public final double deviance(double yr, double ym) { double y1 = yr == 0 ? .1 : yr; switch (_family) { case gaussian: return (yr - ym) * (yr - ym); case binomial: return 2 * ((MathUtils.y_log_y(yr, ym)) + MathUtils.y_log_y(1 - yr, 1 - ym)); case poisson: if (yr == 0) return 2 * ym; return 2 * ((yr * Math.log(yr / ym)) - (yr - ym)); case gamma: if (yr == 0) return -2; return -2 * (Math.log(yr / ym) - (yr - ym) / ym); case tweedie: double theta = _var_power == 1 ? Math.log(y1 / ym) : (Math.pow(y1, 1. - _var_power) - Math.pow(ym, 1 - _var_power)) / (1 - _var_power); double kappa = _var_power == 2 ? Math.log(y1 / ym) : (Math.pow(yr, 2 - _var_power) - Math.pow(ym, 2 - _var_power)) / (2 - _var_power); return 2 * (yr * theta - kappa); default: throw new RuntimeException("unknown family " + _family); } }
public final double regularize(double[] u, Regularizer regularization) { if (u == null) return 0; double ureg = 0; switch (regularization) { case None: return 0; case Quadratic: for (int i = 0; i < u.length; i++) ureg += u[i] * u[i]; return ureg; case L2: for (int i = 0; i < u.length; i++) ureg += u[i] * u[i]; return Math.sqrt(ureg); case L1: for (int i = 0; i < u.length; i++) ureg += Math.abs(u[i]); return ureg; case NonNegative: for (int i = 0; i < u.length; i++) { if (u[i] < 0) return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } return 0; case OneSparse: int card = 0; for (int i = 0; i < u.length; i++) { if (u[i] < 0) return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; else if (u[i] > 0) card++; } return card == 1 ? 0 : Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; case UnitOneSparse: int ones = 0, zeros = 0; for (int i = 0; i < u.length; i++) { if (u[i] == 1) ones++; else if (u[i] == 0) zeros++; else return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } return ones == 1 && zeros == u.length - 1 ? 0 : Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; case Simplex: double sum = 0, absum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < u.length; i++) { if (u[i] < 0) return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; else { sum += u[i]; absum += Math.abs(u[i]); } } return MathUtils.equalsWithinRecSumErr(sum, 1.0, u.length, absum) ? 0 : Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown regularization function " + regularization); } }
@Test public void testQuantile() { Frame f = null; try { Frame fr = frame( ard( ard(1.223292e-02), ard(1.635312e-25), ard(1.601522e-11), ard(8.452298e-10), ard(2.643733e-10), ard(2.671520e-06), ard(1.165381e-06), ard(7.193265e-10), ard(3.383532e-04), ard(2.561221e-05))); double[] probs = new double[] {0.001, 0.005, .01, .02, .05, .10, .50, .8883, .90, .99}; String x = String.format("(quantile %%%s %s \"interpolate\")", fr._key, Arrays.toString(probs)); Val val = Exec.exec(x); fr.delete(); f = val.getFrame(); Assert.assertEquals(2, f.numCols()); // Expected values computed as golden values from R's quantile call double[] exp = ard( 1.4413698000016206E-13, 7.206849000001562E-13, 1.4413698000001489E-12, 2.882739600000134E-12, 7.20684900000009E-12, 1.4413698000000017E-11, 5.831131148999999E-07, 3.3669567275300000E-04, 0.00152780988, 0.011162408988); for (int i = 0; i < exp.length; i++) Assert.assertTrue( "expected " + exp[i] + " got " + f.vec(1).at(i),[i], f.vec(1).at(i), 1e-6, 1e-6)); } finally { if (f != null) f.delete(); } }
public static Frame[] shuffleSplitFrame( Frame fr, Key[] keys, final double ratios[], final long seed) { // Sanity check the ratios assert keys.length == ratios.length; double sum = ratios[0]; for (int i = 1; i < ratios.length; i++) { sum += ratios[i]; ratios[i] = sum; } assert water.util.MathUtils.equalsWithinOneSmallUlp(sum, 1.0); // Do the split, into ratios.length groupings of NewChunks final int ncols = fr.numCols(); MRTask mr = new MRTask() { @Override public void map(Chunk cs[], NewChunk ncs[]) { Random rng = new Random(seed * cs[0].cidx()); int nrows = cs[0]._len; for (int i = 0; i < nrows; i++) { double r = rng.nextDouble(); int x = 0; // Pick the NewChunk split for (; x < ratios.length - 1; x++) if (r < ratios[x]) break; x *= ncols; // Helper string holder ValueString vstr = new ValueString(); // Copy row to correct set of NewChunks for (int j = 0; j < ncols; j++) { byte colType = cs[j].vec().get_type(); switch (colType) { case Vec.T_BAD: break; /* NOP */ case Vec.T_STR: ncs[x + j].addStr(cs[j], i); break; case Vec.T_UUID: ncs[x + j].addUUID(cs[j], i); break; case Vec.T_NUM: /* fallthrough */ case Vec.T_ENUM: case Vec.T_TIME: ncs[x + j].addNum(cs[j].atd(i)); break; default: if (colType > Vec.T_TIME && colType <= Vec.T_TIMELAST) ncs[x + j].addNum(cs[j].atd(i)); else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported vector type: " + colType); break; } } } } }.doAll(ncols * ratios.length, fr); // Build output frames Frame frames[] = new Frame[ratios.length]; Vec[] vecs = fr.vecs(); String[] names = fr.names(); Futures fs = new Futures(); for (int i = 0; i < ratios.length; i++) { Vec[] nvecs = new Vec[ncols]; for (int c = 0; c < ncols; c++) { mr.appendables()[i * ncols + c].setDomain(vecs[c].domain()); nvecs[c] = mr.appendables()[i * ncols + c].close(fs); } frames[i] = new Frame(keys[i], fr.names(), nvecs); DKV.put(frames[i], fs); } fs.blockForPending(); return frames; }
/** Re-do the TwoDim table generation with updated model. */ public TwoDimTable generateSummary(Key train, int iter) { String[] names = new String[] { "Family", "Link", "Regularization", "Number of Predictors Total", "Number of Active Predictors", "Number of Iterations", "Training Frame" }; String[] types = new String[] {"string", "string", "string", "int", "int", "int", "string"}; String[] formats = new String[] {"%s", "%s", "%s", "%d", "%d", "%d", "%s"}; if (_parms._lambda_search) { names = new String[] { "Family", "Link", "Regularization", "Lambda Search", "Number of Predictors Total", "Number of Active Predictors", "Number of Iterations", "Training Frame" }; types = new String[] {"string", "string", "string", "string", "int", "int", "int", "string"}; formats = new String[] {"%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%d", "%d", "%d", "%s"}; } _output._model_summary = new TwoDimTable("GLM Model", "summary", new String[] {""}, names, types, formats, ""); _output._model_summary.set(0, 0, _parms._family.toString()); _output._model_summary.set(0, 1, _parms._link.toString()); String regularization = "None"; if (_parms._lambda != null && !(_parms._lambda.length == 1 && _parms._lambda[0] == 0)) { // have regularization if (_parms._alpha[0] == 0) regularization = "Ridge ( lambda = "; else if (_parms._alpha[0] == 1) regularization = "Lasso (lambda = "; else regularization = "Elastic Net (alpha = " + MathUtils.roundToNDigits(_parms._alpha[0], 4) + ", lambda = "; regularization = regularization + MathUtils.roundToNDigits(_parms._lambda[_output._best_lambda_idx], 4) + " )"; } _output._model_summary.set(0, 2, regularization); int lambdaSearch = 0; if (_parms._lambda_search) { lambdaSearch = 1; _output._model_summary.set( 0, 3, "nlambda = " + _parms._nlambdas + ", lambda_max = " + MathUtils.roundToNDigits(_lambda_max, 4) + ", best_lambda = " + MathUtils.roundToNDigits(_output.bestSubmodel().lambda_value, 4)); } int intercept = _parms._intercept ? 1 : 0; if (_output.nclasses() > 2) { _output._model_summary.set(0, 3 + lambdaSearch, _output.bestSubmodel().beta.length); } else { _output._model_summary.set(0, 3 + lambdaSearch, beta().length); } _output._model_summary.set(0, 4 + lambdaSearch, Integer.toString(_output.rank() - intercept)); _output._model_summary.set(0, 5 + lambdaSearch, Integer.valueOf(iter)); _output._model_summary.set(0, 6 + lambdaSearch, train.toString()); return _output._model_summary; }
/** Compute statistics about this model on all nodes */ public void computeStats() { if (!get_params()._diagnostics) return; float[][] rate = get_params()._adaptive_rate ? new float[units.length - 1][] : null; if (get_params()._autoencoder && get_params()._sparsity_beta > 0) { for (int k = 0; k < get_params()._hidden.length; k++) { mean_a[k] = 0; for (int j = 0; j < avg_activations[k].size(); j++) mean_a[k] += avg_activations[k].get(j); mean_a[k] /= avg_activations[k].size(); } } for (int y = 1; y < units.length; y++) { mean_rate[y] = rms_rate[y] = 0; mean_bias[y] = rms_bias[y] = 0; mean_weight[y] = rms_weight[y] = 0; for (int u = 0; u < biases[y - 1].size(); u++) { mean_bias[y] += biases[y - 1].get(u); } if (rate != null) rate[y - 1] = new float[get_weights(y - 1).raw().length]; for (int u = 0; u < get_weights(y - 1).raw().length; u++) { mean_weight[y] += get_weights(y - 1).raw()[u]; if (rate != null) { // final float RMS_dx = // (float)Math.sqrt(ada[y-1][2*u]+(float)get_params().epsilon); // final float invRMS_g = // (float)(1/Math.sqrt(ada[y-1][2*u+1]+(float)get_params().epsilon)); final float RMS_dx = MathUtils.approxSqrt( get_ada_dx_g(y - 1).raw()[2 * u] + (float) get_params()._epsilon); final float invRMS_g = MathUtils.approxInvSqrt( get_ada_dx_g(y - 1).raw()[2 * u + 1] + (float) get_params()._epsilon); rate[y - 1][u] = RMS_dx * invRMS_g; // not exactly right, RMS_dx should be from the previous time step -> // but close enough for diagnostics. mean_rate[y] += rate[y - 1][u]; } } mean_bias[y] /= biases[y - 1].size(); mean_weight[y] /= get_weights(y - 1).size(); if (rate != null) mean_rate[y] /= rate[y - 1].length; for (int u = 0; u < biases[y - 1].size(); u++) { final double db = biases[y - 1].get(u) - mean_bias[y]; rms_bias[y] += db * db; } for (int u = 0; u < get_weights(y - 1).size(); u++) { final double dw = get_weights(y - 1).raw()[u] - mean_weight[y]; rms_weight[y] += dw * dw; if (rate != null) { final double drate = rate[y - 1][u] - mean_rate[y]; rms_rate[y] += drate * drate; } } rms_bias[y] = MathUtils.approxSqrt(rms_bias[y] / biases[y - 1].size()); rms_weight[y] = MathUtils.approxSqrt(rms_weight[y] / get_weights(y - 1).size()); if (rate != null) rms_rate[y] = MathUtils.approxSqrt(rms_rate[y] / rate[y - 1].length); // rms_bias[y] = (float)Math.sqrt(rms_bias[y]/biases[y-1].length); // rms_weight[y] = (float)Math.sqrt(rms_weight[y]/weights[y-1].length); // if (rate != null) rms_rate[y] = (float)Math.sqrt(rms_rate[y]/rate[y-1].length); // Abort the run if weights or biases are unreasonably large (Note that all input values are // normalized upfront) // This can happen with Rectifier units when L1/L2/max_w2 are all set to 0, especially when // using more than 1 hidden layer. final double thresh = 1e10; unstable |= mean_bias[y] > thresh || isNaN(mean_bias[y]) || rms_bias[y] > thresh || isNaN(rms_bias[y]) || mean_weight[y] > thresh || isNaN(mean_weight[y]) || rms_weight[y] > thresh || isNaN(rms_weight[y]); } }