protected void init() { super.init(); if (observationTimesSet) { // Quantities for gamma bridge process bMu2dtOverNuL = new double[d + 1]; bMu2dtOverNuR = new double[d + 1]; wIndexList = new int[3 * d]; int[] ptIndex = new int[d + 1]; int indexCounter = 0; int newIndex, oldLeft, oldRight; ptIndex[0] = 0; ptIndex[1] = d; mu2OverNu = mu * mu / nu; mu2dTOverNu = mu2OverNu * (t[d] - t[0]); for (int powOfTwo = 1; powOfTwo <= d / 2; powOfTwo *= 2) { /* Make room in the indexing array "ptIndex" */ for (int j = powOfTwo; j >= 1; j--) { ptIndex[2 * j] = ptIndex[j]; } /* Insert new indices and Calculate constants */ for (int j = 1; j <= powOfTwo; j++) { oldLeft = 2 * j - 2; oldRight = 2 * j; newIndex = (int) (0.5 * (ptIndex[oldLeft] + ptIndex[oldRight])); bMu2dtOverNuL[newIndex] = mu * mu * (t[newIndex] - t[ptIndex[oldLeft]]) / nu; bMu2dtOverNuR[newIndex] = mu * mu * (t[ptIndex[oldRight]] - t[newIndex]) / nu; ptIndex[oldLeft + 1] = newIndex; wIndexList[indexCounter] = ptIndex[oldLeft]; wIndexList[indexCounter + 1] = newIndex; wIndexList[indexCounter + 2] = ptIndex[oldRight]; indexCounter += 3; } } /* Check if there are holes remaining and fill them */ for (int k = 1; k < d; k++) { if (ptIndex[k - 1] + 1 < ptIndex[k]) { // there is a hole between (k-1) and k. bMu2dtOverNuL[ptIndex[k - 1] + 1] = mu * mu * (t[ptIndex[k - 1] + 1] - t[ptIndex[k - 1]]) / nu; bMu2dtOverNuR[ptIndex[k - 1] + 1] = mu * mu * (t[ptIndex[k]] - t[ptIndex[k - 1] + 1]) / nu; wIndexList[indexCounter] = ptIndex[k] - 2; wIndexList[indexCounter + 1] = ptIndex[k] - 1; wIndexList[indexCounter + 2] = ptIndex[k]; indexCounter += 3; } } } }
/** * Resets the {@link umontreal.iro.lecuyer.rng.RandomStream RandomStream} of the {@link * umontreal.iro.lecuyer.randvar.GammaGen GammaGen} and the {@link * umontreal.iro.lecuyer.randvar.BetaGen BetaGen} to <TT>stream</TT>. */ public void setStream(RandomStream stream) { super.setStream(stream); this.Bgen.setStream(stream); = stream; }