public void testSingleDataset() throws IOException { InvCatalogImpl cat =; InvDataset ds = cat.findDatasetByID("testSingleDataset"); assert (ds != null) : "cant find dataset 'testSingleDataset'"; assert ds.getDataType() == FeatureType.GRID; ThreddsDataFactory fac = new ThreddsDataFactory(); ThreddsDataFactory.Result dataResult = fac.openFeatureDataset(ds, null); assert dataResult != null; assert !dataResult.fatalError; assert dataResult.featureDataset != null; GridDataset gds = (GridDataset) dataResult.featureDataset; GridDatatype grid = gds.findGridDatatype("Z_sfc"); assert grid != null; GridCoordSystem gcs = grid.getCoordinateSystem(); assert gcs != null; assert null == gcs.getVerticalAxis(); CoordinateAxis1D time = gcs.getTimeAxis1D(); assert time != null; assert time.getSize() == 1; assert 102840.0 == time.readScalarDouble(); dataResult.featureDataset.close(); }
@Test public void testFloatingPointCompare() throws Exception { String spec = TestDir.cdmUnitTestDir + "ft/fmrc/fp_precision/sediment_thickness_#yyMMddHHmm#.*\\.nc$"; System.out.printf("%n====================FMRC dataset %s%n", spec); Formatter errlog = new Formatter(); Fmrc fmrc =, errlog); assert (fmrc != null) : errlog; try (ucar.nc2.dt.GridDataset gridDs = fmrc.getDatasetBest()) { GridDatatype v = gridDs.findGridByShortName("thickness_of_sediment"); assert v != null; GridCoordSystem gcs = v.getCoordinateSystem(); CoordinateAxis1DTime time = gcs.getTimeAxis1D(); Assert.assertEquals("hours since 2015-03-08 12:51:00.000 UTC", time.getUnitsString()); Assert.assertEquals(74, time.getSize()); Array data =; System.out.printf("%s%n", NCdumpW.toString(data)); for (CalendarDate cd : time.getCalendarDates()) { assert cd.getFieldValue(CalendarPeriod.Field.Minute) == 0 : System.out.printf("%s%n", cd); } } }
public static DateRange extractDateRange(GridDataset gridDataset) { DateRange maxDateRange = null; for (GridDataset.Gridset gridset : gridDataset.getGridsets()) { GridCoordSystem gsys = gridset.getGeoCoordSystem(); DateRange dateRange; CoordinateAxis1DTime time1D = gsys.getTimeAxis1D(); if (time1D != null) { dateRange = time1D.getDateRange(); } else { CoordinateAxis time = gsys.getTimeAxis(); if (time == null) continue; try { DateUnit du = new DateUnit(time.getUnitsString()); Date minDate = du.makeDate(time.getMinValue()); Date maxDate = du.makeDate(time.getMaxValue()); dateRange = new DateRange(minDate, maxDate); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Illegal Date Unit " + time.getUnitsString()); continue; } } if (maxDateRange == null) maxDateRange = dateRange; else maxDateRange.extend(dateRange); } return maxDateRange; }
public static ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage extractGeospatial(GridDataset gridDataset) { ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage gc = new ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage(); LatLonRect llbb = null; CoordinateAxis1D vaxis = null; for (GridDataset.Gridset gridset : gridDataset.getGridsets()) { GridCoordSystem gsys = gridset.getGeoCoordSystem(); if (llbb == null) llbb = gsys.getLatLonBoundingBox(); CoordinateAxis1D vaxis2 = gsys.getVerticalAxis(); if (vaxis == null) vaxis = vaxis2; else if ((vaxis2 != null) && (vaxis2.getSize() > vaxis.getSize())) vaxis = vaxis2; } if (llbb != null) gc.setBoundingBox(llbb); if (vaxis != null) gc.setVertical(vaxis); return gc; }
void setField(GridDatatype field) { /*int idx = fieldChooser.setSelectedByName(field.toString()); if (idx < 0) fieldChooser.setSelectedByIndex(0); */ fieldChooser.setToolTipText(field.getName()); GridCoordSystem gcs = field.getCoordinateSystem(); // levels CoordinateAxis1D axis = gcs.getVerticalAxis(); setChooserWanted("level", axis != null); if (axis != null) { List<NamedObject> levels = axis.getNames(); levelChooser.setCollection(levels.iterator(), true); NamedObject no = levels.get(controller.getCurrentLevelIndex()); levelChooser.setSelectedByName(no.getName()); } // times if (gcs.hasTimeAxis()) { axis = gcs.hasTimeAxis1D() ? gcs.getTimeAxis1D() : gcs.getTimeAxisForRun(0); setChooserWanted("time", axis != null); if (axis != null) { List<NamedObject> names = axis.getNames(); timeChooser.setCollection(names.iterator(), true); NamedObject no = names.get(controller.getCurrentTimeIndex()); timeChooser.setSelectedByName(no.getName()); } } else { setChooserWanted("time", false); } axis = gcs.getEnsembleAxis(); setChooserWanted("ensemble", axis != null); if (axis != null) { List<NamedObject> names = axis.getNames(); ensembleChooser.setCollection(names.iterator(), true); NamedObject no = names.get(controller.getCurrentEnsembleIndex()); ensembleChooser.setSelectedByName(no.getName()); } axis = gcs.getRunTimeAxis(); setChooserWanted("runtime", axis != null); if (axis != null) { List<NamedObject> names = axis.getNames(); runtimeChooser.setCollection(names.iterator(), true); NamedObject no = names.get(controller.getCurrentRunTimeIndex()); runtimeChooser.setSelectedByName(no.getName()); } setChoosers(); colorScalePanel.setUnitString(field.getUnitsString()); }
protected Element genLonLatEnvelope(GridCoordSystem gcs) { // <CoverageOfferingBrief>/lonLatEnvelope Element lonLatEnvelopeElem = new Element("lonLatEnvelope", wcsNS); lonLatEnvelopeElem.setAttribute("srsName", "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84"); LatLonRect llbb = gcs.getLatLonBoundingBox(); LatLonPoint llpt = llbb.getLowerLeftPoint(); LatLonPoint urpt = llbb.getUpperRightPoint(); // <CoverageOfferingBrief>/lonLatEnvelope/gml:pos String firstPosition = llpt.getLongitude() + " " + llpt.getLatitude(); double lon = llpt.getLongitude() + llbb.getWidth(); String secondPosition = lon + " " + urpt.getLatitude(); // ToDo WCS 1.0Plus - Deal with conversion to meters. (Yikes!!) CoordinateAxis1D vertAxis = gcs.getVerticalAxis(); if (vertAxis != null) { // See verAxis.getUnitsString() double zeroIndexValue = vertAxis.getCoordValue(0); double sizeIndexValue = vertAxis.getCoordValue(((int) vertAxis.getSize()) - 1); if (vertAxis.getPositive().equals(ucar.nc2.constants.CF.POSITIVE_UP)) { firstPosition += " " + zeroIndexValue; secondPosition += " " + sizeIndexValue; } else { firstPosition += " " + sizeIndexValue; secondPosition += " " + zeroIndexValue; } } lonLatEnvelopeElem.addContent(new Element("pos", gmlNS).addContent(firstPosition)); lonLatEnvelopeElem.addContent(new Element("pos", gmlNS).addContent(secondPosition)); // <CoverageOfferingBrief>/lonLatEnvelope/gml:timePostion [2] if (gcs.hasTimeAxis()) { lonLatEnvelopeElem.addContent( new Element("timePosition", gmlNS) .addContent(gcs.getCalendarDateRange().getStart().toString())); lonLatEnvelopeElem.addContent( new Element("timePosition", gmlNS) .addContent(gcs.getCalendarDateRange().getEnd().toString())); } return lonLatEnvelopeElem; }
protected Element genLonLatEnvelope(GridCoordSystem gcs) { // <CoverageOfferingBrief>/lonLatEnvelope Element lonLatEnvelopeElem = new Element("lonLatEnvelope", wcsNS); lonLatEnvelopeElem.setAttribute("srsName", "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84"); LatLonRect llbb = gcs.getLatLonBoundingBox(); LatLonPoint llpt = llbb.getLowerLeftPoint(); LatLonPoint urpt = llbb.getUpperRightPoint(); // <CoverageOfferingBrief>/lonLatEnvelope/gml:pos String firstPosition = llpt.getLongitude() + " " + llpt.getLatitude(); double lon = llpt.getLongitude() + llbb.getWidth(); String secondPosition = lon + " " + urpt.getLatitude(); // ToDo WCS 1.0Plus - Add vertical (Deal with conversion to meters. Yikes!!) // CoordinateAxis1D vertAxis = gcs.getVerticalAxis(); // if ( vertAxis != null ) // { // // See verAxis.getUnitsString() // firstPosition += " " + vertAxis.getCoordValue( 0); // secondPostion += " " + vertAxis.getCoordValue( ((int)vertAxis.getSize()) - 1); // } lonLatEnvelopeElem.addContent(new Element("pos", gmlNS).addContent(firstPosition)); lonLatEnvelopeElem.addContent(new Element("pos", gmlNS).addContent(secondPosition)); // <CoverageOfferingBrief>/lonLatEnvelope/gml:timePostion [2] if (gcs.hasTimeAxis()) { DateRange dr = gcs.getDateRange(); if (dr != null) { lonLatEnvelopeElem.addContent( new Element("timePosition", gmlNS).addContent(dr.getStart().toDateTimeStringISO())); lonLatEnvelopeElem.addContent( new Element("timePosition", gmlNS).addContent(dr.getEnd().toDateTimeStringISO())); } } return lonLatEnvelopeElem; }
@Test @Category(NeedsCdmUnitTest.class) public void testCoordExtract() throws IOException { try (ucar.nc2.dt.grid.GridDataset dataset = TestDir.cdmUnitTestDir + "formats/grib2/coordExtract/TestCoordExtract.grib2")) { System.out.printf("%s%n", dataset.getLocation()); GeoGrid grid = dataset.findGridByName("Convective_inhibition_surface"); assert null != grid; GridCoordSystem gcs = grid.getCoordinateSystem(); assert null != gcs; assert grid.getRank() == 3; System.out.printf("%s%n", gcs); int result[] = gcs.findXYindexFromLatLon(41.3669944444, -91.140575, null); System.out.printf("%d %d %n", result[0], result[1]); assert result[0] == 538; assert result[1] == 97; } }
@Test public void bugReport() throws IOException { try (GridDataset dataset = "")) { GridDatatype firstGridInfo = dataset.getGrids().get(0); System.out.println("Grid name =" + firstGridInfo.getName()); GeoGrid firstGrid = (GeoGrid) dataset.getGrids().get(0); System.out.println("WHOLE GRID"); GridCoordSystem gcs = firstGrid.getCoordinateSystem(); System.out.println("is lat/lon system ? " + gcs.isLatLon()); assert gcs.isLatLon(); LatLonRect rect = gcs.getLatLonBoundingBox(); System.out.println( "gcs bounding box : latmin=" + rect.getLatMin() + " latmax=" + rect.getLatMax() + " lonmin=" + rect.getLonMin() + " lonmax=" + rect.getLonMax()); System.out.println("projection : " + gcs.getProjection()); System.out.println( "width =" + gcs.getXHorizAxis().getSize() + ", height=" + gcs.getYHorizAxis().getSize()); System.out.println( "X is regular ? " + ((CoordinateAxis1D) gcs.getXHorizAxis()).isRegular()); System.out.println("X is contiguous ? " + gcs.getXHorizAxis().isContiguous()); System.out.println( "X start : " + ((CoordinateAxis1D) gcs.getXHorizAxis()).getStart()); System.out.println( "X increment : " + ((CoordinateAxis1D) gcs.getXHorizAxis()).getIncrement()); System.out.println( "Y is regular ? " + ((CoordinateAxis1D) gcs.getYHorizAxis()).isRegular()); System.out.println("Y is contiguous ? " + gcs.getYHorizAxis().isContiguous()); System.out.println( "Y start : " + ((CoordinateAxis1D) gcs.getYHorizAxis()).getStart()); System.out.println( "Y increment : " + ((CoordinateAxis1D) gcs.getYHorizAxis()).getIncrement()); LatLonPoint p = gcs.getLatLon(0, 0); System.out.println("index (0,0) --> lat/lon : " + p.getLatitude() + " ; " + p.getLongitude()); p = gcs.getLatLon(1, 1); System.out.println("index (1,1) --> lat/lon : " + p.getLatitude() + " ; " + p.getLongitude()); System.out.println("looking up lat=" + p.getLatitude() + " lon=" + p.getLongitude()); int[] xy = gcs.findXYindexFromLatLon(p.getLatitude(), p.getLongitude(), null); System.out.println("index= (" + xy[0] + ", " + xy[1] + ")"); Assert.assertEquals(xy[0], 1); Assert.assertEquals(xy[1], 1); // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- double latMin = -20.D, latMax = -10.D, lonMin = 35.D, lonMax = 45.D; System.out.println( "\nSUBGRID (latmin=" + latMin + " latmax=" + latMax + " lonmin=" + lonMin + " lonmax=" + lonMax + ")"); LatLonRect latLonRect = new LatLonRect(new LatLonPointImpl(latMin, lonMin), new LatLonPointImpl(latMax, lonMax)); GeoGrid gridSubset = firstGrid.subset(null, null, latLonRect, 0, 1, 1); GridCoordSystem gcs2 = gridSubset.getCoordinateSystem(); rect = gcs2.getLatLonBoundingBox(); System.out.println("is lat/lon system ? " + gcs2.isLatLon()); System.out.println( "gcs bounding box : latmin=" + rect.getLatMin() + " latmax=" + rect.getLatMax() + " lonmin=" + rect.getLonMin() + " lonmax=" + rect.getLonMax()); System.out.println("projection : " + gcs.getProjection()); System.out.println( "width =" + gcs2.getXHorizAxis().getSize() + ", height=" + gcs2.getYHorizAxis().getSize()); System.out.println( "X is regular ? " + ((CoordinateAxis1D) gcs2.getXHorizAxis()).isRegular()); System.out.println("X is contiguous ? " + gcs2.getXHorizAxis().isContiguous()); System.out.println( "X start : " + ((CoordinateAxis1D) gcs2.getXHorizAxis()).getStart()); System.out.println( "X increment : " + ((CoordinateAxis1D) gcs2.getXHorizAxis()).getIncrement()); System.out.println( "Y is regular ? " + ((CoordinateAxis1D) gcs2.getYHorizAxis()).isRegular()); System.out.println("Y is contiguous ? " + gcs2.getYHorizAxis().isContiguous()); System.out.println( "Y start : " + ((CoordinateAxis1D) gcs2.getYHorizAxis()).getStart()); System.out.println( "Y increment : " + ((CoordinateAxis1D) gcs2.getYHorizAxis()).getIncrement()); p = gcs2.getLatLon(0, 0); System.out.println("index (0,0) --> lat/lon : " + p.getLatitude() + " ; " + p.getLongitude()); p = gcs2.getLatLon(1, 1); System.out.println("index (1,1) --> lat/lon : " + p.getLatitude() + " ; " + p.getLongitude()); System.out.println("looking up lat=" + p.getLatitude() + " lon=" + p.getLongitude()); xy = gcs2.findXYindexFromLatLon(p.getLatitude(), p.getLongitude(), null); System.out.println("index= (" + xy[0] + ", " + xy[1] + ")"); Assert.assertEquals(xy[0], 1); Assert.assertEquals(xy[1], 1); } catch (IOException | InvalidRangeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }