public void testStopwords() throws Exception { AqpQueryParser qp = getParser(); qp.setAnalyzer( new StopAnalyzer( TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, StopFilter.makeStopSet(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, "the", "foo"))); Query result = qp.parse("a:the OR a:foo", "a"); assertNotNull("result is null and it shouldn't be", result); assertTrue("result is not a BooleanQuery", result instanceof BooleanQuery); assertTrue( ((BooleanQuery) result).clauses().size() + " does not equal: " + 0, ((BooleanQuery) result).clauses().size() == 0); result = qp.parse("a:woo OR a:the", "a"); assertNotNull("result is null and it shouldn't be", result); assertTrue("result is not a TermQuery", result instanceof TermQuery); result = qp.parse("(fieldX:xxxxx OR fieldy:xxxxxxxx)^2 AND (fieldx:the OR fieldy:foo)", "a"); assertNotNull("result is null and it shouldn't be", result); assertTrue("result is not a BooleanQuery", result instanceof BooleanQuery); if (VERBOSE) System.out.println("Result: " + result); assertTrue( ((BooleanQuery) result).clauses().size() + " does not equal: " + 2, ((BooleanQuery) result).clauses().size() == 2); }
public void testBoost() throws Exception { StandardAnalyzer oneStopAnalyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, Collections.singleton("on")); AqpQueryParser qp = getParser(); qp.setAnalyzer(oneStopAnalyzer); Query q = qp.parse("on^1.0", "field"); assertNotNull(q); q = qp.parse("\"hello\"^2.0", "field"); assertNotNull(q); assertEquals(q.getBoost(), (float) 2.0, (float) 0.5); q = qp.parse("hello^2.0", "field"); assertNotNull(q); assertEquals(q.getBoost(), (float) 2.0, (float) 0.5); q = qp.parse("\"on\"^1.0", "field"); assertNotNull(q); AqpQueryParser qp2 = AqpStandardLuceneParser.init(); qp2.setAnalyzer(new StandardAnalyzer(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT)); q = qp2.parse("the^3", "field"); // "the" is a stop word so the result is an empty query: assertNotNull(q); assertEquals("", q.toString()); assertEquals(1.0f, q.getBoost(), 0.01f); }
public void testLeadingWildcardType() throws Exception { AqpQueryParser qp = getParser(null); qp.setAllowLeadingWildcard(true); assertEquals(WildcardQuery.class, qp.parse("t*erm*", "field").getClass()); assertEquals(WildcardQuery.class, qp.parse("?term*", "field").getClass()); assertEquals(WildcardQuery.class, qp.parse("*term*", "field").getClass()); }
public void testMatchAllDocs() throws Exception { AqpQueryParser qp = getParser(); qp.setAnalyzer(new WhitespaceAnalyzer(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT)); assertEquals(new MatchAllDocsQuery(), qp.parse("*:*", "field")); assertEquals(new MatchAllDocsQuery(), qp.parse("(*:*)", "field")); BooleanQuery bq = (BooleanQuery) qp.parse("+*:* -*:*", "field"); assertTrue(bq.getClauses()[0].getQuery() instanceof MatchAllDocsQuery); assertTrue(bq.getClauses()[1].getQuery() instanceof MatchAllDocsQuery); }
public void testFarsiRangeCollating() throws Exception { Directory ramDir = newDirectory(); IndexWriter iw = new IndexWriter( ramDir, newIndexWriterConfig( TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new WhitespaceAnalyzer(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT))); Document doc = new Document(); doc.add(newField("content", "\u0633\u0627\u0628", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED)); iw.addDocument(doc); iw.close(); IndexSearcher is = new IndexSearcher(ramDir, true); AqpQueryParser qp = getParser(); qp.setAnalyzer(new WhitespaceAnalyzer(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT)); // Neither Java 1.4.2 nor 1.5.0 has Farsi Locale collation available in // RuleBasedCollator. However, the Arabic Locale seems to order the // Farsi // characters properly. Collator c = Collator.getInstance(new Locale("ar")); qp.setRangeCollator(c); // Unicode order would include U+0633 in [ U+062F - U+0698 ], but Farsi // orders the U+0698 character before the U+0633 character, so the // single // index Term below should NOT be returned by a ConstantScoreRangeQuery // with a Farsi Collator (or an Arabic one for the case when Farsi is // not // supported). // Test ConstantScoreRangeQuery qp.setMultiTermRewriteMethod(MultiTermQuery.CONSTANT_SCORE_FILTER_REWRITE); ScoreDoc[] result ="[ \u062F TO \u0698 ]", "content"), null, 1000).scoreDocs; assertEquals("The index Term should not be included.", 0, result.length); result ="[ \u0633 TO \u0638 ]", "content"), null, 1000).scoreDocs; assertEquals("The index Term should be included.", 1, result.length); // Test RangeQuery qp.setMultiTermRewriteMethod(MultiTermQuery.SCORING_BOOLEAN_QUERY_REWRITE); result ="[ \u062F TO \u0698 ]", "content"), null, 1000).scoreDocs; assertEquals("The index Term should not be included.", 0, result.length); result ="[ \u0633 TO \u0638 ]", "content"), null, 1000).scoreDocs; assertEquals("The index Term should be included.", 1, result.length); is.close(); ramDir.close(); }
/** This test differs from TestPrecedenceQueryParser */ public void testPrecedence() throws Exception { AqpQueryParser qp1 = getParser(); qp1.setAnalyzer(new WhitespaceAnalyzer(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT)); AqpQueryParser qp2 = getParser(); qp2.setAnalyzer(new WhitespaceAnalyzer(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT)); // TODO: to achieve standard lucene behaviour (no operator precedence) // modify the GroupQueryNodeProcessor to recognize our new BooleanQN classes // then do: QueryNodeProcessorPipeline processor = (QueryNodeProcessorPipeline) qp1.getQueryNodeProcessor(); processor.add(new GroupQueryNodeProcessor()); Query query1 = qp1.parse("A AND B OR C AND D", "field"); Query query2 = qp2.parse("+A +B +C +D", "field"); assertEquals(query1, query2); }
public void testBooleanQuery() throws Exception { BooleanQuery.setMaxClauseCount(2); try { AqpQueryParser qp = getParser(); qp.setAnalyzer(new WhitespaceAnalyzer(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT)); qp.parse("one two three", "field"); fail("ParseException expected due to too many boolean clauses"); } catch (QueryNodeException expected) { // too many boolean clauses, so ParseException is expected } }
public void testConstantScoreAutoRewrite() throws Exception { AqpQueryParser qp = AqpStandardLuceneParser.init(getGrammarName()); qp.setAnalyzer(new WhitespaceAnalyzer(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT)); Query q = qp.parse("foo*bar", "field"); assertTrue(q instanceof WildcardQuery); assertEquals( MultiTermQuery.CONSTANT_SCORE_AUTO_REWRITE_DEFAULT, ((MultiTermQuery) q).getRewriteMethod()); q = qp.parse("foo*", "field"); assertTrue(q instanceof PrefixQuery); assertEquals( MultiTermQuery.CONSTANT_SCORE_AUTO_REWRITE_DEFAULT, ((MultiTermQuery) q).getRewriteMethod()); q = qp.parse("[a TO z]", "field"); assertTrue(q instanceof TermRangeQuery); assertEquals( MultiTermQuery.CONSTANT_SCORE_AUTO_REWRITE_DEFAULT, ((MultiTermQuery) q).getRewriteMethod()); }
public void testPositionIncrement() throws Exception { AqpQueryParser qp = getParser(); qp.setAnalyzer( new StopAnalyzer( TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, StopFilter.makeStopSet(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, "the", "in", "are", "this"))); qp.setEnablePositionIncrements(true); String qtxt = "\"the words in poisitions pos02578 are stopped in this phrasequery\""; // 0 2 5 7 8 int expectedPositions[] = {1, 3, 4, 6, 9}; PhraseQuery pq = (PhraseQuery) qp.parse(qtxt, "a"); // System.out.println("Query text: "+qtxt); // System.out.println("Result: "+pq); Term t[] = pq.getTerms(); int pos[] = pq.getPositions(); for (int i = 0; i < t.length; i++) { // System.out.println(i+". "+t[i]+" pos: "+pos[i]); assertEquals( "term " + i + " = " + t[i] + " has wrong term-position!", expectedPositions[i], pos[i]); } }
public void testRange() throws Exception { assertQueryEquals("[ a TO z]", null, "[a TO z]"); assertEquals( MultiTermQuery.CONSTANT_SCORE_AUTO_REWRITE_DEFAULT, ((TermRangeQuery) getQuery("[ a TO z]", null)).getRewriteMethod()); AqpQueryParser qp = getParser(); qp.setMultiTermRewriteMethod(MultiTermQuery.SCORING_BOOLEAN_QUERY_REWRITE); assertEquals( MultiTermQuery.SCORING_BOOLEAN_QUERY_REWRITE, ((TermRangeQuery) qp.parse("[ a TO z]", "field")).getRewriteMethod()); assertQueryEquals("[ a TO z ]", null, "[a TO z]"); assertQueryEquals("{ a TO z}", null, "{a TO z}"); assertQueryEquals("{ a TO z }", null, "{a TO z}"); assertQueryEquals("{ a TO z }^2.0", null, "{a TO z}^2.0"); assertQueryEquals("[ a TO z] OR bar", null, "[a TO z] bar"); assertQueryEquals("[ a TO z] AND bar", null, "+[a TO z] +bar"); assertQueryEquals("( bar blar { a TO z}) ", null, "bar blar {a TO z}"); // the original expected value was: gack (bar blar {a TO z}) assertQueryEquals("gack ( bar blar { a TO z}) ", null, "gack bar blar {a TO z}"); }