Exemple #1
   * Request an access token from an OAuth 2.0 provider.
   * <p>If it can be determined that the user has already granted access, and the token has not yet
   * expired, and that the token will not expire soon, the existing token will be passed to the
   * callback.
   * <p>Otherwise, a popup window will be displayed which may prompt the user to grant access. If
   * the user has already granted access the popup will immediately close and the token will be
   * passed to the callback. If access hasn't been granted, the user will be prompted, and when they
   * grant, the token will be passed to the callback.
   * @param req Request for authentication.
   * @param callback Callback to pass the token to when access has been granted.
  public void login(AuthRequest req, final Callback<String, Throwable> callback) {
    lastRequest = req;
    lastCallback = callback;

    String authUrl = req.toUrl(urlCodex) + "&redirect_uri=" + urlCodex.encode(oauthWindowUrl);

    // Try to look up the token we have stored.
    final TokenInfo info = getToken(req);
    if (info == null || info.expires == null || expiringSoon(info)) {
      // Token wasn't found, or doesn't have an expiration, or is expired or
      // expiring soon. Requesting access will refresh the token.
      doLogin(authUrl, callback);
    } else {
      // Token was found and is good, immediately execute the callback with the
      // access token.

          new ScheduledCommand() {
            public void execute() {