public void testDeepEqualsWhenDeltaAreNotEquals() throws Exception { Amendment a1 = Fixtures.createAmendment("Amendment", DateTools.createDate(2007, Calendar.APRIL, 6)); Amendment a2 = Fixtures.createAmendment("Amendment", DateTools.createDate(2007, Calendar.APRIL, 6)); Epoch epoch1 = new Epoch(); epoch1.setName("Epoch"); epoch1.setGridId("GridId1"); Delta<Epoch> delta1 = Delta.createDeltaFor(epoch1); delta1.setGridId("delta1"); delta1.addChanges(PropertyChange.create("name", "A", "C"), Add.create(new StudySegment())); a1.addDelta(delta1); Epoch epoch2 = new Epoch(); epoch2.setName("Epoch"); epoch2.setGridId("GridId1"); Delta<Epoch> delta2 = Delta.createDeltaFor(epoch2); delta2.setGridId("delta1"); delta2.addChanges(PropertyChange.create("name", "A", "B"), Add.create(new StudySegment())); a2.addDelta(delta2); Differences differences = a1.deepEquals(a2); assertFalse(differences.getChildDifferences().isEmpty()); assertChildDifferences( differences, new String[] {"delta for epoch GridId1", "property change for name"}, "new value \"C\" does not match \"B\""); }
@Override public CompoundInterval visit( Add<CompoundInterval> pAdd, Map<? extends String, ? extends InvariantsFormula<CompoundInterval>> pEnvironment) { return weakAdd( pAdd.getSummand1().accept(EVALUATION_VISITOR, pEnvironment), pAdd.getSummand2().accept(EVALUATION_VISITOR, pEnvironment)); }
private List<Add> appendAddConfiguration(Operation operation) throws WindowsOperationException { List<Add> addList = new ArrayList<Add>(); Gson gson = new Gson(); if (SyncmlCommandType.WIFI.getValue().equals(operation.getCode())) { Add add = new Add(); String operationCode = operation.getCode(); Wifi wifiObject = gson.fromJson((String) operation.getPayLoad(), Wifi.class); String data = "<?xml version="1.0"?><WLANProfile" + "xmlns=""><name>" + wifiObject.getNetworkName() + "</name><SSIDConfig><SSID><name>" + wifiObject.getSsid() + "</name></SSID></SSIDConfig><connectionType>" + wifiObject.getConnectionType() + "</connectionType><connectionMode>" + wifiObject.getConnectionMode() + "</connectionMode><MSM><security><" + "authEncryption><authentication>" + wifiObject.getAuthentication() + "</authentication><encryption>" + wifiObject.getEncryption() + "</encryption></authEncryption><sharedKey><keyType>" + wifiObject.getKeyType() + "</keyType><protected>" + wifiObject.getProtection() + "</protected><keyMaterial>" + wifiObject.getKeyMaterial() + "</keyMaterial></sharedKey></security></MSM></WLANProfile>"; Meta meta = new Meta(); meta.setFormat("chr"); List<Item> items = new ArrayList<Item>(); for (Configure configure : Configure.values()) { if (operationCode != null && operationCode.equals( { Target target = new Target(); target.setLocURI(configure.getCode()); items.get(0).setTarget(target); } } items.get(0).setMeta(meta); items.get(0).setData(data); add.setCommandId(301); add.setItems(items); addList.add(add); return addList; } return null; }
private void STEP2(int A, int B, int MAC, int MIC, short[] LAR, int index) { short temp = 0; temp = Add.GSM_MULT((short) A, LAR[index]); temp = Add.GSM_ADD(temp, (short) B); temp = Add.GSM_ADD(temp, (short) 256); temp = Add.SASR(temp, 9); LAR[index] = (short) (temp > MAC ? MAC - MIC : (temp < MIC ? 0 : temp - MIC)); }
public void checkAutoDisable(LinearRamp ramp, UnitGate envelope) throws InterruptedException { double tolerance = 0.01; Add adder = new Add(); synthesisEngine.add(adder); envelope.output.connect(adder.inputA); if (ramp.getCircuit() != null) { ramp.output.connect(adder.inputB); } envelope.input.setAutoDisableEnabled(true); envelope.setEnabled(false); // set up so ramp value should equal time ramp.current.set(0.0); ramp.input.set(1.0); ramp.time.set(1.0); synthesisEngine.start(); // pull from final adder adder.start(); time = synthesisEngine.getCurrentTime(); time += 0.1; synthesisEngine.sleepUntil(time); assertEquals("still idling", 0.0, envelope.output.getValue()); assertEquals("ramp frozen at beginning", 0.0, ramp.output.getValue(), tolerance); // run multiple times to make sure we can retrigger the envelope. for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { double level = ramp.output.getValue(); // Trigger the envelope using trigger() envelope.input.on(); time += 0.1; level += 0.1; synthesisEngine.sleepUntil(time); assertEquals("ramp going up " + i, level, ramp.output.getValue(), tolerance); assertTrue("enabled at peak", envelope.isEnabled());; time += 0.1; level += 0.1; synthesisEngine.sleepUntil(time); assertEquals("ramp going up more " + i, level, ramp.output.getValue(), tolerance); assertEquals("at bottom", 0.0, envelope.output.getValue(), 0.1); time += 0.2; synthesisEngine.sleepUntil(time); assertEquals("ramp frozen " + i, level, ramp.output.getValue(), tolerance); } }
public void testMergeWithEquivalentAddPresent() throws Exception { delta.addChange(Add.create(ssc, 2)); remove.setChild(ssc); remove.mergeInto(delta, NOW); assertEquals("Remove should have canceled add", 0, delta.getChanges().size()); }
public void testMergeWithAddFollowedByReorderCancelsBoth() throws Exception { delta.addChange(Add.create(ssc, 2)); Reorder.create(ssc, 2, 1).mergeInto(delta, NOW); remove.setChild(ssc); remove.mergeInto(delta, NOW); assertEquals("Remove should have canceled add and reorder", 0, delta.getChanges().size()); }
public static void init() { Add.init(); Address.init(); Align.init(); Alloc.init(); Anchor.init(); And.init(); Bad.init(); Bitcast.init(); Block.init(); Builtin.init(); Call.init(); Cmp.init(); Cond.init(); Confirm.init(); Const.init(); Conv.init(); CopyB.init(); Deleted.init(); Div.init(); Dummy.init(); End.init(); Eor.init(); Free.init(); IJmp.init(); Id.init(); Jmp.init(); Load.init(); Member.init(); Minus.init(); Mod.init(); Mul.init(); Mulh.init(); Mux.init(); NoMem.init(); Not.init(); Offset.init(); Or.init(); Phi.init(); Pin.init(); Proj.init(); Raise.init(); Return.init(); Sel.init(); Shl.init(); Shr.init(); Shrs.init(); Size.init(); Start.init(); Store.init(); Sub.init(); Switch.init(); Sync.init(); Tuple.init(); Unknown.init(); }
@Override public Boolean visit(Add ast) { boolean checkLhs = ast.getLhs().accept(this); boolean checkRhs = ast.getRhs().accept(this); if (!(checkLhs && checkRhs)) return false; Type lhsType = ast.getLhs().typeOf(env); Type rhsType = ast.getRhs().typeOf(env); if (!(lhsType.isCompatibleToNumeric() && rhsType.isCompatibleToNumeric())) { addToErrorList( ast, "the operator + can not be applied to instances of type " + lhsType.getClass() + " and type " + rhsType.getClass()); return false; } return true; }
public void testUpdatedDateWhenOneChangeHasAnUpdatedDate() throws Exception { a3.addDelta( Delta.createDeltaFor( new Epoch(), PropertyChange.create("name", "A", "B"), Add.create(new StudySegment()))); a3.getDeltas() .get(0) .getChanges() .get(0) .setUpdatedDate(DateTools.createDate(2005, Calendar.MAY, 3)); assertDayOfDate(2005, Calendar.MAY, 3, a3.getUpdatedDate()); }
public void testDeepEqualsWhenNoOfDeltaAreDifferent() throws Exception { Amendment a1 = Fixtures.createAmendment("Amendment", DateTools.createDate(2007, Calendar.APRIL, 6)); Amendment a2 = Fixtures.createAmendment("Amendment", DateTools.createDate(2007, Calendar.APRIL, 6)); a1.addDelta( Delta.createDeltaFor( new Epoch(), PropertyChange.create("name", "A", "B"), Add.create(new StudySegment()))); a2.addDelta( Delta.createDeltaFor( new Epoch(), PropertyChange.create("name", "A", "B"), Add.create(new StudySegment()))); a2.addDelta( Delta.createDeltaFor( new Epoch(), PropertyChange.create("name", "A", "B"), Add.create(new StudySegment()))); Differences differences = a1.deepEquals(a2); assertFalse(differences.getMessages().isEmpty()); assertEquals( "Amendment are Equals", "number of deltas does not match: 1 != 2", differences.getMessages().get(0)); }
public Object dot(Vector<Object> v1, Vector<Object> v2) throws ParseException { if (v1.size() != v2.size()) throw new ParseException("Dot: both sides of dot must be same length"); int len = v1.size(); if (len < 1) throw new ParseException("Dot: empty vectors parsed"); Object res = mul.mul(v1.elementAt(0), v2.elementAt(0)); for (int i = 1; i < len; ++i) { res = add.add(res, mul.mul(v1.elementAt(i), v2.elementAt(i))); } return res; }
public static void main(String[] args) { Add add1 = new Add(); Product mult1 = new Product(); Add add2 = new Add(); Map<String, Integer> vars1 = new HashMap<>(); vars1.put("x", 6); vars1.put("y", 4); Variable x = new Variable("x"); Variable y = new Variable("y"); Number two = new Number(10); Number three = new Number(5); mult1.addArg(x, y); add1.addArg(two, three); add2.addArg(mult1, add1); System.out.println("Test Case 1:"); System.out.println(add2.toString(vars1)); System.out.println(add2.evaluate(vars1)); System.out.println(); System.out.println("External Iteration:"); externalIterationExample(add2, vars1); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Internal Iteration:"); ArithmeticExpression.traverse(add2); System.out.println(); Add add3 = new Add(); Map<String, Integer> vars2 = new HashMap<>(); System.out.println("Test Case 2: Add with no children"); System.out.println(add3.toString(vars2)); System.out.println(add3.evaluate(vars2)); System.out.println(); Product mult2 = new Product(); Map<String, Integer> vars3 = new HashMap<>(); System.out.println("Test Case 3: Multiply with no children"); System.out.println(mult2.toString(vars3)); System.out.println(mult2.evaluate(vars3)); }
public void testMergeTwoIntoDeltaWithIndexesThenRemoveOne() throws Exception { StudySegment retained0 = setId(17, new StudySegment()); StudySegment retained1 = setId(18, new StudySegment()); StudySegment retained2 = setId(19, new StudySegment()); delta.addChange(Add.create(retained0, 2)); delta.addChange(Add.create(ssc, 3)); delta.addChange(Add.create(retained1, 4)); delta.addChange(Add.create(retained2, 5)); remove.setChild(ssc); remove.mergeInto(delta, NOW); assertEquals("Wrong number of changes in delta", 3, delta.getChanges().size()); Add add0 = (Add) delta.getChanges().get(0); Add add1 = (Add) delta.getChanges().get(1); Add add2 = (Add) delta.getChanges().get(2); assertAdd("Index for earlier retained add updated", retained0, 2, add0); assertChangeTime("Unchanged add time incorrectly updated", null, add0); assertAdd("Index for later retained add not updated", retained1, 3, add1); assertChangeTime("Updated add time not updated", NOW, add1); assertAdd("Index for later retained add not updated", retained2, 4, add2); assertChangeTime("Updated add time not updated", NOW, add2); }
/* * The following scaling for r[..] and LAR[..] has been used: * * r[..] = integer( real_r[..]*32768. ); -1 <= real_r < 1. * LAR[..] = integer( real_LAR[..] * 16384 ); * with -1.625 <= real_LAR <= 1.625 */ private void Transformation_to_Log_Area_Ratios(short[] r /* 0..7 IN/OUT */) throws IllegalArgumentException { short temp; /* Computation of the LAR[0..7] from the r[0..7] */ for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { temp = r[i]; temp = Add.GSM_ABS(temp); if (!(temp >= 0)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Transformation_to_Log_Area_Ratios: temp = " + temp + " should be >= 0 "); } if (temp < 22118) { temp >>= 1; } else if (temp < 31130) { if (!(temp >= 11059)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Transformation_to_Log_Area_Ratios: temp = " + temp + " should be >= 11059 "); } temp -= 11059; } else { if (!(temp >= 26112)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Transformation_to_Log_Area_Ratios: temp = " + temp + " should be >= 26112 "); } temp -= 26112; temp <<= 2; } r[i] = (short) (r[i] < 0 ? -temp : temp); if (r[i] == Gsm_Def.MIN_WORD) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Transformation_to_Log_Area_Ratios: r[" + i + "] = " + r[i] + " should not be = " + Gsm_Def.MIN_WORD); } } }
public void testDeepEqualsWhenNoDeltaFoundInAmendment() throws Exception { Amendment a1 = Fixtures.createAmendment("Amendment", DateTools.createDate(2007, Calendar.APRIL, 6)); Amendment a2 = Fixtures.createAmendment("Amendment", DateTools.createDate(2007, Calendar.APRIL, 6)); Epoch epoch1 = new Epoch(); epoch1.setGridId("epoch1"); Delta<Epoch> delta1 = Delta.createDeltaFor(epoch1); delta1.setGridId("delta1"); delta1.addChanges(PropertyChange.create("name", "A", "B"), Add.create(new StudySegment())); a1.addDelta(delta1); StudySegment segment1 = new StudySegment(); segment1.setGridId("segment1"); Delta<StudySegment> delta2 = Delta.createDeltaFor(segment1); delta2.setGridId("delta1"); delta2.addChanges(PropertyChange.create("name", "A", "B"), Add.create(new StudySegment())); a2.addDelta(delta2); Differences differences = a1.deepEquals(a2); assertFalse(differences.getMessages().isEmpty()); assertEquals( "Amendments are equals", "no delta for epoch epoch1 found", differences.getMessages().get(0)); }
public void testDeepEqualsWithMismatchedChanges() throws Exception { Amendment a = new Amendment(); a.getDeltas() .add( setGridId( "D1", Delta.createDeltaFor( setGridId("PC1", new PlannedCalendar()), Add.create(setGridId("E1", new Epoch()))))); Amendment b = new Amendment(); b.getDeltas() .add( setGridId( "D1", Delta.createDeltaFor( setGridId("PC1", new PlannedCalendar()), Remove.create(setGridId("E1", new Epoch()))))); assertChildDifferences( a.deepEquals(b), new String[] {"delta for planned calendar PC1"}, "add of epoch:E1 replaced by remove of epoch:E1"); }
private void Autocorrelation(short[] so) /* [0..159] IN/OUT */ throws IllegalArgumentException { int i = 0, sp_index = 0; short temp = 0, smax = 0, scalauto = 0; int L_temp = 0; int L_temp2 = 0; /* Dynamic scaling of the array s[0..159] */ /* Search for the maximum. */ for (int k = 0; k <= 159; k++) { temp = Add.GSM_ADD(so[k], (short) 0); if (temp > smax) { smax = temp; } } /* Computation of the scaling factor. */ if (smax == 0) { scalauto = 0; } else { if (!(smax > 0)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Autocorrelation: smax = " + smax + " should be > 0."); } scalauto = (short) (4 - Add.gsm_norm((int) (smax << 16))); /* sub(4,..) */ } /* Scaling of the array s[0...159] */ if (scalauto > 0) { if (!(scalauto <= 4)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Autocorrelation: scalauto = " + scalauto + " should be <= 4."); } switch (scalauto) { case 1: for (int k = 0; k <= 159; k++) { so[k] = Add.GSM_MULT_R(so[k], (short) 16384); } break; case 2: for (int k = 0; k <= 159; k++) { so[k] = Add.GSM_MULT_R(so[k], (short) (16384 >> 1)); } break; case 3: for (int k = 0; k <= 159; k++) { so[k] = Add.GSM_MULT_R(so[k], (short) (16384 >> 2)); } break; case 4: for (int k = 0; k <= 159; k++) { so[k] = Add.GSM_MULT_R(so[k], (short) (16384 >> 3)); } break; } } /* CoreCompute the L_ACF[..]. */ short[] sp = so; short sl = sp[sp_index]; // Zero out L_ACF int[] temp_arr = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; System.arraycopy(temp_arr, 0, L_ACF, 0, L_ACF.length); L_ACF[0] += (int) (sl * sp[(sp_index - 0)]); sl = sp[++sp_index]; L_ACF[0] += (int) (sl * sp[(sp_index - 0)]); L_ACF[1] += (int) (sl * sp[(sp_index - 1)]); sl = sp[++sp_index]; L_ACF[0] += (int) (sl * sp[(sp_index - 0)]); L_ACF[1] += (int) (sl * sp[(sp_index - 1)]); L_ACF[2] += (int) (sl * sp[(sp_index - 2)]); sl = sp[++sp_index]; L_ACF[0] += (int) (sl * sp[(sp_index - 0)]); L_ACF[1] += (int) (sl * sp[(sp_index - 1)]); L_ACF[2] += (int) (sl * sp[(sp_index - 2)]); L_ACF[3] += (int) (sl * sp[(sp_index - 3)]); sl = sp[++sp_index]; L_ACF[0] += (int) (sl * sp[(sp_index - 0)]); L_ACF[1] += (int) (sl * sp[(sp_index - 1)]); L_ACF[2] += (int) (sl * sp[(sp_index - 2)]); L_ACF[3] += (int) (sl * sp[(sp_index - 3)]); L_ACF[4] += (int) (sl * sp[(sp_index - 4)]); sl = sp[++sp_index]; L_ACF[0] += (int) (sl * sp[(sp_index - 0)]); L_ACF[1] += (int) (sl * sp[(sp_index - 1)]); L_ACF[2] += (int) (sl * sp[(sp_index - 2)]); L_ACF[3] += (int) (sl * sp[(sp_index - 3)]); L_ACF[4] += (int) (sl * sp[(sp_index - 4)]); L_ACF[5] += (int) (sl * sp[(sp_index - 5)]); sl = sp[++sp_index]; L_ACF[0] += (int) (sl * sp[(sp_index - 0)]); L_ACF[1] += (int) (sl * sp[(sp_index - 1)]); L_ACF[2] += (int) (sl * sp[(sp_index - 2)]); L_ACF[3] += (int) (sl * sp[(sp_index - 3)]); L_ACF[4] += (int) (sl * sp[(sp_index - 4)]); L_ACF[5] += (int) (sl * sp[(sp_index - 5)]); L_ACF[6] += (int) (sl * sp[(sp_index - 6)]); sl = sp[++sp_index]; L_ACF[0] += (int) (sl * sp[(sp_index - 0)]); L_ACF[1] += (int) (sl * sp[(sp_index - 1)]); L_ACF[2] += (int) (sl * sp[(sp_index - 2)]); L_ACF[3] += (int) (sl * sp[(sp_index - 3)]); L_ACF[4] += (int) (sl * sp[(sp_index - 4)]); L_ACF[5] += (int) (sl * sp[(sp_index - 5)]); L_ACF[6] += (int) (sl * sp[(sp_index - 6)]); L_ACF[7] += (int) (sl * sp[(sp_index - 7)]); sl = sp[++sp_index]; for (i = sp_index; i < 160; ++i) { sl = sp[i]; L_ACF[0] += (int) (sl * sp[(i - 0)]); L_ACF[1] += (int) (sl * sp[(i - 1)]); L_ACF[2] += (int) (sl * sp[(i - 2)]); L_ACF[3] += (int) (sl * sp[(i - 3)]); L_ACF[4] += (int) (sl * sp[(i - 4)]); L_ACF[5] += (int) (sl * sp[(i - 5)]); L_ACF[6] += (int) (sl * sp[(i - 6)]); L_ACF[7] += (int) (sl * sp[(i - 7)]); L_ACF[8] += (int) (sl * sp[(i - 8)]); } for (int k = 0; k < 9; k++) { L_ACF[k] <<= 1; } /* Rescaling of the array s[0..159] */ if (scalauto > 0) { if (!(scalauto <= 4)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Autocorrelation: scalauto = " + scalauto + " should be <= 4."); } for (int k = 0; k < 160; k++) { so[k] <<= scalauto; } } }
public double add(double n1, double n2) throws RemoteException { return (addService.add(n1, n2)); }
public static void main(String args[]) { Add p = new Add(); p.seta(300); p.setb(200); System.out.println("a=" + p.geta() + " b=" + p.getb() + " a+b==" + p.getadd()); }
@Override public Boolean visit(Add<T> pAdd, MemoryLocation pVarName) { return pAdd.getSummand1().accept(this, pVarName) || pAdd.getSummand2().accept(this, pVarName); }
private void Reflection_coefficients(short[] r /* 0...7 OUT */) throws IllegalArgumentException { short temp = 0; int ltmp = 0; int r_index = 0; short[] ACF = new short[9]; /* 0..8 */ short[] P = new short[9]; /* 0..8 */ short[] K = new short[9]; /* 2..8 */ /* Schur recursion with 16 bits arithmetic. */ if (L_ACF[0] == 0) { /* everything is the same. */ for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { r[i] = 0; } return; } if (L_ACF[0] == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Reflection_coefficients: L_ACF[0] = " + L_ACF[0] + " should not = 0."); } temp = Add.gsm_norm(L_ACF[0]); if (!(temp >= 0 && temp < 32)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Reflection_coefficients: temp = " + temp + " should be >= 0 and < 32."); } /* ? overflow ? */ for (int i = 0; i <= 8; i++) { ACF[i] = Add.SASR(L_ACF[i] << temp, 16); } /* Initialize array P[..] and K[..] for the recursion. */ System.arraycopy(ACF, 0, K, 0, 7); System.arraycopy(ACF, 0, P, 0, 8); /* CoreCompute reflection coefficients */ for (int n = 1; n <= 8; n++, r_index++) { temp = P[1]; temp = Add.GSM_ABS(temp); if (P[0] < temp) { for (int i = n; i < 8; i++) { r[i] = 0; } return; } r[r_index] = Add.gsm_div(temp, P[0]); if (!(r[r_index] >= 0)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Reflection_coefficients: r[" + r_index + "] = " + r[r_index] + " should be >= 0"); } if (P[1] > 0) { /* r[n] = sub(0, r[n]) */ r[r_index] = (short) (-(r[r_index])); } if (r[r_index] == Gsm_Def.MIN_WORD) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Reflection_coefficients: r[" + r_index + "] = " + r[r_index] + " should not be " + Gsm_Def.MIN_WORD); } if (n == 8) { return; } /* Schur recursion */ temp = Add.GSM_MULT_R(P[1], r[r_index]); P[0] = Add.GSM_ADD(P[0], temp); for (int m = 1; m <= 8 - n; m++) { temp = Add.GSM_MULT_R(K[m], r[r_index]); P[m] = Add.GSM_ADD(P[m + 1], temp); temp = Add.GSM_MULT_R(P[m + 1], r[r_index]); K[m] = Add.GSM_ADD(K[m], temp); } } }