private boolean isSourceOppositeToTargetInt(
      long sourceSense, long targetSense, POS sourcePOS, POS targetPOS) {
    long key;
    if (targetSense > sourceSense) {
      key = (targetSense << 32) + sourceSense;
    } else {
      key = (sourceSense << 32) + targetSense;

    if ((POS.NOUN == sourcePOS) && (POS.NOUN == targetPOS)) {
      if (Arrays.binarySearch(noun_opp, key) >= 0) {
        log.trace("Found ! using ! (ANTONYM) between nouns");
        return true;
    } else {
      if ((POS.ADJECTIVE == sourcePOS) && (POS.ADJECTIVE == targetPOS)) {
        if (Arrays.binarySearch(adj_opp, key) >= 0) {
          log.trace("Found ! using ! (ANTONYM) between adjectives");
          return true;
      } else {
        if ((POS.ADVERB == sourcePOS) && (POS.ADVERB == targetPOS)) {
          if (Arrays.binarySearch(adv_opp, key) >= 0) {
            log.trace("Found ! using ! (ANTONYM) between adverbs");
            return true;

    return false;
  private boolean isSourceSynonymTargetInt(
      long sourceSense, long targetSense, POS sourcePOS, POS targetPOS) {
    if (sourceSense == targetSense) {
      return true;

    long key;
    if (targetSense > sourceSense) {
      key = (targetSense << 32) + sourceSense;
    } else {
      key = (sourceSense << 32) + targetSense;

    if ((POS.ADJECTIVE == sourcePOS) && (POS.ADJECTIVE == targetPOS)) {
      if (Arrays.binarySearch(adj_syn, key) >= 0) {
        log.trace("Found = using & (SIMILAR_TO) between adjectives");
        return true;
    if ((POS.NOUN == sourcePOS) && (POS.VERB == targetPOS)) {
      key = (targetSense << 32) + sourceSense;
      if (Arrays.binarySearch(nominalizations, key) >= 0) {
        log.trace("Found = using + (DERIVATION) between a noun and a verb");
        return true;
    if ((POS.VERB == sourcePOS) && (POS.NOUN == targetPOS)) {
      key = (sourceSense << 32) + targetSense;
      if (Arrays.binarySearch(nominalizations, key) >= 0) {
        log.trace("Found = using + (DERIVATION) between a verb and a noun");
        return true;
    return false;
Exemple #3
 private static String keyTransform(String note, int key) {
   if (note.length() == 3) return note;
   if (key < 0) {
     char[] flatRange = Arrays.copyOfRange(circleOfFifths, 7 + key, 7);
     if (Arrays.binarySearch(flatRange, note.charAt(0)) >= 0) return note.concat("@");
   if (key > 0) {
     char[] sharpRange = Arrays.copyOfRange(circleOfFifths, 0, key);
     if (Arrays.binarySearch(sharpRange, note.charAt(0)) >= 0) return note.concat("#");
   return note;
 public DictionaryEntry lookup(byte utfBytes[], int hashCode, int charLength) {
   int res = Arrays.binarySearch(hashCodes, hashCode);
   if (res < 0) {
     return null;
   DictionaryEntry entry = entries[res];
   if (Arrays.equals(entry.entryBytes, utfBytes)) {
     return entry;
   int pos = res - 1;
   while ((pos >= 0) && (hashCodes[pos] == hashCode)) {
     entry = entries[pos];
     if (Arrays.equals(entry.entryBytes, utfBytes)) {
       return entry;
   pos = res + 1;
   while ((pos < entries.length) && (hashCodes[pos] == hashCode)) {
     entry = entries[pos];
     if (Arrays.equals(entry.entryBytes, utfBytes)) {
       return entry;
   return UNKNOWN;
Exemple #5
 private HashSet<Integer> getAdjPos(Node<Integer>[] sortedKeys, ArrayList<Node<Integer>> adj) {
   HashSet<Integer> result = new HashSet<Integer>();
   for (Node<Integer> value : adj) {
     result.add(Arrays.binarySearch(sortedKeys, value));
   return result;
Exemple #6
  public Iterator<Value> values(int fromIdx, int toIdx) {
    final int lId, gId;
    final int to = Math.min(toIdx, _len);

    if (sparse()) {
      int x = Arrays.binarySearch(_id, 0, sparseLen(), fromIdx);
      if (x < 0) x = -x - 1;
      lId = x;
      gId = x == sparseLen() ? _len : _id[x];
    } else lId = gId = fromIdx;
    final Value v = new Value(lId, gId);
    final Value next = new Value(lId, gId);
    return new Iterator<Value>() {
      public final boolean hasNext() {
        return next._gId < to;

      public final Value next() {
        if (!hasNext()) throw new NoSuchElementException();
        v._gId = next._gId;
        v._lId = next._lId;
        if (sparse()) next._gId = next._lId < sparseLen() ? _id[next._lId] : _len;
        else next._gId++;
        return v;

      public void remove() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
   * Returns an int to int hash map with old row numbers mapped to new row numbers, which defines a
   * sorted order for this column
   * @param validRows row numbers from which the sorted order is retrieved.
  public VIntIntHashMap getNewOrder(int[] validRows) {

    Object[] sortedValues = getValuesInRange(validRows[0], validRows[validRows.length - 1]);

    Object[] rawValues = getValues(validRows);

    // will hold the new order, the returned value.
    int[] newOrder = new int[validRows.length];

    // a flag array. occupiedIndices[j] == true mean that the row number
    // stored at validRows[j] was already mapped to a value in tempMap
    boolean[] ocuupiedIndices = new boolean[validRows.length];

    // for each valid row validRows[i]
    for (int i = 0; i < validRows.length; i++) {

      // finding the index of its mapped Object in values

      int newRow = Arrays.binarySearch(sortedValues, rawValues[i]);

      // because binarySearch can return the same index for items that are identical
      // checking for this option too.
      if (ocuupiedIndices[newRow]) {

        // if newRow index was already used - finding an alternative index
        newRow = getNewRow(rawValues[i], sortedValues, newRow, ocuupiedIndices);

        // marking the associated flag as true
      ocuupiedIndices[newRow] = true;

      newOrder[newRow] = validRows[i];
    } // end of for
    return VHashService.getMappedOrder(validRows, newOrder);
    // concurrent read/write access is allowed
    Object putAtomic(
        double key,
        Object value,
        Node b,
        boolean onlyIfAbsent,
        ConcurrentDoubleOrderedListMap orderedMap) {
      synchronized (b) {
        if (b.isMarked()) return Retry;
        synchronized (this) {
          if (isMarked()) return Retry;

          int len = len();
          int pos = Arrays.binarySearch(keys, 0, len, key);
          if (pos >= 0) {
            Object old = vals[pos];
            if (onlyIfAbsent) {
              if (old == null) {
                vals[pos] = value;
                return null;
              } else {
                return old;
            vals[pos] = value;
            return old;
          pos = -(pos + 1);
          putAtomicReally(b, pos, key, value, orderedMap);
          return null;
Exemple #9
  public void addNewsToDatabase(int id) // Временно, будет заменена на сервис
    M_DB db = app.getDb();
    if (!db.isOpen()) {;
    int index = Arrays.binarySearch(tables, "News", String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);
    String[] values = new String[DBcolumns.get(index).length];
    if (id == 2) {
      values[1] = "Пираты освободили угнанный французский танкер, захватив часть груза";
      values[2] = "1 января 2013 года";
      values[3] =
          "Французский нефтяной танкер \"Гасконь\", захваченный ранее пиратами в территориальных водах Кот-д'Ивуара освобожден, сообщает ИТАР-ТАСС со ссылкой на владельца судна - компанию Sea Tankers.\n"
              + "\n"
              + "\"Он был освобожден в среду, рано утром. Пираты покинули корабль, который сейчас находится под контролем капитана\", - отметили в судоходной компании. Члены экипажа - 17 человек - получили во время захвата легкие ранения, и сейчас их осматривают врачи.\n"
              + "\n"
              + "Угнанный пиратами танкер перевозил дизельное топливо. Обычно пираты откачивают из захваченных судов топливо, которое потом продают на черном рынке.\n"
              + "\n"
              + "Как отметили в Sea Tankers, морские бандиты ушли не с пустыми руками. \"Была похищена часть груза\", - добавили в компании. Где именно сейчас находится \"Гасконь\" и куда держит курс, не сообщается из соображений безопасности. Владельцы судна также не стали объяснять, на каких условиях оно было освобождено, однако поблагодарили местные власти за содействие в этом вопросе.";
    if (id == 3) {
      values[1] = "Во Владивостоке грязный снег сбрасывают в море";
      values[2] = "15 января 2013 года";
      values[3] =
          "В столице Приморья снег, убранный с городских трасс, не стесняются сбрасывать прямо в Амурский залив. Об этом в одной из социальных сетей рассказали очевидцы. За 40 минут приехало более 20 грузовиков. Снег загружают на площади Борцов за власть Советов, а сбрасывают в море за Набережной, возле автодрома «Аник».\n"
              + "Пресс-служба мэрии Владивостока сообщила о том, что грузовики, которые сбрасывают грязный снег в акваторию, МУП «Дороги Владивостока» не принадлежат. \n"
              + "Все машины этой организации имеют фирменный оранжевый логотип. Они счищают снег, складируют его на специально отведенных площадках, а затем вывозят на территорию выработанного буто-щебёночного карьера.";

    values[0] = id + "";
    db.addRec(tables[index], DBcolumns.get(index), values);
    if (db.isOpen()) {
   * Copy from the copy method in StructUtil. Did not want to drag that code in. maybe this actually
   * should go to struct.
   * @param from
   * @param to
   * @param excludes
   * @return
   * @throws Exception
  public static <T extends struct> T xcopy(struct from, T to, String... excludes) throws Exception {
    for (Field f : from.fields()) {
      if (Arrays.binarySearch(excludes, f.getName()) >= 0) continue;

      Object o = f.get(from);
      if (o == null) continue;

      Field tof = to.getField(f.getName());
      if (tof != null)
        try {
          tof.set(to, Converter.cnv(tof.getGenericType(), o));
        } catch (Exception e) {
              "Failed to convert "
                  + f.getName()
                  + " from "
                  + from.getClass()
                  + " to "
                  + to.getClass()
                  + " value "
                  + o
                  + " exception "
                  + e);

    return to;
Exemple #11
  * Binary search of a key in a list. If there are several hits the last one is returned.
  * @param a array to search into
  * @param e key to search for
  * @return index of the found hit or where the key ought to be inserted
 private int sortedLastIndexOf(final int[] a, final int e) {
   int i = Arrays.binarySearch(a, 0, rows, e);
   if (i >= 0) {
     while (++i < rows && a[i] == e) ;
     return i - 1;
   return i;
 Object get(double key) {
   if (len() == 0) return null;
   int pos;
   if (key == keys[0]) pos = 0;
   else pos = Arrays.binarySearch(keys, 0, len(), key);
   if (pos < 0) return null;
   return vals[pos];
Exemple #13
  * Auxiliary Function for looking overlaps.
  * listOfIds has to be ordered since a binarySeach is done to look for currentZ in listOfIds
  * @param currentZ a current Id of an entity
  * @param listOfIds list of entities Ids (ordered listOfIds)
  * @return whether currentZ is in the listOfIds
 private static boolean find(int currentZ, ArrayList<Integer> listOfIds) {
   boolean found = false;
   int result = Arrays.binarySearch(listOfIds.toArray(), (Integer) currentZ);
   if (result > 0) {
     found = true;
   return found;
Exemple #14
 public boolean isNA_impl(int i) {
   if (_len != sparseLen()) {
     int idx = Arrays.binarySearch(_id, 0, sparseLen(), i);
     if (idx >= 0) i = idx;
     else return false;
   return isNA2(i);
 public static void main(String[] args) {
   Comparator<DataHolder> comp =
       new Comparator<DataHolder>() {
         public int compare(DataHolder o1, DataHolder o2) {
           return ( < ? -1 : ( == ? 0 : 1));
   DataHolder[] a = new DataHolderWithEquals[10];
   for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) a[i] = new DataHolderWithEquals(i);
   Arrays.sort(a, comp);
   int location = Arrays.binarySearch(a, a[7], comp);
   printnb("Location of " + a[7] + " is " + location);
   if (location >= 0) print(", a[" + location + "] = " + a[location]);
   else print();
   location = Arrays.binarySearch(a, a[5], comp);
   printnb("Location of " + a[5] + " is " + location);
   if (location >= 0) print(", a[" + location + "] = " + a[location]);
  protected Box createStbl(Track track, Movie movie, Map<Track, int[]> chunks) {
    SampleTableBox stbl = new SampleTableBox();

    createStsd(track, stbl);
    createStts(track, stbl);
    createCtts(track, stbl);
    createStss(track, stbl);
    createSdtp(track, stbl);
    createStsc(track, chunks, stbl);
    createStsz(track, stbl);
    createStco(track, movie, chunks, stbl);

    Map<String, List<GroupEntry>> groupEntryFamilies = new HashMap<String, List<GroupEntry>>();
    for (Map.Entry<GroupEntry, long[]> sg : track.getSampleGroups().entrySet()) {
      String type = sg.getKey().getType();
      List<GroupEntry> groupEntries = groupEntryFamilies.get(type);
      if (groupEntries == null) {
        groupEntries = new ArrayList<GroupEntry>();
        groupEntryFamilies.put(type, groupEntries);
    for (Map.Entry<String, List<GroupEntry>> sg : groupEntryFamilies.entrySet()) {
      SampleGroupDescriptionBox sgdb = new SampleGroupDescriptionBox();
      String type = sg.getKey();
      SampleToGroupBox sbgp = new SampleToGroupBox();
      SampleToGroupBox.Entry last = null;
      for (int i = 0; i < track.getSamples().size(); i++) {
        int index = 0;
        for (int j = 0; j < sg.getValue().size(); j++) {
          GroupEntry groupEntry = sg.getValue().get(j);
          long[] sampleNums = track.getSampleGroups().get(groupEntry);
          if (Arrays.binarySearch(sampleNums, i) >= 0) {
            index = j + 1;
        if (last == null || last.getGroupDescriptionIndex() != index) {
          last = new SampleToGroupBox.Entry(1, index);
        } else {
          last.setSampleCount(last.getSampleCount() + 1);

    if (track instanceof CencEncryptedTrack) {
      createCencBoxes((CencEncryptedTrack) track, stbl, chunks.get(track));
    createSubs(track, stbl);

    return stbl;
Exemple #17
 boolean setNA_impl(int i) {
   if (isNA_impl(i)) return true;
   if (sparseLen() != _len) {
     int idx = Arrays.binarySearch(_id, 0, sparseLen(), i);
     if (idx >= 0) i = idx;
     else cancel_sparse(); // todo - do not necessarily cancel sparse here
   return setNA_impl2(i);
  public final int readCharacter(final char[] allowed) throws IOException {
    // if we restrict to a limited set and the current character
    // is not in the set, then try again.
    char c;

    Arrays.sort(allowed); // always need to sort before binarySearch

    while (Arrays.binarySearch(allowed, c = (char) readVirtualKey()) < 0) ;

    return c;
 public static String prefixAttribute(final String attrName, boolean isXhtml) {
   if (isXhtml) {
     if (Arrays.binarySearch(XHTML_PREFIX_ATTRIBUTES, attrName) > -1) {
       return XHTML_ATTR_PREFIX + attrName;
     } else {
       return attrName;
   } else {
     return attrName;
  * Gets the method annotations for the given method, or null if no annotations are defined for
  * that method
  * @param methodIdItem The method to get the annotations for
  * @return An <code>AnnotationSetItem</code> containing the method annotations, or null if none
  *     are found
 public AnnotationSetItem getMethodAnnotations(MethodIdItem methodIdItem) {
   if (methodAnnotations == null) {
     return null;
   int index = Arrays.binarySearch(methodAnnotations, methodIdItem);
   if (index < 0) {
     return null;
   return methodAnnotations[index].annotationSet;
  * Gets the parameter annotations for the given method, or null if no parameter annotations are
  * defined for that method
  * @param methodIdItem The method to get the parameter annotations for
  * @return An <code>AnnotationSetRefList</code> containing the parameter annotations, or null if
  *     none are found
 public AnnotationSetRefList getParameterAnnotations(MethodIdItem methodIdItem) {
   if (parameterAnnotations == null) {
     return null;
   int index = Arrays.binarySearch(parameterAnnotations, methodIdItem);
   if (index < 0) {
     return null;
   return parameterAnnotations[index].annotationSet;
  * Gets the field annotations for the given field, or null if no annotations are defined for that
  * field
  * @param fieldIdItem The field to get the annotations for
  * @return An <code>AnnotationSetItem</code> containing the field annotations, or null if none are
  *     found
 public AnnotationSetItem getFieldAnnotations(FieldIdItem fieldIdItem) {
   if (fieldAnnotations == null) {
     return null;
   int index = Arrays.binarySearch(fieldAnnotations, fieldIdItem);
   if (index < 0) {
     return null;
   return fieldAnnotations[index].annotationSet;
 public ConfigurableWrapper addChild(Configurable configurable) {
   if (myComparator != null) {
     int index = Arrays.binarySearch(myKids, configurable, myComparator);
     LOG.assertTrue(index < 0, "similar configurable is already exist");
     myKids = ArrayUtil.insert(myKids, -1 - index, configurable);
   } else {
     myKids = ArrayUtil.append(myKids, configurable);
   return this;
  private boolean isSourceLessGeneralThanTargetInt(
      long sourceSense, long targetSense, POS sourcePOS, POS targetPOS) {
    long key = (sourceSense << 32) + targetSense;
    if ((POS.NOUN == sourcePOS) && (POS.NOUN == targetPOS)) {
      if (Arrays.binarySearch(noun_mg, key) >= 0) {
            "Found < using @,#m,#s,#p (HYPERNYM, MEMBER_, SUBSTANCE_, PART_HOLONYM) between nouns");
        return true;
    } else {
      if ((POS.VERB == sourcePOS) && (POS.VERB == targetPOS)) {
        if (Arrays.binarySearch(verb_mg, key) >= 0) {
          log.trace("Found < using @ (HYPERNYM) between verbs");
          return true;

    return false;
Exemple #25
 public long at8_impl(int i) {
   if (_len != sparseLen()) {
     int idx = Arrays.binarySearch(_id, 0, sparseLen(), i);
     if (idx >= 0) i = idx;
     else return 0;
   if (isNA2(i)) throw new RuntimeException("Attempting to access NA as integer value.");
   if (_ls == null) return (long) _ds[i];
   return _ls[i] * PrettyPrint.pow10i(_xs[i]);
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public boolean removeAll(float[] array) {

    boolean modified = false;
    TFloatIterator iter = iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
      if (Arrays.binarySearch(array, >= 0) {
        modified = true;
    return modified;
 // no concurrent read/write access is assumed
 Object put(double key, Object value, ConcurrentDoubleOrderedListMap orderedMap) {
   int len = len();
   int pos = Arrays.binarySearch(keys, 0, len, key);
   if (pos >= 0) {
     Object old = vals[pos];
     vals[pos] = value;
     return old;
   } else {
     pos = -(pos + 1);
     putReally(pos, key, value, orderedMap);
     return null;
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public boolean retainAll(byte[] array) {
    boolean changed = false;
    byte[] data = _data;

    for (int i = data.length; i-- > 0; ) {
      if (Arrays.binarySearch(array, data[i]) < 0) {
        remove(i, 1);
        changed = true;
    return changed;
Exemple #29
 // Set & At on NewChunks are weird: only used after inflating some other
 // chunk.  At this point the NewChunk is full size, no more appends allowed,
 // and the xs exponent array should be only full of zeros.  Accesses must be
 // in-range and refer to the inflated values of the original Chunk.
 boolean set_impl(int i, long l) {
   if (_ds != null) return set_impl(i, (double) l);
   if (sparseLen() != _len) { // sparse?
     int idx = Arrays.binarySearch(_id, 0, sparseLen(), i);
     if (idx >= 0) i = idx;
     else cancel_sparse(); // for now don't bother setting the sparse value
   _ls[i] = l;
   _xs[i] = 0;
   _naCnt = -1;
   return true;
Exemple #30
   * Inserts a new record.
   * @param pre record PRE
   * @param id record ID
   * @param c number of inserted records
  public void insert(final int pre, final int id, final int c) {
    if (rows == 0 && pre == id && id == baseid + 1) {
      // no mapping and we append at the end => nothing to do
      baseid += c;

    int pos = 0;
    int inc = c;
    int oid = pre;

    if (rows > 0) {
      pos = Arrays.binarySearch(pres, 0, rows, pre);
      if (pos < 0) {
        pos = -pos - 1;
        if (pos != 0) {
          // check if inserting into an existing id interval
          final int prev = pos - 1;
          final int prevcnt = nids[prev] - fids[prev] + 1;
          final int prevpre = pres[prev];

          if (pre < prevpre + prevcnt) {
            // split the id interval
            final int split = pre - prevpre;
            final int fid = fids[prev] + split;

            // add a new next interval
            add(pos, pre, fid, nids[prev], incs[prev], oids[prev]);

            // shrink the previous interval
            nids[prev] = fid - 1;
            incs[prev] -= prevcnt - split;

            oid = oids[prev];
            inc += incs[prev];
          } else {
            oid = pre - incs[prev];
            inc += incs[prev];
      } else if (pos > 0) {
        oid = oids[pos];
        inc += incs[pos - 1];

      increment(pos, c);

    // add the new interval
    add(pos, pre, id, id + c - 1, inc, oid);