   * Transition function. Currently, we only get the list of probabilities of each item.
   * @param current - The current state
   * @param action - The action
   * @param possible - The possible state
   * @return The list of probabilities where each index refers to the probability of that item
  private List<Double> transition(State current, Action action, State possible) {
    List<Double> probs = new ArrayList<Double>(); // Probabilities
    Map<Integer, Integer> currentStock, purchase, possibleStock; // Maps
    double currentProb; // The current probability
    Matrix currentMatrix; // The current probability matrix
    int row, column; // The row and column

    for (int i = 0; i < current.getState().size(); ++i) {
      currentProb = 0.0;
      currentStock = current.getState();
      purchase = action.getPurchases();
      possibleStock = possible.getState();
      row = currentStock.get(i) + purchase.get(i);
      column = row - possible.getState().get(i);
      currentMatrix = this.probabilities.get(i);
      if (column < 0
          || column >= currentMatrix.getNumCols()
          || row >= currentMatrix.getNumRows()) { // Invalid state
      if (possibleStock.get(i) > 0
          || (possibleStock.get(i) == 0 && column == 0)) { // Sufficiently provided
        currentProb = currentMatrix.get(row, column);
      } else if (possibleStock.get(i) == 0 && column > 0) {
        // Range of probabilities because user could have eaten plenty
        for (int j = column; j < currentMatrix.getNumCols(); ++j) {
          currentProb += currentMatrix.get(row, j);
    return probs;
   * Check if the given action is valid or not. This means check if the current action causes us to
   * over-stock our fridge
   * @param currentAction - The action we are looking at
   * @param currentState - The state we are looking at
   * @return true if currentAction leads to state having more than the capacity of the fridge. false
   *     otherwise
  private boolean validAction(Action currentAction, State currentState) {
    int sumOfAction = sumOf(currentAction.getPurchases());
    int sumOfState = sumOf(currentState.getState());

    if ((sumOfAction + sumOfState) > fridge.getCapacity()) {
      return false;
    return true;