Example #1
  public static Map<String, Metadata> readFile(String file) throws Exception {
    NetcdfFile n = NetcdfFile.open(file);
    System.out.println("Opened: " + file);

    /* Determine the size of our grid */
    int xLen = n.findDimension("x").getLength();
    int yLen = n.findDimension("y").getLength();
    System.out.println("Grid size: " + xLen + "x" + yLen);

    /* What time is this set of readings for? */
    Variable timeVar = n.findVariable("time");
    String timeStr = timeVar.getUnitsString().toUpperCase();
    timeStr = timeStr.replace("HOURS SINCE ", "");
    timeStr = timeStr.replace("HOUR SINCE ", "");

    /* Find the base date (the day) the reading was taken */
    Date baseDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssX").parse(timeStr);

    /* Get the number of hours since the base date this reading was taken */
    int offset = timeVar.read().getInt(0);

    /* Generate the actual date for this reading */
    Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
    calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR, calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR) + offset);
    System.out.println("Time of collection: " + calendar.getTime());

    /* We'll keep a mapping of geolocations -> Galileo Metadata */
    Map<String, Metadata> metaMap = new HashMap<>();

    /* Determine the lat, lon coordinates for the grid points, and get each
     * reading at each grid point. */
    NetcdfDataset dataset = new NetcdfDataset(n);
    GridDataset gridData = new GridDataset(dataset);
    for (GridDatatype g : gridData.getGrids()) {
      /* Let's look at 3D variables: these have WxH dimensions, plus a
       * single plane.  A 4D variable would contain elevation
       * and multiple planes as a result */
      if (g.getShape().length == 3) {
        convert3DVariable(g, calendar.getTime(), metaMap);

    return metaMap;
Example #2
  static void doOne(
      String dir, String filename, int ngrids, int ncoordSys, int ncoordAxes, int nVertCooordAxes)
      throws Exception {
    System.out.println("test read GridDataset = " + dir + filename);
    ucar.nc2.dt.grid.GridDataset gridDs = GridDataset.open(dir + filename);

    int countGrids = gridDs.getGrids().size();
    int countCoordAxes = gridDs.getNetcdfDataset().getCoordinateAxes().size();
    int countCoordSys = gridDs.getNetcdfDataset().getCoordinateSystems().size();

    // count vertical axes
    int countVertCooordAxes = 0;
    List axes = gridDs.getNetcdfDataset().getCoordinateAxes();
    for (int i = 0; i < axes.size(); i++) {
      CoordinateAxis axis = (CoordinateAxis) axes.get(i);
      AxisType t = axis.getAxisType();
      if ((t == AxisType.GeoZ) || (t == AxisType.Height) || (t == AxisType.Pressure))

    Iterator iter = gridDs.getGridsets().iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
      GridDataset.Gridset gridset = (GridDataset.Gridset) iter.next();
      GridCoordSys gcs = gridset.getGeoCoordSys();
      // if (gcs.hasTimeAxis())
      //  System.out.println(" "+gcs.isDate()+" "+gcs.getName());

    if (showCount) {
      System.out.println(" grids=" + countGrids + ((ngrids < 0) ? " *" : ""));
      System.out.println(" coordSys=" + countCoordSys + ((ncoordSys < 0) ? " *" : ""));
      System.out.println(" coordAxes=" + countCoordAxes + ((ncoordAxes < 0) ? " *" : ""));
      System.out.println(" vertAxes=" + countVertCooordAxes + ((nVertCooordAxes < 0) ? " *" : ""));

    if (ngrids >= 0) assert ngrids == countGrids : "Grids " + ngrids + " != " + countGrids;
    // if (ncoordSys >= 0)
    //  assert ncoordSys == countCoordSys : "CoordSys " + ncoordSys + " != " + countCoordSys;
    // if (ncoordAxes >= 0)
    //  assert ncoordAxes == countCoordAxes : "CoordAxes " + ncoordAxes + " != " + countCoordAxes;
    if (nVertCooordAxes >= 0)
      assert nVertCooordAxes == countVertCooordAxes
          : "VertAxes " + nVertCooordAxes + " != " + countVertCooordAxes;

  public void bugReport() throws IOException {

    try (GridDataset dataset =
            "http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/examples/sresa1b_ncar_ccsm3_0_run1_200001.nc")) {

      GridDatatype firstGridInfo = dataset.getGrids().get(0);
      System.out.println("Grid name =" + firstGridInfo.getName());
      GeoGrid firstGrid = (GeoGrid) dataset.getGrids().get(0);

      System.out.println("WHOLE GRID");
      GridCoordSystem gcs = firstGrid.getCoordinateSystem();
      System.out.println("is lat/lon system ? " + gcs.isLatLon());
      assert gcs.isLatLon();

      LatLonRect rect = gcs.getLatLonBoundingBox();
          "gcs bounding box : latmin="
              + rect.getLatMin()
              + " latmax="
              + rect.getLatMax()
              + " lonmin="
              + rect.getLonMin()
              + " lonmax="
              + rect.getLonMax());
      System.out.println("projection       : " + gcs.getProjection());
          "width =" + gcs.getXHorizAxis().getSize() + ", height=" + gcs.getYHorizAxis().getSize());
          "X is regular     ? " + ((CoordinateAxis1D) gcs.getXHorizAxis()).isRegular());
      System.out.println("X is contiguous  ? " + gcs.getXHorizAxis().isContiguous());
          "X start          : " + ((CoordinateAxis1D) gcs.getXHorizAxis()).getStart());
          "X increment      : " + ((CoordinateAxis1D) gcs.getXHorizAxis()).getIncrement());
          "Y is regular     ? " + ((CoordinateAxis1D) gcs.getYHorizAxis()).isRegular());
      System.out.println("Y is contiguous  ? " + gcs.getYHorizAxis().isContiguous());
          "Y start          : " + ((CoordinateAxis1D) gcs.getYHorizAxis()).getStart());
          "Y increment      : " + ((CoordinateAxis1D) gcs.getYHorizAxis()).getIncrement());

      LatLonPoint p = gcs.getLatLon(0, 0);
      System.out.println("index (0,0) --> lat/lon : " + p.getLatitude() + " ; " + p.getLongitude());
      p = gcs.getLatLon(1, 1);
      System.out.println("index (1,1) --> lat/lon : " + p.getLatitude() + " ; " + p.getLongitude());

      System.out.println("looking up lat=" + p.getLatitude() + "  lon=" + p.getLongitude());
      int[] xy = gcs.findXYindexFromLatLon(p.getLatitude(), p.getLongitude(), null);
      System.out.println("index= (" + xy[0] + ", " + xy[1] + ")");
      Assert.assertEquals(xy[0], 1);
      Assert.assertEquals(xy[1], 1);

      // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
      double latMin = -20.D, latMax = -10.D, lonMin = 35.D, lonMax = 45.D;
          "\nSUBGRID (latmin="
              + latMin
              + "  latmax="
              + latMax
              + "  lonmin="
              + lonMin
              + "  lonmax="
              + lonMax
              + ")");

      LatLonRect latLonRect =
          new LatLonRect(new LatLonPointImpl(latMin, lonMin), new LatLonPointImpl(latMax, lonMax));

      GeoGrid gridSubset = firstGrid.subset(null, null, latLonRect, 0, 1, 1);

      GridCoordSystem gcs2 = gridSubset.getCoordinateSystem();

      rect = gcs2.getLatLonBoundingBox();
      System.out.println("is lat/lon system ? " + gcs2.isLatLon());
          "gcs bounding box : latmin="
              + rect.getLatMin()
              + " latmax="
              + rect.getLatMax()
              + " lonmin="
              + rect.getLonMin()
              + " lonmax="
              + rect.getLonMax());
      System.out.println("projection       : " + gcs.getProjection());
          "width ="
              + gcs2.getXHorizAxis().getSize()
              + ", height="
              + gcs2.getYHorizAxis().getSize());
          "X is regular     ? " + ((CoordinateAxis1D) gcs2.getXHorizAxis()).isRegular());
      System.out.println("X is contiguous  ? " + gcs2.getXHorizAxis().isContiguous());
          "X start          : " + ((CoordinateAxis1D) gcs2.getXHorizAxis()).getStart());
          "X increment      : " + ((CoordinateAxis1D) gcs2.getXHorizAxis()).getIncrement());
          "Y is regular     ? " + ((CoordinateAxis1D) gcs2.getYHorizAxis()).isRegular());
      System.out.println("Y is contiguous  ? " + gcs2.getYHorizAxis().isContiguous());
          "Y start          : " + ((CoordinateAxis1D) gcs2.getYHorizAxis()).getStart());
          "Y increment      : " + ((CoordinateAxis1D) gcs2.getYHorizAxis()).getIncrement());

      p = gcs2.getLatLon(0, 0);
      System.out.println("index (0,0) --> lat/lon : " + p.getLatitude() + " ; " + p.getLongitude());
      p = gcs2.getLatLon(1, 1);
      System.out.println("index (1,1) --> lat/lon : " + p.getLatitude() + " ; " + p.getLongitude());

      System.out.println("looking up lat=" + p.getLatitude() + "  lon=" + p.getLongitude());
      xy = gcs2.findXYindexFromLatLon(p.getLatitude(), p.getLongitude(), null);
      System.out.println("index= (" + xy[0] + ", " + xy[1] + ")");
      Assert.assertEquals(xy[0], 1);
      Assert.assertEquals(xy[1], 1);

    } catch (IOException | InvalidRangeException e) {