Example #1
  /** Perform the appropriate flow operations for assignment to a local variable */
  protected Map flowLocalAssign(
      DataFlowItem inItem, FlowGraph graph, LocalAssign a, Set succEdgeKeys) {
    Local l = (Local) a.left();
    Map m = new HashMap(inItem.initStatus);
    MinMaxInitCount initCount = (MinMaxInitCount) m.get(l.localInstance());

    // initcount could be null if the local is defined in the outer
    // class, or if we have not yet seen its declaration (i.e. the
    // local is used in its own initialization)
    if (initCount == null) {
      initCount = new MinMaxInitCount(InitCount.ZERO, InitCount.ZERO);

    initCount = new MinMaxInitCount(initCount.getMin().increment(), initCount.getMax().increment());

    m.put(l.localInstance(), initCount);
    return itemToMap(new DataFlowItem(m), succEdgeKeys);
Example #2
 /** Check that the local variable <code>l</code> is used correctly. */
 protected void checkLocal(FlowGraph graph, Local l, DataFlowItem dfIn, DataFlowItem dfOut)
     throws SemanticException {
   if (!currCBI.localDeclarations.contains(l.localInstance())) {
     // it's a local variable that has not been declared within
     // this scope. The only way this can arise is from an
     // inner class that is not a member of a class (typically
     // a local class, or an anonymous class declared in a method,
     // constructor or initializer).
     // We need to check that it is a final local, and also
     // keep track of it, to ensure that it has been definitely
     // assigned at this point.
   } else {
     MinMaxInitCount initCount = (MinMaxInitCount) dfIn.initStatus.get(l.localInstance());
     if (initCount != null && InitCount.ZERO.equals(initCount.getMin())) {
       // the local variable may not have been initialized.
       // However, we only want to complain if the local is reachable
       if (l.reachable()) {
         throw new SemanticException(
             "Local variable \"" + l.name() + "\" may not have been initialized", l.position());
Example #3
  /** Flatten complex expressions within the AST */
  public Node leave(Node old, Node n, NodeVisitor v) {
    if (n == noFlatten) {
      noFlatten = null;
      return n;

    if (n instanceof Block) {
      List l = (List) stack.removeFirst();
      return ((Block) n).statements(l);
    } else if (n instanceof Stmt && !(n instanceof LocalDecl)) {
      List l = (List) stack.getFirst();
      return n;
    } else if (n instanceof Expr
        && !(n instanceof Lit)
        && !(n instanceof Special)
        && !(n instanceof Local)) {

      Expr e = (Expr) n;

      if (e instanceof Assign) {
        return n;

      // create a local temp, initialized to the value of the complex
      // expression

      String name = newID();
      LocalDecl def =
              e.position(), Flags.FINAL, nf.CanonicalTypeNode(e.position(), e.type()), name, e);
      def = def.localInstance(ts.localInstance(e.position(), Flags.FINAL, e.type(), name));

      List l = (List) stack.getFirst();

      // return the local temp instead of the complex expression
      Local use = nf.Local(e.position(), name);
      use = (Local) use.type(e.type());
      use = use.localInstance(ts.localInstance(e.position(), Flags.FINAL, e.type(), name));
      return use;

    return n;
Example #4
  public Node labelCheckLHS(LabelChecker lc) throws SemanticException {
    final Assign assign = (Assign) node();
    Local lve = (Local) assign.left();

    JifTypeSystem ts = lc.jifTypeSystem();
    JifContext A = lc.jifContext();
    A = (JifContext) lve.del().enterScope(A);

    List throwTypes = new ArrayList(assign.del().throwTypes(ts));

    final LocalInstance li = lve.localInstance();

    Label L = ts.labelOfLocal(li, A.pc());

    Expr rhs = (Expr) lc.context(A).labelCheck(assign.right());
    PathMap Xr = rhsPathMap(lc.context(A), rhs, throwTypes);
    PathMap X;

    if (assign.operator() != Assign.ASSIGN) {
      PathMap Xv = ts.pathMap();
      Xv = Xv.N(A.pc());
      Xv = Xv.NV(lc.upperBound(L, A.pc()));

      if (assign.throwsArithmeticException()) {
        Type arithExc = ts.ArithmeticException();
        checkAndRemoveThrowType(throwTypes, arithExc);
        X = Xv.join(Xr).exc(Xr.NV(), arithExc);
      } else {
        X = Xv.join(Xr);
    } else {
      X = Xr;

        new NamedLabel(
            "rhs.nv", "label of successful evaluation of right hand of assignment", X.NV()),
        new NamedLabel("label of var " + li.name(), L),
        new LabelConstraintMessage() {
          public String msg() {
            return "Label of right hand side not less "
                + "restrictive than the label for local variable "
                + li.name();

          public String detailMsg() {
            return "More information is revealed by the successful "
                + "evaluation of the right hand side of the "
                + "assignment than is allowed to flow to "
                + "the local variable "
                + li.name()
                + ".";

          public String technicalMsg() {
            return "Invalid assignment: path NV of rhs is "
                + "not less restrictive than the declared label "
                + "of the local variable <"
                + li.name()
                + ">.";

    if (JLiftOptions.getInstance().safeMutateConstraintSet) {
      // also constrain PC label
          new NamedLabel("pc", "program counter label for assignment", A.pc()),
          new NamedLabel("label of var " + li.name(), L),
          new LabelConstraintMessage() {
            public String msg() {
              return "Program counter not less "
                  + "restrictive than the label for local variable "
                  + li.name();

    Expr lhs = (Expr) updatePathMap(lve, X);
    return updatePathMap(assign.right(rhs).left(lhs), X);