private String getFilePath(URIParser uriParser, int startIndex) { // Parse & build requested file path if (uriParser.size() > (startIndex + 1)) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = startIndex + 1; i < uriParser.size(); i++) { stringBuilder.append("/" + uriParser.get(i)); } return stringBuilder.toString(); } else { return "/" + uriParser.get(startIndex); } }
@Override public TextTag getRequestedBean( HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, User user, URIParser uriParser, String getMode) throws SQLException, AccessDeniedException { String beanID = null; if (uriParser.size() > 2 && (beanID = uriParser.get(2)) != null) { return crudDAO.get(beanID); } return null; }
private void sendFile( HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, URIParser uriParser, URL url, InputStream fileStream, User user, String staticContentPackage, String filePath, ModuleDescriptor moduleDescriptor, String moduletype) { OutputStream outstream = null; try { Date lastModified = this.getLastModified(url, uriParser); if (lastModified != null) { String lastModifiedString = RFC1123_DATE_FORMATTER.format(lastModified); String modifiedSinceString = req.getHeader("If-Modified-Since"); if (modifiedSinceString != null && lastModifiedString.equalsIgnoreCase(modifiedSinceString)) { res.setStatus(304); res.flushBuffer(); return; } res.setHeader("Last-Modified", lastModifiedString); } // Set content type, filename String filename = FileUtils.toValidHttpFilename(uriParser.get(uriParser.size() - 1)); res.setStatus(200); res.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=\"" + filename + "\""); String contentType = MimeUtils.getMimeType(filename); if (contentType != null) { res.setContentType(contentType); } else { res.setContentType("application/x-unknown-mime-type"); } outstream = res.getOutputStream(); StreamUtils.transfer(fileStream, outstream); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { if (moduleDescriptor != null) { log.debug( "Sent file " + staticContentPackage + filePath + " from " + moduletype + " " + moduleDescriptor + " to user " + user); } else { log.debug( "Sent file " + staticContentPackage + filePath + " from global content links to user " + user); } } } catch (IOException e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { if (moduleDescriptor != null) { "Error sending file " + staticContentPackage + filePath + " from " + moduletype + " " + moduleDescriptor + " to user " + user + ", " + e); } else { "Error sending file " + staticContentPackage + filePath + " from global content links to user " + user + ", " + e); } } } finally { try { StreamUtils.closeStream(fileStream); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // Workaround for JVM bug // (Windows only) } StreamUtils.closeStream(outstream); } }
@Override public SimpleForegroundModuleResponse processRequest( HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, User user, URIParser uriParser) throws AccessDeniedException, URINotFoundException { // TODO add support to separate numeric foreground module aliases from moduleID's (fv prefix?) // TODO add support to separate background module hashcodes from moduleID's (bv prefix?) Integer sectionID; if (uriParser.size() >= 3 && uriParser.get(1).equals("global")) { if (!enableGlobalContentLinks) { throw new AccessDeniedException("Global content links are disabled"); } Properties globalContentLinks = this.globalContentLinks; if (globalContentLinks == null) { throw new URINotFoundException(uriParser); } if (!globalContentLinks.isEmpty()) { String filePath = getFilePath(uriParser, 1); for (Entry<Object, Object> linkEntry : globalContentLinks.entrySet()) { if (filePath.startsWith(linkEntry.getKey().toString())) { URL linkedURL = this.getClass().getResource(linkEntry.getValue() + filePath); if (linkedURL != null) { try { InputStream fileStream = linkedURL.openStream(); if (fileStream != null) { this.sendFile( req, res, uriParser, linkedURL, fileStream, user, linkEntry.getValue().toString(), filePath, null, null); return null; } } catch (IOException e) { log.error( "Unable to load file from url " + linkedURL + " belonging to global content links", e); } } } } } } else if (uriParser.size() >= 5 && (uriParser.get(1).equals("f") || uriParser.get(1).equals("b")) && !uriParser.getFormattedURI().contains("..") && (sectionID = NumberUtils.toInt(uriParser.get(2))) != null) { // Get the requested section SectionInterface sectionInterface = systemInterface.getSectionInterface(sectionID); if (sectionInterface == null) { // The requested section is not started or does not exist throw new AccessDeniedException( "The requested section ID was not found in cache (URI: " + uriParser.getFormattedURI() + ")"); } else if (!AccessUtils.checkAccess(user, sectionInterface.getSectionDescriptor())) { // The user does not have access to the requested section throw new AccessDeniedException( "User does not have access to section " + sectionInterface.getSectionDescriptor() + " (URI: " + uriParser.getFormattedURI() + ")"); } // Check that the user has access to all parent section SectionInterface parentSection = sectionInterface.getParentSectionInterface(); while (parentSection != null) { if (!AccessUtils.checkAccess(user, parentSection.getSectionDescriptor())) { // User does not have access to a parent section throw new AccessDeniedException( "User does not have access to section " + sectionInterface.getSectionDescriptor() + " (URI: " + uriParser.getFormattedURI() + ")"); } parentSection = parentSection.getParentSectionInterface(); } boolean foreground = uriParser.get(1).equals("f"); String moduletype; if (foreground) { moduletype = "foreground module"; } else { moduletype = "background module"; } Integer moduleID = NumberUtils.toInt(uriParser.get(3)); // Get the requested module Entry<? extends VisibleModuleDescriptor, ? extends Module<?>> moduleEntry = null; if (moduleID != null) { if (foreground) { moduleEntry = sectionInterface.getForegroundModuleCache().getEntry(moduleID); } else { moduleEntry = sectionInterface.getBackgroundModuleCache().getEntry(moduleID); } } if (moduleEntry == null) { if (foreground) { String alias = uriParser.get(3); moduleEntry = sectionInterface.getForegroundModuleCache().getEntry(alias); } else if (moduleID != null) { moduleEntry = sectionInterface.getBackgroundModuleCache().getEntryByHashCode(moduleID); } } if (moduleEntry != null) { VisibleModuleDescriptor moduleDescriptor = moduleEntry.getKey(); // Check if the user has access to this module if (AccessUtils.checkAccess(user, moduleDescriptor)) { // Check that the module has a static content directory set if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(moduleDescriptor.getStaticContentPackage())) { // Check that the requested file exists in the specified classpath directory String filePath = getFilePath(uriParser, 3); URL url = moduleEntry .getValue() .getClass() .getResource(moduleDescriptor.getStaticContentPackage() + filePath); InputStream fileStream = null; if (url != null) { try { fileStream = url.openStream(); } catch (IOException e) { } } if (fileStream != null) { log.debug( "Sending file " + moduleDescriptor.getStaticContentPackage() + filePath + " from " + moduletype + " " + moduleDescriptor + " reqested using URI " + uriParser.getFormattedURI() + " to user " + user); this.sendFile( req, res, uriParser, url, fileStream, user, moduleDescriptor.getStaticContentPackage(), filePath, moduleDescriptor, moduletype); return null; } else if ((fileStream = moduleEntry .getValue() .getClass() .getResourceAsStream( moduleDescriptor.getStaticContentPackage() + "/")) != null) { Properties links = new Properties(); try { links.load(fileStream); } catch (IOException e) { log.error( "Unable to load static content links belonging to " + moduletype + " " + moduleDescriptor, e); } finally { StreamUtils.closeStream(fileStream); } if (!links.isEmpty()) { for (Entry<Object, Object> linkEntry : links.entrySet()) { if (filePath.startsWith(linkEntry.getKey().toString())) { URL linkedURL = moduleEntry .getValue() .getClass() .getResource(linkEntry.getValue() + filePath); if (linkedURL != null) { try { fileStream = linkedURL.openStream(); if (fileStream != null) { this.sendFile( req, res, uriParser, linkedURL, fileStream, user, linkEntry.getValue().toString(), filePath, moduleDescriptor, moduletype); return null; } } catch (IOException e) { log.error( "Unable to load file from url " + linkedURL + " belonging to " + moduletype + " " + moduleDescriptor, e); } } } } } } else { "File " + uriParser.getFormattedURI() + " requested from " + moduletype + " " + moduleDescriptor + " by user " + user + " not found"); } } else { "User " + user + " requested static content from " + moduletype + " " + moduleDescriptor + " which has no static content package set, using URI " + uriParser.getFormattedURI()); } } else { throw new AccessDeniedException( "User does not have access to " + moduletype + " " + moduleEntry.getKey() + " (URI: " + uriParser.getFormattedURI() + ")"); } } else { "Invalid sectionID or moduleID in URI " + uriParser.getFormattedURI() + " requested by user " + user); } } else {"Invalid URI " + uriParser.getFormattedURI() + " requested by user " + user); } throw new URINotFoundException(uriParser); }