public int doStartTag() throws JspException { PNTag pnTag = (PNTag) this.getParent(); if (pnTag == null) return Tag.SKIP_BODY; pn = pnTag.getPn(); if (pn == null || !(pn instanceof EPN)) return Tag.SKIP_BODY; EPN epn = (EPN) pn; int seq = Integer.parseInt(sequence); attributeMeta = epn.getSortedAttributeMeta(seq); if (attributeMeta == null) return Tag.SKIP_BODY; if (!attributeMeta.hasActivated()) return Tag.SKIP_BODY; pageContext.setAttribute("attributeTitle", attributeMeta.getAttributeTitle()); pageContext.setAttribute("attributeIndex", attributeMeta.getAttributeIndex() + ""); return EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE; }
public AttributeValue getSelectedAttributeValue() { return ((EPN); }
/** * Constructor. * * @param attributeMeta the meta data of attribute * @throws NullPointerException if the attributeMeta parameter is null */ public DescCriterion(AttributeMeta<?, ?> attributeMeta) throws NullPointerException { super(attributeMeta); sort = new Sort(attributeMeta.getName(), SortDirection.DESCENDING); }