Example #1
  public void test() {
    Frame frame = null;
    try {
      Futures fs = new Futures();
      Random random = new Random();
      Vec[] vecs = new Vec[1];
      AppendableVec vec = new AppendableVec(Vec.newKey(), Vec.T_NUM);
      for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        NewChunk chunk = new NewChunk(vec, i);
        for (int r = 0; r < 1000; r++) chunk.addNum(random.nextInt(1000));
        chunk.close(i, fs);
      vecs[0] = vec.layout_and_close(fs);
      frame = new Frame(Key.<Frame>make(), null, vecs);

      // Make sure we test the multi-chunk case
      vecs = frame.vecs();
      assert vecs[0].nChunks() > 1;
      long rows = frame.numRows();
      Vec v = vecs[0];
      double min = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, mean = 0, sigma = 0;
      for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
        double d = v.at(r);
        if (d < min) min = d;
        if (d > max) max = d;
        mean += d;
      mean /= rows;
      for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
        double d = v.at(r);
        sigma += (d - mean) * (d - mean);
      sigma = Math.sqrt(sigma / (rows - 1));

      double epsilon = 1e-9;
      assertEquals(max, v.max(), epsilon);
      assertEquals(min, v.min(), epsilon);
      assertEquals(mean, v.mean(), epsilon);
      assertEquals(sigma, v.sigma(), epsilon);
    } finally {
      if (frame != null) frame.delete();
Example #2
 public void map(Chunk cs) {
   int idx = _chunkOffset + cs.cidx();
   Key ckey = Vec.chunkKey(_v._key, idx);
   if (_cmap != null) {
     assert !cs.hasFloat()
         : "Input chunk (" + cs.getClass() + ") has float, but is expected to be categorical";
     NewChunk nc = new NewChunk(_v, idx);
     // loop over rows and update ints for new domain mapping according to vecs[c].domain()
     for (int r = 0; r < cs._len; ++r) {
       if (cs.isNA(r)) nc.addNA();
       else nc.addNum(_cmap[(int) cs.at8(r)], 0);
   } else {
     DKV.put(ckey, cs.deepCopy(), _fs, true);
Example #3
 private void rebalanceChunk(Vec srcVec, Chunk chk) {
   NewChunk dst = new NewChunk(chk);
   dst._len = dst._len2 = 0;
   int rem = chk._len;
   while (rem > 0 && dst._len2 < chk._len) {
     Chunk srcRaw = srcVec.chunkForRow(chk._start + dst._len2);
     NewChunk src = new NewChunk((srcRaw));
     src = srcRaw.inflate_impl(src);
     assert src._len2 == srcRaw._len;
     int srcFrom = (int) (chk._start + dst._len2 - src._start);
     // check if the result is sparse (not exact since we only take subset of src in general)
     if ((src.sparse() && dst.sparse())
         || (src._len + dst._len < NewChunk.MIN_SPARSE_RATIO * (src._len2 + dst._len2))) {
     final int srcTo = srcFrom + rem;
     int off = srcFrom - 1;
     Iterator<NewChunk.Value> it = src.values(Math.max(0, srcFrom), srcTo);
     while (it.hasNext()) {
       NewChunk.Value v = it.next();
       final int rid = v.rowId0();
       assert rid < srcTo;
       int add = rid - off;
       off = rid;
       dst.addZeros(add - 1);
       rem -= add;
       assert rem >= 0;
     int trailingZeros = Math.min(rem, src._len2 - off - 1);
     rem -= trailingZeros;
   assert rem == 0 : "rem = " + rem;
   assert dst._len2 == chk._len : "len2 = " + dst._len2 + ", _len = " + chk._len;
   dst.close(dst.cidx(), _fs);
Example #4
 public void close(Futures fs) {
   close(_cidx, fs);
Example #5
  public Frame deepSlice(Object orows, Object ocols) {
    // ocols is either a long[] or a Frame-of-1-Vec
    long[] cols;
    if (ocols == null) {
      cols = (long[]) ocols;
      assert cols == null;
    } else {
      if (ocols instanceof long[]) {
        cols = (long[]) ocols;
      } else if (ocols instanceof Frame) {
        Frame fr = (Frame) ocols;
        if (fr.numCols() != 1) {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException(
              "Columns Frame must have only one column (actually has "
                  + fr.numCols()
                  + " columns)");

        long n = fr.anyVec().length();
        if (n > MAX_EQ2_COLS) {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException(
              "Too many requested columns (requested " + n + ", max " + MAX_EQ2_COLS + ")");

        cols = new long[(int) n];
        Vec v = fr._vecs[0];
        for (long i = 0; i < v.length(); i++) {
          cols[(int) i] = v.at8(i);
      } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "Columns is specified by an unsupported data type ("
                + ocols.getClass().getName()
                + ")");

    // Since cols is probably short convert to a positive list.
    int c2[] = null;
    if (cols == null) {
      c2 = new int[numCols()];
      for (int i = 0; i < c2.length; i++) c2[i] = i;
    } else if (cols.length == 0) {
      c2 = new int[0];
    } else if (cols[0] > 0) {
      c2 = new int[cols.length];
      for (int i = 0; i < cols.length; i++)
        c2[i] = (int) cols[i] - 1; // Convert 1-based cols to zero-based
    } else {
      c2 = new int[numCols() - cols.length];
      int j = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < numCols(); i++) {
        if (j >= cols.length || i < (-cols[j] - 1)) c2[i - j] = i;
        else j++;
    for (int i = 0; i < c2.length; i++)
      if (c2[i] >= numCols())
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "Trying to select column " + c2[i] + " but only " + numCols() + " present.");
    if (c2.length == 0)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "No columns selected (did you try to select column 0 instead of column 1?)");

    // Do Da Slice
    // orows is either a long[] or a Vec
    if (orows == null)
      return new DeepSlice((long[]) orows, c2)
          .doAll(c2.length, this)
          .outputFrame(names(c2), domains(c2));
    else if (orows instanceof long[]) {
      final long CHK_ROWS = 1000000;
      long[] rows = (long[]) orows;
      if (rows.length == 0)
        return new DeepSlice(rows, c2).doAll(c2.length, this).outputFrame(names(c2), domains(c2));
      if (rows[0] < 0)
        return new DeepSlice(rows, c2).doAll(c2.length, this).outputFrame(names(c2), domains(c2));
      // Vec'ize the index array
      AppendableVec av = new AppendableVec("rownames");
      int r = 0;
      int c = 0;
      while (r < rows.length) {
        NewChunk nc = new NewChunk(av, c);
        long end = Math.min(r + CHK_ROWS, rows.length);
        for (; r < end; r++) {
        nc.close(c++, null);
      Vec c0 = av.close(null); // c0 is the row index vec
      Frame fr2 =
          new Slice(c2, this)
              .doAll(c2.length, new Frame(new String[] {"rownames"}, new Vec[] {c0}))
              .outputFrame(names(c2), domains(c2));
      UKV.remove(c0._key); // Remove hidden vector
      return fr2;
    Frame frows = (Frame) orows;
    Vec vrows = frows.anyVec();
    // It's a compatible Vec; use it as boolean selector.
    // Build column names for the result.
    Vec[] vecs = new Vec[c2.length + 1];
    String[] names = new String[c2.length + 1];
    for (int i = 0; i < c2.length; ++i) {
      vecs[i] = _vecs[c2[i]];
      names[i] = _names[c2[i]];
    vecs[c2.length] = vrows;
    names[c2.length] = "predicate";
    return new DeepSelect()
        .doAll(c2.length, new Frame(names, vecs))
        .outputFrame(names(c2), domains(c2));