public static Result create_save() { Form<CustomerForm> filledForm = customerForm.bindFromRequest(); if (filledForm.hasErrors()) { System.out.println("in error"); return badRequest(create.render(filledForm)); } CustomerForm customerForm = filledForm.get(); if (customerForm == null) { System.out.println("in form"); return badRequest(create.render(filledForm)); } Customer customer = new Customer(); formToModel(customer, customerForm); MultipartFormData body = request().body().asMultipartFormData(); FilePart picture1 = body.getFile("signatureOne"); FilePart picture2 = body.getFile("signatureTwo"); if (picture1 != null && picture2 != null) { File file1 = picture1.getFile(); File file2 = picture2.getFile(); String path = "public/signatureimages/" + customer.accountNumber; File f = new File(path); f.mkdir(); file1.renameTo(new File(path, customer.signatureOne)); file2.renameTo(new File(path, customer.signatureTwo)); System.out.println("File uploaded successfully..."); } else { filledForm.reject("file", "Please select the image to uplaod"); } String inputFile = "public/signatureimages/" + customer.accountNumber + "/" + customer.signatureOne; String smoothfilename = "public/signatureimages/" + customer.accountNumber + "/signatureOne_smooth.jpg"; String binaryfilename = "public/signatureimages/" + customer.accountNumber + "/signatureOne_binary.jpg"; String sizeNormalizeFileName = "public/signatureimages/" + customer.accountNumber + "/signatureOne_normalize.jpg"; SigImgProcessingController.smoothing(inputFile, smoothfilename); SigImgProcessingController.binarization(smoothfilename, binaryfilename); SigImgProcessingController.sizeNormalization(binaryfilename, sizeNormalizeFileName); float[] sig1 = SigImgProcessingController.calculateAngles(sizeNormalizeFileName); StringBuffer angels = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < sig1.length; i++) { angels.append(sig1[i] + "|"); } System.out.println("Angles: " + angels); customer.signOneAngles = angels.toString();; return redirect(controllers.routes.CustomerController.index()); }
public static Result upload() { MultipartFormData body = request().body().asMultipartFormData(); FilePart input = body.getFile("inputFile"); if (input != null) { String fileName = input.getFilename(); String contentType = input.getContentType(); File file = input.getFile(); SeqFile seq = new SeqFile(file); return redirect(routes.Application.results(true)); } else { flash("error", "Missing file"); return redirect(routes.Application.results(false)); } }
public static List<String> createFiles(MultipartFormData body, String folder) throws IOException, FileTooLargeException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub int index = -1; List<String> files = new ArrayList<>(); while (true) { FilePart picture = body.getFile("picture" + (index == -1 ? "" : index)); if (picture != null) { String fileName = picture.getFilename(); String contentType = picture.getContentType(); File file = picture.getFile(); int size = (int) (file.length() / 1024 / 1024); if (size > 1) { throw new FileTooLargeException(size + " " + 1); } File fileToSave = new File("public/images/" + folder + fileName); if (file.exists()) { fileToSave = new File("public/images/" + folder + "img_" + Math.random() + fileName); } FileUtils.moveFile(file, fileToSave); // Files.copy(file, fileToSave); files.add(fileToSave.getPath().toString()); index++; } else break; } if (files.size() > 0) { return files; } return null; }
public Result editHeli() { log.debug("Edit Heli"); Form<HeliForm> heliForm = Form.form(HeliForm.class).bindFromRequest(); if (heliForm.hasErrors()) { log.debug("Edit heli error form:"); return badRequest(editheli.render("RC Helicopter Edit", heliForm)); } MultipartFormData data = request().body().asMultipartFormData(); HeliModel model = new HeliModel(); model.setVersion("version")); if (data.getFile("photo") != null) { model.setPhoto(heliForm.get().getPhotoBytes(data.getFile("photo").getFile())); } model.setMake("make")); model.setModel("model")); model.setModelNumber("modelNumber")); heliService.updateHeli(model); return redirect(routes.Heli.helis()); }
public Result addHeli() { log.debug("Add Heli"); Form<HeliForm> heli = Form.form(HeliForm.class).bindFromRequest(); log.debug("Add heli form: {}", heli); if (heli.hasErrors()) { return badRequest(addheli.render("RC Helicopter", heli)); } MultipartFormData data = request().body().asMultipartFormData(); log.debug("Add heli data: {}", data); HeliModel model = new com.HeliModel(); model.setModel("model")); if (data.getFile("photo") != null) { model.setPhoto(heli.get().getPhotoBytes(data.getFile("photo").getFile())); } model.setMake("make")); model.setModelNumber("modelNumber")); model.setVersion("version")); log.debug("Add heli model: {}", model); heliService.createHeli(model); return redirect(routes.Heli.helis()); }
public static Result upload_image(String accountNo) { Form<ImageUploadForm> filledForm = imageForm.bindFromRequest(); MultipartFormData body = request().body().asMultipartFormData(); FilePart picture1 = body.getFile("image"); if (picture1 != null) { File file1 = picture1.getFile(); String pathToDelete = "public/signatureimages/" + accountNo + "/" + accountNo + "_verify.jpg"; File f = new File(pathToDelete); boolean b = f.delete(); System.out.println("file deleted" + b); String path = "public/signatureimages/" + accountNo; System.out.println("path:" + path); file1.renameTo(new File(path, accountNo + "_verify.jpg")); System.out.println("File uploaded for compare successfully..."); } else { filledForm.reject("file", "Please select the image to uplaod"); } response().setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); return ok(verify.render(imageForm, accountNo)); }
public static List<String> createThumbnails(MultipartFormData body, String folder) throws IOException, FileTooLargeException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub int index = -1; List<String> files = new ArrayList<>(); while (true) { FilePart picture = body.getFile("picture" + (index == -1 ? "" : index)); if (picture != null) { String fileName = picture.getFilename(); File file = picture.getFile(); System.out.println(file.length()); BufferedImage image =; BufferedImage thumb = ImageUtils.resizeImage(image); Logger.error( "size: " + file.length() + " name: " + fileName + " " + fileName.lastIndexOf('.')); fileName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf('.')); Logger.error( "size: " + file.length() + " name: " + fileName + " " + fileName.lastIndexOf('.')); int size = (int) (file.length() / 1024 / 1024); if (size > 1) { throw new FileTooLargeException(size + " " + 1); } File fileToSave = generateFileName(fileName, 0, folder); fileToSave.createNewFile(); ImageIO.write(thumb, "png", fileToSave); files.add(fileToSave.getPath().toString()); index++; } else break; } if (files.size() > 0) { return files; } return null; }
public Result upload() { String databaseName = ""; System.out.println("upload function call"); MultipartFormData body = request().body().asMultipartFormData(); FilePart filePart1 = body.getFile("filePart1"); String[] searchTag = body.asFormUrlEncoded().get("db"); String[] uploadDBName = body.asFormUrlEncoded().get("db_upload"); databaseName = uploadDBName[0]; System.out.println("FILE SEND!!"); if (filePart1 != null) { // System.out.println("ifin ici"); } File newFile1 = filePart1.getFile(); InputStream isFile1; try { isFile1 = new FileInputStream(newFile1); } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { isFile1 = null; } byte[] byteFile1; try { byteFile1 = IOUtils.toByteArray(isFile1); } catch (IOException e2) { byteFile1 = null; } BufferedReader reader; String line; StringBuilder stringBuilder; String ls; try { reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(newFile1)); line = null; stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); ls = System.getProperty("line.separator"); } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { reader = null; line = null; stringBuilder = null; ls = null; } // System.out.println(reader); String[] parts; try { while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { String[] a_line_list = line.split("\t"); String tweet = a_line_list[2]; String id = a_line_list[0]; String owner = a_line_list[1]; String label = "-2"; DataAccess.addDocument(databaseName, "tweets_unlabelled", id, owner, tweet, label, "0"); } } catch (IOException e) { } try { FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile(newFile1, byteFile1); isFile1.close(); } catch (IOException e3) { } try { Thread.sleep(1000); // thread sleep for concurrent operations on ES } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } TweetDTO tweet = DataAccess.getNextTweet(databaseName); System.out.println(tweet.getId() + " " + tweet.getOwner() + " " + tweet.getLabel()); return ok(labelling.render(tweet, databaseName)); }
@Dynamic("editor") public static Result promote() { models.User u = Mupi.getLocalUser(session()); MultipartFormData body = request().body().asMultipartFormData(); FilePart picture = body.getFile("picture"); String picturePath = BLANK_EVT; DynamicForm bindedForm = form().bindFromRequest(); Long i = getInterest(bindedForm.get("interest")); Long l = getLocation(bindedForm.get("location")); models.Interest iObj = null; models.Location lObj = null; if (i != null) iObj = models.Interest.find.byId(i); if (l != null) lObj = models.Location.find.byId(l); final Form<models.Promotion> filledForm = form(models.Promotion.class).bindFromRequest(); final models.Profile p = Mupi.getLocalUser(session()).profile; try { if (picture != null) { String fileName = picture.getFilename(); File file = picture.getFile(); int index = (fileName.toLowerCase()).lastIndexOf('.'); String extension = "png"; if (index > 0 && index < fileName.length() - 1) { extension = fileName.substring(index + 1).toLowerCase(); } String hashTime = getMD5(System.currentTimeMillis()); String hashCommunity = getMD5(iObj.toString() + lObj.toString()); File destinationFile = new File( MupiParams.EVENT_ROOT + MupiParams.PIC_ROOT + "//" + hashCommunity + "//" + hashTime + fileName); FileUtils.copyFile(file, destinationFile); picturePath = "/" + hashCommunity + "/" + hashTime + fileName; File medium = new File( MupiParams.EVENT_ROOT + MupiParams.PIC_MEDIUM + "//" + hashCommunity + "//" + hashTime + fileName); medium.mkdirs(); BufferedImage bi = ImageHandler.createSmallInterest(destinationFile); bi = ImageHandler.createMediumPromotion(destinationFile); ImageIO.write(bi, extension, medium); } else { picturePath = BLANK_EVT; } String safeDesc = Jsoup.clean(filledForm.get().getDescription(), Whitelist.simpleText()); Promotion pr = models.Promotion.create( p, lObj, iObj, filledForm.get().getTitle(), filledForm.get().getAddress(), filledForm.get().getDate(), filledForm.get().getTime(), safeDesc, filledForm.get().getLink(), picturePath, PubType.EVENT, new Integer(0), new Integer(0), new Double(0.0)); flash(Mupi.FLASH_MESSAGE_KEY, Messages.get("mupi.promotion.created")); List<UserEmail> l_ue = models.Profile.emailsFromPublication(pr.getPublication()); for (UserEmail ue : l_ue) { if (u.getEmail().equalsIgnoreCase(ue.getEmail())) System.out.println("Commenter: " + ue.getEmail()); else System.out.println(ue.getEmail()); } return redirect(routes.Feed.feed()); } catch (Exception e) { flash( Mupi.FLASH_ERROR_KEY, "Erro ao divulgar evento, por favor contate-nos para que possamos resolver este problema."); // System.out.println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); return redirect(routes.Feed.feed()); } }