public HdfsFileInputStream( TachyonFS tfs, int fileId, Path hdfsPath, Configuration conf, int bufferSize) { LOG.debug( "PartitionInputStreamHdfs(" + tfs + ", " + fileId + ", " + hdfsPath + ", " + conf + ", " + bufferSize + ")"); mCurrentPosition = 0; mTFS = tfs; mFileId = fileId; mHdfsPath = hdfsPath; mHadoopConf = conf; mHadoopBufferSize = bufferSize; TachyonFile tachyonFile = mTFS.getFile(mFileId); try { mTachyonFileInputStream = tachyonFile.getInStream(ReadType.CACHE); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage()); return; } }
@Test public void copyFromLocalTest() throws IOException { File testDir = new File(mLocalTachyonCluster.getTachyonHome() + "/testDir"); testDir.mkdir(); File testDirInner = new File(mLocalTachyonCluster.getTachyonHome() + "/testDir/testDirInner"); testDirInner.mkdir(); File testFile = generateFileContent("/testDir/testFile", BufferUtils.getIncreasingByteArray(10)); generateFileContent( "/testDir/testDirInner/testFile2", BufferUtils.getIncreasingByteArray(10, 20)); mFsShell.copyFromLocal(new String[] {"copyFromLocal", testFile.getParent(), "/testDir"}); Assert.assertEquals( getCommandOutput(new String[] {"copyFromLocal", testFile.getParent(), "/testDir"}), mOutput.toString()); TachyonFile tFile = mTfs.getFile(new TachyonURI("/testDir/testFile")); TachyonFile tFile2 = mTfs.getFile(new TachyonURI("/testDir/testDirInner/testFile2")); Assert.assertNotNull(tFile); Assert.assertNotNull(tFile2); Assert.assertEquals(10, tFile.length()); Assert.assertEquals(20, tFile2.length()); byte[] read = readContent(tFile, 10); Assert.assertTrue(BufferUtils.equalIncreasingByteArray(10, read)); read = readContent(tFile2, 20); Assert.assertTrue(BufferUtils.equalIncreasingByteArray(10, 20, read)); }
/** Test <code>void read()</code>. */ @Test public void readTest1() throws IOException { for (int k = 100; k <= 200; k += 33) { for (WriteType op : WriteType.values()) { int fileId = TestUtils.createByteFile(mTfs, "/root/testFile_" + k + "_" + op, op, k); TachyonFile file = mTfs.getFile(fileId); InStream is = (k < 150 ? file.getInStream(ReadType.CACHE) : file.getInStream(ReadType.NO_CACHE)); Assert.assertTrue(is instanceof BlockInStream); byte[] ret = new byte[k]; int value =; int cnt = 0; while (value != -1) { ret[cnt++] = (byte) value; value =; } Assert.assertTrue(TestUtils.equalIncreasingByteArray(k, ret)); is.close(); is = (k < 150 ? file.getInStream(ReadType.CACHE) : file.getInStream(ReadType.NO_CACHE)); Assert.assertTrue(is instanceof BlockInStream); ret = new byte[k]; value =; cnt = 0; while (value != -1) { ret[cnt++] = (byte) value; value =; } Assert.assertTrue(TestUtils.equalIncreasingByteArray(k, ret)); is.close(); } } }
public static void writeParition() throws IOException, TableDoesNotExistException, InvalidPathException, FileAlreadyExistException, TException { RawTable rawTable = sTachyonClient.getRawTable(sTablePath);"Writing data..."); for (int column = 0; column < COLS; column++) { RawColumn rawColumn = rawTable.getRawColumn(column); if (!rawColumn.createPartition(0)) { CommonUtils.runtimeException( "Failed to create partition in table " + sTablePath + " under column " + column); } ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(80); buf.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); for (int k = 0; k < 20; k++) { buf.putInt(k); } buf.flip(); CommonUtils.printByteBuffer(LOG, buf); buf.flip(); TachyonFile tFile = rawColumn.getPartition(0); OutStream os = tFile.createOutStream(sWriteType); os.write(buf); os.close(); } }
/** Test <code>long skip(long len)</code>. */ @Test public void skipTest() throws IOException { for (int k = MIN_LEN + DELTA; k <= MAX_LEN; k += DELTA) { WriteType op = WriteType.THROUGH; int fileId = TestUtils.createByteFile(mTfs, "/root/testFile_" + k + "_" + op, op, k); TachyonFile file = mTfs.getFile(fileId); InStream is = file.getInStream(ReadType.CACHE); Assert.assertTrue(is instanceof RemoteBlockInStream); Assert.assertEquals(k / 2, is.skip(k / 2)); Assert.assertEquals(k / 2,; is.close(); Assert.assertFalse(file.isInMemory()); if (k >= 3) { is = file.getInStream(ReadType.CACHE); Assert.assertTrue(is instanceof RemoteBlockInStream); int t = k / 3; Assert.assertEquals(t, is.skip(t)); Assert.assertEquals(t,; Assert.assertEquals(t, is.skip(t)); Assert.assertEquals(2 * t + 1,; is.close(); Assert.assertFalse(file.isInMemory()); } } }
/** * This function displays the first 5KB of a file if it is in ASCII format. * * @param path The path of the file to display * @param request The HttpServletRequest object * @throws FileDoesNotExistException * @throws IOException * @throws InvalidPathException * @throws TException */ private void displayFile(String path, HttpServletRequest request) throws FileDoesNotExistException, InvalidPathException, IOException { TachyonClient tachyonClient = TachyonClient.getClient(mMasterInfo.getMasterAddress()); TachyonFile tFile = tachyonClient.getFile(path); if (tFile == null) { throw new FileDoesNotExistException(path); } InStream is = tFile.getInStream(OpType.READ_NO_CACHE); int len = Math.min(5 * Constants.KB, (int) tFile.getSize()); byte[] data = new byte[len];, 0, len); String fileData = CommonUtils.convertByteArrayToString(data); if (fileData == null) { fileData = "The requested file is not completely encoded in ascii"; } is.close(); try { tachyonClient.close(); } catch (TException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage()); } request.setAttribute("fileData", fileData); return; }
/** Test <code>long skip(long len)</code>. */ @Test public void skipTest() throws IOException { for (int k = 10; k <= 200; k += 33) { for (WriteType op : WriteType.values()) { int fileId = TestUtils.createByteFile(mTfs, "/root/testFile_" + k + "_" + op, op, k); TachyonFile file = mTfs.getFile(fileId); InStream is = (k < 100 ? file.getInStream(ReadType.CACHE) : file.getInStream(ReadType.NO_CACHE)); Assert.assertTrue(is instanceof BlockInStream); Assert.assertEquals(k / 2, is.skip(k / 2)); Assert.assertEquals(k / 2,; is.close(); is = (k < 100 ? file.getInStream(ReadType.CACHE) : file.getInStream(ReadType.NO_CACHE)); Assert.assertTrue(is instanceof BlockInStream); int t = k / 3; Assert.assertEquals(t, is.skip(t)); Assert.assertEquals(t,; Assert.assertEquals(t, is.skip(t)); Assert.assertEquals((byte) (2 * t + 1),; is.close(); } } }
@Test public void touchTest() throws IOException { String[] argv = new String[] {"touch", "/testFile"}; mFsShell.touch(argv); TachyonFile tFile = mTfs.getFile(new TachyonURI("/testFile")); Assert.assertNotNull(tFile); Assert.assertEquals(getCommandOutput(argv), mOutput.toString()); Assert.assertTrue(tFile.isFile()); }
@Test public void mkdirShortPathTest() throws IOException { mFsShell.mkdir(new String[] {"mkdir", "/root/testFile1"}); TachyonFile tFile = mTfs.getFile(new TachyonURI("/root/testFile1")); Assert.assertNotNull(tFile); Assert.assertEquals( getCommandOutput(new String[] {"mkdir", "/root/testFile1"}), mOutput.toString()); Assert.assertTrue(tFile.isDirectory()); }
@Test public void mkdirComplexPathTest() throws IOException { mFsShell.mkdir(new String[] {"mkdir", "/Complex!@#$%^&*()-_=+[]{};\"'<>,.?/File"}); TachyonFile tFile = mTfs.getFile(new TachyonURI("/Complex!@#$%^&*()-_=+[]{};\"'<>,.?/File")); Assert.assertNotNull(tFile); Assert.assertEquals( getCommandOutput(new String[] {"mkdir", "/Complex!@#$%^&*()-_=+[]{};\"'<>,.?/File"}), mOutput.toString()); Assert.assertTrue(tFile.isDirectory()); }
public FileInStream(TachyonFile file, ReadType opType) throws IOException { super(file, opType); FILE_LENGTH = file.length(); BLOCK_CAPACITY = file.getBlockSizeByte(); mCurrentPosition = 0; mCurrentBlockIndex = -1; mCurrentBlockInStream = null; mCurrentBlockLeft = 0; }
private int createAndWriteFile(TachyonURI filePath, WriteType writeType, int len) throws IOException { ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(len); buf.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); for (int k = 0; k < len; k++) { buf.put((byte) k); } int fileId = mTFS.createFile(filePath); TachyonFile file = mTFS.getFile(fileId); OutStream os = file.getOutStream(writeType); os.write(buf.array()); os.close(); return fileId; }
@Test public void mkdirTest() throws IOException { String qualifiedPath = "tachyon://" + NetworkAddressUtils.getLocalHostName(Constants.DEFAULT_HOST_RESOLUTION_TIMEOUT_MS) + ":" + mLocalTachyonCluster.getMasterPort() + "/root/testFile1"; mFsShell.mkdir(new String[] {"mkdir", qualifiedPath}); TachyonFile tFile = mTfs.getFile(new TachyonURI("/root/testFile1")); Assert.assertNotNull(tFile); Assert.assertEquals( getCommandOutput(new String[] {"mkdir", qualifiedPath}), mOutput.toString()); Assert.assertTrue(tFile.isDirectory()); }
private void deleteDuringEviction(int i) throws IOException { final String fileName1 = "/file" + i + "_1"; final String fileName2 = "/file" + i + "_2"; int fileId = createAndWriteFile(new TachyonURI(fileName1), WriteType.CACHE_THROUGH, MEM_CAPACITY_BYTES); TachyonFile file = mTFS.getFile(fileId); Assert.assertTrue(file.isInMemory()); // Deleting file1, command will be sent by master to worker asynchronously mTFS.delete(new TachyonURI(fileName1), false); // Meanwhile creating file2. If creation arrives earlier than deletion, it will evict file1 fileId = createAndWriteFile( new TachyonURI(fileName2), WriteType.CACHE_THROUGH, MEM_CAPACITY_BYTES / 4); file = mTFS.getFile(fileId); Assert.assertTrue(file.isInMemory()); mTFS.delete(new TachyonURI(fileName2), false); }
@Test public void touchTestWithFullURI() throws IOException { String tachyonURI = "tachyon://" + mLocalTachyonCluster.getMasterHostname() + ":" + mLocalTachyonCluster.getMasterPort() + "/destFileURI"; // when String[] argv = new String[] {"touch", tachyonURI}; mFsShell.touch(argv); // then TachyonFile tFile = mTfs.getFile(new TachyonURI("/destFileURI")); Assert.assertThat(tFile, CoreMatchers.notNullValue()); Assert.assertThat(getCommandOutput(argv), CoreMatchers.equalTo(mOutput.toString())); Assert.assertThat(tFile.isFile(), CoreMatchers.equalTo(true)); }
public static void readFile() throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < sFiles; i++) { String filePath = sFileFolder + "/part-" + i; LOG.debug("Reading data from " + filePath); TachyonFile file = sTachyonClient.getFile(filePath); TachyonByteBuffer buf = file.readByteBuffer(); if (buf == null) { file.recache(); buf = file.readByteBuffer(); } buf.DATA.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); for (int k = 0; k < sNumbers; k++) { sPass = sPass && (buf.DATA.getInt() == k); } buf.close(); } }
public static void writeFile() throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < sFiles; i++) { String filePath = sFileFolder + "/part-" + i; TachyonFile file = sTachyonClient.getFile(filePath); OutputStream os = file.getOutStream(WriteType.ASYNC_THROUGH); ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(80); buf.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); for (int k = 0; k < sNumbers; k++) { buf.putInt(k); } buf.flip(); LOG.debug("Writing data to " + filePath); os.write(buf.array()); os.close(); } }
@Test public void locationTest() throws IOException { int fileId = TachyonFSTestUtils.createByteFile(mTfs, "/testFile", WriteType.MUST_CACHE, 10); mFsShell.location(new String[] {"location", "/testFile"}); TachyonFile tFile = mTfs.getFile(new TachyonURI("/testFile")); Assert.assertNotNull(tFile); List<String> locationsList = tFile.getLocationHosts(); String[] commandParameters = new String[3 + locationsList.size()]; commandParameters[0] = "location"; commandParameters[1] = "/testFile"; commandParameters[2] = String.valueOf(fileId); Iterator<String> iter = locationsList.iterator(); int i = 3; while (iter.hasNext()) { commandParameters[i++] =; } Assert.assertEquals(getCommandOutput(commandParameters), mOutput.toString()); }
public void readPartition() throws IOException, SuspectedFileSizeException, InvalidPathException, TException { ByteBuffer buf; if (DEBUG_MODE) {"Verifying the reading data..."); for (int pId = mLeft; pId < mRight; pId++) { TachyonFile file = mTC.getFile(FILE_NAME + mWorkerId); buf = file.readByteBuffer(); IntBuffer intBuf; intBuf = buf.asIntBuffer(); int tmp; for (int i = 0; i < BLOCKS_PER_FILE; i++) { for (int k = 0; k < BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES / 4; k++) { tmp = intBuf.get(); if ((k == 0 && tmp == (i + mWorkerId)) || (k != 0 && tmp == k)) { } else { CommonUtils.runtimeException("WHAT? " + tmp + " " + k); } } } file.readByteBuffer(); } } long sum = 0; for (int pId = mLeft; pId < mRight; pId++) { long startTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis(); TachyonFile file = mTC.getFile(FILE_NAME + (mWorkerId + BASE_FILE_NUMBER)); buf = file.readByteBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < BLOCKS_PER_FILE; i++) { buf.get(mBuf.array()); } sum += mBuf.get(pId % 16); if (DEBUG_MODE) { buf.flip(); CommonUtils.printByteBuffer(LOG, buf); } buf.clear(); logPerIteration(startTimeMs, pId, "th ReadTachyonFile @ Worker ", pId); } Results[mWorkerId] = sum; }
public void writeParition() throws IOException, SuspectedFileSizeException, InvalidPathException, TException { if (DEBUG_MODE) { mBuf.flip(); CommonUtils.printByteBuffer(LOG, mBuf); } mBuf.flip(); for (int pId = mLeft; pId < mRight; pId++) { long startTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis(); TachyonFile file = mTC.getFile(FILE_NAME + (mWorkerId + BASE_FILE_NUMBER)); OutStream os = file.getOutStream(WriteType.CACHE); for (int k = 0; k < BLOCKS_PER_FILE; k++) { mBuf.array()[0] = (byte) (k + mWorkerId); os.write(mBuf.array()); } os.close(); logPerIteration(startTimeMs, pId, "th WriteTachyonFile @ Worker ", pId); } }
@Test public void copyFromLocalLargeTest() throws IOException { File testFile = new File(mLocalTachyonCluster.getTachyonHome() + "/testFile"); testFile.createNewFile(); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(testFile); byte[] toWrite = BufferUtils.getIncreasingByteArray(SIZE_BYTES); fos.write(toWrite); fos.close(); mFsShell.copyFromLocal(new String[] {"copyFromLocal", testFile.getAbsolutePath(), "/testFile"}); Assert.assertEquals( getCommandOutput(new String[] {"copyFromLocal", testFile.getAbsolutePath(), "/testFile"}), mOutput.toString()); TachyonFile tFile = mTfs.getFile(new TachyonURI("/testFile")); Assert.assertNotNull(tFile); Assert.assertEquals(SIZE_BYTES, tFile.length()); InStream tfis = tFile.getInStream(ReadType.NO_CACHE); byte[] read = new byte[SIZE_BYTES];; Assert.assertTrue(BufferUtils.equalIncreasingByteArray(SIZE_BYTES, read)); }
@Test public void copyFromLocalTestWithFullURI() throws IOException { File testFile = generateFileContent("/srcFileURI", BufferUtils.getIncreasingByteArray(10)); String tachyonURI = "tachyon://" + mLocalTachyonCluster.getMasterHostname() + ":" + mLocalTachyonCluster.getMasterPort() + "/destFileURI"; // when mFsShell.copyFromLocal(new String[] {"copyFromLocal", testFile.getPath(), tachyonURI}); String cmdOut = getCommandOutput(new String[] {"copyFromLocal", testFile.getPath(), tachyonURI}); // then Assert.assertThat(cmdOut, CoreMatchers.equalTo(mOutput.toString())); TachyonFile tFile = mTfs.getFile(new TachyonURI("/destFileURI")); Assert.assertThat(tFile.length(), CoreMatchers.equalTo(10L)); byte[] read = readContent(tFile, 10); Assert.assertThat(BufferUtils.equalIncreasingByteArray(10, read), CoreMatchers.equalTo(true)); }
/** Test <code>void read(byte[] b, int off, int len)</code>. Read from remote data server. */ @Test public void readTest6() throws IOException { for (int k = MIN_LEN + DELTA; k <= MAX_LEN; k += DELTA) { WriteType op = WriteType.MUST_CACHE; int fileId = TestUtils.createByteFile(mTfs, "/root/testFile_" + k + "_" + op, op, k); TachyonFile file = mTfs.getFile(fileId); InStream is = new RemoteBlockInStream(file, ReadType.NO_CACHE, 0); Assert.assertTrue(is instanceof RemoteBlockInStream); byte[] ret = new byte[k / 2]; int start = 0; while (start < k / 2) { int read =, 0, (k / 2) - start); Assert.assertTrue(TestUtils.equalIncreasingByteArray(start, read, ret)); start += read; } is.close(); Assert.assertTrue(file.isInMemory()); } }
/** Test <code>void read()</code>. Read from remote data server. */ @Test public void readTest4() throws IOException { for (int k = MIN_LEN + DELTA; k <= MAX_LEN; k += DELTA) { WriteType op = WriteType.MUST_CACHE; int fileId = TestUtils.createByteFile(mTfs, "/root/testFile_" + k + "_" + op, op, k); TachyonFile file = mTfs.getFile(fileId); RemoteBlockInStream is = new RemoteBlockInStream(file, ReadType.NO_CACHE, 0); Assert.assertTrue(is instanceof RemoteBlockInStream); byte[] ret = new byte[k]; int value =; int cnt = 0; while (value != -1) { ret[cnt++] = (byte) value; value =; } Assert.assertTrue(TestUtils.equalIncreasingByteArray(k, ret)); is.close(); Assert.assertTrue(file.isInMemory()); } }
/** Test <code>void read(byte b[])</code>. Read from underfs. */ @Test public void readTest7() throws IOException { for (int k = MIN_LEN + DELTA; k <= MAX_LEN; k += DELTA) { WriteType op = WriteType.THROUGH; int fileId = TestUtils.createByteFile(mTfs, "/root/testFile_" + k + "_" + op, op, k); TachyonFile file = mTfs.getFile(fileId); InStream is = file.getInStream(ReadType.NO_CACHE); if (k == 0) { Assert.assertTrue(is instanceof EmptyBlockInStream); } else { Assert.assertTrue(is instanceof RemoteBlockInStream); } byte[] ret = new byte[k]; Assert.assertEquals(k,; Assert.assertTrue(TestUtils.equalIncreasingByteArray(k, ret)); Assert.assertEquals(-1,; is.close(); Assert.assertFalse(file.isInMemory()); } }
/** * This function displays 5KB of a file from a specific offset if it is in ASCII format. * * @param path The path of the file to display * @param request The HttpServletRequest object * @param offset Where the file starts to display. * @throws FileDoesNotExistException * @throws IOException * @throws InvalidPathException */ private void displayFile(String path, HttpServletRequest request, long offset) throws FileDoesNotExistException, InvalidPathException, IOException { String masterAddress = Constants.HEADER + mMasterInfo.getMasterAddress().getHostName() + ":" + mMasterInfo.getMasterAddress().getPort(); TachyonFS tachyonClient = TachyonFS.get(masterAddress); TachyonFile tFile = tachyonClient.getFile(path); String fileData = null; if (tFile == null) { throw new FileDoesNotExistException(path); } if (tFile.isComplete()) { InStream is = tFile.getInStream(ReadType.NO_CACHE); int len = (int) Math.min(5 * Constants.KB, tFile.length() - offset); byte[] data = new byte[len]; is.skip(offset);, 0, len); fileData = CommonUtils.convertByteArrayToStringWithoutEscape(data); if (fileData == null) { fileData = "The requested file is not completely encoded in ascii"; } is.close(); } else { fileData = "The requested file is not complete yet."; } try { tachyonClient.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage()); } List<BlockInfo> rawBlockList = mMasterInfo.getBlockList(path); List<UiBlockInfo> uiBlockInfo = new ArrayList<UiBlockInfo>(); for (BlockInfo blockInfo : rawBlockList) { uiBlockInfo.add(new UiBlockInfo(blockInfo)); } request.setAttribute("fileBlocks", uiBlockInfo); request.setAttribute("fileData", fileData); }
public static void readPartition() throws IOException, TableDoesNotExistException, InvalidPathException, TException {"Reading data..."); RawTable rawTable = sTachyonClient.getRawTable(mId); ByteBuffer metadata = rawTable.getMetadata();"Metadata: "); + " "); + " "); + " "); for (int column = 0; column < COLS; column++) { RawColumn rawColumn = rawTable.getRawColumn(column); TachyonFile tFile = rawColumn.getPartition(0); ByteBuffer buf = tFile.readByteBuffer(); if (buf == null) { tFile.recacheData(); } CommonUtils.printByteBuffer(LOG, tFile.readByteBuffer()); tFile.releaseFileLock(); } }
/** * Test <code>void seek(long pos)</code>. * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void seekTest() throws IOException { for (int k = MIN_LEN + DELTA; k <= MAX_LEN; k += DELTA) { WriteType op = WriteType.THROUGH; int fileId = TestUtils.createByteFile(mTfs, "/root/testFile_" + k + "_" + op, op, k); TachyonFile file = mTfs.getFile(fileId); InStream is = file.getInStream(ReadType.NO_CACHE); if (k == 0) { Assert.assertTrue(is instanceof EmptyBlockInStream); } else { Assert.assertTrue(is instanceof RemoteBlockInStream); } / 3); Assert.assertEquals(k / 3,; / 2); Assert.assertEquals(k / 2,; / 4); Assert.assertEquals(k / 4,; is.close(); } }
/** * Test <code>void seek(long pos)</code>. * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void seekExceptionTest() throws IOException { for (int k = MIN_LEN; k <= MAX_LEN; k += DELTA) { WriteType op = WriteType.THROUGH; int fileId = TestUtils.createByteFile(mTfs, "/root/testFile_" + k + "_" + op, op, k); TachyonFile file = mTfs.getFile(fileId); InStream is = file.getInStream(ReadType.NO_CACHE); if (k == 0) { Assert.assertTrue(is instanceof EmptyBlockInStream); } else { Assert.assertTrue(is instanceof RemoteBlockInStream); } try {; } catch (IOException e) { // This is expected continue; } is.close(); throw new IOException("Except seek IOException"); } }
@Test public void rawtablePerfTest() throws TableDoesNotExistException, InvalidPathException, FileAlreadyExistException, TableColumnException, IOException, TException { int col = 200; long sMs = System.currentTimeMillis(); int fileId = mClient.createRawTable("/table", col); // System.out.println("A " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - sMs)); sMs = System.currentTimeMillis(); RawTable table = mClient.getRawTable(fileId); Assert.assertEquals(col, table.getColumns()); table = mClient.getRawTable("/table"); Assert.assertEquals(col, table.getColumns()); // System.out.println("B " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - sMs)); sMs = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int k = 0; k < col; k++) { RawColumn rawCol = table.getRawColumn(k); rawCol.createPartition(0); TachyonFile file = rawCol.getPartition(0); OutStream outStream = file.getOutStream(OpType.WRITE_CACHE); outStream.write(TestUtils.getIncreasingByteArray(10)); outStream.close(); } // System.out.println("C " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - sMs)); sMs = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int k = 0; k < col; k++) { RawColumn rawCol = table.getRawColumn(k); TachyonFile file = rawCol.getPartition(0, true); Assert.assertEquals(TestUtils.getIncreasingByteBuffer(10), file.readByteBuffer()); file.releaseFileLock(); } // System.out.println("D " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - sMs)); sMs = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int k = 0; k < col; k++) { RawColumn rawCol = table.getRawColumn(k); TachyonFile file = rawCol.getPartition(0, true); Assert.assertEquals(TestUtils.getIncreasingByteBuffer(10), file.readByteBuffer()); file.releaseFileLock(); } // System.out.println("E " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - sMs)); }