public void add(Auth auth) { Tauth t = new Tauth(); BeanUtils.copyProperties(auth, t); t.setCid(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); if (auth.getPid() != null && !auth.getPid().equals(auth.getCid())) { t.setTauth(authDao.get(Tauth.class, auth.getPid())); }; }
public void delete(String ids) { if (ids != null) { for (String id : ids.split(",")) { Tuser u = userDao.get(Tuser.class, id.trim()); if (u != null) { userroleDao.executeHql("delete Tusertrole t where t.tuser = ?", new Object[] {u}); userDao.delete(u); } } } }
public List<Auth> treegrid(Auth auth) { List<Tauth> l; if (auth != null && auth.getId() != null) { l = authDao.find( "from Tauth t where t.tauth.cid = ? order by t.cseq", new Object[] {auth.getId()}); } else { l = authDao.find("from Tauth t where t.tauth is null order by t.cseq"); } return changeModel(l); }
/** * keep relationship between user and role * * @param user * @param u */ private void saveUserRole(User user, Tuser u) { userroleDao.executeHql("delete Tusertrole t where t.tuser = ?", new Object[] {u}); if (user.getRoleIds() != null) { for (String id : user.getRoleIds().split(",")) { Tusertrole tusertrole = new Tusertrole(); tusertrole.setCid(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); tusertrole.setTrole(roleDao.get(Trole.class, id.trim())); tusertrole.setTuser(u);; } } }
private void del(String cid) { Tauth t = authDao.get(Tauth.class, cid); if (t != null) { roleauthDao.executeHql("delete Troletauth t where t.tauth = ?", new Object[] {t}); Set<Tauth> auths = t.getTauths(); if (auths != null && !auths.isEmpty()) { // there exists child auth under current auth for (Tauth tauth : auths) { del(tauth.getCid()); } } authDao.delete(t); } }
public void roleEdit(User user) { if (user.getIds() != null) { for (String id : user.getIds().split(",")) { Tuser u = userDao.get(Tuser.class, id); this.saveUserRole(user, u); } } }
public void update(User user) { Tuser u = userDao.get(Tuser.class, user.getCid()); BeanUtils.copyProperties(user, u, new String[] {"cid", "cpwd"}); if (user.getCpwd() != null && !user.getCpwd().trim().equals("")) { u.setCpwd(Encrypt.e(user.getCpwd())); } u.setCmodifydatetime(new Date()); this.saveUserRole(user, u); }
public List<User> combobox(User user) { String q = ""; if (user != null && user.getQ() != null) { q = user.getQ().trim(); } return changeModel( userDao.find( "from Tuser t where t.cname like ?", new Object[] {"%%" + q.trim() + "%%"}, 1, 10)); }
public void edit(Auth auth) { Tauth t = authDao.get(Tauth.class, auth.getCid()); // authority to be edit BeanUtils.copyProperties(auth, t); if (auth.getPid() != null && !auth.getPid().equals(auth.getCid())) { Tauth pAuth = authDao.get(Tauth.class, auth.getPid()); // parent authority if (pAuth != null) { if (isDown(t, pAuth)) { Set<Tauth> tauths = t.getTauths(); // all child auth of current auth if (tauths != null && tauths.size() > 0) { for (Tauth tauth : tauths) { if (tauth != null) { tauth.setTauth(null); } } } } t.setTauth(pAuth); } } }
private List<Tuser> find(User user) { String hql = "from Tuser t where 1=1 "; List<Object> values = new ArrayList<Object>(); hql = addWhere(user, hql, values); if (user.getSort() != null && user.getOrder() != null) { hql += " order by " + user.getSort() + " " + user.getOrder(); } return userDao.find(hql, values, user.getPage(), user.getRows()); }
public List<TreeNode> tree(Auth auth, boolean b) { List<Object> param = new ArrayList<Object>(); String hql = "from Tauth t where t.tauth is null order by t.cseq"; if (auth != null && auth.getId() != null && !auth.getId().trim().equals("")) { hql = "from Tauth t where t.tauth.cid = ? order by t.cseq"; param.add(auth.getId()); } List<Tauth> l = authDao.find(hql, param); List<TreeNode> tree = new ArrayList<TreeNode>(); for (Tauth t : l) { tree.add(this.tree(t, b)); } return tree; }
public void save(User user) { Tuser u = new Tuser(); BeanUtils.copyProperties(user, u, new String[] {"cpwd"}); u.setCid(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); u.setCpwd(Encrypt.e(user.getCpwd())); if (user.getCcreatedatetime() == null) { u.setCcreatedatetime(new Date()); } if (user.getCmodifydatetime() == null) { u.setCmodifydatetime(new Date()); }; this.saveUserRole(user, u); }
@Override public List<RoleChart> countRole() { List<RoleChart> datalist = new ArrayList<RoleChart>(); String hql = "select r.cname as name,count(u.cid) as count from Qrole r left join Qusertrole u on r.cid=u.croleid group by r.cname"; List list = roleChartDao.findSQL(hql); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { Object[] object = (Object[]) list.get(i); RoleChart rc = new RoleChart(); rc.setName(object[0].toString()); rc.setCount(Integer.valueOf((object[1]).toString())); datalist.add(rc); } return datalist; }
/** count the number of child nodes */ private Long countChildren(String pid) { return authDao.count("select count(*) from Tauth t where t.tauth.cid = ?", new Object[] {pid}); }
private Long total(User user) { String hql = "select count(*) from Tuser t where 1=1 "; List<Object> values = new ArrayList<Object>(); hql = addWhere(user, hql, values); return userDao.count(hql, values); }
public User login(User user) { Tuser t = userDao.get( "from Tuser t where t.cname = ? and t.cpwd = ?", new Object[] {user.getCname(), Encrypt.e(user.getCpwd())}); if (t != null) { BeanUtils.copyProperties(t, user, new String[] {"cpwd"}); Map<String, String> authIdsMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); String authIds = ""; String authNames = ""; Map<String, String> authUrlsMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); String authUrls = ""; String roleIds = ""; String roleNames = ""; boolean b1 = false; Set<Tusertrole> tusertroles = t.getTusertroles(); if (tusertroles != null && tusertroles.size() > 0) { for (Tusertrole tusertrole : tusertroles) { Trole trole = tusertrole.getTrole(); if (b1) { roleIds += ","; roleNames += ","; } roleIds += trole.getCid(); roleNames += trole.getCname(); b1 = true; Set<Troletauth> troletauths = trole.getTroletauths(); if (troletauths != null && troletauths.size() > 0) { for (Troletauth troletauth : troletauths) { Tauth tauth = troletauth.getTauth(); authIdsMap.put(tauth.getCid(), tauth.getCname()); authUrlsMap.put(tauth.getCid(), tauth.getCurl()); } } } } boolean b2 = false; for (String id : authIdsMap.keySet()) { if (b2) { authIds += ","; authNames += ","; } authIds += id; authNames += authIdsMap.get(id); b2 = true; } user.setAuthIds(authIds); user.setAuthNames(authNames); user.setRoleIds(roleIds); user.setRoleNames(roleNames); boolean b3 = false; for (String id : authUrlsMap.keySet()) { if (b3) { authUrls += ","; } authUrls += authUrlsMap.get(id); b3 = true; } user.setAuthUrls(authUrls); return user; } return null; }
public void editUserInfo(User user) { if (user.getCpwd() != null && !user.getCpwd().trim().equals("")) { Tuser t = userDao.get(Tuser.class, user.getCid()); t.setCpwd(Encrypt.e(user.getCpwd())); } }