Example #1
  public void testEnhanceDefer() throws IOException {
    NetcdfDataset ncd =
            filename, EnumSet.of(NetcdfDataset.Enhance.ScaleMissing), -1, null, null);
    VariableDS enhancedVar = (VariableDS) ncd.findVariable("t1");

    NetcdfDataset ncdefer =
            filename, EnumSet.of(NetcdfDataset.Enhance.ScaleMissingDefer), -1, null, null);
    VariableDS deferVar = (VariableDS) ncdefer.findVariable("t1");

    Array data = enhancedVar.read();
    Array dataDefer = deferVar.read();


    CompareNetcdf2 nc = new CompareNetcdf2(new Formatter(System.out), false, false, true);
    assert !nc.compareData(enhancedVar.getShortName(), data, dataDefer, false);

    IndexIterator ii = dataDefer.getIndexIterator();
    while (ii.hasNext()) {
      double val = deferVar.convertScaleOffsetMissing(ii.getDoubleNext());

    assert nc.compareData(enhancedVar.getShortName(), data, dataDefer, false);

Example #2
  * CDL representation
  * @param strict if true, create strict CDL, escaping names
  * @return CDL representation
 public String toString(boolean strict) {
   StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder();
   buff.append(strict ? NetcdfFile.escapeNameCDL(getName()) : getName());
   if (isString()) {
     buff.append(" = ");
     for (int i = 0; i < getLength(); i++) {
       if (i != 0) buff.append(", ");
       String val = getStringValue(i);
       if (val != null) buff.append("\"").append(NCdumpW.encodeString(val)).append("\"");
   } else {
     buff.append(" = ");
     for (int i = 0; i < getLength(); i++) {
       if (i != 0) buff.append(", ");
       if (dataType == DataType.FLOAT) buff.append("f");
       else if (dataType == DataType.SHORT) {
         if (isUnsigned()) buff.append("US");
         else buff.append("S");
       } else if (dataType == DataType.BYTE) {
         if (isUnsigned()) buff.append("UB");
         else buff.append("B");
       } else if (dataType == DataType.LONG) {
         if (isUnsigned()) buff.append("UL");
         else buff.append("L");
       } else if (dataType == DataType.INT) {
         if (isUnsigned()) buff.append("U");
   return buff.toString();
   Structure {
    int a_name;
    byte b_name(3);
    byte c_name(3);
    short d_name(3);
    int e_name(3);
    long f_name(3);
    int g_name(3);
    short h_name(3);
    int i_name(3);
    long j_name(3);
    float k_name(3);
    double l_name(3);
  } CompoundNative(15);
      type = Layout(8);  type= 1 (contiguous) storageSize = (15,144) dataSize=0 dataAddress=2048
  public void testReadH5StructureArrayMembers() throws java.io.IOException {
    try (NetcdfFile ncfile = TestH5.openH5("complex/compound_native.h5")) {

      Variable dset = ncfile.findVariable("CompoundNative");
      assert (null != dset);
      assert (dset.getDataType() == DataType.STRUCTURE);
      assert (dset.getRank() == 1);
      assert (dset.getSize() == 15);

      Dimension d = dset.getDimension(0);
      assert (d.getLength() == 15);

      Structure s = (Structure) dset;

      // read all with the iterator
      StructureDataIterator iter = s.getStructureIterator();
      while (iter.hasNext()) {
        StructureData sd = iter.next();

        for (StructureMembers.Member m : sd.getMembers()) {
          Array data = sd.getArray(m);
          NCdumpW.printArray(data, m.getName(), out, null);
    System.out.println("*** testReadH5StructureArrayMembers ok");
Example #4
  public void testStride(String stride) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
    Variable time = ncfile.findVariable("time");
    ArrayInt all = (ArrayInt) time.read();

    ArrayInt correct = (ArrayInt) all.section(new Section(stride).getRanges());
    System.out.printf("correct(%s) %s", stride, NCdumpW.toString(correct));
    ArrayInt data = (ArrayInt) time.read(stride);
    System.out.printf("data(%s) %s%n", stride, NCdumpW.toString(data));
    Index ci = correct.getIndex();
    Index di = data.getIndex();
    for (int i = 0; i < data.getSize(); i++)
      assert (data.getInt(di.set(i)) == correct.getInt(ci.set(i)))
          : stride
              + " index "
              + i
              + " = "
              + data.getInt(di.set(i))
              + " != "
              + correct.getInt(ci.set(i));
  private void showValueDiffs(CoordinateAxis axis) {
    if (!axis.isNumeric()) return;
    try {
      if (axis instanceof CoordinateAxis1D) {
        CoordinateAxis1D axis1D = (CoordinateAxis1D) axis;
        double[] mids = axis1D.getCoordValues();
        double[] diffs = new double[mids.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < mids.length - 1; i++) diffs[i] = mids[i + 1] - mids[i];
        printArrays("midpoint differences", mids, diffs);

      } else if (axis instanceof CoordinateAxis2D) {
        CoordinateAxis2D axis2D = (CoordinateAxis2D) axis;
        ArrayDouble.D2 mids = axis2D.getCoordValuesArray();
        int[] shape = mids.getShape();
        ArrayDouble.D2 diffx =
            (ArrayDouble.D2) Array.factory(DataType.DOUBLE, new int[] {shape[0], shape[1] - 1});
        for (int j = 0; j < shape[0]; j++) {
          for (int i = 0; i < shape[1] - 1; i++) {
            double diff = mids.get(j, i + 1) - mids.get(j, i);
            diffx.set(j, i, diff);
        infoTA.appendLine(NCdumpW.toString(diffx, "diff in x", null));

        ArrayDouble.D2 diffy =
            (ArrayDouble.D2) Array.factory(DataType.DOUBLE, new int[] {shape[0] - 1, shape[1]});
        for (int j = 0; j < shape[0] - 1; j++) {
          for (int i = 0; i < shape[1]; i++) {
            double diff = mids.get(j + 1, i) - mids.get(j, i);
            diffy.set(j, i, diff);
        infoTA.appendLine(NCdumpW.toString(diffy, "diff in y", null));

    } catch (Exception e1) {
  private void showValues(CoordinateAxis axis) {

    try {

      if (axis instanceof CoordinateAxis1D && axis.isNumeric()) {
        CoordinateAxis1D axis1D = (CoordinateAxis1D) axis;
        printArray("midpoints=", axis1D.getCoordValues());

        if (!axis1D.isInterval()) {
          printArray("edges=", axis1D.getCoordEdges());

        } else {
          printArray("bound1=", axis1D.getBound1());
          printArray("bound2=", axis1D.getBound2());

          Formatter f = new Formatter();
          double[] mid = axis1D.getCoordValues();
          double[] b1 = axis1D.getBound1();
          double[] b2 = axis1D.getBound2();
          for (int i = 0; i < b1.length; i++) {
            f.format("%f (%f,%f) = %f%n", mid[i], b1[i], b2[i], b2[i] - b1[i]);

      } else if (axis instanceof CoordinateAxis2D && axis.isNumeric()) {
        infoTA.appendLine(NCdumpW.printVariableData(axis, null));
        showValues2D((CoordinateAxis2D) axis);

      } else {
        infoTA.appendLine(NCdumpW.printVariableData(axis, null));

    } catch (IOException e1) {
  public void testH5StructureDS() throws java.io.IOException {
    int a_name = 0;
    String[] b_name =
        new String[] {
          "A fight is a contract that takes two people to honor.",
          "A combative stance means that you've accepted the contract.",
          "In which case, you deserve what you get.",
          "  --  Professor Cheng Man-ch'ing"
    String c_name = "Hello!";

    // H5header.setDebugFlags(new ucar.nc2.util.DebugFlagsImpl("H5header/header"));
    try (NetcdfDataset ncfile =
        NetcdfDataset.openDataset(TestH5.testDir + "complex/compound_complex.h5")) {

      Variable dset = ncfile.findVariable("CompoundComplex");
      assert (null != dset);
      assert (dset.getDataType() == DataType.STRUCTURE);
      assert (dset.getRank() == 1);
      assert (dset.getSize() == 6);

      Dimension d = dset.getDimension(0);
      assert (d.getLength() == 6);

      Structure s = (Structure) dset;

      // read all with the iterator
      StructureDataIterator iter = s.getStructureIterator();
      while (iter.hasNext()) {
        StructureData sd = iter.next();
        assert sd.getScalarInt("a_name") == a_name;
        assert sd.getScalarString("c_name").equals(c_name);
        String[] results = sd.getJavaArrayString(sd.findMember("b_name"));
        assert results.length == b_name.length;
        int count = 0;
        for (String r : results) assert r.equals(b_name[count++]);

        for (StructureMembers.Member m : sd.getMembers()) {
          Array data = sd.getArray(m);
          NCdumpW.printArray(data, m.getName(), out, null);
    System.out.println("*** testH5StructureDS ok");
  private void showValuesAsDates(CoordinateAxis axis) {
    String units = axis.getUnitsString();
    String cal = getCalendarAttribute(axis);
    CalendarDateUnit cdu = CalendarDateUnit.of(cal, units);

    try {
      infoTA.appendLine(NCdumpW.printVariableData(axis, null));

      if (axis.getDataType().isNumeric()) {
        if (axis instanceof CoordinateAxis2D) {
          showDates2D((CoordinateAxis2D) axis, cdu);

        } else if (axis instanceof CoordinateAxis1D) { // 1D
          showDates1D((CoordinateAxis1D) axis, cdu);

        } else { // > 2D
          Array data = axis.read();
          IndexIterator ii = data.getIndexIterator();
          while (ii.hasNext()) {
            double val = ii.getDoubleNext();
            infoTA.appendLine(makeCalendarDateStringOrMissing(cdu, val));

      } else { // must be iso dates
        Array data = axis.read();
        Formatter f = new Formatter();
        if (data instanceof ArrayChar) {
          ArrayChar dataS = (ArrayChar) data;
          ArrayChar.StringIterator iter = dataS.getStringIterator();
          while (iter.hasNext()) f.format(" %s%n", iter.next());

        } else if (data instanceof ArrayObject) {
          IndexIterator iter = data.getIndexIterator();
          while (iter.hasNext()) f.format(" %s%n", iter.next());
    } catch (Exception ex) {
 public String getValue() {
   Array value = att.getValues();
   return NCdumpW.toString(value, null, null);