@Override public void processPacket(Client c, int packetType, int packetSize) { switch (packetType) { case 128: int answerPlayer = c.getInStream().readUnsignedWord(); if (Server.playerHandler.players[answerPlayer] == null) { return; } Client o = (Client) Server.playerHandler.players[answerPlayer]; if (c.duelStatus != 0 || o.duelStatus != 0) { c.sendMessage("You are currently unable to challenge this player."); return; } if (o.duelStatus > 0) { c.sendMessage("That player is currently dueling someone else."); return; } if (c.arenas() || c.duelStatus == 5) { c.sendMessage("You can't challenge inside the arena!"); return; } c.sendMessage(""); c.getTradeAndDuel().requestDuel(answerPlayer); break; } }
public void lightFire(int slot) { if (c.duelStatus >= 5) { c.sendMessage("Why am I trying to light a fire in the duel arena?"); return; } if (c.playerLevel[c.playerFiremaking] >= level[slot]) { if (c.getItems().playerHasItem(590) && c.getItems().playerHasItem(logs[slot])) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastLight > DELAY) { c.startAnimation(733, 0); c.getItems().deleteItem(logs[slot], c.getItems().getItemSlot(logs[slot]), 1); c.getPA().addSkillXP(logs[slot] * Config.FIREMAKING_EXPERIENCE, c.playerFiremaking); Objects fire = new Objects(2732, c.getX(), c.getY(), 0, -1, 10, 3); Objects fire2 = new Objects(592, c.getX(), c.getY(), 0, -1, 10, 60); Server.objectHandler.addObject(fire); Server.objectHandler.addObject(fire2); c.sendMessage("You light the fire."); c.getPA().walkTo(-1, 0); c.turnPlayerTo(c.getX() + 1, c.getY()); this.lastLight = System.currentTimeMillis(); // c.getPA().frame1(); resetAnim = true; } } } }
public void handleOtherShop(int itemID) { if (c.myShopId == 18) { if (c.pkPoints >= getSpecialItemValue(itemID)) { if (c.getItems().freeSlots() > 0) { c.pkPoints -= getSpecialItemValue(itemID); c.getItems().addItem(itemID, 1); c.getItems().resetItems(3823); } } else { c.sendMessage("You do not have enough EXL points to buy this item."); } } if (c.myShopId == 73) { if (c.pkPoints >= getSpecialItemValue(itemID)) { if (c.getItems().freeSlots() > 0) { c.pkPoints -= getSpecialItemValue(itemID); c.getItems().addItem(itemID, 1); c.getItems().resetItems(3823); } } else { c.sendMessage("You do not have enough EXL points to buy this item."); } } if (c.myShopId == 10) { if (c.donorPoints >= getSpecialItemValue(itemID)) { if (c.getItems().freeSlots() > 0) { c.donorPoints -= getSpecialItemValue(itemID); c.getItems().addItem(itemID, 1); c.getItems().resetItems(3823); } } else { c.sendMessage("You do not have enough Donator points to buy this item."); } } if (c.myShopId == 74) { if (c.pkPoints >= getSpecialItemValue(itemID)) { if (c.getItems().freeSlots() > 0) { c.pkPoints -= getSpecialItemValue(itemID); c.getItems().addItem(itemID, 1); c.getItems().resetItems(3823); } } else { c.sendMessage("You do not have enough EXL points to buy this item."); } } if (c.myShopId == 48) { if (c.SPoints >= getSpecialItemValue(itemID)) { if (c.getItems().freeSlots() > 0) { c.SPoints -= getSpecialItemValue(itemID); c.getItems().addItem(itemID, 1); c.getItems().resetItems(3823); } } else { c.sendMessage("You do not have enough Slayer Points to buy this item."); } } }
public boolean doaction( Client c, int toadd, int toremove, int toremove2, int timestomake, int NOTUSED, int NOTUSED2, int xp) { int maketimes = timestomake; c.getPlayerAssistant().closeAllWindows(); if (c.getItems().playerHasItem(toremove, toremove2)) { c.startAnimation(898); if (maketimes > 1 && c.getItems().playerHasItem(toremove, toremove2 * 2)) { c.sendMessage("You make some " + c.getItems().getItemName(toadd) + "s"); } else { c.sendMessage("You make a " + c.getItems().getItemName(toadd)); } while (maketimes > 0) { if (c.getItems().playerHasItem(toremove, toremove2)) { c.getItems().deleteItem2(toremove, toremove2); if (c.getItems().getItemName(toadd).contains("bolt")) { c.getItems().addItem(toadd, 10); } else if (c.getItems().getItemName(toadd).contains("nail")) { c.getItems().addItem(toadd, 15); } else if (c.getItems().getItemName(toadd).contains("arrow")) { c.getItems().addItem(toadd, 15); } else if (c.getItems().getItemName(toadd).contains("knife")) { c.getItems().addItem(toadd, 5); } else if (c.getItems().getItemName(toadd).contains("cannon")) { c.getItems().addItem(toadd, 4); } else { c.getItems().addItem(toadd, 1); } c.getPlayerAssistant().addSkillXP(xp * Config.SMITHING_EXPERIENCE, 13); c.getPlayerAssistant().refreshSkill(13); maketimes--; } else { break; } } } else { c.sendMessage("You don't have enough bars to make this item!"); return false; } return true; }
private void cleanPatch() { if (!patchCleaned) { c.getPA().object(PATCH_CLEAN, 2813, 3463, -1, 10); patchCleaned = true; } else { c.sendMessage("You have already cleaned the patch."); } }
private void waterSeed() { if (seedPlanted && !seedWatered) { c.startAnimation(2293); updateHerbPatch(); seedWatered = true; } else { c.sendMessage("You must plant a seed before you can water the patch!"); } }
public void skillBuy(int item) { int nn = get99Count(); if (nn > 1) nn = 1; else nn = 0; for (int j = 0; j < skillCapes.length; j++) { if (skillCapes[j] == item || skillCapes[j] + 1 == item) { if (c.getItems().freeSlots() > 1) { if (c.getItems().playerHasItem(995, 99000)) { if (c.getLevelForXP(c.playerXP[j]) >= 99) { c.getItems().deleteItem(995, c.getItems().getItemSlot(995), 99000); c.getItems().addItem(skillCapes[j] + nn, 1); c.getItems().addItem(skillCapes[j] + 2, 1); } else { c.sendMessage("You must have 99 in the skill of the cape you're trying to buy."); } } else { c.sendMessage("You need 99k to buy this item."); } } else { c.sendMessage("You must have at least 1 inventory spaces to buy this item."); } } /*if (skillCapes[j][1 + nn] == item) { if (c.getItems().freeSlots() >= 1) { if (c.getItems().playerHasItem(995,99000)) { if (c.getLevelForXP(c.playerXP[j]) >= 99) { c.getItems().deleteItem(995, c.getItems().getItemSlot(995), 99000); c.getItems().addItem(skillCapes[j] + nn,1); c.getItems().addItem(skillCapes[j] + 2,1); } else { c.sendMessage("You must have 99 in the skill of the cape you're trying to buy."); } } else { c.sendMessage("You need 99k to buy this item."); } } else { c.sendMessage("You must have at least 1 inventory spaces to buy this item."); } break; }*/ } c.getItems().resetItems(3823); }
/** Sell item to shop (Shop Price) */ public void sellToShopPrice(int removeId, int removeSlot) { if (c.myShopId == 7390) { c.sendMessage("You choose your price when using POS."); return; } for (int i : Config.ITEM_SELLABLE) { if (i == removeId) { c.sendMessage("You can't sell " + c.getItems().getItemName(removeId).toLowerCase() + "."); return; } } boolean IsIn = false; if (Server.shopHandler.ShopSModifier[c.myShopId] > 1) { for (int j = 0; j <= Server.shopHandler.ShopItemsStandard[c.myShopId]; j++) { if (removeId == (Server.shopHandler.ShopItems[c.myShopId][j] - 1)) { IsIn = true; break; } } } else { IsIn = true; } if (IsIn == false) { c.sendMessage( "You can't sell " + c.getItems().getItemName(removeId).toLowerCase() + " to this store."); } else { int ShopValue = (int) Math.floor(getItemShopValue(removeId, 1, removeSlot)); String ShopAdd = ""; if (ShopValue >= 1000 && ShopValue < 1000000) { ShopAdd = " (" + (ShopValue / 1000) + "K)"; } else if (ShopValue >= 1000000) { ShopAdd = " (" + (ShopValue / 1000000) + " million)"; } c.sendMessage( c.getItems().getItemName(removeId) + ": shop will buy for " + ShopValue + " coins" + ShopAdd); } }
public void startSmelting(int barType) { if (canSmelt(barType)) { if (hasOres(barType)) { this.exp = getExp(barType); this.oreId = getOre(barType); this.oreId2 = getOre2(barType); this.barId = barType; c.smeltAmount = c.getItems().getItemAmount(getOre(barType)); smelt(barType); } else { c.sendMessage("You do not have the required ores to smelt this."); c.getPlayerAssistant().resetVariables(); } } else { c.sendMessage("You must have a higher smithing level to smith this."); c.getPlayerAssistant().resetVariables(); } }
private void plantSeed(int seedId, int herbId, int exp, int slot) { if (c.playerLevel[c.playerFarming] < FARMING_REQS[slot]) { c.sendMessage("You require a farming level of " + FARMING_REQS[slot] + " to farm this seed."); } else if (!seedPlanted && patchRaked && c.getItems().playerHasItem(seedId, 1) && c.getItems().playerHasItem(SEED_DIBBER, 1)) { c.getItems().deleteItem(seedId, c.getItems().getItemSlot(seedId), 1); c.getPA().addSkillXP(SEED_PLANT_EXP[slot] * Config.FARMING_EXPERIENCE, c.playerFarming); c.startAnimation(2291); c.getPA().refreshSkill(c.playerFarming); int herbAmount = Misc.random(5) + 3; c.farm[0] = herbId; c.farm[1] = herbAmount; c.sendMessage("You plant your seed. Water it and watch it grow."); seedPlanted = true; } else { c.sendMessage("You need to rake the patch or you've already planted a seed!"); } }
/*updates to herb or weed. the clean patch should be part too but f**k it */ private void rakePatch() { /// step three, once you've planted and watered you can rake the patch clean to // pick your herbs. if (!patchRaked && System.currentTimeMillis() - c.waitTime > 2000) { c.startAnimation(2273); cleanPatch(); // calls the clear patch. c.getPA().addSkillXP(getExp() * Config.FARMING_EXPERIENCE, c.playerFarming); patchRaked = true; } else { c.sendMessage("You must plant and water a seed before you can rake here!"); } }
@Override public void processPacket(Client c, int packetType, int packetSize) { int itemId = c.getInStream().readUnsignedWordA(); c.getInStream().readUnsignedByte(); c.getInStream().readUnsignedByte(); int slot = c.getInStream().readUnsignedWordA(); if (c.arenas()) { c.sendMessage("You can't drop items inside the arena!"); return; } if (c.playerItemsN[slot] != 0 && itemId != -1 && c.playerItems[slot] == itemId + 1) { if (!c.getItems().playerHasItem(itemId, 1, slot)) { c.sendMessage("Stop cheating!"); return; } } boolean droppable = true; for (int i : Config.UNDROPPABLE_ITEMS) { if (i == itemId) { droppable = true; break; } } if (c.playerItemsN[slot] != 0 && itemId != -1 && c.playerItems[slot] == itemId + 1) { if (droppable) { if (c.underAttackBy > 0) { if (c.getShops().getItemShopValue(itemId) > 1000) { c.sendMessage("You may not drop items worth more than 1000 while in combat."); return; } } Server.itemHandler.createGroundItem( c, itemId, c.getX(), c.getY(), c.playerItemsN[slot], c.getId()); c.getItems().deleteItem(itemId, slot, c.playerItemsN[slot]); } else { c.sendMessage("This items cannot be dropped."); } } }
public void pickHerb() { // / Final step, picks the herbs from the grown herb patch. if (c.farm[0] > 0 && c.farm[1] > 0) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - c.waitTime > 2000) { if (c.getItems().addItem(c.farm[0], 1)) { c.getPA().addSkillXP(getExp() * Config.FARMING_EXPERIENCE, c.playerFarming); c.farm[1]--; if (c.farm[1] == 0) { c.farm[0] = -1; } c.startAnimation(2286); c.sendMessage("You pick a herb."); updateHerbPatch(); // finish, lets try this. } } } }
public void checkRequirements() { for (int j = 0; j < expsAndLevels.length; j++) { if (expsAndLevels[j][0] == hideType) { if (c.playerLevel[c.playerCrafting] >= expsAndLevels[j][1]) { if (c.getItems().playerHasItem(hideType, 1)) { c.getPA().closeAllWindows(); exp = expsAndLevels[j][2]; index = j; craftHides(hideType); } } else { c.sendMessage("You need a crafting level of " + expsAndLevels[j][1] + " to craft this."); } } } }
public void checkItemOnObject(int itemId) { for (int j = 0; j < VALID_SEEDS.length; j++) { if (itemId == VALID_SEEDS[j]) { plantSeed(VALID_SEEDS[j], HERBS[j], HERB_EXPS[j], j); } // so if you use valid seeds on the patch it does plantSeed, cool. } if (itemId == WATER_CAN && !seedWatered) { waterSeed(); // watering is called } else if (itemId == RAKE && !patchRaked) { rakePatch(); // raking is called } else if (c.getItems().playerHasItem(SEED_DIBBER, 0)) ; { c.sendMessage( "You need a seed dibber to plant seeds."); // if you dont have a seed dibber it gets mad // at you. } }
public void ExchangeSets(Client c) { // Rune // Rune Armour Set (Skirt) if (c.getItems().playerHasItem(1, 1)) { // c.getItems().deleteItem(RuneArmourSetSK,1); // c.getItems().addItem(ExchangedRuneArmourSetSK,1); // c.sendMessage("You Exchange your Rune Armour Set (SK) For the real items"); } // Rune Armour Set (Legs) if (c.getItems().playerHasItem(1, 1)) { c.getItems().deleteItem(RuneArmourSetLG); c.getItems().deleteItem(13736, 1); c.getItems().addItem(13738, 1); c.sendMessage("You Exchange your Rune Armour Set (LG) For the real items"); } }
public void smelt(int barType) { if (c.smeltAmount > 0) { c.getPlayerAssistant().closeAllWindows(); if (hasOres(barType)) { c.getItems().deleteItem(oreId, c.getItems().getItemSlot(oreId), 1); if (oreId2 > 0) c.getItems().deleteItem(oreId2, c.getItems().getItemSlot(oreId2), 1); c.getItems().addItem(barId, 1); c.getPlayerAssistant().addSkillXP(exp * Config.SMITHING_EXPERIENCE, c.playerSmithing); c.getPlayerAssistant().refreshSkill(c.playerSmithing); c.smeltAmount--; c.smeltTimer = 1; } else { c.sendMessage("You do not have the required ores to smelt this."); c.getPlayerAssistant().removeAllWindows(); } } else { c.getPlayerAssistant().resetVariables(); } }
public void readInput(int level, String type, Client c, int amounttomake) { if (c.getItems().getItemName(Integer.parseInt(type)).contains("Bronze")) { CheckBronze(c, level, amounttomake, type); } else if (c.getItems().getItemName(Integer.parseInt(type)).contains("Iron")) { CheckIron(c, level, amounttomake, type); } else if (c.getItems().getItemName(Integer.parseInt(type)).contains("Steel")) { CheckSteel(c, level, amounttomake, type); } else if (c.getItems().getItemName(Integer.parseInt(type)).contains("Mith")) { CheckMith(c, level, amounttomake, type); } else if (c.getItems().getItemName(Integer.parseInt(type)).contains("Adam") || c.getItems().getItemName(Integer.parseInt(type)).contains("Addy")) { CheckAddy(c, level, amounttomake, type); } else if (c.getItems().getItemName(Integer.parseInt(type)).contains("Rune") || c.getItems().getItemName(Integer.parseInt(type)).contains("Runite")) { CheckRune(c, level, amounttomake, type); } c.sendMessage("Item: " + type); }
private static void handleBones(Client c, int i, boolean altar, int slot) { for (int l = 0; l < BONES.length; l++) { if (i == BONES[l][0]) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - c.buryDelay > 800) { // handleZombie(); c.getItems().deleteItem(BONES[l][0], slot, 1); c.getPA().addSkillXP((altar ? BONES[l][1] * 2 : BONES[l][1]) * PRAYER_XP, 5); c.buryDelay = System.currentTimeMillis(); c.startAnimation((altar ? 3705 : 827)); c.sendMessage( altar ? "The gods are pleased with your offerings." : "You bury the bones."); if (altar) { c.getPA().createPlayersStillGfx(624, 3097, 3500, 0, 0); } } } } }
public boolean sellItem(int itemID, int fromSlot, int amount) { if (c.myShopId == 7390) { for (int i : Config.ITEM_TRADEABLE) { if (i == itemID) { c.sendMessage("You can't sell this item."); return false; } } if (c.playerName.equals(c.myShopClient.playerName)) { c.sellingId = itemID; c.sellingN = amount; c.sellingS = fromSlot; c.xInterfaceId = 7390; c.outStream.createFrame(27); } else { c.sendMessage("You can only sell items on your own store."); } return true; } if (c.inTrade) { c.sendMessage("You cant sell items to the shop while your in trade!"); return false; } if (c.myShopId == 14) return false; for (int i : Config.ITEM_SELLABLE) { if (i == itemID) { c.sendMessage("You can't sell " + c.getItems().getItemName(itemID).toLowerCase() + "."); return false; } } if (amount > 0 && itemID == (c.playerItems[fromSlot] - 1)) { if (Server.shopHandler.ShopSModifier[c.myShopId] > 1) { boolean IsIn = false; for (int i = 0; i <= Server.shopHandler.ShopItemsStandard[c.myShopId]; i++) { if (itemID == (Server.shopHandler.ShopItems[c.myShopId][i] - 1)) { IsIn = true; break; } } if (IsIn == false) { c.sendMessage( "You can't sell " + c.getItems().getItemName(itemID).toLowerCase() + " to this store."); return false; } } if (amount > c.playerItemsN[fromSlot] && (Item.itemIsNote[(c.playerItems[fromSlot] - 1)] == true || Item.itemStackable[(c.playerItems[fromSlot] - 1)] == true)) { amount = c.playerItemsN[fromSlot]; } else if (amount > c.getItems().getItemAmount(itemID) && Item.itemIsNote[(c.playerItems[fromSlot] - 1)] == false && Item.itemStackable[(c.playerItems[fromSlot] - 1)] == false) { amount = c.getItems().getItemAmount(itemID); } // double ShopValue; // double TotPrice; int TotPrice2 = 0; // int Overstock; for (int i = amount; i > 0; i--) { TotPrice2 = (int) Math.floor(getItemShopValue(itemID, 1, fromSlot)); if (c.getItems().freeSlots() > 0 || c.getItems().playerHasItem(995)) { if (Item.itemIsNote[itemID] == false) { c.getItems().deleteItem(itemID, c.getItems().getItemSlot(itemID), 1); } else { c.getItems().deleteItem(itemID, fromSlot, 1); } c.getItems().addItem(995, TotPrice2); addShopItem(itemID, 1); } else { c.sendMessage("You don't have enough space in your inventory."); break; } } c.getItems().resetItems(3823); resetShop(c.myShopId); updatePlayerShop(); return true; } return true; }
private void CheckMith(Client c, int level, int amounttomake, String type) { remove = 2359; if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("1355") && level >= 51) // Axe { xp = 50; item = 1355; removeamount = 1; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("1209") && level >= 50) // Dagger { xp = 50; item = 1209; removeamount = 1; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1428") && level >= 52) // Mace { xp = 50; item = 1428; removeamount = 1; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1143") && level >= 53) // Med helm { xp = 50; item = 1143; removeamount = 1; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("9142") && level >= 54) // Dart tips { xp = 50; item = 9142; removeamount = 1; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1285") && level >= 54) // Sword (s) { xp = 50; item = 1285; removeamount = 1; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("4822") && level >= 54) // Nails { xp = 50; item = 4822; removeamount = 1; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("42") && level >= 55) // Arrow tips { xp = 50; item = 42; removeamount = 1; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1329") && level >= 55) // Scim { xp = 100; item = 1329; removeamount = 2; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1299") && level >= 56) // Longsword { xp = 100; item = 1299; removeamount = 2; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("866") && level >= 57) // Knives { xp = 50; item = 866; removeamount = 1; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1159") && level >= 57) // Full Helm { xp = 100; item = 1159; removeamount = 2; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1181") && level >= 58) // Square shield { xp = 100; item = 1181; removeamount = 2; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1343") && level >= 59) // Warhammer { xp = 150; item = 1343; removeamount = 3; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1369") && level >= 60) // Battle axe { xp = 150; item = 1369; removeamount = 3; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1109") && level >= 61) // Chain { xp = 150; item = 1109; removeamount = 3; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1197") && level >= 62) // Kite { xp = 150; item = 1197; removeamount = 3; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1315") && level >= 64) // 2h Sword { xp = 150; item = 1315; removeamount = 3; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1071") && level >= 66) // Platelegs { xp = 150; item = 1071; removeamount = 3; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1085") && level >= 66) // PlateSkirt { xp = 150; item = 1085; removeamount = 3; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1121") && level >= 68) // Platebody { xp = 250; item = 1121; removeamount = 5; maketimes = amounttomake; } else { c.sendMessage("You don't have a high enough level to make this Item!"); return; } doaction(c, item, remove, removeamount, maketimes, -1, -1, xp); }
@Override public void processPacket(Client c, int packetType, int packetSize) { int junk = c.getInStream().readSignedWordBigEndianA(); int itemSlot = c.getInStream().readUnsignedWordA(); int itemId = c.getInStream().readUnsignedWordBigEndian(); if (itemId != c.playerItems[itemSlot] - 1) { return; } switch (itemId) { case 2827: // Draynor River Bank c.clueScrollMap(7113, "1"); break; case 2829: // Behind the Wizard's Tower c.clueScrollMap(9275, "1"); break; case 3518: // North of Falador, right near the statue c.clueScrollMap(17537, "1"); break; case 3520: // Varrock East Mine c.clueScrollMap(7045, "1"); break; case 3522: // Search the Crate at the Goblin's Houses near Castle Wars c.clueScrollMap(9454, "1"); break; case 3524: // Building in West Rimmington c.clueScrollMap(9839, "1"); break; case 3525: // Edge of the Ranged Guild c.clueScrollMap(7162, "2"); break; case 3598: // Falador Rock Garden c.clueScrollMap(7271, "2"); break; case 3599: // Outside of the Monks House near McDoogle Woods c.clueScrollMap(9108, "2"); break; case 3601: // Search the Crate in the Black Knight's Fortress c.clueScrollMap(9507, "2"); break; case 3602: // Chaos Altar West of the Khazard Battlefield (south west of Ardougne), dig right // behind the altar c.clueScrollMap(17888, "2"); break; case 7236: // Miscellania, just to the East of the entrance to the Castle grounds. c.clueScrollMap(17687, "2"); break; case 7239: // Behind the House in Yanille Map c.clueScrollMap(9043, "3"); break; case 7241: // Level 50 wilderness, directly to the West of the larger volcano, to the // Southeast of the Agility Course c.clueScrollMap(17620, "3"); break; case 7286: // Just to the South of the Legends Guild entrance, to the Northeast of Ardougne c.clueScrollMap(17634, "3"); break; case 7288: // Crate, Clocktower, South of the Ardougne Castle c.clueScrollMap(9720, "3"); break; case 7290: // Hobgoblin Point (Crafting Guild) c.clueScrollMap(4305, "3"); break; case 7292: // In a Building in West Ardougne c.clueScrollMap(9359, "3"); break; /* Text Clue Scrolls */ case 2678: // Talk to the Mage of Zamorak c.clueScroll( "Dressed in red,", "evil to the core,", "chaos is my path,", "peace be for none,", "ALL HAIL ZAMORAK!", "", "", "", "1"); break; case 2831: // Talk to Romeo in Varrock Centre. c.clueScroll( "In an empty town,", "all alone I stand", "day after day, wishing", "that someone would just", "say 'hey', my love is", "asleep and I do nothing,", "destined for solitude I am...", "", "1"); break; case 2833: // Talk to Emily in the Falador Bar. c.clueScroll( "You can have a cold one on me ", "and maybe more if you", "play your cards right.", "", "", "", "", "", "1"); break; case 2835: // Talk to Tracker Gnome 1 outside of Falador Gates. c.clueScroll( "Gathering information on the", "giant breed known as 'humans' is", "tough work, thankfully the", "f-guards here can't see me!", "", "", "", "", "1"); break; case 2837: // Talk to the Tracker Gnome 2 in Varrock Castle Courtyard. c.clueScroll( "Gathering information on the", "giant breed known as 'humans' is", "tough work, thankfully the", "v-guards here don't suspect me!", "", "", "", "", "1"); break; case 2839: // Talk to the Tracker Gnome 3 in Ardougne Centre. c.clueScroll( "Gathering information on the", "giant breed known as 'humans' is", "tough work, thankfully the", "a-guards here don't suspect me!", "", "", "", "", "1"); break; case 2841: c.clueScroll("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "2"); break; case 2843: c.clueScroll("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "2"); break; case 2845: c.clueScroll("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "2"); break; case 2847: c.clueScroll("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "2"); break; case 2848: c.clueScroll("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "2"); break; case 2849: c.clueScroll("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "2"); break; case 2851: c.clueScroll("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "3"); break; case 2853: c.clueScroll("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "3"); break; case 2855: c.clueScroll("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "3"); break; case 2856: c.clueScroll("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "3"); break; case 2857: c.clueScroll("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "3"); break; case 2858: c.clueScroll("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "3"); break; /* Reward Chests */ case 2826: // Tier 1 Chest c.completeLevel1(); c.getItems().deleteItem(2826, c.getItems().getItemSlot(2826), 1); break; case 2828: // Tier 2 Chest c.completeLevel2(); c.getItems().deleteItem(2828, c.getItems().getItemSlot(2828), 1); break; case 2830: // Tier 3 Chest c.completeLevel3(); c.getItems().deleteItem(2830, c.getItems().getItemSlot(2830), 1); break; } if (itemId == 8007) { c.getItems().deleteItem(8007, c.getItems().getItemSlot(8007), 1); c.getPA().teleTabTeleport(3213, 3423, 0, "teleTab"); } if (itemId == 8008) { c.getItems().deleteItem(8008, c.getItems().getItemSlot(8008), 1); c.getPA().teleTabTeleport(3224, 3218, 0, "teleTab"); } if (itemId == 8009) { c.getItems().deleteItem(8009, c.getItems().getItemSlot(8009), 1); c.getPA().teleTabTeleport(2965, 3383, 0, "teleTab"); } if (itemId == 8010) { c.getItems().deleteItem(8010, c.getItems().getItemSlot(8010), 1); c.getPA().teleTabTeleport(2757, 3477, 0, "teleTab"); } if (itemId == 8011) { c.getItems().deleteItem(8011, c.getItems().getItemSlot(8011), 1); c.getPA().teleTabTeleport(2653, 3283, 0, "teleTab"); } if (itemId == 8012) { c.getItems().deleteItem(8012, c.getItems().getItemSlot(8012), 1); c.getPA().teleTabTeleport(2546, 3112, 0, "teleTab"); } if (itemId == 8013) { c.getItems().deleteItem(8013, c.getItems().getItemSlot(8013), 1); c.getPA().teleTabTeleport(3086, 3499, 0, "teleTab"); } if (itemId == 4447) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { c.playerLevel[0] = 99; c.playerLevel[1] = 99; c.playerLevel[2] = 99; c.playerLevel[3] = 99; c.playerLevel[4] = 99; c.playerLevel[6] = 99; c.playerXP[i] = c.getPA().getXPForLevel(100); c.playerXP[6] = c.getPA().getXPForLevel(100); c.getPA().refreshSkill(i); c.getPA().refreshSkill(6); c.getItems().deleteItem(4447, 1); c.logout(); } c.getPA().requestUpdates(); } if (itemId == 6796) { c.playerLevel[0] = 99; c.playerLevel[2] = 99; c.playerLevel[3] = 99; c.playerLevel[4] = 99; c.playerLevel[6] = 99; c.playerXP[0] = c.getPA().getXPForLevel(100); c.playerXP[2] = c.getPA().getXPForLevel(100); c.playerXP[3] = c.getPA().getXPForLevel(100); c.playerXP[4] = c.getPA().getXPForLevel(100); c.playerXP[6] = c.getPA().getXPForLevel(100); c.getPA().refreshSkill(0); c.getPA().refreshSkill(2); c.getPA().refreshSkill(3); c.getPA().refreshSkill(4); c.getPA().refreshSkill(6); c.getItems().deleteItem(6796, 1); c.logout(); } if (itemId == 15272) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - c.foodDelay >= 1500 && c.playerLevel[3] > 0) { c.getCombat().resetPlayerAttack(); c.attackTimer += 2; c.startAnimation(829); c.getItems().deleteItem(15272, 1); if (c.playerLevel[3] < c.getLevelForXP(c.playerXP[3])) { c.playerLevel[3] += 23; if (c.playerLevel[3] > c.getLevelForXP(c.playerXP[3])) c.playerLevel[3] = c.getLevelForXP(c.playerXP[3]); } c.foodDelay = System.currentTimeMillis(); c.getPA().refreshSkill(3); c.sendMessage("You eat the Rocktail."); } c.playerLevel[3] += 10; if (c.playerLevel[3] > (c.getLevelForXP(c.playerXP[3]) * 1.11 + 1)) { c.playerLevel[3] = (int) (c.getLevelForXP(c.playerXP[3]) * 1.11); } c.getPA().refreshSkill(3); return; } if (itemId == 2528) { c.getItems().deleteItem(2528, 1); c.getPA().showInterface(2808); } // Begin artifacts by Hirukos if (itemId >= 14876 && itemId <= 14892) { int a = itemId; String YEYAF = "<col=1532693>You Exchanged Your Artifact For</col> "; if (a == 14876) { c.getItems().deleteItem(a, 1); c.getItems().addItem(995, 10000000); c.sendMessage(YEYAF + "<col=1532693>10 million Coins!</col>"); } if (a == 14877) { c.getItems().deleteItem(a, 1); c.getItems().addItem(995, 2000000); c.sendMessage(YEYAF + "<col=1532693>2 million Coins!</col>"); } if (a == 14878) { c.getItems().deleteItem(a, 1); c.getItems().addItem(995, 1500000); c.sendMessage(YEYAF + "<col=1532693>1.5 million Coins!</col>"); } if (a == 14879) { c.getItems().deleteItem(a, 1); c.getItems().addItem(995, 1000000); c.sendMessage(YEYAF + "<col=1532693>1 million Coins!</col>"); } if (a == 14880) { c.getItems().deleteItem(a, 1); c.getItems().addItem(995, 800000); c.sendMessage(YEYAF + "<col=1532693>800,000 Coins!</col>"); } if (a == 14881) { c.getItems().deleteItem(a, 1); c.getItems().addItem(995, 600000); c.sendMessage(YEYAF + "<col=1532693>600,000 Coins!</col>"); } if (a == 14882) { c.getItems().deleteItem(a, 1); c.getItems().addItem(995, 540000); c.sendMessage(YEYAF + "<col=1532693>540,000 Coins!</col>"); } if (a == 14883) { c.getItems().deleteItem(a, 1); c.getItems().addItem(995, 400000); c.sendMessage(YEYAF + "<col=1532693>400,000 Coins!</col>"); } if (a == 14884) { c.getItems().deleteItem(a, 1); c.getItems().addItem(995, 300000); c.sendMessage(YEYAF + "<col=1532693>300,000 Coins!</col>"); } if (a == 14885) { c.getItems().deleteItem(a, 1); c.getItems().addItem(995, 200000); c.sendMessage(YEYAF + "<col=1532693>200,000 Coins!</col>"); } if (a == 14886) { c.getItems().deleteItem(a, 1); c.getItems().addItem(995, 150000); c.sendMessage(YEYAF + "<col=1532693>150,000 Coins!</col>"); } if (a == 14887) { c.getItems().deleteItem(a, 1); c.getItems().addItem(995, 100000); c.sendMessage(YEYAF + "<col=1532693>100,000 Coins!</col>"); } if (a == 14888) { c.getItems().deleteItem(a, 1); c.getItems().addItem(995, 80000); c.sendMessage(YEYAF + "<col=1532693>80,000 Coins!</col>"); } if (a == 14889) { c.getItems().deleteItem(a, 1); c.getItems().addItem(995, 60000); c.sendMessage(YEYAF + "<col=1532693>60,000 Coins!</col>"); } if (a == 14890) { c.getItems().deleteItem(a, 1); c.getItems().addItem(995, 40000); c.sendMessage(YEYAF + "<col=1532693>40,000 Coins!</col>"); } if (a == 14891) { c.getItems().deleteItem(a, 1); c.getItems().addItem(995, 20000); c.sendMessage(YEYAF + "<col=1532693>20,000 Coins!</col>"); } if (a == 14892) { c.getItems().deleteItem(a, 1); c.getItems().addItem(995, 10000); c.sendMessage(YEYAF + "<col=1532693>10,000 Coins!</col>"); } } // End of artifacts By Hirukos if (itemId == 5509) { c.getPA().addSmallPouch(); } if (itemId == 5510) { c.getPA().addMediumPouch(); } if (itemId == 5511) { c.getPA().addMediumPouch(); } if (itemId == 5512) { c.getPA().addLargePouch(); } if (itemId == 5513) { c.getPA().addLargePouch(); } if (itemId == 5514) { c.getPA().addGiantPouch(); } if (itemId == 5515) { c.getPA().addGiantPouch(); } if (c.getHerblore().isUnidHerb(itemId)) c.getHerblore().handleHerbClick(itemId); if (c.getFood().isFood(itemId)) c.getFood().eat(itemId, itemSlot); // ScriptManager.callFunc("itemClick_"+itemId, c, itemId, itemSlot); if (c.getPotions().isPotion(itemId)) c.getPotions().handlePotion(itemId, itemSlot); if (Prayer.playerBones(c, itemId)) { Prayer.buryBones(c, itemId, itemSlot); } if (itemId == 952) { if (c.inArea(3553, 3301, 3561, 3294)) { c.teleTimer = 3; c.newLocation = 1; } else if (c.inArea(3550, 3287, 3557, 3278)) { c.teleTimer = 3; c.newLocation = 2; } else if (c.inArea(3561, 3292, 3568, 3285)) { c.teleTimer = 3; c.newLocation = 3; } else if (c.inArea(3570, 3302, 3579, 3293)) { c.teleTimer = 3; c.newLocation = 4; } else if (c.inArea(3571, 3285, 3582, 3278)) { c.teleTimer = 3; c.newLocation = 5; } else if (c.inArea(3562, 3279, 3569, 3273)) { c.teleTimer = 3; c.newLocation = 6; } else if (c.inArea(2986, 3370, 3013, 3388)) { c.teleTimer = 3; c.newLocation = 7; } } }
private void CheckRune(Client c, int level, int amounttomake, String type) { remove = 2363; if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("1359") && level >= 86) // Axe { xp = 75; item = 1359; removeamount = 1; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("1213") && level >= 85) // Dagger { xp = 75; item = 1213; removeamount = 1; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1432") && level >= 87) // Mace { xp = 75; item = 1432; removeamount = 1; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1147") && level >= 88) // Med helm { xp = 75; item = 1147; removeamount = 1; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("9144") && level >= 89) // Dart tips { xp = 75; item = 9144; removeamount = 1; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1289") && level >= 89) // Sword (s) { xp = 75; item = 1289; removeamount = 1; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("4824") && level >= 89) // Nails { xp = 75; item = 4824; removeamount = 1; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("44") && level >= 90) // Arrow tips { xp = 75; item = 44; removeamount = 1; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1333") && level >= 90) // Scim { xp = 150; item = 1333; removeamount = 2; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1303") && level >= 91) // Longsword { xp = 150; item = 1303; removeamount = 2; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("868") && level >= 92) // Knives { xp = 75; item = 868; removeamount = 1; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1163") && level >= 92) // Full Helm { xp = 150; item = 1163; removeamount = 2; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1185") && level >= 93) // Square shield { xp = 150; item = 1185; removeamount = 2; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1347") && level >= 94) // Warhammer { xp = 225; item = 1347; removeamount = 3; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1373") && level >= 95) // Battle axe { xp = 225; item = 1373; removeamount = 3; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1113") && level >= 96) // Chain { xp = 225; item = 1113; removeamount = 3; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1201") && level >= 97) // Kite { xp = 225; item = 1201; removeamount = 3; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1319") && level >= 99) // 2h Sword { xp = 225; item = 1319; removeamount = 3; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1079") && level >= 99) // Platelegs { xp = 225; item = 1079; removeamount = 3; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1093") && level >= 99) // PlateSkirt { xp = 225; item = 1093; removeamount = 3; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1127") && level >= 99) // Platebody { xp = 313; item = 1127; removeamount = 5; maketimes = amounttomake; } else { c.sendMessage("You don't have a high enough level to make this Item!"); return; } doaction(c, item, remove, removeamount, maketimes, -1, -1, xp); }
@Override public void processPacket(Client c, int packetType, int packetSize) { if (packetType == 248 || packetType == 164) { c.faceUpdate(0); if (c.SSPLIT == false) { c.npcIndex = 0; c.playerIndex = 0; } else { } if (c.followId > 0 || c.followId2 > 0) c.getPA().resetFollow(); } c.fishing = false; if (!c.isBanking && !c.inTrade) { c.getPA().removeAllWindows(); } if (c.duelRule[1] && c.duelStatus == 5) { if (Server.playerHandler.players[c.duelingWith] != null) { if (!c.goodDistance( c.getX(), c.getY(), Server.playerHandler.players[c.duelingWith].getX(), Server.playerHandler.players[c.duelingWith].getY(), 1) || c.attackTimer == 0) { c.sendMessage("Walking has been disabled in this duel!"); } } c.playerIndex = 0; return; } if (c.freezeTimer > 0) { if (Server.playerHandler.players[c.playerIndex] != null) { if (c.goodDistance( c.getX(), c.getY(), Server.playerHandler.players[c.playerIndex].getX(), Server.playerHandler.players[c.playerIndex].getY(), 1) && packetType != 98) { c.playerIndex = 0; return; } } if (packetType != 98) { c.sendMessage("A magical force stops you from moving."); c.playerIndex = 0; } return; } if (System.currentTimeMillis() - c.lastSpear < 4000) { c.sendMessage("You have been stunned."); c.playerIndex = 0; return; } if (packetType == 98) { c.mageAllowed = true; c.fishing = false; } if (c.sit == true) { c.sendMessage("::unsit before you can start walking again!"); return; } if ((c.duelStatus >= 1 && c.duelStatus <= 4) || c.duelStatus == 6) { if (c.duelStatus == 6) { c.getTradeAndDuel().claimStakedItems(); } return; } if (c.respawnTimer > 3) { return; } if (System.currentTimeMillis() - c.lastEmote <= 7000) { return; } if (c.inTrade) { c.sendMessage("Please use the Decline option."); return; } if (c.isBanking) { c.getPA().closeAllWindows(); } if (c.isShopping == true) { c.isShopping = false; } if (packetType == 248) { packetSize -= 14; } c.newWalkCmdSteps = (packetSize - 5) / 2; if (++c.newWalkCmdSteps > c.walkingQueueSize) { c.newWalkCmdSteps = 0; return; } c.getNewWalkCmdX()[0] = c.getNewWalkCmdY()[0] = 0; int firstStepX = c.getInStream().readSignedWordBigEndianA() - c.getMapRegionX() * 8; for (int i = 1; i < c.newWalkCmdSteps; i++) { c.getNewWalkCmdX()[i] = c.getInStream().readSignedByte(); c.getNewWalkCmdY()[i] = c.getInStream().readSignedByte(); } int firstStepY = c.getInStream().readSignedWordBigEndian() - c.getMapRegionY() * 8; c.setNewWalkCmdIsRunning(c.getInStream().readSignedByteC() == 1); for (int i1 = 0; i1 < c.newWalkCmdSteps; i1++) { c.getNewWalkCmdX()[i1] += firstStepX; c.getNewWalkCmdY()[i1] += firstStepY; } }
public void startMining(final int j, final int x, final int y, final int type) { if (c.isMining) return; if (c.mining) return; int miningLevel = c.playerLevel[c.playerMining]; a = -1; c.turnPlayerTo(x, y); if (Rock_Settings[j][1] > miningLevel) { c.sendMessage("You need a Mining level of " + Rock_Settings[j][1] + " to mine this rock."); return; } for (int i = 0; i < Pick_Settings.length; i++) { if (c.getItems().playerHasItem(Pick_Settings[i][0]) || c.playerEquipment[c.playerWeapon] == Pick_Settings[i][0]) { if (Pick_Settings[i][1] <= miningLevel) { a = i; } } } if (a == -1) { c.sendMessage("You need a pickaxe to mine this rock."); return; } if (c.getItems().freeSlots() < 1) { c.sendMessage("You do not have enough inventory slots to do that."); return; } c.startAnimation(Pick_Settings[a][3]); c.isMining = true; c.rockX = x; c.rockY = y; c.mining = true; CycleEventHandler.getSingleton() .addEvent( c, new CycleEvent() { @Override public void execute(CycleEventContainer container) { if (!c.isMining) { container.stop(); c.startAnimation(65535); return; } if (c.isMining) { c.getItems().addItem(Rock_Settings[j][4], 1); c.getPA().addSkillXP(Rock_Settings[j][2], c.playerMining); } if (c.getItems().freeSlots() < 1) { c.sendMessage("You have ran out of inventory slots."); container.stop(); } mineRock(Rock_Settings[j][3], x, y, type, Rock_Settings[j][0]); c.isMining = false; container.stop(); } @Override public void stop() { c.getPA().removeAllWindows(); c.startAnimation(65535); c.isMining = false; c.rockX = 0; c.rockY = 0; c.mining = false; return; } }, getTimer(j, a, miningLevel)); }
private void CheckAddy(Client c, int level, int amounttomake, String type) { remove = 2361; if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("1357") && level >= 71) // Axe { xp = 63; item = 1357; removeamount = 1; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("1211") && level >= 70) // Dagger { xp = 63; item = 1211; removeamount = 1; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1430") && level >= 72) // Mace { xp = 63; item = 1430; removeamount = 1; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1145") && level >= 73) // Med helm { xp = 63; item = 1145; removeamount = 1; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("9143") && level >= 74) // Dart tips { xp = 63; item = 9143; removeamount = 1; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1287") && level >= 74) // Sword (s) { xp = 63; item = 1287; removeamount = 1; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("4823") && level >= 74) // Nails { xp = 63; item = 4823; removeamount = 1; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("43") && level >= 75) // Arrow tips { xp = 63; item = 43; removeamount = 1; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1331") && level >= 75) // Scim { xp = 125; item = 1331; removeamount = 2; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1301") && level >= 76) // Longsword { xp = 125; item = 1301; removeamount = 2; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("867") && level >= 77) // Knives { xp = 63; item = 867; removeamount = 1; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1161") && level >= 77) // Full Helm { xp = 125; item = 1161; removeamount = 2; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1183") && level >= 78) // Square shield { xp = 125; item = 1183; removeamount = 2; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1345") && level >= 79) // Warhammer { xp = 188; item = 1345; removeamount = 3; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1371") && level >= 80) // Battle axe { xp = 188; item = 1371; removeamount = 3; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1111") && level >= 81) // Chain { xp = 188; item = 1111; removeamount = 3; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1199") && level >= 82) // Kite { xp = 188; item = 1199; removeamount = 3; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1317") && level >= 84) // 2h Sword { xp = 188; item = 1317; removeamount = 3; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1073") && level >= 86) // Platelegs { xp = 188; item = 1073; removeamount = 3; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1091") && level >= 86) // PlateSkirt { xp = 188; item = 1091; removeamount = 3; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1123") && level >= 88) // Platebody { xp = 313; item = 1123; removeamount = 5; maketimes = amounttomake; } else { c.sendMessage("You don't have a high enough level to make this Item!"); return; } doaction(c, item, remove, removeamount, maketimes, -1, -1, xp); }
public static void ItemonItem(Client c, int itemUsed, int useWith) { if (itemUsed == 227 || useWith == 227) c.getHerblore().handlePotMaking(itemUsed, useWith); if (c.getItems().getItemName(itemUsed).contains("(") && c.getItems().getItemName(useWith).contains("(")) c.getPotMixing().mixPotion2(itemUsed, useWith); if (itemUsed == 1733 || useWith == 1733) c.getCrafting().handleLeather(itemUsed, useWith); if (itemUsed == 1755 || useWith == 1755) c.getCrafting().handleChisel(itemUsed, useWith); /*if (itemUsed == 946 || useWith == 946) c.getFletching().handleLog(itemUsed,useWith); if (itemUsed == 53 || useWith == 53 || itemUsed == 52 || useWith == 52) c.getFletching().makeArrows(itemUsed, useWith);*/ if ((itemUsed == 1540 && useWith == 11286) || (itemUsed == 11286 && useWith == 1540)) { if (c.playerLevel[c.playerSmithing] >= 95) { c.getItems().deleteItem(1540, c.getItems().getItemSlot(1540), 1); c.getItems().deleteItem(11286, c.getItems().getItemSlot(11286), 1); c.getItems().addItem(11284, 1); c.sendMessage("You combine the two materials to create a dragonfire shield."); c.getPA().addSkillXP(500 * Config.SMITHING_EXPERIENCE, c.playerSmithing); } else { c.sendMessage("You need a smithing level of 95 to create a dragonfire shield."); } } if (itemUsed == 9142 && useWith == 9190 || itemUsed == 9190 && useWith == 9142) { if (c.playerLevel[c.playerFletching] >= 58) { int boltsMade = c.getItems().getItemAmount(itemUsed) > c.getItems().getItemAmount(useWith) ? c.getItems().getItemAmount(useWith) : c.getItems().getItemAmount(itemUsed); c.getItems().deleteItem(useWith, c.getItems().getItemSlot(useWith), boltsMade); c.getItems().deleteItem(itemUsed, c.getItems().getItemSlot(itemUsed), boltsMade); c.getItems().addItem(9241, boltsMade); c.getPA().addSkillXP(boltsMade * 6 * Config.FLETCHING_EXPERIENCE, c.playerFletching); } else { c.sendMessage("You need a fletching level of 58 to fletch this item."); } } if (itemUsed == 9143 && useWith == 9191 || itemUsed == 9191 && useWith == 9143) { if (c.playerLevel[c.playerFletching] >= 63) { int boltsMade = c.getItems().getItemAmount(itemUsed) > c.getItems().getItemAmount(useWith) ? c.getItems().getItemAmount(useWith) : c.getItems().getItemAmount(itemUsed); c.getItems().deleteItem(useWith, c.getItems().getItemSlot(useWith), boltsMade); c.getItems().deleteItem(itemUsed, c.getItems().getItemSlot(itemUsed), boltsMade); c.getItems().addItem(9242, boltsMade); c.getPA().addSkillXP(boltsMade * 7 * Config.FLETCHING_EXPERIENCE, c.playerFletching); } else { c.sendMessage("You need a fletching level of 63 to fletch this item."); } } if (itemUsed == 9143 && useWith == 9192 || itemUsed == 9192 && useWith == 9143) { if (c.playerLevel[c.playerFletching] >= 65) { int boltsMade = c.getItems().getItemAmount(itemUsed) > c.getItems().getItemAmount(useWith) ? c.getItems().getItemAmount(useWith) : c.getItems().getItemAmount(itemUsed); c.getItems().deleteItem(useWith, c.getItems().getItemSlot(useWith), boltsMade); c.getItems().deleteItem(itemUsed, c.getItems().getItemSlot(itemUsed), boltsMade); c.getItems().addItem(9243, boltsMade); c.getPA().addSkillXP(boltsMade * 7 * Config.FLETCHING_EXPERIENCE, c.playerFletching); } else { c.sendMessage("You need a fletching level of 65 to fletch this item."); } } if (itemUsed == 9144 && useWith == 9193 || itemUsed == 9193 && useWith == 9144) { if (c.playerLevel[c.playerFletching] >= 71) { int boltsMade = c.getItems().getItemAmount(itemUsed) > c.getItems().getItemAmount(useWith) ? c.getItems().getItemAmount(useWith) : c.getItems().getItemAmount(itemUsed); c.getItems().deleteItem(useWith, c.getItems().getItemSlot(useWith), boltsMade); c.getItems().deleteItem(itemUsed, c.getItems().getItemSlot(itemUsed), boltsMade); c.getItems().addItem(9244, boltsMade); c.getPA().addSkillXP(boltsMade * 10 * Config.FLETCHING_EXPERIENCE, c.playerFletching); } else { c.sendMessage("You need a fletching level of 71 to fletch this item."); } } if (itemUsed == 9144 && useWith == 9194 || itemUsed == 9194 && useWith == 9144) { if (c.playerLevel[c.playerFletching] >= 58) { int boltsMade = c.getItems().getItemAmount(itemUsed) > c.getItems().getItemAmount(useWith) ? c.getItems().getItemAmount(useWith) : c.getItems().getItemAmount(itemUsed); c.getItems().deleteItem(useWith, c.getItems().getItemSlot(useWith), boltsMade); c.getItems().deleteItem(itemUsed, c.getItems().getItemSlot(itemUsed), boltsMade); c.getItems().addItem(9245, boltsMade); c.getPA().addSkillXP(boltsMade * 13 * Config.FLETCHING_EXPERIENCE, c.playerFletching); } else { c.sendMessage("You need a fletching level of 58 to fletch this item."); } } if (itemUsed == 1601 && useWith == 1755 || itemUsed == 1755 && useWith == 1601) { if (c.playerLevel[c.playerFletching] >= 63) { c.getItems().deleteItem(1601, c.getItems().getItemSlot(1601), 1); c.getItems().addItem(9192, 15); c.getPA().addSkillXP(8 * Config.FLETCHING_EXPERIENCE, c.playerFletching); } else { c.sendMessage("You need a fletching level of 63 to fletch this item."); } } if (itemUsed == 1607 && useWith == 1755 || itemUsed == 1755 && useWith == 1607) { if (c.playerLevel[c.playerFletching] >= 65) { c.getItems().deleteItem(1607, c.getItems().getItemSlot(1607), 1); c.getItems().addItem(9189, 15); c.getPA().addSkillXP(8 * Config.FLETCHING_EXPERIENCE, c.playerFletching); } else { c.sendMessage("You need a fletching level of 65 to fletch this item."); } } if (itemUsed == 1605 && useWith == 1755 || itemUsed == 1755 && useWith == 1605) { if (c.playerLevel[c.playerFletching] >= 71) { c.getItems().deleteItem(1605, c.getItems().getItemSlot(1605), 1); c.getItems().addItem(9190, 15); c.getPA().addSkillXP(8 * Config.FLETCHING_EXPERIENCE, c.playerFletching); } else { c.sendMessage("You need a fletching level of 71 to fletch this item."); } } if (itemUsed == 1603 && useWith == 1755 || itemUsed == 1755 && useWith == 1603) { if (c.playerLevel[c.playerFletching] >= 73) { c.getItems().deleteItem(1603, c.getItems().getItemSlot(1603), 1); c.getItems().addItem(9191, 15); c.getPA().addSkillXP(8 * Config.FLETCHING_EXPERIENCE, c.playerFletching); } else { c.sendMessage("You need a fletching level of 73 to fletch this item."); } } if (itemUsed == 1615 && useWith == 1755 || itemUsed == 1755 && useWith == 1615) { if (c.playerLevel[c.playerFletching] >= 73) { c.getItems().deleteItem(1615, c.getItems().getItemSlot(1615), 1); c.getItems().addItem(9193, 15); c.getPA().addSkillXP(8 * Config.FLETCHING_EXPERIENCE, c.playerFletching); } else { c.sendMessage("You need a fletching level of 73 to fletch this item."); } } if (itemUsed >= 11710 && itemUsed <= 11714 && useWith >= 11710 && useWith <= 11714) { if (c.getItems().hasAllShards()) { c.getItems().makeBlade(); } } if (itemUsed == 2368 && useWith == 2366 || itemUsed == 2366 && useWith == 2368) { c.getItems().deleteItem(2368, c.getItems().getItemSlot(2368), 1); c.getItems().deleteItem(2366, c.getItems().getItemSlot(2366), 1); c.getItems().addItem(1187, 1); } if (c.getItems().isHilt(itemUsed) || c.getItems().isHilt(useWith)) { int hilt = c.getItems().isHilt(itemUsed) ? itemUsed : useWith; int blade = c.getItems().isHilt(itemUsed) ? useWith : itemUsed; if (blade == 11690) { c.getItems().makeGodsword(hilt); } } switch (itemUsed) { case 1511: case 1521: case 1519: case 1517: case 1515: case 1513: case 590: // c.getFiremaking().checkLogType(itemUsed, useWith); // c.sendMessage("Firemaking is disabled."); break; default: if (c.playerRights == 3) Misc.println("Player used Item id: " + itemUsed + " with Item id: " + useWith); break; } }
private void CheckBronze(Client c, int level, int amounttomake, String type) { if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("1351") && level >= 1) { xp = 13; item = 1351; remove = 2349; removeamount = 1; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("1205") && level >= 1) { xp = 13; item = 1205; remove = 2349; removeamount = 1; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1422") && level >= 2) { xp = 13; item = 1422; remove = 2349; removeamount = 1; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1139") && level >= 3) { xp = 13; item = 1139; remove = 2349; removeamount = 1; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("819") && level >= 4) { xp = 13; item = 819; remove = 2349; removeamount = 1; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1277") && level >= 4) { xp = 13; item = 1277; remove = 2349; removeamount = 1; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("4819") && level >= 4) { xp = 13; item = 4819; remove = 2349; removeamount = 1; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("39") && level >= 5) { xp = 13; item = 39; remove = 2349; removeamount = 1; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1321") && level >= 5) { xp = 25; item = 1321; remove = 2349; removeamount = 2; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1291") && level >= 6) { xp = 25; item = 1291; remove = 2349; removeamount = 2; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("864") && level >= 7) { xp = 25; item = 864; remove = 2349; removeamount = 1; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1155") && level >= 7) { xp = 25; item = 1155; remove = 2349; removeamount = 2; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1173") && level >= 8) { xp = 25; item = 1173; remove = 2349; removeamount = 2; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1337") && level >= 9) { xp = 38; item = 1337; remove = 2349; removeamount = 3; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1375") && level >= 10) { xp = 38; item = 1375; remove = 2349; removeamount = 3; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1103") && level >= 11) { xp = 38; item = 1103; remove = 2349; removeamount = 3; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1189") && level >= 12) { xp = 38; item = 1189; remove = 2349; removeamount = 3; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1307") && level >= 14) { xp = 38; item = 1307; remove = 2349; removeamount = 3; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1075") && level >= 16) { xp = 38; item = 1075; remove = 2349; removeamount = 3; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1087") && level >= 16) { xp = 38; item = 1087; remove = 2349; removeamount = 3; maketimes = amounttomake; } else if (type.equals("1117") && level >= 18) { xp = 63; item = 1117; remove = 2349; removeamount = 5; maketimes = amounttomake; } else { c.sendMessage("You don't have a high enough level to make this Item!"); return; } doaction(c, item, remove, removeamount, maketimes, -1, -1, xp); }
public boolean buyItem(int itemID, int fromSlot, int amount) { if (c.myShopId == 7390 && c.myShopClient != null && !c.myShopClient.properLogout && !c.playerName.equals(c.myShopClient.playerName)) { int bought = 0; int price = c.myShopClient.playerShopP[fromSlot]; if (amount > c.myShopClient.playerShopN[fromSlot]) amount = c.myShopClient.playerShopN[fromSlot]; for (int x = 0; x < amount; x++) { if (c.getItems().playerHasItem(7478, c.myShopClient.playerShopP[fromSlot]) && c.getItems().freeSlots() > 0) { c.getItems().deleteItem2(7478, c.myShopClient.playerShopP[fromSlot]); c.getItems().addItem(c.myShopClient.playerShop[fromSlot], 1); c.myShopClient.playerShopN[fromSlot]--; c.myShopClient.playerCollect += c.myShopClient.playerShopP[fromSlot]; if (c.myShopClient.playerShopN[fromSlot] == 0) { c.myShopClient.playerShop[fromSlot] = 0; c.myShopClient.playerShopP[fromSlot] = 0; } bought++; } else { c.sendMessage("Not enought space or money."); break; } } if (bought > 0) { resetShop(c.myShopClient); c.getItems().resetItems(3823); ; c.sendMessage( "You just bought " + bought + " " + c.getItems().getItemName(itemID) + " for " + (bought * price)); c.myShopClient.sendMessage( c.playerName + " has bought " + bought + " " + c.getItems().getItemName(itemID) + " from you!"); c.myShopClient.sendMessage( "You now have " + c.myShopClient.playerCollect + " DT's to collect (::collect)"); } return false; } else if (c.myShopId == 7390 && c.myShopClient != null && !c.myShopClient.properLogout && c.playerName.equals(c.myShopClient.playerName)) { if (amount > c.myShopClient.playerShopN[fromSlot]) amount = c.myShopClient.playerShopN[fromSlot]; for (int x = 0; x < amount; x++) { if (c.getItems().freeSlots() > 0) { c.getItems().addItem(c.myShopClient.playerShop[fromSlot], 1); c.myShopClient.playerShopN[fromSlot]--; if (c.myShopClient.playerShopN[fromSlot] == 0) { c.myShopClient.playerShop[fromSlot] = 0; c.myShopClient.playerShopP[fromSlot] = 0; fixShop(c); } } else { c.sendMessage("Not enought space."); break; } } resetShop(c.myShopClient); c.getItems().resetItems(3823); return false; } else if (c.myShopId == 7390) { return false; } if (System.currentTimeMillis() - buyDelay < 1500) { return false; } if (c.myShopId == 14) { skillBuy(itemID); return false; } else if (c.myShopId == 15) { buyVoid(itemID); return false; } else if (c.myShopId == 1) { buyVoid(itemID); return false; } if (itemID != itemID) { c.sendMessage("Don't dupe or you will be IP Banned"); return false; } if (!shopSellsItem(itemID)) return false; if (amount > 0) { if (amount > Server.shopHandler.ShopItemsN[c.myShopId][fromSlot]) { amount = Server.shopHandler.ShopItemsN[c.myShopId][fromSlot]; } // double ShopValue; // double TotPrice; int TotPrice2 = 0; // int Overstock; int Slot = 0; int Slot1 = 0; // Tokkul int Slot2 = 0; // Pking Points int Slot3 = 0; // Donator Gold int Slot4 = 0; // Dragon Tokens if (c.myShopId == 18) { handleOtherShop(itemID); return false; } if (c.myShopId == 73) { handleOtherShop(itemID); return false; } if (c.myShopId == 74) { handleOtherShop(itemID); return false; } if (c.myShopId == 10) { handleOtherShop(itemID); return false; } if (c.myShopId == 11) { handleOtherShop(itemID); return false; } if (c.myShopId == 48) { handleOtherShop(itemID); return false; } if (amount > 1000) { TotPrice2 = (int) Math.floor(getItemShopValue(itemID, 0, fromSlot)) * amount; Slot = c.getItems().getItemSlot(995); if (Slot == -1 && TotPrice2 != 0) { c.sendMessage("You don't have enough coins."); } if (TotPrice2 <= 1) { TotPrice2 = (int) Math.floor(getItemShopValue(itemID, 0, fromSlot)); } if (TotPrice2 <= 0) { if (c.getItems().freeSlots() > 0) { c.getItems().addItem(itemID, amount); Server.shopHandler.ShopItemsN[c.myShopId][fromSlot] -= 1; Server.shopHandler.ShopItemsDelay[c.myShopId][fromSlot] = 0; if ((fromSlot + 1) > Server.shopHandler.ShopItemsStandard[c.myShopId]) { Server.shopHandler.ShopItems[c.myShopId][fromSlot] = 0; } } else { c.sendMessage("Not enough space in your inventory."); } } else if (c.playerItemsN[Slot] >= TotPrice2) { if (c.getItems().freeSlots() > 0) { c.getItems().deleteItem(995, c.getItems().getItemSlot(995), TotPrice2); c.getItems().addItem(itemID, amount); Server.shopHandler.ShopItemsN[c.myShopId][fromSlot] -= amount; Server.shopHandler.ShopItemsDelay[c.myShopId][fromSlot] = 0; if ((fromSlot + 1) > Server.shopHandler.ShopItemsStandard[c.myShopId]) { Server.shopHandler.ShopItems[c.myShopId][fromSlot] = 0; } } else { c.sendMessage("Not enough space in your inventory."); } } else { c.sendMessage("You don't have enough coins."); } } else { } for (int i = amount; i > 0; i--) { TotPrice2 = (int) Math.floor(getItemShopValue(itemID, 0, fromSlot)); Slot = c.getItems().getItemSlot(995); Slot1 = c.getItems().getItemSlot(6529); Slot3 = c.getItems().getItemSlot(5555); Slot4 = c.getItems().getItemSlot(7478); if (Slot == -1 && c.myShopId != 11 && c.myShopId != 29 && c.myShopId != 30 && c.myShopId != 31 && c.myShopId != 47) { c.sendMessage("You don't have enough coins."); break; } if (Slot1 == -1 && c.myShopId == 29 || c.myShopId == 30 || c.myShopId == 31) { c.sendMessage("You don't have enough tokkul."); break; } if (Slot4 == -1 && c.myShopId == 78) { c.sendMessage("You don't have enough DT's."); break; } if (TotPrice2 <= 1) { TotPrice2 = (int) Math.floor(getItemShopValue(itemID, 0, fromSlot)); TotPrice2 *= 1.66; } if (c.myShopId == 29 || c.myShopId == 30 || c.myShopId == 31) { if (c.playerItemsN[Slot1] >= TotPrice2) { if (c.getItems().freeSlots() > 0) { buyDelay = System.currentTimeMillis(); c.getItems().deleteItem(6529, c.getItems().getItemSlot(6529), TotPrice2); c.getItems().addItem(itemID, 1); Server.shopHandler.ShopItemsN[c.myShopId][fromSlot] -= 1; Server.shopHandler.ShopItemsDelay[c.myShopId][fromSlot] = 0; if ((fromSlot + 1) > Server.shopHandler.ShopItemsStandard[c.myShopId]) { Server.shopHandler.ShopItems[c.myShopId][fromSlot] = 0; } } else { c.sendMessage("You don't have enough space in your inventory."); break; } } else { c.sendMessage("You don't have enough tokkul."); break; } } else if (c.myShopId == 47) { if (c.pkPoints >= TotPrice2) { if (c.getItems().freeSlots() > 0) { buyDelay = System.currentTimeMillis(); c.pkPoints -= TotPrice2; c.getItems().addItem(itemID, 1); Server.shopHandler.ShopItemsN[c.myShopId][fromSlot] -= 1; Server.shopHandler.ShopItemsDelay[c.myShopId][fromSlot] = 0; if ((fromSlot + 1) > Server.shopHandler.ShopItemsStandard[c.myShopId]) { Server.shopHandler.ShopItems[c.myShopId][fromSlot] = 0; } } else { c.sendMessage("You don't have enough space in your inventory."); break; } } else { c.sendMessage("You don't have enough reflexion Points."); break; } } else if (c.myShopId == 48) { if (c.SPoints >= TotPrice2) { if (c.getItems().freeSlots() > 0) { buyDelay = System.currentTimeMillis(); c.SPoints -= TotPrice2; c.getItems().addItem(itemID, 1); Server.shopHandler.ShopItemsN[c.myShopId][fromSlot] -= 1; Server.shopHandler.ShopItemsDelay[c.myShopId][fromSlot] = 0; if ((fromSlot + 1) > Server.shopHandler.ShopItemsStandard[c.myShopId]) { Server.shopHandler.ShopItems[c.myShopId][fromSlot] = 0; } } else { c.sendMessage("You don't have enough space in your inventory."); break; } } else { c.sendMessage("You don't have enough Slayer Points."); break; } } else if (c.myShopId == 11) { if (c.lvlPoints >= TotPrice2) { if (c.getItems().freeSlots() > 0) { buyDelay = System.currentTimeMillis(); c.lvlPoints -= TotPrice2; c.getItems().addItem(itemID, 1); Server.shopHandler.ShopItemsN[c.myShopId][fromSlot] -= 1; Server.shopHandler.ShopItemsDelay[c.myShopId][fromSlot] = 0; if ((fromSlot + 1) > Server.shopHandler.ShopItemsStandard[c.myShopId]) { Server.shopHandler.ShopItems[c.myShopId][fromSlot] = 0; } } else { c.sendMessage("You don't have enough space in your inventory."); break; } } else { c.sendMessage("You don't have enough lvl Points."); break; } } else if (c.myShopId == 10) { if (c.donorPoints >= TotPrice2) { if (c.getItems().freeSlots() > 0) { buyDelay = System.currentTimeMillis(); c.donorPoints -= TotPrice2; c.getItems().addItem(itemID, 1); Server.shopHandler.ShopItemsN[c.myShopId][fromSlot] -= 1; Server.shopHandler.ShopItemsDelay[c.myShopId][fromSlot] = 0; if ((fromSlot + 1) > Server.shopHandler.ShopItemsStandard[c.myShopId]) { Server.shopHandler.ShopItems[c.myShopId][fromSlot] = 0; } } else { c.sendMessage("You don't have enough space in your inventory."); break; } } else { c.sendMessage("You don't have enough Donor Points."); break; } } else if (c.myShopId == 78) { if (c.playerItemsN[Slot4] >= TotPrice2) { if (c.getItems().freeSlots() > 0) { buyDelay = System.currentTimeMillis(); c.getItems().deleteItem(7478, c.getItems().getItemSlot(7478), TotPrice2); c.getItems().addItem(itemID, 1); Server.shopHandler.ShopItemsN[c.myShopId][fromSlot] -= 1; Server.shopHandler.ShopItemsDelay[c.myShopId][fromSlot] = 0; if ((fromSlot + 1) > Server.shopHandler.ShopItemsStandard[c.myShopId]) { Server.shopHandler.ShopItems[c.myShopId][fromSlot] = 0; } } else { c.sendMessage("You don't have enough space in your inventory."); break; } } else { c.sendMessage("You don't have enough DT's."); break; } } else if (c.myShopId != 11 && c.myShopId != 29 || c.myShopId != 30 || c.myShopId != 31 || c.myShopId != 47) { if (c.playerItemsN[Slot] >= TotPrice2) { if (c.getItems().freeSlots() > 0) { buyDelay = System.currentTimeMillis(); c.getItems().deleteItem(995, c.getItems().getItemSlot(995), TotPrice2); c.getItems().addItem(itemID, 1); Server.shopHandler.ShopItemsN[c.myShopId][fromSlot] -= 1; Server.shopHandler.ShopItemsDelay[c.myShopId][fromSlot] = 0; if ((fromSlot + 1) > Server.shopHandler.ShopItemsStandard[c.myShopId]) { Server.shopHandler.ShopItems[c.myShopId][fromSlot] = 0; } } else { c.sendMessage("You don't have enough space in your inventory."); break; } } else { c.sendMessage("You don't have enough coins."); break; } } } c.getItems().resetItems(3823); resetShop(c.myShopId); updatePlayerShop(); return true; } return false; }
/** buy item from shop (Shop Price) */ public void buyFromShopPrice(int removeId, int removeSlot) { if (c.myShopId == 7390 && c.myShopClient != null && !c.myShopClient.playerName.equals(c.playerName)) { c.sendMessage( c.getItems().getItemName(removeId) + ": currently costs " + c.myShopClient.playerShopP[removeSlot] + " DT's."); return; } else if (c.myShopId == 7390 && c.myShopClient != null && c.myShopClient.playerName.equals(c.playerName)) { c.sendMessage( c.getItems().getItemName(removeId) + ": currently costs " + c.playerShopP[removeSlot] + " DT's."); return; } int ShopValue = (int) Math.floor(getItemShopValue(removeId, 0, removeSlot)); ShopValue *= 1; String ShopAdd = ""; if (c.myShopId == 18) { c.sendMessage( c.getItems().getItemName(removeId) + ": currently costs " + getSpecialItemValue(removeId) + " EXLp."); return; } if (c.myShopId == 73) { c.sendMessage( c.getItems().getItemName(removeId) + ": currently costs " + getSpecialItemValue(removeId) + " EXLp."); return; } if (c.myShopId == 74) { c.sendMessage( c.getItems().getItemName(removeId) + ": currently costs " + getSpecialItemValue(removeId) + " EXLp."); return; } if (c.myShopId == 15) { c.sendMessage( "This item current costs " + c.getItems().getUntradePrice(removeId) + " coins."); return; } if (c.myShopId == 10) { c.sendMessage( c.getItems().getItemName(removeId) + ": currently costs " + getSpecialItemValue(removeId) + " Donator Points."); return; } if (c.myShopId == 48) { c.sendMessage( c.getItems().getItemName(removeId) + ": currently costs " + getSpecialItemValue(removeId) + " Slayer Points."); return; } if (c.myShopId == 78) { c.sendMessage( c.getItems().getItemName(removeId) + ": currently costs " + getSpecialItemValue(removeId) + " DT's."); return; } if (ShopValue >= 1000 && ShopValue < 1000000) { ShopAdd = " (" + (ShopValue / 1000) + "K)"; } else if (ShopValue >= 1000000) { ShopAdd = " (" + (ShopValue / 1000000) + " million)"; } c.sendMessage( c.getItems().getItemName(removeId) + ": currently costs " + ShopValue + " coins" + ShopAdd); }