   * Default constructor
   * @throws SuperTypeTokenException When called without using anonymous class semantics.
  public SharedMapMultimap() {
    keyType = SuperTypeToken.getClazz(this.getClass(), 0);
    subkeyType = SuperTypeToken.getClazz(this.getClass(), 1);
    valueType = SuperTypeToken.getClazz(this.getClass(), 2);

    map = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<T, ConcurrentNavigableMap<K, V>>();
Example #2
   * Constructor initializes with an initial collection and this class's generic type parameter
   * @throws NullPointerException When the argument is null
   * @throws SuperTypeTokenException When called without using anonymous class semantics.
  public AvlTreeSet(Iterable<? extends T> iterable) {
    if (iterable == null) throw new NullPointerException("iterable");

    store = new AvlHashtable<T, Object>(SuperTypeToken.getClazz(this.getClass()), Object.class);
    for (T item : iterable) store.add(item, null);
Example #3
  * Default constructor
  * @throws SuperTypeTokenException When called without using anonymous class semantics.
 public AvlTreeSet() {
   store = new AvlHashtable<T, Object>(SuperTypeToken.getClazz(this.getClass()), Object.class);