  public OutputOracle forecast(InputOracle io) throws OracleException {

    double AVGrmse = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    Oracle best = null;

    try {

      m_TestSet = DataConverter.FromInputOracleToInstance(io);
      logger.info("PREDICT TARGET VALUE FOR  : " + m_TestSet.toStringNoWeight());
      Neighbourshood =
              NumNeighbours); // >k neighbours are returned if there are more than one neighbours at
                              // the kth boundary.
      distances = KNN.getDistances();

      RMSE = RMSE(this.ConsideredOutOracle);

      double actual;
      for (Map.Entry<Oracle, Double[]> entry : RMSE.entrySet()) {

        // actual=(entry.getValue()[0]*VarianceRMSE(entry.getValue())[0]+entry.getValue()[1]*VarianceRMSE(entry.getValue())[1])/2;
        actual = (entry.getValue()[0] + entry.getValue()[1]) / 2;
        if (actual <= AVGrmse) {
          AVGrmse = actual;
          best = entry.getKey();

      logger.info("ORACLE SELECTED FOR PREDICTION : " + best.toString().split("@")[0]);

      return best.forecast(io);

    } catch (Exception ex) {
      logger.error("forecast error  " + ex);
      throw new OracleException(ex);
  public Knearestneighbourg() throws Exception {

    // this.m_TrainingFile=trainingset;
    // this.m_TestSetFile=testset;
    String[] parameters = getconfiguration();

    if (parameters.length < 5 || parameters.length > 5)
      throw new Exception("Bad configuration of KnearestNeighbourg ,parameters number is wrong");

    String[] options = new String[1];
    options[0] = parameters[1];
    Method method;
    NumNeighbours = Integer.parseInt(parameters[2]);
    ConsideredOutOracle = parameters[3];
    cutoff = Double.parseDouble(parameters[4]);
    // setTraining(this.m_TrainingFile);
    // setTestSet(this.m_TestSetFile);
    KNN = new LinearNNSearch();

    Class c = Class.forName("weka.core." + parameters[0]);
    Object distanceFunc = c.newInstance();
    method = distanceFunc.getClass().getMethod("setOptions", String[].class);
    method.invoke(distanceFunc, (Object) options);

    KNN.setDistanceFunction((DistanceFunction) distanceFunc);

    if (DataSets.ARFFDataSet != null) {

      this.m_Training = DataSets.ARFFDataSet;

    } else {
      logger.error("--" + "Datasets Not instanziated");
      throw new InstantiationException("Datasets Not instanziated");

    // Instance I =getInstanceToTest(0);
    // KNN.kNearestNeighbours(I,1);
