@Override protected void initialiseTask() throws Exception { Checks.checkNotNull(getSourceA()); Checks.checkNotNull(getSourceB()); Checks.checkNotNull(getSink()); Checks.checkNotNull(getComparator()); if (getSourceA().equals(getSourceB())) throw new IllegalStateException("Sources A and B are the same."); if (getSourceA().equals(getSink())) throw new IllegalStateException("Source A is the same as the sink."); if (getSourceB().equals(getSink())) throw new IllegalStateException("Source B is the same as the sink."); }
public final void setSink(ObjectSink<T> sink) { Checks.checkNotNull(sink); this.sink = sink; }
public final void setComparator(Comparator<T> comparator) { Checks.checkNotNull(comparator); this.comparator = comparator; }
public final void setSourceB(ObjectSource<T> sourceB) { Checks.checkNotNull(sourceB); this.sourceB = sourceB; }
public final void setSourceA(ObjectSource<T> sourceA) { Checks.checkNotNull(sourceA); this.sourceA = sourceA; }