/** * Convenience method that safely checks whether the value of a given propertytype is equal to a * given value. * * <p>The method assumes that the property is single-valued. * * <p>The method safely handles the fact that a property might not exist at all. In this case the * result is always <code>false</code> * * <p>The given value shall not be <code>null</code>, otherwise a {@link NullPointerException} is * thrown. * * <p>The expected value is compared to the so called raw value of the property. In the Hitro UI * configuration this is what is provided by the "id" attribute of an <em>option</em> element. * * @param expected */ private boolean isRawPropertyValueEqual(String propertyType, String expected) { Property p = entity.getProperties(propertyType).getProperty(0); if (p != null) { return expected.equals(p.getPropertyValue()); } return false; }
private void setLinkText() { PropertyList propList = entity.getProperties(type.getId()); savedProp = propList != null ? propList.getProperty(0) : null; if (savedProp == null) { savedProp = entity.createNewProperty(type, ""); // $NON-NLS-1$ } if (savedProp.getPropertyValue() != null) { link.setText(savedProp.getPropertyValue()); } link.pack(); }
protected String getHref() { Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(savedProp.getPropertyValue()); if (matcher.find()) { return matcher.group(1); } return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ }
/** * Returns a set of roles the person to which this configuration belongs is in. * * <p>The roles returned herein are to be used for checking whether the user has access to * elements of the {@link BSIModel}. * * <p>In contrast the roles of the type {@link Person} are only meant for the IT security model. * * @return */ public Set<String> getRoles(boolean withUserRole) { List<Property> properties = entity.getProperties(Configuration.PROP_ROLES).getProperties(); Set<String> roles = null; if (properties != null) { roles = new HashSet<String>(properties.size()); for (Property p : properties) { roles.add(p.getPropertyValue()); } } else { roles = new HashSet<String>(); } if (withUserRole) { roles.add(getUser()); } return roles; }
public static void hydrateEntity(IBaseDao dao, Entity entity) { if (dao == null) { Logger.getLogger(HydratorUtil.class).error("Missing DAO, cannot hydrate."); return; } if (entity == null) return; Map<String, PropertyList> lists = entity.getTypedPropertyLists(); Set<Entry<String, PropertyList>> entrySet = lists.entrySet(); for (Entry<String, PropertyList> entry : entrySet) { PropertyList list = entry.getValue(); List<Property> propertyList = list.getProperties(); dao.initialize(propertyList); // set the parent in the property since it is not mapped by hibernate anymore for (Property property : propertyList) { property.setParent(entity); } } }
public void update() { PropertyList propList = entity.getProperties(type.getId()); Property entityProp; entityProp = propList != null ? propList.getProperty(0) : null; if (entityProp != null && !link.getText().equals(entityProp.getPropertyValue())) { savedProp = entityProp; if (Display.getCurrent() != null) { setLinkText(); } else { Display.getDefault() .asyncExec( new Runnable() { public void run() { setLinkText(); } }); } } }
protected void showLinkEditDialog() { String href = ""; // $NON-NLS-1$ String name = ""; // $NON-NLS-1$ if (savedProp != null && savedProp.getPropertyValue() != null) { Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(savedProp.getPropertyValue()); if (matcher.find()) { href = matcher.group(1); name = matcher.group(2); } } URLControlDialog dialog = new URLControlDialog(Display.getCurrent().getActiveShell(), name, href, this.type); if (dialog.open() == InputDialog.OK) { savedProp.setPropertyValue( "<a href=\"" + dialog.getHref() + "\">" //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ + dialog.getName() + "</a>"); //$NON-NLS-1$ update(); } }
public static boolean isVertraulichkeitBegruendung(Property prop) { return prop.getPropertyTypeID().indexOf(VERTRAULICHKEIT_BEGRUENDUNG) != -1; }
public static boolean isVerfuegbarkeitBegruendung(Property prop) { return prop.getPropertyTypeID().indexOf(VERFUEGBARKEIT_BEGRUENDUNG) != -1; }
public static boolean isIntegritaet(Property prop) { return pat_integritaet.matcher(prop.getPropertyTypeID()).matches(); }
public static boolean isVertraulichkeit(Property prop) { return pat_vertraulichkeit.matcher(prop.getPropertyTypeID()).matches(); }
public static boolean isIntegritaetBegruendung(Property prop) { return prop.getPropertyTypeID().indexOf(INTEGRITAET_BEGRUENDUNG) != -1; }