public void setup() { brek = new AudioSample[4][4]; // load audio samples minim = new Minim(this); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { println("break-beat-0" + (i + 1) + ".mp3"); brek[i][0] = minim.loadSample("break-beat-0" + (i + 1) + ".mp3", 512); brek[i][1] = minim.loadSample("break-perc-0" + (i + 1) + ".mp3", 512); brek[i][2] = minim.loadSample("break-piano-0" + (i + 1) + ".mp3", 512); brek[i][3] = minim.loadSample("break-strings-0" + (i + 1) + ".mp3", 512); } size(cellSize * cols, cellSize * rows); // bytes[0]=0; // bytes[1]=1; grid = new Cell[cols][rows]; for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++) { grid[i][j] = new Cell(i * cellSize, j * cellSize, cellSize, cellSize); } } println(Serial.list()); String portName = Serial.list()[2]; myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600); }
public void P2() { buttonP0.setColorBackground(gray_); buttonP1.setColorBackground(gray_); buttonP2.setColorBackground(green_); // Open the port you are using at the rate you want: if (portopen == true) { myPort.stop(); } myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[2], 9600); portopen = true; }
public void CONFIGoff() { myPort.write("j"); // exit config command buttonWRITE.setColorBackground(gray_); buttonREAD.setColorBackground(gray_); buttonCONFon.setColorBackground(gray_); buttonCONFoff.setColorBackground(green_); writeEnable = false; readEnable = false; }
public void CONFIGon() { myPort.write("i"); // enter config command buttonWRITE.setColorBackground(green_); buttonREAD.setColorBackground(green_); buttonCONFon.setColorBackground(green_); buttonCONFoff.setColorBackground(gray_); writeEnable = true; readEnable = true; }
public void draw() { background(0); for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++) { if ((i & 1) == 0) { // even rows white grid[i][j].display(255); } else { // odd rows gray grid[i][j].display(220); } } } if (play == true) { int j; if (millis() - starttime < delaytime) { count_up = (millis() - starttime); count_down = delaytime - count_up; steptimer = floor(4 / (delaytime / count_up)); fill(0); // textSize(12); // text(steptimer, mouseX, mouseY); for (j = 0; j < rows; j++) { grid[steptimer][j].display(120); if (grid[steptimer][j].active) { grid[steptimer][j].trigger(steptimer, j); } } switch (steptimer) { case 0: uno = PApplet.parseByte(unbinary("00010001")); due = PApplet.parseByte(unbinary("00010001")); break; case 1: uno = PApplet.parseByte(unbinary("00100010")); due = PApplet.parseByte(unbinary("00100010")); break; case 2: uno = PApplet.parseByte(unbinary("01000100")); due = PApplet.parseByte(unbinary("01000100")); break; case 3: uno = PApplet.parseByte(unbinary("10001000")); due = PApplet.parseByte(unbinary("10001000")); break; } print(binary(uno)); println(binary(due)); myPort.write(due); myPort.write(uno); myPort.write(','); } else { starttime = millis(); j = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++) { for (int k = 0; k < rows; k++) { if (grid[i][k].active) { // even rows white if ((i + 4 * k) < 8) { uno |= (1 << i + 4 * k); } else { due |= (1 << (i + 4 * k) - 8); } } else { // odd rows gray if ((i + 4 * k) < 8) { uno &= ~(1 << i + 4 * k); // chiedete a vanzati [email protected] } else { due &= ~(1 << (i + 4 * k) - 8); } } } } } // print(binary(uno)); // print(binary(due)); myPort.write(due); myPort.write(uno); myPort.write(','); println(); }
public void setup() { size(600, 280); background(75); textSize(28); fill(0, 120, 170); // blue text("EvvGC GUI", 20, 50); text(Version, 170, 50); // Define colors b1 = color(80); b2 = color(60); c1 = color(80, 80, 80); c2 = color(60, 61, 59); controlP5 = new ControlP5(this); // initialize the GUI controls // List all the available serial ports: println(Serial.list()); commListMax = -1; for (int i = 0; i < Serial.list().length; i++) { commListMax = i; } /** * ****************************PID * cells************************************************************ */ PitchP = (controlP5.Numberbox) hideLabel(controlP5.addNumberbox("PitchP", 0, xPP, yPP, 40, 16)); PitchP.setColorBackground(gray_); PitchP.setMin(0); PitchP.setDirection(Controller.HORIZONTAL); PitchP.setDecimalPrecision(2); PitchP.setMultiplier(0.01f); PitchP.setMax(2.54f); PitchD = (controlP5.Numberbox) hideLabel(controlP5.addNumberbox("PitchD", 0, xPD, yPD, 40, 16)); PitchD.setColorBackground(gray_); PitchD.setMin(0); PitchD.setDirection(Controller.HORIZONTAL); PitchD.setDecimalPrecision(2); PitchD.setMultiplier(0.01f); PitchD.setMax(1); RollP = (controlP5.Numberbox) hideLabel(controlP5.addNumberbox("RollP", 0, xRP, yRP, 40, 16)); RollP.setColorBackground(gray_); RollP.setMin(0); RollP.setDirection(Controller.HORIZONTAL); RollP.setDecimalPrecision(2); RollP.setMultiplier(0.01f); RollP.setMax(2.54f); RollD = (controlP5.Numberbox) hideLabel(controlP5.addNumberbox("RollD", 0, xRD, yRD, 40, 16)); RollD.setColorBackground(gray_); RollD.setMin(0); RollD.setDirection(Controller.HORIZONTAL); RollD.setDecimalPrecision(2); RollD.setMultiplier(0.01f); RollD.setMax(1); YawP = (controlP5.Numberbox) hideLabel(controlP5.addNumberbox("YawP", 0, xYP, yYP, 40, 16)); YawP.setColorBackground(gray_); YawP.setMin(0); YawP.setDirection(Controller.HORIZONTAL); YawP.setDecimalPrecision(2); YawP.setMultiplier(0.01f); YawP.setMax(2.54f); YawD = (controlP5.Numberbox) hideLabel(controlP5.addNumberbox("YawD", 0, xYD, yYD, 40, 16)); YawD.setColorBackground(gray_); YawD.setMin(0); YawD.setDirection(Controller.HORIZONTAL); YawD.setDecimalPrecision(2); YawD.setMultiplier(0.01f); YawD.setMax(1); /** * ****************************Power * cells************************************************************ */ PitchPWR = (controlP5.Numberbox) hideLabel(controlP5.addNumberbox("PitchPWR", 0, xPPWR, yPPWR, 40, 16)); PitchPWR.setColorBackground(gray_); PitchPWR.setMin(0); PitchPWR.setDirection(Controller.HORIZONTAL); PitchPWR.setDecimalPrecision(0); PitchPWR.setMultiplier(1); PitchPWR.setMax(100); RollPWR = (controlP5.Numberbox) hideLabel(controlP5.addNumberbox("RollPWR", 0, xRPWR, yRPWR, 40, 16)); RollPWR.setColorBackground(gray_); RollPWR.setMin(0); RollPWR.setDirection(Controller.HORIZONTAL); RollPWR.setDecimalPrecision(0); RollPWR.setMultiplier(1); RollPWR.setMax(100); YawPWR = (controlP5.Numberbox) hideLabel(controlP5.addNumberbox("YawPWR", 0, xYPWR, yYPWR, 40, 16)); YawPWR.setColorBackground(gray_); YawPWR.setMin(0); YawPWR.setDirection(Controller.HORIZONTAL); YawPWR.setDecimalPrecision(0); YawPWR.setMultiplier(1); YawPWR.setMax(100); /** * ****************************Calibration * cells************************************************************ */ RollCal = (controlP5.Numberbox) hideLabel(controlP5.addNumberbox("RollCal", 0, xRollCal, yRollCal, 40, 16)); RollCal.setColorBackground(gray_); RollCal.setMin(-10); RollCal.setDirection(Controller.HORIZONTAL); RollCal.setDecimalPrecision(1); RollCal.setMultiplier(0.2f); RollCal.setMax(10); buttonZeroRoll = controlP5.addButton("ZERO", 1, 535, 200, 40, 16); buttonZeroRoll.setColorBackground(gray_); /** * **************************Buttons******************************************************************** */ buttonWRITE = controlP5.addButton("WRITE", 1, 500, 248, 60, 20); buttonWRITE.setColorBackground(gray_); buttonREAD = controlP5.addButton("READ", 1, 40, 248, 60, 20); buttonREAD.setColorBackground(gray_); buttonCONFon = controlP5.addButton("CONFIGon", 1, 400, 10, 60, 60); buttonCONFon.setColorBackground(gray_); buttonCONFoff = controlP5.addButton("CONFIGoff", 1, 330, 10, 60, 60); buttonCONFoff.setColorBackground(gray_); buttonP0 = controlP5.addButton("P0", 1, 490, 5, 20, 20); buttonP0.setColorBackground(gray_); buttonP1 = controlP5.addButton("P1", 1, 490, 30, 20, 20); buttonP1.setColorBackground(gray_); buttonP2 = controlP5.addButton("P2", 1, 490, 55, 20, 20); buttonP2.setColorBackground(gray_); buttonRCOff = controlP5.addButton("RC_OFF", 1, 450, 122, 65, 20); buttonRCOff.setColorBackground(gray_); buttonRCOn = controlP5.addButton("RC_ON", 1, 450, 100, 65, 20); buttonRCOn.setColorBackground(gray_); buttonYawRC = controlP5.addButton("Yaw_RC_Pan", 1, 520, 100, 75, 20); buttonYawRC.setColorBackground(gray_); buttonYawAut = controlP5.addButton("Yaw_Auto_Pan", 1, 520, 122, 75, 20); buttonYawAut.setColorBackground(gray_); buttonCONFoff.setColorBackground(green_); }
public void READ() { if (readEnable == false) return; myPort.write("g"); // sends get values command while (i < 200000000) { i++; } // delay i = 0; // myPort.write("OK"); readStatus = "Can't Read"; if ( == 'x') { PitchP.setValue( / 100.00f); RollP.setValue( / 100.00f); YawP.setValue( / 100.00f); PitchD.setValue( / 100.00f); RollD.setValue( / 100.00f); YawD.setValue( / 100.00f); PitchPWR.setValue(; RollPWR.setValue(; YawPWR.setValue(; RCcontrol = PApplet.parseChar(; YawRCon = PApplet.parseChar(; RollCal.setValue(( - 100.00f) / 10.00f); if (RCcontrol == '0') { buttonRCOff.setColorBackground(green_); buttonRCOn.setColorBackground(gray_); } if (RCcontrol == '1') { buttonRCOff.setColorBackground(gray_); buttonRCOn.setColorBackground(green_); } if (YawRCon == '0') { buttonYawRC.setColorBackground(gray_); buttonYawAut.setColorBackground(green_); } if (YawRCon == '1') { buttonYawRC.setColorBackground(green_); buttonYawAut.setColorBackground(gray_); } readStatus = "Read OK"; } }
public void WRITE() { if (writeEnable == false) return; myPort.write("h"); myPort.write(PApplet.parseInt(PitchP.value() * 100)); myPort.write(PApplet.parseInt(RollP.value() * 100)); myPort.write(PApplet.parseInt(YawP.value() * 100)); myPort.write(PApplet.parseInt(PitchD.value() * 100)); myPort.write(PApplet.parseInt(RollD.value() * 100)); myPort.write(PApplet.parseInt(YawD.value() * 100)); myPort.write(PApplet.parseInt(PitchPWR.value())); myPort.write(PApplet.parseInt(RollPWR.value())); myPort.write(PApplet.parseInt(YawPWR.value())); myPort.write(RCcontrol); myPort.write(YawRCon); myPort.write(PApplet.parseInt(RollCal.value() * 10 + 100)); // println (RollCal.value()); // println (int (RollCal.value()*10+100)); readStatus = "Write OK"; }
public void draw() { // String Serial.list()[]; // size(600, 280); // background(80); fill(70); strokeWeight(0); stroke(35); // 75 rect(0, 80, 600, 155, 0); fill(70); strokeWeight(0); stroke(35); rect(440, 80, 600, 155, 0); fill(75); strokeWeight(0); stroke(80); rect(0, 240, 600, 100, 0); fill(255); // Background // setGradient(0, 0, width, 80, c2, c1, Y_AXIS); textSize(12); text("Pitch P:", 35, 112); textSize(12); text("Pitch D:", 155, 112); textSize(12); text("Roll P:", 38, 162); textSize(12); text("Roll D:", 158, 162); textSize(12); text("Yaw P:", 38, 211); textSize(12); text("Yaw D:", 158, 211); textSize(12); text("Pitch Power: %", 301, 112); textSize(12); text("Roll Power: %", 307, 162); textSize(12); text("Yaw Power: %", 305, 212); textSize(12); text("Roll Calibration (degr.)", 460, 190); textSize(16); // fill(0, 102, 153, 204); // text("Connected to:",400,45); text(Serial.list()[0],515,45); // text("Connected to:",400,45); text(Serial.list()[1],515,65); // text("Connected to:",400,45); text(Serial.list()[2],515,65); if (printlist == true) { for (int i = 0; i <= commListMax; i++) { text(Serial.list()[i], 515, 21 + i * 25); } printlist = false; } textSize(12); text(readStatus, 110, 263); if (PitchP.value() == 0) PitchP.setValue(0.01f); if (RollP.value() == 0) RollP.setValue(0.01f); if (YawP.value() == 0) YawP.setValue(0.01f); if (PitchD.value() == 0) PitchD.setValue(0.01f); if (RollD.value() == 0) RollD.setValue(0.01f); if (YawD.value() == 0) YawD.setValue(0.01f); if (PitchPWR.value() == 0) PitchPWR.setValue(1); if (RollPWR.value() == 0) RollPWR.setValue(1); if (YawPWR.value() == 0) YawPWR.setValue(1); // if(RollCal.value()==-9.9)RollCal.setValue(-9.9); }