// This method is called when the proximity sensor reports a state change,
 // e.g. from "NEAR to FAR" or from "FAR to NEAR".
 private void onProximitySensorChangedState() {
   // The proximity sensor should only be activated when there are exactly two
   // available audio devices.
   if (audioDevices.size() == 2
       && audioDevices.contains(AppRTCAudioManager.AudioDevice.EARPIECE)
       && audioDevices.contains(AppRTCAudioManager.AudioDevice.SPEAKER_PHONE)) {
     if (proximitySensor.sensorReportsNearState()) {
       // Sensor reports that a "handset is being held up to a person's ear",
       // or "something is covering the light sensor".
     } else {
       // Sensor reports that a "handset is removed from a person's ear", or
       // "the light sensor is no longer covered".