private void initialize() { setVisibility(false); location = MyState.getLocation(); headingDegrees = MyState.getAxisAnglesDegrees()[2]; length = MyState.getLength(); width = MyState.getWidth(); }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see pt.up.fe.dceg.neptus.plugins.ConfigurationListener#propertiesChanged() */ @Override public void propertiesChanged() { MyState.setHeadingInDegrees(headingDegrees); MyState.setLength(length); length = MyState.getLength(); MyState.setWidth(width); width = MyState.getWidth(); }
/** @author pdias */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") @PluginDescription( author = "Paulo Dias", name = "MyLocationDisplay", version = "1.2.1", icon = "images/myloc.png", description = "My location display.", documentation = "my-location/my-location.html") @LayerPriority(priority = 182) public class MyLocationDisplay extends SimpleSubPanel implements IPeriodicUpdates, Renderer2DPainter, IEditorMenuExtension, ConfigurationListener, SubPanelChangeListener, MissionChangeListener { private static final Icon ICON = ImageUtils.getScaledIcon("images/myloc.png", 24, 24); private static int secondsToDisplayRanges = 30; private final Color orangeNINFO = new Color(230, 121, 56); @NeptusProperty(userLevel = LEVEL.ADVANCED) public LocationType location = MyState.getLocation(); @NeptusProperty(name = "My Heading", userLevel = LEVEL.REGULAR) public double headingDegrees = 0; @NeptusProperty(editable = true, category = "Follow System", userLevel = LEVEL.ADVANCED) private String followingPositionOf = ""; @NeptusProperty(editable = true, category = "Follow System", userLevel = LEVEL.ADVANCED) private String useSystemToDeriveHeadingOf = ""; @NeptusProperty(editable = true, category = "Follow System", userLevel = LEVEL.ADVANCED) private short useHeadingAngleToDerivedHeading = 0; @NeptusProperty(editable = true, category = "Follow System", userLevel = LEVEL.ADVANCED) private short useHeadingOffsetFromDerivedHeading = 0; @NeptusProperty(name = "Length", category = "Dimension", userLevel = LEVEL.REGULAR) public double length = 0; @NeptusProperty(name = "Width", category = "Dimension", userLevel = LEVEL.REGULAR) public double width = 0; private long lastCalcPosTimeMillis = -1; private static GeneralPath arrowShape; private Vector<ILayerPainter> renderers = new Vector<ILayerPainter>(); private Vector<IMapPopup> renderersPopups = new Vector<IMapPopup>(); protected GeneralPath myShape = new GeneralPath(); { myShape.moveTo(0, 5); myShape.lineTo(-5, 3.5); myShape.lineTo(-5, -5); myShape.lineTo(5, -5); myShape.lineTo(5, 3.5); myShape.lineTo(0, 5); myShape.closePath(); } public MyLocationDisplay(ConsoleLayout console) { super(console); initialize(); } private void initialize() { setVisibility(false); location = MyState.getLocation(); headingDegrees = MyState.getAxisAnglesDegrees()[2]; length = MyState.getLength(); width = MyState.getWidth(); } @Override public void initSubPanel() { renderersPopups = getConsole().getSubPanelsOfInterface(IMapPopup.class); for (IMapPopup str2d : renderersPopups) { str2d.addMenuExtension(this); } renderers = getConsole().getSubPanelsOfInterface(ILayerPainter.class); for (ILayerPainter str2d : renderers) { str2d.addPostRenderPainter(this, I18n.text("My location")); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see pt.up.fe.dceg.neptus.plugins.update.IPeriodicUpdates#millisBetweenUpdates() */ @Override public long millisBetweenUpdates() { return 500; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see pt.up.fe.dceg.neptus.plugins.update.IPeriodicUpdates#update() */ @Override public boolean update() { location = MyState.getLocation(); headingDegrees = MyState.getAxisAnglesDegrees()[2]; lastCalcPosTimeMillis = MyState.getLastLocationUpdateTimeMillis(); length = MyState.getLength(); width = MyState.getWidth(); // update pos if following system if (followingPositionOf != null && followingPositionOf.length() != 0) { ImcSystem sys = ImcSystemsHolder.lookupSystemByName(followingPositionOf); LocationType loc = null; long locTime = -1; double headingDegrees = 0; long headingDegreesTime = -1; if (sys != null) { loc = sys.getLocation(); locTime = sys.getLocationTimeMillis(); headingDegrees = sys.getYawDegrees(); headingDegreesTime = sys.getAttitudeTimeMillis(); } else { ExternalSystem ext = ExternalSystemsHolder.lookupSystem(followingPositionOf); if (ext != null) { loc = ext.getLocation(); locTime = ext.getLocationTimeMillis(); headingDegreesTime = ext.getAttitudeTimeMillis(); } } if (loc != null) { if (locTime - lastCalcPosTimeMillis > 0) { if (headingDegreesTime - lastCalcPosTimeMillis > 0) MyState.setLocationAndAxis(loc, headingDegrees); else MyState.setLocation(loc); } } } if (useSystemToDeriveHeadingOf != null && useSystemToDeriveHeadingOf.length() != 0) { ImcSystem sys = ImcSystemsHolder.lookupSystemByName(useSystemToDeriveHeadingOf); LocationType loc = null; // long locTime = -1; if (sys != null) { loc = sys.getLocation(); // locTime = sys.getLocationTimeMillis(); } else { ExternalSystem ext = ExternalSystemsHolder.lookupSystem(useSystemToDeriveHeadingOf); if (ext != null) { loc = ext.getLocation(); // locTime = ext.getLocationTimeMillis(); } } if (loc != null) { double[] bearingRange = CoordinateUtil.getNEBearingDegreesAndRange(location, loc); bearingRange[0] += -useHeadingAngleToDerivedHeading + useHeadingOffsetFromDerivedHeading; // if (Math.abs(locTime - lastCalcPosTimeMillis) < DateTimeUtil.MINUTE * 5) { MyState.setHeadingInDegrees(AngleCalc.nomalizeAngleDegrees360(bearingRange[0])); // } } } return true; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see pt.up.fe.dceg.neptus.renderer2d.Renderer2DPainter#paint(java.awt.Graphics2D, * pt.up.fe.dceg.neptus.renderer2d.StateRenderer2D) */ @Override public void paint(Graphics2D g2, StateRenderer2D renderer) { // if (!showInRender) // return; double alfaPercentage = 1; int dt = 3; long deltaTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() - lastCalcPosTimeMillis; if (deltaTimeMillis > secondsToDisplayRanges * 1000.0) { // alfaPercentage = 0.5; dt = 0; } else if (deltaTimeMillis > secondsToDisplayRanges * 1000.0 / 2.0) { // alfaPercentage = 0.5; dt = 1; } else if (deltaTimeMillis > secondsToDisplayRanges * 1000.0 / 4.0) { // alfaPercentage = 0.7; dt = 2; } double rotationAngle = renderer.getRotation(); Point2D centerPos = renderer.getScreenPosition(new LocationType(location)); Color color = orangeNINFO; // Paint system loc Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) g2.create(); g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2)); { double diameter = Math.max(length, width); if (diameter > 0) { Graphics2D gt = (Graphics2D) g.create(); double scaleX = (renderer.getZoom() / 10) * width; double scaleY = (renderer.getZoom() / 10) * length; diameter = diameter * renderer.getZoom(); Color colorCircle = new Color( color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue(), (int) (150 * alfaPercentage)); gt.setColor(colorCircle); gt.draw( new Ellipse2D.Double( centerPos.getX() - diameter / 2, centerPos.getY() - diameter / 2, diameter, diameter)); gt.translate(centerPos.getX(), centerPos.getY()); gt.rotate(Math.PI + Math.toRadians(headingDegrees) - renderer.getRotation()); if (useSystemToDeriveHeadingOf != null && useSystemToDeriveHeadingOf.length() != 0) { gt.rotate( Math.toRadians( -(-useHeadingAngleToDerivedHeading * 0 + useHeadingOffsetFromDerivedHeading))); } gt.scale(scaleX, scaleY); gt.fill(myShape); gt.dispose(); } } if (dt > 0) { g.setColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, (int) (255 * alfaPercentage))); // g.draw(new Ellipse2D.Double(centerPos.getX()-10,centerPos.getY()-10,20,20)); g.draw( new Arc2D.Double( centerPos.getX() - 12, centerPos.getY() - 12, 24, 24, -30, 60, Arc2D.OPEN)); g.draw( new Arc2D.Double( centerPos.getX() - 12, centerPos.getY() - 12, 24, 24, -30 + 180, 60, Arc2D.OPEN)); // g.setColor(new Color(255, 200, 0, (int) (255 * alfaPercentage))); color = orangeNINFO; // new Color(255, 255, 0).brighter(); g.setColor( new Color( color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue(), (int) (255 * alfaPercentage))); // g.draw(new Ellipse2D.Double(centerPos.getX()-12,centerPos.getY()-12,24,24)); g.draw( new Arc2D.Double( centerPos.getX() - 14, centerPos.getY() - 14, 28, 28, -30, 60, Arc2D.OPEN)); g.draw( new Arc2D.Double( centerPos.getX() - 14, centerPos.getY() - 14, 28, 28, -30 + 180, 60, Arc2D.OPEN)); } if (dt > 1) { g.setColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, (int) (255 * alfaPercentage))); // g.draw(new Ellipse2D.Double(centerPos.getX()-14,centerPos.getY()-14,28,28)); g.draw( new Arc2D.Double( centerPos.getX() - 16, centerPos.getY() - 16, 32, 32, -30, 60, Arc2D.OPEN)); g.draw( new Arc2D.Double( centerPos.getX() - 16, centerPos.getY() - 16, 32, 32, -30 + 180, 60, Arc2D.OPEN)); color = orangeNINFO; // new Color(255, 255, 0).brighter(); g.setColor( new Color( color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue(), (int) (255 * alfaPercentage))); g.draw( new Arc2D.Double( centerPos.getX() - 18, centerPos.getY() - 18, 36, 36, -30, 60, Arc2D.OPEN)); g.draw( new Arc2D.Double( centerPos.getX() - 18, centerPos.getY() - 18, 36, 36, -30 + 180, 60, Arc2D.OPEN)); } g.translate(centerPos.getX(), centerPos.getY()); color = orangeNINFO; // new Color(255, 255, 0).darker(); color = new Color(color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue(), (int) (255 * alfaPercentage)); g.setColor(color); g.fill(new Ellipse2D.Double(-9, -9, 18, 18)); // g.setColor(new Color(255, 255, 0, (int) (150 * alfaPercentage)).brighter()); color = orangeNINFO.brighter(); // new Color(255, 255, 0).brighter(); color = new Color(color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue(), (int) (255 * alfaPercentage)); g.setColor(color); g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2)); g.draw(new Ellipse2D.Double(-9, -9, 18, 18)); g.setColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, (int) (140 * alfaPercentage))); g.fill(new Ellipse2D.Double(-2, -2, 4, 4)); g.setColor(Color.BLACK); if (true) { double newYaw = Math.toRadians(headingDegrees); Shape shape = getArrow(); g.rotate(-rotationAngle); g.rotate(newYaw + Math.PI); color = Color.BLACK; // orangeNINFO.brighter();//new Color(255, 255, 0).brighter(); g.setColor( new Color( color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue(), (int) (150 * alfaPercentage))); g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2)); g.fill(shape); color = Color.BLACK.darker(); // orangeNINFO.brighter();//new Color(255, 255, 0).brighter(); g.setColor( new Color( color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue(), (int) (150 * alfaPercentage))); g.draw(shape); g.setColor(Color.BLACK); g.rotate(-(newYaw + Math.PI)); g.rotate(rotationAngle); } // g.drawString("Me" // + (followingPositionOf != null && followingPositionOf.length() != 0 ? " [using " + // followingPositionOf + "]" // : "") // + (useSystemToDeriveHeadingOf != null && useSystemToDeriveHeadingOf.length() != 0 ? " // [heading from " // + useSystemToDeriveHeadingOf + " (@" + // + useHeadingAngleToDerivedHeading + CoordinateUtil.CHAR_DEGREE + "#" // + useHeadingOffsetFromDerivedHeading + CoordinateUtil.CHAR_DEGREE // + ")]" : ""), 18, 14); g.drawString( I18n.text("Me") + (followingPositionOf != null && followingPositionOf.length() != 0 ? " " + I18n.text("Pos. external") : "") + (useSystemToDeriveHeadingOf != null && useSystemToDeriveHeadingOf.length() != 0 ? " " + I18n.textc( "Heading external", "indication that the heading comes from external source") : ""), 18, 14); g.translate(-centerPos.getX(), -centerPos.getY()); g.dispose(); } /** @return */ private static GeneralPath getArrow() { if (arrowShape == null) { arrowShape = new GeneralPath(); arrowShape.moveTo(-2, 0); arrowShape.lineTo(2, 0); arrowShape.lineTo(2, 0); arrowShape.lineTo(8, 0); arrowShape.lineTo(0, 8); arrowShape.lineTo(-8, 0); arrowShape.lineTo(-2, 0); arrowShape.closePath(); } return arrowShape; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * pt.up.fe.dceg.neptus.planeditor.IEditorMenuExtension#getApplicableItems(pt.up.fe.dceg.neptus.types.coord.LocationType * , pt.up.fe.dceg.neptus.planeditor.IMapPopup) */ @Override public Collection<JMenuItem> getApplicableItems(LocationType loc, IMapPopup source) { final LocationType l = new LocationType(loc); Vector<JMenuItem> menus = new Vector<JMenuItem>(); JMenu myLocMenu = new JMenu(I18n.text("My location")); myLocMenu.setIcon(ICON); menus.add(myLocMenu); AbstractAction addToMap = new AbstractAction(I18n.text("Add My location to map as marker")) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { new Thread() { @Override public void run() { long tstamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); LocationType locContact = new LocationType(MyState.getLocation()); if (getConsole() == null) return; if (getConsole().getMission() == null) return; MissionType mission = getConsole().getMission(); LinkedHashMap<String, MapMission> mapList = mission.getMapsList(); if (mapList == null) return; if (mapList.size() == 0) return; MapMission mapMission = mapList.values().iterator().next(); MapType mapType = mapMission.getMap(); MarkElement contact = new MarkElement(); contact.setCenterLocation(locContact); String id = I18n.textc("MyLoc", "String prefix for a marker") + "_" + DateTimeUtil.dateTimeFileNameFormaterMillis.format(new Date(tstamp)); contact.setId(id); contact.setName(id); contact.setParentMap(mapType); contact.setMapGroup(mapType.getMapGroup()); mapType.addObject(contact);; mapType .getMapGroup() .warnListeners(new MapChangeEvent(MapChangeEvent.OBJECT_ADDED)); }; }.start(); } }; myLocMenu.add(new JMenuItem(addToMap)); JMenuItem mid = new JMenuItem("" + location.toString()); mid.setEnabled(false); myLocMenu.add(mid); JMenuItem mid2 = new JMenuItem(I18n.text("Heading") + ": " + ((int) headingDegrees) + "\u00B0"); mid2.setEnabled(false); myLocMenu.add(mid2); AbstractAction copy = new AbstractAction(I18n.text("Copy")) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { ClipboardOwner owner = new ClipboardOwner() { @Override public void lostOwnership(Clipboard clipboard, Transferable contents) {}; }; Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit() .getSystemClipboard() .setContents(new StringSelection(MyState.getLocation().getClipboardText()), owner); } }; myLocMenu.add(new JMenuItem(copy)); AbstractAction paste = new AbstractAction(I18n.text("Paste")) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { @SuppressWarnings("unused") ClipboardOwner owner = new ClipboardOwner() { @Override public void lostOwnership(Clipboard clipboard, Transferable contents) {}; }; Transferable contents = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard().getContents(null); boolean hasTransferableText = (contents != null) && contents.isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor.stringFlavor); if (hasTransferableText) { try { String text = (String) contents.getTransferData(DataFlavor.stringFlavor); LocationType lt = new LocationType(); lt.fromClipboardText(text); MyState.setLocation(lt); } catch (Exception e1) {; } } } }; myLocMenu.add(new JMenuItem(paste)); myLocMenu.add(new JSeparator()); AbstractAction add = new AbstractAction(I18n.text("Set this location as Mine")) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { MyState.setLocation(new LocationType(l)); } }; myLocMenu.add(new JMenuItem(add)); String txtUsingSysLoc = followingPositionOf != null && followingPositionOf.length() != 0 ? " [" + I18n.text("using") + " " + followingPositionOf + "]" : ""; txtUsingSysLoc = (txtUsingSysLoc.length() == 0 ? I18n.text("Set to use a system location as mine") : I18n.text("Change the system to use location from") + txtUsingSysLoc); AbstractAction useThisLoc = new AbstractAction(txtUsingSysLoc) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Vector<String> options = new Vector<String>(); String noneStr = I18n.text("NONE"); options.add(noneStr); options.add(getConsole().getMainSystem()); String initialValue = followingPositionOf == null || followingPositionOf.length() == 0 ? noneStr : followingPositionOf; // fill the options Vector<String> sysList = new Vector<String>(); for (ImcSystem sys : ImcSystemsHolder.lookupAllSystems()) { if (!options.contains(sys.getName())) sysList.add(sys.getName()); } Collections.sort(sysList); options.addAll(sysList); Vector<String> extList = new Vector<String>(); for (ExternalSystem ext : ExternalSystemsHolder.lookupAllSystems()) { if (!options.contains(ext.getName())) sysList.add(ext.getName()); } Collections.sort(extList); options.addAll(extList); if (!options.contains(initialValue)) options.add(2, initialValue); String[] aopt = options.toArray(new String[options.size()]); String ret = (String) JOptionPane.showInputDialog( getConsole(), I18n.text("Set to use a system location as mine"), I18n.text("Choose a system"), JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, ICON, aopt, initialValue); if (ret == null) return; if (noneStr.equalsIgnoreCase(ret)) followingPositionOf = ""; else { followingPositionOf = ret; } } }; myLocMenu.add(new JMenuItem(useThisLoc)); String txtUsingSysDeriveHeading = useSystemToDeriveHeadingOf != null && useSystemToDeriveHeadingOf.length() != 0 ? " [" + I18n.text("using") + " " + useSystemToDeriveHeadingOf + "]" : ""; txtUsingSysDeriveHeading = (txtUsingSysDeriveHeading.length() == 0 ? I18n.text("Set to use a system to derive heading") : I18n.text("Change the system to derive heading from") + txtUsingSysDeriveHeading); AbstractAction useThisForHeading = new AbstractAction(txtUsingSysDeriveHeading) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Vector<String> options = new Vector<String>(); String noneStr = I18n.text("NONE"); options.add(noneStr); options.add(getConsole().getMainSystem()); String initialValue = useSystemToDeriveHeadingOf == null || useSystemToDeriveHeadingOf.length() == 0 ? noneStr : useSystemToDeriveHeadingOf; // fill the options Vector<String> sysList = new Vector<String>(); for (ImcSystem sys : ImcSystemsHolder.lookupAllSystems()) { if (!options.contains(sys.getName())) sysList.add(sys.getName()); } Collections.sort(sysList); options.addAll(sysList); Vector<String> extList = new Vector<String>(); for (ExternalSystem ext : ExternalSystemsHolder.lookupAllSystems()) { if (!options.contains(ext.getName())) sysList.add(ext.getName()); } Collections.sort(extList); options.addAll(extList); if (!options.contains(initialValue)) options.add(2, initialValue); if (followingPositionOf != null && followingPositionOf.length() > 0) { if (options.contains(followingPositionOf)) options.remove(followingPositionOf); } String[] aopt = options.toArray(new String[options.size()]); String ret = (String) JOptionPane.showInputDialog( getConsole(), I18n.text("Set to use a system location as mine"), I18n.text("Choose a system"), JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, ICON, aopt, initialValue); if (ret == null) return; if (noneStr.equalsIgnoreCase(ret)) useSystemToDeriveHeadingOf = ""; else { useSystemToDeriveHeadingOf = ret; boolean validValue = false; while (!validValue) { String res = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( getConsole(), I18n.text("Introduce the heading angle to derived heading"), Double.valueOf( AngleCalc.nomalizeAngleDegrees180(useHeadingAngleToDerivedHeading)) .shortValue()); if (res == null) return; try { useHeadingAngleToDerivedHeading = Short.parseShort(res); validValue = true; } catch (Exception ex) {; GuiUtils.errorMessage( ConfigFetch.getSuperParentFrame(), I18n.text("Introduce the heading angle to derived heading"), I18n.text("Value must be a numeric value from [-180, 180]")); } } validValue = false; while (!validValue) { String res = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( getConsole(), I18n.text("Introduce the offset angle to add to the derived heading"), Double.valueOf( AngleCalc.nomalizeAngleDegrees180( useHeadingOffsetFromDerivedHeading)) .shortValue()); if (res == null) return; try { useHeadingOffsetFromDerivedHeading = Short.parseShort(res); validValue = true; } catch (Exception ex) {; GuiUtils.errorMessage( ConfigFetch.getSuperParentFrame(), I18n.text("Introduce the offset angle to add to the derived heading"), I18n.text("Value must be a numeric value from [-180, 180]")); } } } } }; myLocMenu.add(new JMenuItem(useThisForHeading)); myLocMenu.add(new JSeparator()); AbstractAction settings = new AbstractAction(I18n.text("Settings")) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { PropertiesEditor.editProperties(MyLocationDisplay.this, getConsole(), true); } }; myLocMenu.add(new JMenuItem(settings)); return menus; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see pt.up.fe.dceg.neptus.plugins.ConfigurationListener#propertiesChanged() */ @Override public void propertiesChanged() { MyState.setHeadingInDegrees(headingDegrees); MyState.setLength(length); length = MyState.getLength(); MyState.setWidth(width); width = MyState.getWidth(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see pt.up.fe.dceg.neptus.consolebase.SubPanelChangeListener#subPanelChanged(pt.up.fe.dceg.neptus.consolebase. * SubPanelChangeEvent) */ @Override public void subPanelChanged(SubPanelChangeEvent panelChange) { if (panelChange == null) return; renderersPopups = getConsole().getSubPanelsOfInterface(IMapPopup.class); if (ReflectionUtil.hasInterface(panelChange.getPanel().getClass(), IMapPopup.class)) { IMapPopup sub = (IMapPopup) panelChange.getPanel(); if (panelChange.added()) { renderersPopups.add(sub); IMapPopup str2d = sub; if (str2d != null) { str2d.addMenuExtension(this); } } if (panelChange.removed()) { renderersPopups.remove(sub); IMapPopup str2d = sub; if (str2d != null) { str2d.removeMenuExtension(this); } } } if (ReflectionUtil.hasInterface(panelChange.getPanel().getClass(), ILayerPainter.class)) { ILayerPainter sub = (ILayerPainter) panelChange.getPanel(); if (panelChange.added()) { renderers.add(sub); ILayerPainter str2d = sub; if (str2d != null) { str2d.addPostRenderPainter(this, "My location"); } } if (panelChange.removed()) { renderers.remove(sub); ILayerPainter str2d = sub; if (str2d != null) { str2d.removePostRenderPainter(this); } } } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see pt.up.fe.dceg.neptus.plugins.SimpleSubPanel#cleanSubPanel() */ @Override public void cleanSubPanel() {} /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * pt.up.fe.dceg.neptus.console.plugins.MissionChangeListener#missionReplaced(pt.up.fe.dceg.neptus.types.mission * .MissionType) */ @Override public void missionReplaced(MissionType mission) { // MyState.setLocation(mission.getHomeRef()); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * pt.up.fe.dceg.neptus.console.plugins.MissionChangeListener#missionUpdated(pt.up.fe.dceg.neptus.types.mission. * MissionType) */ @Override public void missionUpdated(MissionType mission) {} }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see pt.up.fe.dceg.neptus.plugins.update.IPeriodicUpdates#update() */ @Override public boolean update() { location = MyState.getLocation(); headingDegrees = MyState.getAxisAnglesDegrees()[2]; lastCalcPosTimeMillis = MyState.getLastLocationUpdateTimeMillis(); length = MyState.getLength(); width = MyState.getWidth(); // update pos if following system if (followingPositionOf != null && followingPositionOf.length() != 0) { ImcSystem sys = ImcSystemsHolder.lookupSystemByName(followingPositionOf); LocationType loc = null; long locTime = -1; double headingDegrees = 0; long headingDegreesTime = -1; if (sys != null) { loc = sys.getLocation(); locTime = sys.getLocationTimeMillis(); headingDegrees = sys.getYawDegrees(); headingDegreesTime = sys.getAttitudeTimeMillis(); } else { ExternalSystem ext = ExternalSystemsHolder.lookupSystem(followingPositionOf); if (ext != null) { loc = ext.getLocation(); locTime = ext.getLocationTimeMillis(); headingDegreesTime = ext.getAttitudeTimeMillis(); } } if (loc != null) { if (locTime - lastCalcPosTimeMillis > 0) { if (headingDegreesTime - lastCalcPosTimeMillis > 0) MyState.setLocationAndAxis(loc, headingDegrees); else MyState.setLocation(loc); } } } if (useSystemToDeriveHeadingOf != null && useSystemToDeriveHeadingOf.length() != 0) { ImcSystem sys = ImcSystemsHolder.lookupSystemByName(useSystemToDeriveHeadingOf); LocationType loc = null; // long locTime = -1; if (sys != null) { loc = sys.getLocation(); // locTime = sys.getLocationTimeMillis(); } else { ExternalSystem ext = ExternalSystemsHolder.lookupSystem(useSystemToDeriveHeadingOf); if (ext != null) { loc = ext.getLocation(); // locTime = ext.getLocationTimeMillis(); } } if (loc != null) { double[] bearingRange = CoordinateUtil.getNEBearingDegreesAndRange(location, loc); bearingRange[0] += -useHeadingAngleToDerivedHeading + useHeadingOffsetFromDerivedHeading; // if (Math.abs(locTime - lastCalcPosTimeMillis) < DateTimeUtil.MINUTE * 5) { MyState.setHeadingInDegrees(AngleCalc.nomalizeAngleDegrees360(bearingRange[0])); // } } } return true; }