Example #1
   * Create e field description from the field
   * @param fi field to use
  protected void makeFieldDescription(FieldImpl fi) {
    if (fi == null) {
      fieldsDescription = "Bad data: null";
    try {
      if (ucar.unidata.data.grid.GridUtil.isTimeSequence(fi)) {
        fi = (FieldImpl) fi.getSample(0);
      PointOb ob = (PointOb) fi.getSample(0);
      Tuple tuple = (Tuple) ob.getData();
      MathType[] comps = ((TupleType) tuple.getType()).getComponents();
      Trace.msg("PointDataSource #vars=" + comps.length);
      StringBuffer params = new StringBuffer(comps.length + " Fields:<ul>");
      String dataSourceName = getName();
      DataChoice.addCurrentName(new TwoFacedObject("Point Data>Time", "Time"));
      DataChoice.addCurrentName(new TwoFacedObject("Point Data>Latitude", "Latitude"));
      DataChoice.addCurrentName(new TwoFacedObject("Point Data>Altitude", "Altitude"));

      for (int i = 0; i < comps.length; i++) {
        String paramName = ucar.visad.Util.cleanTypeName(comps[i].toString());
        DataAlias alias = DataAlias.findAlias(paramName);
        if (alias != null) {
          params.append(" --  " + alias.getLabel());
              new TwoFacedObject(
                  dataSourceName + ">" + alias.getLabel() + " -- " + paramName, paramName));
        } else {
              new TwoFacedObject(dataSourceName + ">" + paramName, paramName));
        Data data = tuple.getComponent(i);
        if (data instanceof Real) {
          Unit unit = ((Real) data).getUnit();
          if (unit != null) {
            params.append("  [" + unit.toString() + "]");
      fieldsDescription = params.toString();
    } catch (Exception exc) {
      logException("getting description", exc);
Example #2
   * Load the volume data to the display
   * @throws RemoteException problem loading remote data
   * @throws VisADException problem loading the data
  private void loadVolumeData() throws VisADException, RemoteException {
    FieldImpl grid = getGridDataInstance().getGrid();
    FieldImpl newGrid = grid;

    if (getSkipValue() > 0) {
      grid = GridUtil.subset(grid, getSkipValue() + 1);
      newGrid = grid;

    if (!usePoints) {
      // make sure the projection is correct before we start
      // transforming the data
      setProjectionInView(true, true);

      CoordinateSystem cs = getNavigatedDisplay().getDisplayCoordinateSystem();
      if ((cs != null) && (getNavigatedDisplay() instanceof MapProjectionDisplay)) {
        try {
          if (GridUtil.isConstantSpatialDomain(grid)) {
            newGrid = makeLinearGrid(grid, cs);
          } else {
            Set timeSet = GridUtil.getTimeSet(grid);
            for (int i = 0; i < timeSet.getLength(); i++) {
              FieldImpl timeField = makeLinearGrid((FieldImpl) grid.getSample(i, false), cs);
              if (i == 0) {
                FunctionType ft =
                    new FunctionType(
                        ((SetType) timeSet.getType()).getDomain(), timeField.getType());
                newGrid = new FieldImpl(ft, timeSet);
              newGrid.setSample(i, timeField, false);
        } catch (VisADException ve) {
              "Can't render volume for "
                  + paramName
                  + " in this projection. Try using the data projection");
          newGrid = grid;
Example #3
  /** Make the <code>DataChoices</code> for this <code>DataSource</code>. */
  public void doMakeDataChoices() {

    if (sources == null) {
    String stationModelName = (String) getProperty(PROP_STATIONMODELNAME);
    Hashtable properties =
        Misc.newHashtable(DataChoice.PROP_ICON, "/auxdata/ui/icons/Placemark16.gif");
    if (stationModelName != null) {
      properties.put(PROP_STATIONMODELNAME, stationModelName);
    if (!getDefaultLevels().isEmpty()) {
      properties.put(DataSelection.PROP_DEFAULT_LEVELS, getDefaultLevels());
    DataChoice uberChoice = null;
    /*  Might want to do this someday
    uberChoice = new DirectDataChoice(this,
                                        sources, getName(),

    if (sources.size() > 1) {
      uberChoice =
          new CompositeDataChoice(
              this, sources, getName(), getDataName(), getPointCategories(), properties);

    for (int i = 0; i < sources.size(); i++) {
      String dataChoiceDesc = getDescription();
      String dataChoiceName = getDataName();
      if (uberChoice != null) {
        dataChoiceDesc = IOUtil.getFileTail(sources.get(i).toString());
        dataChoiceName = IOUtil.getFileTail(sources.get(i).toString());

      DataChoice choice =
          new DirectDataChoice(
              new Integer(i),

      We'd like to create sub choices for each parameter but we don't really
      know the parameters until we read the data and that can be expensive
                  DirectDataChoice subChoice = new DirectDataChoice(this,
                            (String) sources.get(i),
                            getDescription(), getDataName(),
                            getPointCategories(), properties);

      if (uberChoice != null) {
        ((CompositeDataChoice) uberChoice).addDataChoice(choice);
      } else {
      // Only add the grid data choices for the first source
      if (i > 0) {
      try {
        FieldImpl sample = (makeGridFields ? getSample(choice) : null);
        if (sample != null) {
          for (int dataChoiceType = 0; dataChoiceType < 2; dataChoiceType++) {
            Hashtable seenFields = new Hashtable();
            if (ucar.unidata.data.grid.GridUtil.isTimeSequence(sample)) {
              sample = (FieldImpl) sample.getSample(0);
            PointOb ob = (PointOb) sample.getSample(0);
            Tuple tuple = (Tuple) ob.getData();
            TupleType tupleType = (TupleType) tuple.getType();
            MathType[] types = tupleType.getComponents();
            CompositeDataChoice compositeDataChoice = null;
            for (int typeIdx = 0; typeIdx < types.length; typeIdx++) {
              if (!(types[typeIdx] instanceof RealType)) {
              RealType type = (RealType) types[typeIdx];
              if (!canCreateGrid(type)) {
              //                        List gridCategories =
              //                            DataCategory.parseCategories("OA Fields;GRID-2D-TIME;");
              List gridCategories = DataCategory.parseCategories("GRID-2D-TIME;", false);
              if (compositeDataChoice == null) {
                compositeDataChoice =
                    new CompositeDataChoice(
                        "Grid Fields from Objective Analysis",
                        "Gridded Fields " + ((dataChoiceType == 0) ? "" : "(with first guess)"),
              String name = ucar.visad.Util.cleanTypeName(type.toString());
              if (seenFields.get(name) != null) {
              seenFields.put(name, name);
              List idList = Misc.newList(new Integer(i), type);
              if (dataChoiceType == 1) {
                idList.add(new Boolean(true));
              DataChoice gridChoice =
                  new DirectDataChoice(this, idList, name, name, gridCategories, (Hashtable) null);
      } catch (Exception exc) {
        throw new WrapperException("Making grid parameters", exc);
      //            if(true) break;
  public static boolean isByRefUsable(DataDisplayLink link, ShadowType shadow)
      throws VisADException, RemoteException {
    ShadowFunctionOrSetType shadowType = (ShadowFunctionOrSetType) shadow.getAdaptedShadowType();
    CoordinateSystem dataCoordinateSystem = null;
    FlatField fltField = null;
    int num_images = 1;
    FieldImpl field = (FieldImpl) link.getData();
    if (!(field instanceof FlatField)) {
      num_images = field.getDomainSet().getLength();
      if (1
          == num_images) { // If there is a single image in the animation dont do anything, simply
                           // return true
        return true;
      shadowType = (ShadowFunctionOrSetType) shadowType.getRange();
      fltField = (FlatField) field.getSample(0);
      dataCoordinateSystem = fltField.getDomainCoordinateSystem();
    } else {
      dataCoordinateSystem = ((FlatField) field).getDomainCoordinateSystem();
      return true;

    // cs might be cached
    if (dataCoordinateSystem instanceof CachingCoordinateSystem) {
      dataCoordinateSystem =
          ((CachingCoordinateSystem) dataCoordinateSystem).getCachedCoordinateSystem();

    ShadowRealType[] DomainComponents = shadowType.getDomainComponents();
    ShadowRealTupleType Domain = shadowType.getDomain();
    ShadowRealTupleType domain_reference = Domain.getReference();
    ShadowRealType[] DC = DomainComponents;

    if (domain_reference != null && domain_reference.getMappedDisplayScalar()) {
      DC = shadowType.getDomainReferenceComponents();

    DisplayTupleType spatial_tuple = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < DC.length; i++) {
      java.util.Enumeration maps = DC[i].getSelectedMapVector().elements();
      ScalarMap map = (ScalarMap) maps.nextElement();
      DisplayRealType real = map.getDisplayScalar();
      spatial_tuple = real.getTuple();

    CoordinateSystem coord = spatial_tuple.getCoordinateSystem();

    if (coord instanceof CachingCoordinateSystem) {
      coord = ((CachingCoordinateSystem) coord).getCachedCoordinateSystem();

    boolean useLinearTexture = false;
    if (coord instanceof InverseLinearScaledCS) {
      InverseLinearScaledCS invCS = (InverseLinearScaledCS) coord;
      useLinearTexture = (invCS.getInvertedCoordinateSystem()).equals(dataCoordinateSystem);

     * if useLinearTexture is true at this point, it's true for the first image of a sequence with
     * numimages > 1. We'll have to assume that byRef will apply until below is resolved.

     * more consideration/work needed here. CoordinateSystems might be equal even if they aren't the
     * same transform (i,j) -> (lon,lat) if (!useLinearTexture) { //If DisplayCoordinateSystem !=
     * DataCoordinateSystem if (num_images > 1) { //Its an animation int lengths[] =
     * ((visad.GriddedSet) fltField.getDomainSet()).getLengths(); int data_width = lengths[0]; int
     * data_height = lengths[1]; for (int i = 1; i < num_images; i++) {//Playing safe: go down the
     * full sequence to find if the full set is Geostaionary or NOT FlatField ff = (FlatField)
     * field.getSample(i); //Quicker Approach would be to just compare only the first two images in
     * the sequence. But that may not be safe. CoordinateSystem dcs =
     * ff.getDomainCoordinateSystem(); // dcs might be cached if (dcs instanceof
     * CachingCoordinateSystem) { dcs = ((CachingCoordinateSystem) dcs).getCachedCoordinateSystem();
     * } int[] lens = ((visad.GriddedSet) ff.getDomainSet()).getLengths(); if (lens[0] != data_width
     * || lens[1] != data_height || ( (dcs != null) && (dataCoordinateSystem != null) &&
     * !dcs.equals(dataCoordinateSystem))) { useLinearTexture = false; break; } } } }
    return useLinearTexture;