDeleteImported(false, insertRequest.getEntityBean(), changeSet);
   * Create a Matching BeanProperty with some attributes overridden.
   * <p>Primarily for supporting Embedded beans with overridden dbColumn mappings.
  public BeanProperty(BeanProperty source, BeanPropertyOverride override) {

    this.descriptor = source.descriptor;
    this.name = InternString.intern(source.getName());
    this.propertyIndex = source.propertyIndex;
    this.dbColumn = InternString.intern(override.getDbColumn());
    // override with sqlFormula not currently supported
    this.sqlFormulaJoin = null;
    this.sqlFormulaSelect = null;
    this.formula = false;

    this.excludedFromHistory = source.excludedFromHistory;
    this.draft = source.draft;
    this.draftDirty = source.draftDirty;
    this.draftOnly = source.draftOnly;
    this.draftReset = source.draftReset;
    this.softDelete = source.softDelete;
    this.softDeleteDbSet = source.softDeleteDbSet;
    this.softDeleteDbPredicate = source.softDeleteDbPredicate;
    this.fetchEager = source.fetchEager;
    this.unidirectionalShadow = source.unidirectionalShadow;
    this.discriminator = source.discriminator;
    this.localEncrypted = source.isLocalEncrypted();
    this.isTransient = source.isTransient();
    this.secondaryTable = source.isSecondaryTable();
    this.secondaryTableJoin = source.secondaryTableJoin;
    this.secondaryTableJoinPrefix = source.secondaryTableJoinPrefix;

    this.dbComment = source.dbComment;
    this.dbBind = source.getDbBind();
    this.dbEncrypted = source.isDbEncrypted();
    this.dbEncryptedType = source.getDbEncryptedType();
    this.dbEncryptFunction = source.dbEncryptFunction;
    this.dbRead = source.isDbRead();
    this.dbInsertable = source.isDbInsertable();
    this.dbUpdatable = source.isDbUpdatable();
    this.nullable = source.isNullable();
    this.unique = source.isUnique();
    this.naturalKey = source.isNaturalKey();
    this.dbLength = source.getDbLength();
    this.dbScale = source.getDbScale();
    this.dbColumnDefn = InternString.intern(source.getDbColumnDefn());
    this.dbColumnDefault = source.dbColumnDefault;

    this.inherited = source.isInherited();
    this.owningType = source.owningType;
    this.local = owningType.equals(descriptor.getBeanType());

    this.version = source.isVersion();
    this.embedded = source.isEmbedded();
    this.id = source.isId();
    this.generatedProperty = source.getGeneratedProperty();
    this.getter = source.getter;
    this.setter = source.setter;
    this.dbType = source.getDbType(true);
    this.scalarType = source.scalarType;
    this.lob = isLobType(dbType);
    this.propertyType = source.getPropertyType();
    this.field = source.getField();
    this.docOptions = source.docOptions;

    this.elPlaceHolder = override.replace(source.elPlaceHolder, source.dbColumn);
    this.elPlaceHolderEncrypted = override.replace(source.elPlaceHolderEncrypted, source.dbColumn);

    this.jsonSerialize = source.jsonSerialize;
    this.jsonDeserialize = source.jsonDeserialize;
Exemple #19
   * Retrieve a field.
   * @param key field name
   * @return the field (even if the field does not exist you get a field)
  public Field field(String key) {

    // Value
    String fieldValue = null;
    if (data.containsKey(key)) {
      fieldValue = data.get(key);
    } else {
      if (value.isPresent()) {
        BeanWrapper beanWrapper = new BeanWrapperImpl(value.get());
        String objectKey = key;
        if (rootName != null && key.startsWith(rootName + ".")) {
          objectKey = key.substring(rootName.length() + 1);
        if (beanWrapper.isReadableProperty(objectKey)) {
          Object oValue = beanWrapper.getPropertyValue(objectKey);
          if (oValue != null) {
            final String objectKeyFinal = objectKey;
            fieldValue =
                    () ->
                            beanWrapper.getPropertyTypeDescriptor(objectKeyFinal), oValue));

    // Error
    List<ValidationError> fieldErrors = errors.get(key);
    if (fieldErrors == null) {
      fieldErrors = new ArrayList<>();

    // Format
    Tuple<String, List<Object>> format = null;
    BeanWrapper beanWrapper = new BeanWrapperImpl(blankInstance());
    try {
      for (Annotation a : beanWrapper.getPropertyTypeDescriptor(key).getAnnotations()) {
        Class<?> annotationType = a.annotationType();
        if (annotationType.isAnnotationPresent(play.data.Form.Display.class)) {
          play.data.Form.Display d = annotationType.getAnnotation(play.data.Form.Display.class);
          if (d.name().startsWith("format.")) {
            List<Object> attributes = new ArrayList<>();
            for (String attr : d.attributes()) {
              Object attrValue = null;
              try {
                attrValue = a.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(attr).invoke(a);
              } catch (Exception e) {
                // do nothing
            format = Tuple(d.name(), attributes);
    } catch (NullPointerException e) {
      // do nothing

    // Constraints
    List<Tuple<String, List<Object>>> constraints = new ArrayList<>();
    Class<?> classType = backedType;
    String leafKey = key;
    if (rootName != null && leafKey.startsWith(rootName + ".")) {
      leafKey = leafKey.substring(rootName.length() + 1);
    int p = leafKey.lastIndexOf('.');
    if (p > 0) {
      classType = beanWrapper.getPropertyType(leafKey.substring(0, p));
      leafKey = leafKey.substring(p + 1);
    if (classType != null) {
      BeanDescriptor beanDescriptor =
      if (beanDescriptor != null) {
        PropertyDescriptor property = beanDescriptor.getConstraintsForProperty(leafKey);
        if (property != null) {
          constraints = Constraints.displayableConstraint(property.getConstraintDescriptors());

    return new Field(this, key, constraints, format, fieldErrors, fieldValue);
  public <T> BeanDescriptor<T> provide(Class<T> ofClass, Type ofType, Genson genson) {
    Map<String, LinkedList<PropertyMutator>> mutatorsMap =
        new LinkedHashMap<String, LinkedList<PropertyMutator>>();
    Map<String, LinkedList<PropertyAccessor>> accessorsMap =
        new LinkedHashMap<String, LinkedList<PropertyAccessor>>();

    List<BeanCreator> creators = provideBeanCreators(ofType, genson);

    provideBeanPropertyAccessors(ofType, accessorsMap, genson);
    provideBeanPropertyMutators(ofType, mutatorsMap, genson);

    List<PropertyAccessor> accessors = new ArrayList<PropertyAccessor>(accessorsMap.size());
    for (Map.Entry<String, LinkedList<PropertyAccessor>> entry : accessorsMap.entrySet()) {
      PropertyAccessor accessor = checkAndMergeAccessors(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
      // in case of...
      if (accessor != null) accessors.add(accessor);

    Map<String, PropertyMutator> mutators =
        new HashMap<String, PropertyMutator>(mutatorsMap.size());
    for (Map.Entry<String, LinkedList<PropertyMutator>> entry : mutatorsMap.entrySet()) {
      PropertyMutator mutator = checkAndMergeMutators(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
      if (mutator != null) mutators.put(mutator.name, mutator);

    BeanCreator ctr = checkAndMerge(ofType, creators);
    if (ctr != null) mergeAccessorsWithCreatorProperties(ofType, accessors, ctr);
    if (ctr != null) mergeMutatorsWithCreatorProperties(ofType, mutators, ctr);

    // 1 - prepare the converters for the accessors
    for (PropertyAccessor accessor : accessors) {
      accessor.propertySerializer = provide(accessor, genson);

    // 2 - prepare the mutators
    for (PropertyMutator mutator : mutators.values()) {
      mutator.propertyDeserializer = provide(mutator, genson);

    // 3 - prepare the converters for creator parameters
    if (ctr != null) {
      for (PropertyMutator mutator : ctr.parameters.values()) {
        mutator.propertyDeserializer = provide(mutator, genson);

    // lets fail fast if the BeanDescriptor has been built for the wrong type.
    // another option could be to pass in all the methods an additional parameter Class<T> that
    // would not necessarily correspond to the rawClass of ofType. In fact we authorize that
    // ofType rawClass is different from Class<T>, but the BeanDescriptor must match!
    BeanDescriptor<T> descriptor = create(ofClass, ofType, ctr, accessors, mutators, genson);
    if (!ofClass.isAssignableFrom(descriptor.getOfClass()))
      throw new ClassCastException(
          "Actual implementation of BeanDescriptorProvider "
              + getClass()
              + " seems to do something wrong. Expected BeanDescriptor for type "
              + ofClass
              + " but provided BeanDescriptor for type "
              + descriptor.getOfClass());
    return descriptor;
Exemple #21
  * Gets an instance of BeanDescriptor for the specified class.
  * @param clazz The class for which to lookup the ClassDescriptor cache.
  * @return The ClassDescriptor cache for the class
 private static BeanDescriptor getBeanDescriptor(Class<?> clazz) {
   return BeanDescriptor.getInstance(clazz);
Exemple #22
  private static void setProperty(Object object, String name, Object value)
      throws InvocationTargetException {
    try {
      if (name.contains("[")) {
        setIndexedProperty(object, name, value);
      } else {
        if (object instanceof Map<?, ?>) {
          Map<String, Object> map = (Map<String, Object>) object;
          map.put(name, value);
        } else {
          BeanDescriptor cd = getBeanDescriptor(object.getClass());
          Method method = cd.getSetter(name);

          if (method == null) {
            throw new NoSuchMethodException(
                "No SET method for property "
                    + name
                    + " on instance of "
                    + object.getClass().getName());

          Object[] params = new Object[] {value};

          try {
            method.invoke(object, params);
          } catch (Throwable t) {
            throw unwrapThrowable(t);
    } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
      throw e;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      try {
        if (value != null) {
          MethodUtils.invokeSetter(object, name, value);
      } catch (Throwable tt) {
        // ignore

      if (object == null) {
        throw new InvocationTargetException(
            "Could not set property '"
                + name
                + "' to value '"
                + value
                + "' for null reference. Cause: "
                + t.toString());
      } else {
        throw new InvocationTargetException(
            "Could not set property '"
                + name
                + "' to value '"
                + value
                + "' for "
                + object.getClass().getName()
                + ". Cause: "
                + t.toString());
 /** Return true if this is a ManyToMany with history support (on the intersection table). */
 public boolean isManyToManyWithHistory() {
   return !excludedFromHistory && descriptor.isHistorySupport();
 /** Load the embedded bean given this is the bean type. */
 EntityBean embeddedBeanLoadDirect(CachedBeanData data, PersistenceContext context) {
   EntityBean bean = desc.createEntityBean();
   CachedBeanDataToBean.load(desc, bean, data, context);
   return bean;
 /** Return the full name of this property. */
 public String getFullBeanName() {
   return descriptor.getFullName() + "." + name;
 /** Return the encrypt key for the column matching this property. */
 public EncryptKey getEncryptKey() {
   return descriptor.getEncryptKey(this);