protected void testStartToThread() { System.out.println("=====test startToThread "); Set maps = startToThread.entrySet(); for (Iterator iter = maps.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); JPegStmt key = (JPegStmt) entry.getKey(); Tag tag = (Tag) key.getTags().get(0); System.out.println("---key= " + tag + " " + key); /* List list = (List)entry.getValue(); if (list.size()>0){ System.out.println("**thread set:"); Iterator it = list.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()){ Chain chain =(Chain); Iterator chainIt = chain.iterator(); System.out.println("the size of chain is: "+chain.size()); while (chainIt.hasNext()){ JPegStmt stmt = (JPegStmt); System.out.println(stmt); } } } */ } System.out.println("=========startToThread--ends--------"); }
@Override protected final Collection<Unit> getUnits() { Set<Unit> result = new HashSet<>(); result.addAll(this.forwardEdges.keySet()); this.forwardEdges.values().forEach(result::addAll); return result; }
public StronglyConnectedComponentsBV(BitVector typeVariableList, TypeResolverBV resolver) throws TypeException { this.resolver = resolver; variables = typeVariableList; black = new TreeSet(); finished = new LinkedList(); for (BitSetIterator i = variables.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { TypeVariableBV var = resolver.typeVariableForId(; if (!black.contains(var)) { black.add(var); dfsg_visit(var); } } black = new TreeSet(); for (Iterator i = finished.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { TypeVariableBV var = (TypeVariableBV); if (!black.contains(var)) { current_tree = new LinkedList(); forest.add(current_tree); black.add(var); dfsgt_visit(var); } } for (Iterator i = forest.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { LinkedList list = (LinkedList); TypeVariableBV previous = null; StringBuffer s = null; if (DEBUG) { s = new StringBuffer("scc:\n"); } for (Iterator j = list.iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) { TypeVariableBV current = (TypeVariableBV); if (DEBUG) { s.append(" " + current + "\n"); } if (previous == null) { previous = current; } else { try { previous = previous.union(current); } catch (TypeException e) { if (DEBUG) { G.v().out.println(s); } throw e; } } } } }
/** * Returns a <code>ThrowableSet</code> representing the set of exceptions included in <code> * include</code> minus the set of exceptions included in <code>exclude</code>. Creates a new * <code>ThrowableSet</code> only if there was not already one whose contents correspond to * <code>include</code> - <code>exclude</code>. * * @param include A set of {@link RefLikeType} objects representing exception types included in * the result; may be <code>null</code> if there are no included types. * @param exclude A set of {@link AnySubType} objects representing exception types excluded from * the result; may be <code>null</code> if there are no excluded types. * @return a <code>ThrowableSet</code> representing the set of exceptions corresponding to * <code>include</code> - <code>exclude</code>. */ private ThrowableSet registerSetIfNew(Set include, Set exclude) { if (INSTRUMENTING) { registrationCalls++; } if (include == null) { include = Collections.EMPTY_SET; } if (exclude == null) { exclude = Collections.EMPTY_SET; } int size = include.size() + exclude.size(); Integer sizeKey = new Integer(size); List sizeList = (List) sizeToSets.get(sizeKey); if (sizeList == null) { sizeList = new LinkedList(); sizeToSets.put(sizeKey, sizeList); } for (Iterator i = sizeList.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { ThrowableSet set = (ThrowableSet); if (set.exceptionsIncluded.equals(include) && set.exceptionsExcluded.equals(exclude)) { return set; } } if (INSTRUMENTING) { registeredSets++; } ThrowableSet result = new ThrowableSet(include, exclude); sizeList.add(result); return result; }
public void computeSynchNodes() { int num = 0; Set maps = monitor.entrySet(); for (Iterator iter = maps.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); FlowSet fs = (FlowSet) entry.getValue(); num += fs.size(); } System.err.println("synch objects: " + num); }
protected void testUnitToPeg(HashMap unitToPeg) { System.out.println("=====test unitToPeg "); Set maps = unitToPeg.entrySet(); for (Iterator iter = maps.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); System.out.println("---key= " + entry.getKey()); JPegStmt s = (JPegStmt) entry.getValue(); System.out.println("--value= " + s); } System.out.println("=========unitToPeg--ends--------"); }
/** * Converts field annotations from Dexlib to Jimple * * @param h * @param f */ void handleFieldAnnotation(Host h, Field f) { Set<? extends Annotation> aSet = f.getAnnotations(); if (aSet != null && !aSet.isEmpty()) { List<Tag> tags = handleAnnotation(aSet, null); if (tags != null) for (Tag t : tags) if (t != null) { h.addTag(t); Debug.printDbg("add field annotation: ", t); } } }
protected void testJoinStmtToThread() { System.out.println("=====test JoinStmtToThread"); Set maps = threadNameToStart.entrySet(); for (Iterator iter = maps.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); Object key = entry.getKey(); System.out.println("---key= " + key); System.out.println("value: " + entry.getValue()); } System.out.println("=========JoinStmtToThread--ends--------"); }
public void computeMonitorObjs() { Set maps = monitor.entrySet(); for (Iterator iter = maps.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); FlowSet fs = (FlowSet) entry.getValue(); Iterator it = fs.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Object obj =; if (!monitorObjs.contains(obj)) monitorObjs.add(obj); } } }
private void createWorkList(LinkedList<Object> changedUnits, HashSet<Object> changedUnitsSet) { createWorkList(changedUnits, changedUnitsSet, g.getMainPegChain()); Set maps = g.getStartToThread().entrySet(); for (Iterator iter = maps.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); List runMethodChainList = (List) entry.getValue(); Iterator it = runMethodChainList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { PegChain chain = (PegChain); createWorkList(changedUnits, changedUnitsSet, chain); } } }
protected void testThreadNameToStart() { System.out.println("=====test ThreadNameToStart"); Set maps = threadNameToStart.entrySet(); for (Iterator iter = maps.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); Object key = entry.getKey(); System.out.println("---key= " + key); JPegStmt stmt = (JPegStmt) entry.getValue(); Tag tag1 = (Tag) stmt.getTags().get(0); System.out.println("value: " + tag1 + " " + stmt); } System.out.println("=========ThreadNameToStart--ends--------"); }
private void createWorkList( LinkedList<Object> changedUnits, HashSet<Object> changedUnitsSet, PegChain chain) { // Depth first scan Iterator it = chain.getHeads().iterator(); Set<Object> gray = new HashSet<Object>(); while (it.hasNext()) { Object head =; if (!gray.contains(head)) { visitNode(gray, head, changedUnits, changedUnitsSet); } } }
protected void buildPreds() { buildPredecessor(mainPegChain); Set maps = getStartToThread().entrySet(); for (Iterator iter = maps.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); List runMethodChainList = (List) entry.getValue(); Iterator it = runMethodChainList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Chain chain = (Chain); // System.out.println("chain is null: "+(chain == null)); buildPredecessor(chain); } } }
private void dfsgt_visit(TypeVariableBV var) { current_tree.add(var); BitVector children = var.children(); for (BitSetIterator i = children.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { TypeVariableBV child = resolver.typeVariableForId(; if (!black.contains(child)) { black.add(child); dfsgt_visit(child); } } }
private void dfsg_visit(TypeVariableBV var) { BitVector parents = var.parents(); for (BitSetIterator i = parents.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { TypeVariableBV parent = resolver.typeVariableForId(; if (!black.contains(parent)) { black.add(parent); dfsg_visit(parent); } } finished.add(0, var); }
protected void buildMaps(PegGraph pg) { exceHandlers.addAll(pg.getExceHandlers()); startToThread.putAll(pg.getStartToThread()); startToAllocNodes.putAll(pg.getStartToAllocNodes()); startToBeginNodes.putAll(pg.getStartToBeginNodes()); waitingNodes.putAll(pg.getWaitingNodes()); notifyAll.putAll(pg.getNotifyAll()); canNotBeCompacted.addAll(pg.getCanNotBeCompacted()); synch.addAll(pg.getSynch()); threadNameToStart.putAll(pg.getThreadNameToStart()); specialJoin.addAll(pg.getSpecialJoin()); joinStmtToThread.putAll(pg.getJoinStmtToThread()); threadAllocSites.addAll(pg.getThreadAllocSites()); allocNodeToThread.putAll(pg.getAllocNodeToThread()); }
/** Returns a string representation of this <code>ThrowableSet</code>. */ public String toString() { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(this.toBriefString()); buffer.append(":\n "); for (Iterator i = exceptionsIncluded.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { buffer.append('+'); Object o =; buffer.append(o == null ? "null" : o.toString()); // buffer.append(; } for (Iterator i = exceptionsExcluded.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { buffer.append('-'); buffer.append(; } return buffer.toString(); }
/** * Utility method for building sets of exceptional types for a {@link Pair}. * * @param e The exceptional type to add to the set. * @param set The <code>Set</code> to which to add the types, or <code>null</code> if no <code>Set * </code> has yet been allocated. * @return A <code>Set</code> containing the elements in <code>set</code> plus <code>e</code>. */ private Set addExceptionToSet(RefLikeType e, Set set) { if (set == null) { set = new HashSet(); } set.add(e); return set; }
protected void testSet(Set set, String name) { System.out.println("$test set " + name); Iterator setIt = set.iterator(); while (setIt.hasNext()) { Object s =; // JPegStmt s = (JPegStmt); // Tag tag = (Tag)s.getTags().get(0); System.out.println(s); } }
public void testWaitingNodes() { System.out.println("------waiting---begin"); Set maps = waitingNodes.entrySet(); for (Iterator iter = maps.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); System.out.println("---key= " + entry.getKey()); FlowSet fs = (FlowSet) entry.getValue(); if (fs.size() > 0) { System.out.println("**waiting nodes set:"); Iterator it = fs.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { JPegStmt unit = (JPegStmt); System.out.println(unit.toString()); } } } System.out.println("------------waitingnodes---ends--------"); }
protected void testSynch() { Iterator<List> it = synch.iterator(); System.out.println("========test synch======"); while (it.hasNext()) { // JPegStmt s = (JPegStmt); // Tag tag = (Tag)s.getTags().get(0); // System.out.println(tag+" "+s); System.out.println(; } System.out.println("========end test synch======"); }
public void testMonitor() { System.out.println("=====test monitor size: " + monitor.size()); Set maps = monitor.entrySet(); for (Iterator iter = maps.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); String key = (String) entry.getKey(); System.out.println("---key= " + key); FlowSet list = (FlowSet) entry.getValue(); if (list.size() > 0) { System.out.println("**set: " + list.size()); Iterator it = list.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { JPegStmt stmt = (JPegStmt); Tag tag1 = (Tag) stmt.getTags().get(0); System.out.println(tag1 + " " + stmt); } } } System.out.println("=========monitor--ends--------"); }
protected void testUnitToSucc() { System.out.println("=====test unitToSucc "); Set maps = unitToSuccs.entrySet(); for (Iterator iter = maps.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); JPegStmt key = (JPegStmt) entry.getKey(); Tag tag = (Tag) key.getTags().get(0); System.out.println("---key= " + tag + " " + key); List list = (List) entry.getValue(); if (list.size() > 0) { System.out.println("**succ set: size: " + list.size()); Iterator it = list.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { JPegStmt stmt = (JPegStmt); Tag tag1 = (Tag) stmt.getTags().get(0); System.out.println(tag1 + " " + stmt); } } } System.out.println("=========unitToSucc--ends--------"); }
/** * Create a method conveniently. The method is added to the class "TestClass". Parameters can be * given as an (positional) array of local variables (the "identity statements", required by Soot * to map parameters to local variables, are inserted automatically) */ public SootMethod makeMethod( int modifier, String name, List<Local> params, soot.Type retType, List<Unit> bodyStmts) { SootMethod m = new SootMethod( name,, retType, modifier); this.testClass.addMethod(m); Body body = Jimple.v().newBody(m); m.setActiveBody(body); // set the statements for the body.. first the identity statements, then the bodyStmts if (!m.isStatic()) { body.getLocals().add(localThis); body.getUnits() .add(Jimple.v().newIdentityStmt(localThis, Jimple.v().newThisRef(testClass.getType()))); } IntStream.range(0, params.size()) .forEach( pos -> { Local l = params.get(pos); ParameterRef pr = Jimple.v().newParameterRef(l.getType(), pos); body.getUnits().add(Jimple.v().newIdentityStmt(l, pr)); }); body.getUnits().addAll(bodyStmts); // set the locals for the body Set<Local> locals = Stream.concat(, body.getUseAndDefBoxes() .stream() .filter(b -> b.getValue() instanceof Local) .map(b -> (Local) b.getValue())) .collect(toSet()); locals.removeAll(body.getLocals()); body.getLocals().addAll(locals); return m; }
private void visitNode( Set<Object> gray, Object obj, LinkedList<Object> changedUnits, HashSet<Object> changedUnitsSet) { gray.add(obj); changedUnits.addLast(obj); changedUnitsSet.add(obj); nodes.add(obj); valueBefore.add(newInitialFlow()); valueAfter.add(newInitialFlow()); Iterator succsIt = graph.getSuccsOf(obj).iterator(); if (g.getSuccsOf(obj).size() > 0) { while (succsIt.hasNext()) { Object succ =; if (!gray.contains(succ)) { visitNode(gray, succ, changedUnits, changedUnitsSet); } } } }
/** * Indicates whether this ThrowableSet includes some exception that might be caught by a handler * argument of the type <code>catcher</code>. * * @param catcher type of the handler parameter to be tested. * @return <code>true</code> if this set contains an exception type that might be caught by <code> * catcher</code>, false if it does not. */ public boolean catchableAs(RefType catcher) { if (INSTRUMENTING) { Manager.v().catchableAsQueries++; } FastHierarchy h = Scene.v().getOrMakeFastHierarchy(); if (exceptionsExcluded.size() > 0) { if (INSTRUMENTING) { Manager.v().catchableAsFromSearch++; } for (Iterator i = exceptionsExcluded.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { AnySubType exclusion = (AnySubType); if (h.canStoreType(catcher, exclusion.getBase())) { return false; } } } if (exceptionsIncluded.contains(catcher)) { if (INSTRUMENTING) { if (exceptionsExcluded.size() == 0) { Manager.v().catchableAsFromMap++; } else { Manager.v().catchableAsFromSearch++; } } return true; } else { if (INSTRUMENTING) { if (exceptionsExcluded.size() == 0) { Manager.v().catchableAsFromSearch++; } } for (Iterator i = exceptionsIncluded.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { RefLikeType thrownType = (RefLikeType); if (thrownType instanceof RefType) { if (thrownType == catcher) { // assertion failure. throw new IllegalStateException( "ThrowableSet.catchableAs(RefType): exceptions.contains() failed to match contained RefType " + catcher); } else if (h.canStoreType(thrownType, catcher)) { return true; } } else { RefType thrownBase = ((AnySubType) thrownType).getBase(); // At runtime, thrownType might be instantiated by any // of thrownBase's subtypes, so: if (h.canStoreType(thrownBase, catcher) || h.canStoreType(catcher, thrownBase)) { return true; } } } return false; } }
public void testMonitor() { System.out.println("=====test monitor size: " + monitor.size()); Set maps = monitor.entrySet(); for (Iterator iter = maps.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); String key = (String) entry.getKey(); System.out.println("---key= " + key); FlowSet list = (FlowSet) entry.getValue(); if (list.size() > 0) { System.out.println("**set: " + list.size()); Iterator it = list.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Object obj =; if (obj instanceof JPegStmt) { JPegStmt stmt = (JPegStmt) obj; Tag tag1 = (Tag) stmt.getTags().get(0); System.out.println(tag1 + " " + stmt); } else { System.out.println("---list---"); Iterator listIt = ((List) obj).iterator(); while (listIt.hasNext()) { Object oo =; if (oo instanceof JPegStmt) { JPegStmt unit = (JPegStmt) oo; Tag tag = (Tag) unit.getTags().get(0); System.out.println(tag + " " + unit); } else System.out.println(oo); } System.out.println("---list--end-"); } } } } System.out.println("=========monitor--ends--------"); }
/** * Utility method which prints the abbreviations of the elements in a passed {@link Set} of * exception types. * * @param s The exceptions to print. * @param connector The character to insert between exceptions. * @return An abbreviated representation of the exceptions. */ private String toAbbreviatedString(Set s, char connector) { final String JAVA_LANG = "java.lang."; final int JAVA_LANG_LENGTH = JAVA_LANG.length(); final String EXCEPTION = "Exception"; final int EXCEPTION_LENGTH = EXCEPTION.length(); Collection vmErrorThrowables = ThrowableSet.Manager.v().VM_ERRORS.exceptionsIncluded; boolean containsAllVmErrors = s.containsAll(vmErrorThrowables); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); if (containsAllVmErrors) { buf.append(connector); buf.append("vmErrors"); } for (Iterator it = sortedThrowableIterator(s); it.hasNext(); ) { RefLikeType reflikeType = (RefLikeType); RefType baseType = null; if (reflikeType instanceof RefType) { baseType = (RefType) reflikeType; if (vmErrorThrowables.contains(baseType) && containsAllVmErrors) { continue; // Already accounted for vmErrors. } else { buf.append(connector); } } else if (reflikeType instanceof AnySubType) { buf.append(connector); buf.append('('); baseType = ((AnySubType) reflikeType).getBase(); } String typeName = baseType.toString(); if (typeName.startsWith(JAVA_LANG)) { typeName = typeName.substring(JAVA_LANG_LENGTH); } if (typeName.length() > EXCEPTION_LENGTH && typeName.endsWith(EXCEPTION)) { typeName = typeName.substring(0, typeName.length() - EXCEPTION_LENGTH); } buf.append(typeName); if (reflikeType instanceof AnySubType) { buf.append(')'); } } return buf.toString(); }
/** * Returns a <code>ThrowableSet</code> which contains all the exceptions in <code>s</code> in * addition to those in this <code>ThrowableSet</code>. * * @param s set of exceptions to add to this set. * @return the union of this set with <code>s</code> * @throws ThrowableSet.AlreadyHasExclusionsException if this <code>ThrowableSet</code> or <code>s * </code> is the result of a {@link #whichCatchableAs(RefType)} operation, so that it is not * possible to represent the addition of <code>s</code> to this <code>ThrowableSet</code>. */ public ThrowableSet add(ThrowableSet s) throws ThrowableSet.AlreadyHasExclusionsException { if (INSTRUMENTING) { Manager.v().addsOfSet++; } if (exceptionsExcluded.size() > 0 || s.exceptionsExcluded.size() > 0) { throw new AlreadyHasExclusionsException( "ThrowableSet.Add(ThrowableSet): attempt to add to [" + this.toString() + "] after removals recorded."); } ThrowableSet result = getMemoizedAdds(s); if (result == null) { if (INSTRUMENTING) { Manager.v().addsInclusionFromSearch++; Manager.v().addsExclusionWithoutSearch++; } result = this.add(s.exceptionsIncluded); memoizedAdds.put(s, result); } else if (INSTRUMENTING) { Manager.v().addsInclusionFromMemo++; Manager.v().addsExclusionWithoutSearch++; } return result; }
/** * Partitions the exceptions in this <code>ThrowableSet</code> into those which would be caught by * a handler with the passed <code>catch</code> parameter type and those which would not. * * @param catcher type of the handler parameter to be tested. * @return a pair of <code>ThrowableSet</code>s, one containing the types in this <code> * ThrowableSet</code> which would be be caught as <code>catcher</code> and the other * containing the types in this <code>ThrowableSet</code> which would not be caught as <code> * catcher</code>. */ public Pair whichCatchableAs(RefType catcher) { if (INSTRUMENTING) { Manager.v().removesOfAnySubType++; } FastHierarchy h = Scene.v().getOrMakeFastHierarchy(); Set caughtIncluded = null; Set caughtExcluded = null; Set uncaughtIncluded = null; Set uncaughtExcluded = null; if (INSTRUMENTING) { Manager.v().removesFromSearch++; } for (Iterator i = exceptionsExcluded.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { AnySubType exclusion = (AnySubType); RefType exclusionBase = exclusion.getBase(); if (h.canStoreType(catcher, exclusionBase)) { // Because the add() operations ban additions to sets // with exclusions, we can be sure no types in this are // caught by catcher. return new Pair(ThrowableSet.Manager.v().EMPTY, this); } else if (h.canStoreType(exclusionBase, catcher)) { // exclusion wouldn't be in exceptionsExcluded if one // of its supertypes were not in exceptionsIncluded, // so we know the next loop will add either that supertype // or catcher to caughtIncluded. Thus: caughtExcluded = addExceptionToSet(exclusion, caughtExcluded); } else { uncaughtExcluded = addExceptionToSet(exclusion, uncaughtExcluded); } } for (Iterator i = exceptionsIncluded.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { RefLikeType inclusion = (RefLikeType); if (inclusion instanceof RefType) { if (h.canStoreType(inclusion, catcher)) { caughtIncluded = addExceptionToSet(inclusion, caughtIncluded); } else { uncaughtIncluded = addExceptionToSet(inclusion, uncaughtIncluded); } } else { RefType base = ((AnySubType) inclusion).getBase(); if (h.canStoreType(base, catcher)) { // All subtypes of base will be caught. Any exclusions // will already have been copied to caughtExcluded by // the preceding loop. caughtIncluded = addExceptionToSet(inclusion, caughtIncluded); } else if (h.canStoreType(catcher, base)) { // Some subtypes of base will be caught, and // we know that not all of those catchable subtypes // are among exceptionsExcluded, since in that case we // would already have returned from within the // preceding loop. So, remove AnySubType(catcher) // from the uncaught types. uncaughtIncluded = addExceptionToSet(inclusion, uncaughtIncluded); uncaughtExcluded = addExceptionToSet(AnySubType.v(catcher), uncaughtExcluded); caughtIncluded = addExceptionToSet(AnySubType.v(catcher), caughtIncluded); // Any already excluded subtypes of inclusion // which are subtypes of catcher will have been // added to caughtExcluded by the previous loop. } else { uncaughtIncluded = addExceptionToSet(inclusion, uncaughtIncluded); } } } ThrowableSet caughtSet = Manager.v().registerSetIfNew(caughtIncluded, caughtExcluded); ThrowableSet uncaughtSet = Manager.v().registerSetIfNew(uncaughtIncluded, uncaughtExcluded); return new Pair(caughtSet, uncaughtSet); }