public double getActiveLearningRatio(double qbcEntropy, DoubleVector combinedVote) { int maxIndex = combinedVote.maxIndex(); int ensembleLength = this.ensemble.length; double maxVote = combinedVote.getValue(maxIndex); double activeLearningRatio = (qbcEntropy) * (maxVote / ensembleLength); return activeLearningRatio; }
public double[] getVotesForInstance(Instance inst) { DoubleVector combinedVote = new DoubleVector(); DoubleVector confidenceVec = new DoubleVector(); int success = 0; double[] ensembleVotes = new double[inst.numClasses()]; double[] ensMemberWeights = new double[this.ensemble.length]; boolean[] ensMemberFlags = new boolean[this.ensemble.length]; double confidence = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < this.ensemble.length; i++) { if (!ensMemberFlags[i]) { ensMemberWeights[i] = getEnsembleMemberWeight(i); } if (ensMemberWeights[i] > 0.0) { DoubleVector vote = new DoubleVector(this.ensemble[i].getVotesForInstance(inst)); if (vote.sumOfValues() > 0.0) { vote.normalize(); vote.scaleValues(ensMemberWeights[i]); combinedVote.addValues(vote); if (getEnsembleMemberError(i) < errorRatio) { // // these are the votes of the ensembles for the classes // success++; // successFlag = true; confidenceVec.addValues(vote); ensembleVotes[confidenceVec.maxIndex()] += confidenceVec.getValue(confidenceVec.maxIndex()); } } } else { break; } } confidenceVec = (DoubleVector) combinedVote.copy(); confidenceVec.normalize(); confidence = confidenceVec.getValue(confidenceVec.maxIndex()); // Reconfigure the activeLearningRatio // For confidence measure add to the pool and in order to fit the confidence value between 0 // and 1 divide by success val if (confidence > confidenceThreshold) { double qbcEntropy = QBC.queryByCommitee(ensembleVotes, inst.numClasses(), success, ensemble.length); Math.pow(qbcEntropy, 2); System.out.println("QBC Entropy: " + qbcEntropy); double activeLearningRatio = getActiveLearningRatio(qbcEntropy, combinedVote); inst.setClassValue(combinedVote.maxIndex()); // Set the class value of the instance instConfPool.addVotedInstance( inst, combinedVote.getValue(combinedVote.maxIndex()), activeLearningRatio); instConfCount++; } return combinedVote.getArrayRef(); }