/* * 功能:更新某一栏目参数:编写:石彦杰 2011-9-28修改: */ public boolean updateCurrentLm(int id, String updateValue, int lmLevel) { boolean returnVlue = false; try { conn = baseDAO.getConn(); if (lmLevel == 0) conn.createStatement() .executeUpdate( "update lm set lm='" + updateValue.trim() + "' where id=" + String.valueOf(id)); if (lmLevel == 1) conn.createStatement() .executeUpdate( "update lm set lm2='" + updateValue.trim() + "' where id=" + String.valueOf(id)); if (lmLevel == 2) conn.createStatement() .executeUpdate( "update lm set lm3='" + updateValue.trim() + "' where id=" + String.valueOf(id)); returnVlue = true; } catch (Exception ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); returnVlue = false; } baseDAO.closeAll(conn); return returnVlue; }
/*parames:lmUnion1,lmUnion2:将编号为lmUnion1栏目合并到编号为lmUnion2的栏目中 * 功能:成功与否, * 编写:石彦杰 2011-9-28 * 修改: */ public boolean lmUnion(int lmUnion1, int lmUnion2) { boolean returnVlue = false; try { conn = baseDAO.getConn(); // 先合并,后删除 conn.createStatement() .executeUpdate( "update lm set lmid='" + String.valueOf(lmUnion2).trim() + "' where lmid='" + String.valueOf(lmUnion1).trim() + "'"); // 删除lmUnion1 conn.createStatement() .executeUpdate("delete from lm where id=" + String.valueOf(lmUnion1).trim()); returnVlue = true; } catch (Exception ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); returnVlue = false; } baseDAO.closeAll(conn); return returnVlue; }
/* 检索栏目 * 功能:返回某一父栏目所有的子栏目名称 * 参数:id,lmLevel:栏目号和栏目级别 */ public Map<Integer, String> selectAllSubLmNameAndKey(int id, int lmLevel) { Map<Integer, String> returnVlue = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); try { conn = baseDAO.getConn(); // if (lmLevel == 1) // 检索二级栏目 rs = conn.createStatement() .executeQuery( "select id,lm2 from lm where lm2<>'' and lmid='" + String.valueOf(id) + "'"); if (lmLevel == 2) // 检索三级栏目 rs = conn.createStatement() .executeQuery( "select id,lm3 from lm where lm3<>'' and lmid='" + String.valueOf(id) + "'"); while (rs.next()) { returnVlue.put(rs.getInt("id"), rs.getString("lm2")); } } catch (Exception ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); } baseDAO.closeAll(conn); return returnVlue; }
/* * 功能:返回栏目, * 编写:石彦杰 2011-9-28 * 修改: */ public Lm selectLmObject(int lmid) { Lm lm = new Lm(); try { conn = baseDAO.getConn(); rs = conn.createStatement().executeQuery("select * from lm"); while (rs.next()) { int id = rs.getInt("id"); if (id == lmid) { lm.setId(lmid); lm.setLm(rs.getString("lm")); lm.setLm2(rs.getString("lm2")); lm.setLm3(rs.getString("lm3")); lm.setMb(rs.getString("mb")); lm.setLmid(rs.getString("lmid")); break; } } } catch (Exception ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); } baseDAO.closeAll(conn); return lm; }
/** * 带一个参数的删除动作 * * @param sql * @param paramValue * @param paramType * @throws E5Exception */ public static void delete(String sql, Object paramValue, Type paramType) throws E5Exception { try { BaseDAO dao = new BaseDAO(); dao.delete(sql, paramValue, paramType); } catch (HibernateException e) { throw new E5Exception(e); } }
/** * 不带参数的删除动作,外传入Session * * @param sql * @param paramValue * @param paramType * @throws E5Exception */ public static void delete(String sql, Session s) throws E5Exception { try { BaseDAO dao = new BaseDAO(); dao.delete(sql, s); } catch (HibernateException e) { throw new E5Exception(e); } }
/** * 带多个参数的查找动作 * * @param query HQL查找语句 * @param paramValue 参数的值数组 * @param s * @return * @throws E5Exception */ public static List find(String sql, Object[] paramValue, Session s) throws E5Exception { try { BaseDAO dao = new BaseDAO(); return dao.find(sql, paramValue, s); } catch (HibernateException e) { throw new E5Exception(e); } }
/** * 不带参数的查找动作 * * @param sql * @param paramValue * @param paramType * @return * @throws E5Exception */ public static List find(String sql) throws E5Exception { try { BaseDAO dao = new BaseDAO(); return dao.find(sql); } catch (HibernateException e) { throw new E5Exception(e); } }
/** * 带多个参数的查找动作 * * <p>从Hibernate2.0升级到Hibernate3.0时本方法被迫改动 * * @param query HQL查找语句 * @param paramName HQL语句中的参数名数组 * @param paramValue 参数的值数组 * @param paramType 参数的类型数组 * @return * @throws E5Exception */ public static List find(String sql, String[] paramName, Object[] paramValue, Type[] paramType) throws E5Exception { try { BaseDAO dao = new BaseDAO(); return dao.find(sql, paramName, paramValue, paramType); } catch (HibernateException e) { throw new E5Exception(e); } }
/** * 带多个参数的删除动作,传入Session * * <p>从Hibernate2.0升级到Hibernate3.0时本方法被迫改动 <br> * 因为3.0后去掉了带参数(Object[], Type[])的方法,无法直接调用 <br> * 不能使用Query.getNamedParameters来获取参数名称, 因为该方法返回的数组是从Map中得到的,顺序不固定 * * @param query HQL删除语句 * @param paramName HQL语句中的参数名数组 * @param paramValue 参数的值数组 * @param paramType 参数的类型数组 * @param s * @throws E5Exception */ public static void delete( String sql, String[] paramName, Object[] paramValue, Type[] paramType, Session s) throws E5Exception { try { BaseDAO dao = new BaseDAO(); dao.delete(sql, paramName, paramValue, paramType, s); } catch (HibernateException e) { throw new E5Exception(e); } }
/* * 功能:增加栏目 参数:lmName--增加的栏目名称,pLmName---栏目的父栏目名称,如果为空,则是根栏目 * 编写:石彦杰 2011-9-28 * 修改: */ public boolean addLmByRootName(String lmName, String pLmName) { boolean returnVlue = false; if (pLmName.trim().length() == 0) // 增加根栏目 { try { conn = baseDAO.getConn(); rs = conn.createStatement() .executeQuery("select * from lm where lm='" + lmName.trim() + "'"); if (rs.next()) // 库中已存在该栏目 { returnVlue = false; } else { conn.createStatement() .executeUpdate("insert into lm(lm) values('" + lmName.trim() + "')"); returnVlue = true; } } catch (Exception ee) { returnVlue = false; ee.printStackTrace(); } baseDAO.closeAll(conn); } else { try { conn = baseDAO.getConn(); // 获得父栏目的id int pid = selectLmId(pLmName, false); if (pid != 0) { rs = conn.createStatement() .executeQuery("select * from lm where lm2='" + lmName.trim() + "'"); if (rs.next()) // 库中已存在该子栏目 { returnVlue = false; } else { conn.createStatement() .executeUpdate( "insert into lm(lm2,lmid) values('" + lmName.trim() + "','" + String.valueOf(pid) + "')"); returnVlue = true; } } else // 父目录不存在,没有得到id returnVlue = false; } catch (Exception ee) { returnVlue = false; ee.printStackTrace(); } baseDAO.closeAll(conn); } return returnVlue; }
/* * 功能:返回所有子栏目名称参数:编写:石彦杰 2011-9-28修改: */ public List<String> selectAllSubLmName() { List<String> returnVlue = new ArrayList<String>(); try { conn = baseDAO.getConn(); rs = conn.createStatement().executeQuery("select lm2 from lm where lm2<>''"); while (rs.next()) returnVlue.add(rs.getString("lm2")); } catch (Exception ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); } baseDAO.closeAll(conn); return returnVlue; }
/* * 功能:返回栏目id * 参数:lmName--栏目名称,optionType:true\false:connect(close)\don‘t connect(close) DB * 编写:石彦杰 2011-9-28 * 修改: */ public int getLmId(String lmName, int lmLevel, boolean optionType) { int returnVlue = 0; try { if (optionType) conn = baseDAO.getConn(); rs = conn.createStatement().executeQuery("select id,lm,lm2,lm3 from lm"); boolean have = false; // 搜索一级栏目找 if (lmLevel == 1) // 一级栏目 { while (rs.next()) { returnVlue = rs.getInt("id"); String lm = rs.getString("lm"); if (lm == null) continue; if (lm.equals(lmName)) { have = true; break; } } } // if (lmLevel == 2) // 二级栏目 { while (rs.next() && have == false) { returnVlue = rs.getInt("id"); String lm2 = rs.getString("lm2"); if (lm2 == null) continue; if (lm2.equals(lmName)) { have = true; break; } } } // if (lmLevel == 3) // 三级栏目 { while (rs.next() && have == false) { returnVlue = rs.getInt("id"); String lm3 = rs.getString("lm3"); if (lm3 == null) continue; if (lm3.equals(lmName)) { have = true; break; } } } } catch (Exception ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); } if (optionType) baseDAO.closeAll(conn); return returnVlue; }
/* * 功能:返回所有子栏目名称及其id参数:编写:石彦杰 2011-9-28修改: */ public Map<Integer, String> selectAllSubLmNameAndKey() { Map<Integer, String> returnVlue = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); try { conn = baseDAO.getConn(); // rs = conn.createStatement().executeQuery("select id,lm2 from lm where lm2<>''"); while (rs.next()) { returnVlue.put(rs.getInt("id"), rs.getString("lm2")); } } catch (Exception ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); } baseDAO.closeAll(conn); return returnVlue; }
@Override public int countTotalSearch() { Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement stm = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { connection = BaseDAO.getConnect(); stm = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT COUNT(resultID) as \"Total\" FROM result"); rs = stm.executeQuery(); if (rs.next()) { return rs.getInt("Total"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (stm != null) { try { stm.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } if (connection != null) { try { connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } return 0; }
/* */ public static String getSequence(String tableName, int companyID) /* */ { /* 218 */ String oRet = null; /* 219 */ Connection conn = null; /* */ try { /* 221 */ conn = ServiceLocator.getConnection(SQLUtils.class); /* 222 */ BaseDAO dao = new BaseDAO(); /* 223 */ dao.setConnection(conn); /* 224 */ oRet = dao.getSequence(tableName, companyID); /* */ } catch (Exception e) { /* 226 */ e.printStackTrace(); /* 227 */ return null; /* */ } finally { /* 229 */ ServiceLocator.closeConnection(SQLUtils.class, conn); /* */ } /* 231 */ return oRet; /* */ }
@Override public Boolean delete(int id) { Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement stm = null; try { connection = BaseDAO.getConnect(); stm = connection.prepareStatement( "UPDATE trafficdb.result SET isActive = false WHERE resultID=?"); stm.setInt(1, id); return stm.executeUpdate() > 0; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (stm != null) { try { stm.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } if (connection != null) { try { connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } return false; }
/* * 功能:更新某一栏目参数:编写:石彦杰 2011-9-28修改: */ public boolean updateLmMb(int id, String lmMb) { boolean returnVlue = false; try { conn = baseDAO.getConn(); conn.createStatement() .executeUpdate("update lm set mb='" + lmMb.trim() + "' where id=" + String.valueOf(id)); returnVlue = true; } catch (Exception ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); returnVlue = false; } baseDAO.closeAll(conn); return returnVlue; }
@Override public void delete(String userName, String eventId) { super.delete( Arrays.asList( newEqualQueryParameter("userName", userName), newEqualQueryParameter("eventId", eventId))); }
/* * 功能:删除某一子栏目参数:编写:石彦杰 2011-9-28修改: */ public boolean deleteCurrentSubLm(String subName) { boolean returnVlue = false; try { conn = baseDAO.getConn(); // // 删除栏目 conn.createStatement().executeUpdate("delete from lm where lm2='" + subName.trim() + "'"); returnVlue = true; } catch (Exception ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); returnVlue = false; } baseDAO.closeAll(conn); return returnVlue; }
/* * 功能:删除所有栏目参数:编写:石彦杰 2011-9-28修改: */ public boolean clear() { boolean returnVlue = false; try { conn = baseDAO.getConn(); // // 删除栏目 conn.createStatement().executeUpdate("delete from lm"); returnVlue = true; } catch (Exception ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); returnVlue = false; } baseDAO.closeAll(conn); return returnVlue; }
/* */ public static String[] getSequence(String tableName, int companyID, int size) /* */ { /* 192 */ String[] oRet = null; /* 193 */ Connection conn = null; /* */ try { /* 195 */ conn = ServiceLocator.getConnection(SQLUtils.class); /* 196 */ BaseDAO dao = new BaseDAO(); /* 197 */ dao.setConnection(conn); /* 198 */ oRet = dao.getSequence(tableName, companyID, size); /* */ } catch (Exception e) { /* 200 */ e.printStackTrace(); /* 201 */ return null; /* */ } finally { /* 203 */ ServiceLocator.closeConnection(SQLUtils.class, conn); /* */ } /* 205 */ return oRet; /* */ }
/* * 功能:删除某一主栏目参数:编写:石彦杰 2011-9-28修改: */ public boolean deleteRootLmById(int id) { boolean returnVlue = false; try { conn = baseDAO.getConn(); // 删除父栏目 conn.createStatement().executeUpdate("delete from lm where id=" + String.valueOf(id)); // 删除子栏目 conn.createStatement() .executeUpdate("delete from lm where lmid='" + String.valueOf(id) + "'"); returnVlue = true; } catch (Exception ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); returnVlue = false; } baseDAO.closeAll(conn); return returnVlue; }
/* * 功能:返回所有栏目id:单为admin所写,以使admin获取所有栏目的id */ public String selectAllLmIdForAdmin() { String returnVlue = ""; try { conn = baseDAO.getConn(); rs = conn.createStatement().executeQuery("select id from lm "); int s = 1; while (rs.next()) { if (s == 1) returnVlue = String.valueOf(rs.getInt("id")); else returnVlue = returnVlue + "," + String.valueOf(rs.getInt("id")); s++; } } catch (Exception ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); } baseDAO.closeAll(conn); return returnVlue; }
/*parames:optionType:true\false:connect(close)\don‘t connect(close) DB * 功能:返回栏目id参数:lmName--栏目名称,编写:石彦杰 2011-9-28修改: */ public int selectLmId(String lmName, boolean optionType) { int returnVlue = 0; try { if (optionType) conn = baseDAO.getConn(); rs = conn.createStatement().executeQuery("select id,lm from lm where lm<>''"); while (rs.next()) { returnVlue = rs.getInt("id"); if (rs.getString("lm").trim().equals(lmName)) break; } } catch (Exception ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); } if (optionType) baseDAO.closeAll(conn); return returnVlue; }
/* * 功能:返回所有栏目的所有信息参数:编写:石彦杰 2011-9-28修改: */ public List<Lm> selectAllLm() { List<Lm> lmList = new ArrayList<Lm>(); Lm lm = null; try { conn = baseDAO.getConn(); rs = conn.createStatement().executeQuery("select * from lm"); while (rs.next()) { lm = new Lm(); lm.setId(rs.getInt("id")); String lm1 = rs.getString("lm"); if (lm1 == null) lm.setLm(""); else lm.setLm(rs.getString("lm").trim()); // String lm2 = rs.getString("lm2"); if (lm2 == null) lm.setLm2(""); else lm.setLm2(rs.getString("lm2").trim()); // String lm3 = rs.getString("lm3"); if (lm3 == null) lm.setLm3(""); else lm.setLm3(rs.getString("lm3").trim()); // String lmid = rs.getString("lmid"); if (lmid == null) lm.setLmid(""); else lm.setLmid(rs.getString("lmid").trim()); // String mb = rs.getString("mb"); if (mb == null) lm.setMb(""); else lm.setMb(rs.getString("mb").trim()); // String pic = rs.getString("pic"); if (pic == null) lm.setPic(""); else lm.setPic(rs.getString("pic").trim()); // lmList.add(lm); } } catch (Exception ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); } // baseDAO.closeAll(conn); return lmList; }
/** * 描述:添加所有的List的数据 2012-12-25 上午10:20:39 by ygq * * @version * @param list * @param baseDao */ public static void insertAll(List list, BaseDAO baseDao) { if (list != null) { for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { Object o = list.get(i); if (null != o) { baseDao.insert(o); } } } }
/* * 功能: * 编写:石彦杰 2011-9-28 * 修改: */ public int selectCurLmPId(int id) { int level = 0; try { conn = baseDAO.getConn(); rs = conn.createStatement().executeQuery("select * from lm"); while (rs.next()) { if (rs.getInt("id") == id) { String lmid = rs.getString("lmid"); if (lmid != null) level = Integer.parseInt(lmid); } } } catch (Exception ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); } // baseDAO.closeAll(conn); return level; }
/* * 功能:删除某一主栏目参数:编写:石彦杰 2011-9-28修改: */ public boolean deleteRootLmByName(String pName) { boolean returnVlue = false; try { conn = baseDAO.getConn(); // // 获得父栏目的id int pid = selectLmId(pName, false); // 删除父栏目 conn.createStatement().executeUpdate("delete from lm where lm='" + pName.trim() + "'"); // 删除子栏目 conn.createStatement() .executeUpdate("delete from lm where lmid='" + String.valueOf(pid) + "'"); returnVlue = true; } catch (Exception ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); returnVlue = false; } baseDAO.closeAll(conn); return returnVlue; }
/** * Delete a persistent UserProperty entity. This operation must be performed within the a database * transaction context for the entity's data to be permanently deleted from the persistence store, * i.e., database. This method uses the {@link javax.persistence.EntityManager#remove(Object) * EntityManager#delete} operation. * * @param entity UserProperty entity to delete * @throws Exception * @throws RuntimeException when the operation fails */ public void delete(UserProperty entity) throws Exception { log.info("deleting UserProperty instance"); try { entity = getEntityManager().getReference(UserProperty.class, entity.getId()); super.delete(entity); log.info("delete successful"); } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error("delete failed", e); throw e; } }